ED :: Volume #30

#2996: Ghost Ship

The looks at innumerable fragments and wreckage float from Impassable Sea, this makes many people absolutely terrified, since billion years, Impassable Sea has been very peaceful. 看着无数的碎片、残骸从不渡海漂出来,这让许多人都不由为之毛骨悚然,千百万年以来,不渡海都是十分安静。 Until now, numerous First Ancestor, True Emperor and Forever Existing Immortal went, that feared that they have not come out, they have not fed in the slight news. 一直以来,众多的始祖真帝长存不朽进去了,那怕他们都没有出来,他们都未曾传回丝毫的消息。 However, since Impassable Sea has not had what accident/surprise, billion years has not had the slight sound. 但是,不渡海也从来没有出现过什么意外,千百万年以来都是没有丝毫的动静。 However, today, Impassable Sea unexpectedly emersion so many fragment wreckage, those who make in the will of the people anxious is, these fragment wreckage, are the ships that in the past these First Ancestor, True Emperor and Forever Existing remained to ride. 然而,今天,不渡海竟然漂出了这么多的碎片残骸,更让人心里面不安的是,这些碎片残骸,都是当年那些始祖真帝长存所剩坐的船只。 This is how the terrifying matter, looks at so many fragment wreckage, is the ships that past First Ancestor and True Emperor they took, this made everyone think all of a sudden. 这是多么恐怖的事情,看着这么多的碎片残骸,都是当年始祖真帝他们所乘坐的船只,这一下子就让所有人都不由浮想联翩了。 Although everyone does not know First Ancestor that in the past went in actually what happened, everyone does not know that they encountered anything in Impassable Sea, but, saw the ships that they took have become the fragment and wreckage, everyone can guess somewhat. 虽然大家都不知道当年进去的始祖究竟是发生了什么事情,大家都不知道他们在不渡海里面遭遇到了什么,但是,看到了他们乘坐的船只都已经成为了碎片、残骸,大家多多少少都能猜测到了。 Actually this was what happened, First Ancestor they?” Saw that so many fragment wreckage fluttered, has in the will of the people to ask in a low voice. “这究竟是发生什么事了呢,始祖他们呢?”看到这么多的碎片残骸飘了出来,有人心里面不由低声问道。 However, those present, blankly look at each other, who knows that this was what happened? 但是,在场的人,都面面相觑,又有谁知道这是发生什么事了呢? Lets in the will of the people disturbed, those who make in the will of the people anxious is, although has so many fragment wreckage to float from Impassable Sea, but, has not actually seen any First Ancestor and True Emperor, even their corpses have not seen. 更让人心里面忐忑,更让人心里面不安的是,虽然有着这么多的碎片残骸从不渡海漂出来,但是,却没有看到有任何一位始祖真帝,甚至连他们的尸体都没有看到。 This made in all will of the people feel nervous all of a sudden, the ships that First Ancestor and True Emperor they took became the fragment wreckage, however, they actually disappeared, as if this was a very shocking matter. 这就一下子让所有人心里面发慌了,始祖真帝他们乘坐的船只成了碎片残骸,然而,他们却不见踪影,似乎这是一件十分骇人听闻的事情。 Or, really greatly strange.” In the Immortal True God heart of older generation also to have a shiver. “或者,真的是有大诡异。”有老一辈的不朽真神心里面也不由打了一个冷颤。 Considers, even First Ancestor and True Emperor such powerful exist(ence), might encounter the mishap, if traded to be them, they cannot take such risk. 试想一下,连始祖真帝这么强大的存在,都有可能遭遇到了不测,若是换作他们,他们更加不能承受这样的风险了。 If First Ancestor and True Emperor they really encountered the mishap in Impassable Sea , in Impassable Sea, actually to have what thing, can such bad risk arrive at Immortal Lineage World?” At this time, the anxious atmosphere spread in each individual heart, has the powerhouse unable to bear said in a low voice. “如果始祖真帝他们真的在不渡海遭遇到了不测,那么,不渡海里面,究竟是有什么东西呢,这样的凶险会不会降临仙统界呢?”在这个时候,不安的气氛在每一个人心里面蔓延,有强者忍不住低声地说道。 In this case, immediately made many people have a shiver, was absolutely terrified. 这样的话,顿时让不少人打了一个冷颤,不由为之毛骨悚然。 Because departed huge incomparable meteorite in Impassable Sea a short time ago, destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth, almost hit Immortal Lineage World, this only feared that was an indication. 因为在前不久不渡海就飞出了巨大无比的天陨,毁天灭地,差点撞击到了仙统界了,这只怕是一个征兆吧。 If Impassable Sea really has such bad risk, once such bad risk arrives at Immortal Lineage World, that is how dreadful matter, considers, even so many First Ancestor and True Emperor died a tragic death under such bad risk, then today's Immortal Lineage World does have that strength to cope with such bad risk? 如果不渡海真的有这样的凶险,一旦这样的凶险降临仙统界的话,那是多么可怕的事情,试想一下,连这么多始祖真帝都惨死在这样的凶险之下,那么今天的仙统界有那个实力去对付这样的凶险吗? Such suspicion, made in all will of the people on the scene lack self-confidence all of a sudden. 这样的猜想,一下子让在场的所有人心里面都没有底了。 At this point, on the scene has many Dao Lineage Old Ancestor, many powerful incomparable Immortal True God, even Forever Existing Immortal was alarmed, sees at present such a, in their hearts does not have the energy. 在此时,在场有多少道统老祖,有多少强大无匹的不朽真神,甚至连长存不朽都被惊动了,看到眼前这样的一幕,他们心里面也是没有底气。 even if such as Venerable Sovereign True Emperor, Saint Frost True Emperor as well as Tai Yinxi, their manner is also dignified, they know, having the important matter must happen, the disaster might arrive at Immortal Lineage World anytime. 就算是皇尊真帝圣霜真帝以及太尹喜,他们神态也不由凝重起来,他们知道,有大事要发生了,灾难随时都有可能降临仙统界了。 Do not speak at a venture.” When everyone is anxious, there is an elder, has the Old Ancestor opens the mouth, interrupted such suspicion, said: First Ancestor is invincible, since billion years, many shocking invincible First Ancestor once far piece Impassable Sea, had Gao Yang, has Sword Saint, has the Fire Ancestor mighty force, even legend Zither Empress also once expedited Impassable Sea. Even if in Impassable Sea has the heaven frightening bad risk, same cannot block Fire Ancestor and Gao Yang their invincibility......” “不要乱说话。”在所有人不安之时,有长辈,有老祖开口,打断了这样的猜想,说道:“始祖无敌,千百万年以来,多少惊艳无敌的始祖曾经远片不渡海,有高阳,有剑圣,更是有火祖的千军万马,甚至连传说琴女帝也曾经远征不渡海。就算不渡海里面有惊天的凶险,也一样挡不住火祖高阳他们的无敌……” Also yes, since billion years, had not said True Emperor and Forever Existing, First Ancestor that only goes in can sweep away fully through ancient times. First First Ancestor Bao Piao, is shocking Wushuang/matchless Gao Yang, or is Five Elements First Ancestor of Eternal miracle, Holy Spirit ancestor and Sword Saint their absolute high First Ancestor......” “也是,千百万年以来,不说真帝长存,单是进去的始祖都足可以横扫亘古了。不论是第一位始祖抱朴,还是惊艳无双高阳,又或者是万古奇迹的五行始祖,更还有圣灵祖、剑圣他们这种高绝始祖……” „...... Considers, has their such First Ancestor far pieces, what does world have unable the crew cut?” At this time, has other elders and powerhouses to echo immediately said. “……试想一下,有他们这样的始祖远片,世间还有什么不能推平的?”在这个时候,也立即有其他的长辈、强者附和地说道。 This saying said that stabilized in everyone heart slightly the anxious that heart. 这话说出来,稍稍是安定了大家心里面不安的那颗心。 But, for all this, that feared that these elder powerhouses said such words, but, in their heart did not have many energy, in heart also very disturbed, because they do not know that actually in what happened, they cannot affirm, First Ancestor that once went in whether still where. 但,尽管如此,那怕这些长辈强者说出这样的话了,但是,他们心底里也没有多少的底气,心里面也是十分的忐忑,因为他们也不知道里面究竟发生了什么事情,他们也不敢肯定,曾经进去的始祖是否依然安在。 Look, that warship.” At this time, some people yelled, one after another attracted everyone's attention all of a sudden. “看,那艘战船。”在这个时候,有人大叫了一声,一下子纷纷吸引住了所有人的注意。 Everyone looks, saw only a giant incomparable battleship gradually to flutter from Impassable Sea, this giant incomparable battleship came slowly, compared with all fragments and wreckage before then, this giant incomparable battleship relative was remains intact. 大家望去,只见一艘巨大无比的战舰从不渡海缓缓地飘了出来,这艘巨大无比的战舰缓缓而来,比起在此之前的所有碎片、残骸而言,这一艘巨大无比的战舰相对是保持完整。 Can look, this and a battleship has powerful incomparable defense blessing, but, defense blessing of battleship had broken at this time . Moreover the hull also has the place of damage, although is so, battleship at least overall, has not disrupted, that feared that on the battleship has the crack, this battleship at least can also continue to use. 看得出来,这和艘战舰有着强大无匹的防御加持,但是,此时战舰的防御加持已经破碎了,而且舰体也有损坏之处,尽管是如此,战舰至少还是整体,并没有碎裂,那怕战舰上有破洞,这艘战舰至少还能继续使用。 Is such a maintains complete battleship, as many fragments and wreckage floated silently. 就是这么一艘保持完好的战舰,随着许许多多的碎片、残骸无声无息地漂了出来。 This battleship very huge, looks from afar, seems like a mountain great mountain the same as drift in void, moreover is silent, just like is like Ghost Ship. 这一艘战舰十分的巨大,远远看去,就好像是一座高山巨岳一样漂泊在虚空之中,而且是无声无息,犹如同幽灵船一样。 That was Rising Clouds Dao Lineage battleship-- at this time, some people were sharp-eyed, saw the badge on battleship. “那是凌云道统的战舰——”在这个时候,有人眼尖,看到了战舰上的徽章。 Really is the Rising Clouds Dao Lineage battleship?” Everyone one after another looks, because is old, cannot affirm. “真的是凌云道统的战舰吗?”大家都纷纷望去,因为年代久远,都不敢肯定。 Really is the Rising Clouds Dao Lineage battleship, right, is the Rising Clouds Dao Lineage battleship, this battleship was very ancient, should be the first-generation battleship.” After having Immortal True God of older generation carefully to watch, very definitely said. “真的是凌云道统的战舰,没错,就是凌云道统的战舰,这战舰很古老了,应该是第一代战舰。”有老一辈的不朽真神仔细观看之后,十分肯定地说道。 „Is Old Du, your Dao Lineage battleship?” Happen, Rising Clouds Dao Lineage has many powerhouses and important people in Heaven Grand Mountain Pass, therefore some people inquired immediately. 杜老,可是你们道统的战舰?”正好,凌云道统有不少强者、大人物都在天雄关,所以立即有人询问。 Rising Clouds Dao Lineage, is Immortal Lineage World big Dao Lineage, the strength is also very powerful, background is deep. 凌云道统,是仙统界一大道统,实力也是很强大,底蕴深厚。 Yes, is our battleships, this is the first-generation battleship.” After watching for a long time, Rising Clouds Dao Lineage Old Ancestor nod, the sinking sound said: By the record of Dao Lineage, our First Ancestor once expedited Impassable Sea, his Old Man arrives to steer, accompanying also has three True Emperor, six Forever Existing, disciple True God certain, powerhouse over a thousand.” “是的,是我们的战舰,这是第一代战舰。”观看了许久之后,凌云道统的一位老祖点头,沉声地说道:“以道统的记载,我们始祖曾远征不渡海,他老人家亲临掌舵,随行还有三位真帝,六位长存,门下真神若干,强者上千。” This is a big team.” Hears this Old Ancestor words, many people looked at each other. “这是不小的队伍。”听到这位老祖的话,不少人都相视了一眼。 First Ancestor expedites, but also has three True Emperor and six Forever Existing, disciple True God certain, the powerhouse over a thousand, such team, was very it can be said that huge. 一位始祖远征,还带有三位真帝、六位长存,门下真神若干,强者上千,这样的队伍,可以说是很庞大了。 However, many years pass by, such a expedition team lost to view silent news, actually sees today their battleship drifts from Impassable Sea, this made in all will of the people anxious all of a sudden. 但是,多少年过去,这样的一支远征队伍杳无声讯,今天却看到了他们的战舰从不渡海漂泊出来,这一下子让所有人心里面不安起来了。 First Ancestor?” At this time, some people could not bear asked one in a low voice. 始祖呢?”在这个时候,有人忍不住低声地问了一句。 This saying said that in all will of the people shook, in fact, this was the matter that everyone cared about, the battleship has also floated from Impassable Sea, but, past expedition team actually lost to view silent news. 这话一说出来,所有人心里面都不由为之一震了,事实上,这也是所有人所关心的事情,战舰已经从不渡海漂出来了,但是,当年的远征队伍却杳无声讯。 Walks, we have a look.” At this time, this Old Ancestor sank to drink one, bringing direct disciple to jump, flew to this battleship. “走,我们上去看看。”在这个时候,这位老祖沉喝一声,带着门下弟子纵身而起,向这艘战舰飞了上去。 What thing does inside have?” Saw that Rising Clouds Dao Lineage Old Ancestor brings direct disciple to board the battleship, some people are curious. “里面还有什么东西吗?”看到凌云道统老祖带着门下弟子登上战舰,有人不由好奇。 At once, everyone waits, everyone wants to know, in this like the Ghost Ship same battleship above, but also without other thing. 一时之间,所有人都翘首以盼,大家都想知道,在这如同幽灵船一样的战舰之上,还没有其他的东西 „Not good-- when everyone waits, in the battleship resounded the sound of big drinking immediately , pēng pēng bang resonate sound of fighting. “不好——”就在所有人翘首以盼的时候,战舰之中立即响起了大喝之声,紧接着,一阵砰砰砰的打斗之声响起 Ah!-- within short time, pitiful yell resonate sound , belongs to tranquilly, this battleship is still drifting about in void silently. ——”在短短的时间之内,惨叫声响起,随之,又归于平静,这艘战舰依然无声无息地在虚空中飘泊着。 What happened?” Hears the sound of pitiful yell, immediately some people of big shout. “发生什么事了?”听到惨叫之声,立即有人大叫一声 However, after pitiful yell, the battleship is still silent, still drifts about there, does not have any sound. 但是,随着惨叫之后,战舰依然无声无息,依然飘泊在那里,没有任何动静。 The so strange matter, lets everyone on the scene immediately absolutely terrified, at once, many blankly look at each other, no one knows above the battleship what happened. 如此诡异的事情,顿时让在场的所有人都不由毛骨悚然,一时之间,不少人面面相觑,没有人知道战舰之上发生了什么事情。 „Does could it be that, on the battleship have other thing?” Knew the Rising Clouds Dao Lineage Old Ancestor people know, this Old Ancestor strength is very strong, however, within the short time, seemed to have died a tragic death in the battleship. 难道,战舰上还有其他的东西?”很多认识凌云道统老祖的人都知道,这位老祖实力很强,然而,在短短的时间之内,似乎已经惨死在战舰之中了。 I do not believe in evil doctrines, we have a look.” Old Ancestor that has the Epoch Immortal strength sinks to drink one, immediately sinks to drink one. “我倒不信邪,我们上去看看。”有一位拥有纪元不朽实力的老祖沉喝一声,立即沉喝一声。 Is blinking, this Old Ancestor unites with several powerful Immortal True God, they leap the body, flew the battleship. 在眨眼之间,这位老祖联同几位强大的不朽真神,他们都跃身而起,飞上了战舰。 Bang, bang and bang after these Old Ancestor board the battleship, immediately heard sound of the intermittent fighting. “砰、砰、砰”就在这几位老祖登上战舰之后,立即传来了一阵阵的打斗之声。 have ghost/has plot-- in this moment, in the battleship resounded one to drink greatly, this drank everyone to hear greatly clear. 有鬼——”就在这一刻,战舰之内响起了一声大喝,这一声大喝所有人都听得一清二楚。 have ghost/has plot-- hears drinks like this greatly, everyone blankly look at each other, does not understand that this saying to be what meaning. 有鬼——”听到这样的大喝,所有人都面面相觑,不明白这话是什么意思。 Ah!-- when everyone has not responded, in the battleship transmitted pitiful yells, after the pitiful yell sound falls, the entire battleship belongs to tranquilly, still calmly drifts in void. ——”就在所有人还没有反应过来的时候,战舰中传来了一声声惨叫,惨叫声落下之后,整战舰又归于平静了,依然静静地漂泊在虚空中。 I hold, actually what happened.” Sees such a, everyone is absolutely terrified. “我操,究竟发生什么事了。”看到这样的一幕,所有人都毛骨悚然。 Around two groups of people distinguish on battleship, but, they do not have finally, especially two groups of people end by the pitiful yell sound finally. This is really makes people absolutely terrified. 两批人分别前后上了战舰,但是,他们最终都没有下来,特别是两批人最终都是以惨叫声落幕。这实在是让人不由为之毛骨悚然。 At once, entire Heaven Grand Mountain Pass seems silent, everyone you look at me, I look at your. 一时之间,整个天雄关都显得寂静,大家都你看我,我看你的。
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