ED :: Volume #30

#2939: Human-headed Horse, rides

Bang, bang and bang sound fluctuating continues, Strength Grass Dao Lineage several hundred powerhouses instantaneously sweeping flew by a big Black Bull tail. “砰、砰、砰”的声音起伏有不止,劲草道统的几百个强者瞬间被大黑牛一个尾巴给扫飞了。 Although Guan Yunpeng the strength is very strong, but, sees such a , in the heart is scared, turns around to escape. 管云鹏虽然实力很强,但是,看到这样的一幕,也心里面发毛,转身就逃。 „To escape, late.” Big Black Bull cries out strangely, pursued instantaneously. “想逃,迟了。”大黑牛怪叫一声,瞬间追了上去。 Opens-- Guan Yunpeng with amazement, offered a sacrifice to treasure, but, this did not help matters, great strength of big Black Bull, was he can resist. “开——管云鹏骇然,祭出了宝物,但是,这都无济于事,大黑牛的强大,又焉是他所能对抗的。 Hears bang loud sound, the big Black Bull head hit, hits to fly Guan Yunpeng instantaneously, hits the blood crazily to spurt. 听到“砰”的一声巨响,大黑牛头颅撞了过去,瞬间把管云鹏撞飞,撞得鲜血狂喷。 Guan Yunpeng just crawled, big Black Bull was a hoof pounded, in bang, Guan Yunpeng was pounded to lie by a hoof, the blood spurted crazily, eyeful golden star. 管云鹏刚爬起来,大黑牛又是一记蹄子砸了过去,在“砰”的一声中,管云鹏被一记蹄子砸得趴了下去,鲜血狂喷,满眼的金星 Protected Young Master-- at this time, that several Immortal True God crawled, big shout, wants to rescue Guan Yunpeng. “保护少主——”这个时候,那几位不朽真神爬起来了,大叫一声,想去救管云鹏 Bang-- a resonate sound, these Immortal True God could not take action, then be stepped on by Li Qiye on the ground, Li Qiye stepped on, trampled their several directly lies down. “砰——”的一声响起,这几位不朽真神还没能出手,便被李七夜一脚踩在了地上,李七夜一脚踩了过去,直接把他们几个踹得躺下了。 Listens to by crack bone scraps resonate sound, the bones of their chest were stepped on all of a sudden broken, the blood spurts crazily. 听以“喀嚓”的骨碎声响起,他们胸膛的骨头一下子被踩碎,鲜血狂喷。 Okay lying down.” After Li Qiye steps on got down, these Immortal True God also only then obediently lies down on the ground, cannot crawl again, Li Qiye steps on casually on them, seems like the mountain peak voltage of trillion place to be the same on their bodies. “好好躺着。”李七夜一脚踩了下去之后,这些位不朽真神也只有乖乖地躺在了地上,根本就再爬不起来了,李七夜随便一脚踩在他们身上,就好像是亿万座的山峰压在他们的身上一样。 At this time, was pounded Guan Yunpeng that falls face down with great difficulty to crawl, at this time, he said that some distressedly distressed, the whole body is blood-stained. 在这个时候,被砸得趴下的管云鹏好不容易爬起来,在这个时候,他说有多狼狈就有多狼狈,全身是血迹斑斑。 You, you, you died.” At this time Guan Yunpeng screamed, said: I, I, I will extinguish your whole family, no, extinguishes your nine generations.” “你,你,你们死定了。”此时管云鹏不由尖叫了一声,说道:“我,我,我会灭你们全家,不,灭你们九族。” The Guan Yunpeng walk world, when has suffered a loss, is so when distressed, where arrives, everyone to third the points his respecting, will let his three points. 管云鹏行走天下,什么时候吃过亏,什么时候如此狼狈过,不论是走到哪里,大家都对他敬之三分,都会让他三分。 Now was in front of the world person, own unexpectedly hitting fell face down by a cow, this made his face countenance nothing left all of a sudden. 现在当着天下人的面,自己竟然被一头牛给打得趴下了,这一下子让他的颜面荡然无存。 Extinguished your younger sister-- big Black Bull to raise the hoof, bang, pounded on the head of Guan Yunpeng, yelled that said: To this handsome bull stand, this handsome bull must ride you.” “灭你妹——”大黑牛扬起了蹄子,“砰”的一声,砸在了管云鹏的脑袋上,大叫地说道:“给本帅牛站好了,本帅牛要骑你。” In bang , the head of Guan Yunpeng was knocked eyeful golden star all of a sudden, he had not responded the time, he had been suppressed by big Black Bull. 在“砰”的一声下,管云鹏的脑袋一下子被敲得满眼金星,他还没有反应过来的时候,他已经被大黑牛压制住了。 At this time, Guan Yunpeng he was involuntary, the stooping body, both hands supported on the ground, the four limbs were well-grounded, seemed the beast same four feet to stand. 在这个时候,管云鹏他身不由己,弯下了身体,双手撑在了地上,四肢着地,就好像走兽一样四脚站立。 When Guan Yunpeng has not responded, big Black Bull has stepped on him conducted the back, four hooves stepped in his body, the heavy body pressed his unable to breathe, the skeleton of whole body squeak squeak makes noise, but, Guan Yunpeng could not move. 就在管云鹏还没有反应过来的时候,大黑牛已经踩在了他的背上了,四蹄踩在了他的身上,沉重的身体压得他喘不过气来,全身的骨骼都吱吱作响,但是,管云鹏偏偏动弹不得。 Harnesses, harnesses, harnesses, Human-headed Horse, walks quickly, walks quickly.” At this time, big Black Bull raised the hoof, kicked ruthlessly on the buttocks of Guan Yunpeng. “驾,驾,驾,人头马,快走,快走。”在这个时候,大黑牛扬起了蹄子,狠狠地踢在了管云鹏的屁股上。 Bang a resonate sound, when the hoof of big Black Bull kicked on the buttocks of Guan Yunpeng, Guan Yunpeng was unexpectedly involuntary, the hands and feet used, crawled on the ground. “砰”的一声响起,当大黑牛的蹄子踢在了管云鹏的屁股上之时,管云鹏竟然身不由己,手脚并用,在地上爬了起来。 Such, seems like that odd, that funny. Saw only big Black Bull to ride in conducting the back of youth, the youth four limbs fell to the ground, the hands and feet used, is crawling on the ground. 这样的一幕,看起来是那么的离谱,是那么的滑稽。只见一头大黑牛骑在了一个青年的背上,青年四肢落地,手脚并用,在地上爬着走。 This is the true cow rides the person, big Black Bull really said that could have been achieved. 这就是真正的牛骑人,大黑牛真的是说得到做得到。 Harnesses, harnesses, harnesses, Human-headed Horse, walks quickly, walks quickly, walks a bit faster.” The hoof of big Black Bull kicked time and time again on the buttocks of Guan Yunpeng, when big Black Bull more kicked was quicker, Guan Yunpeng hands and feet and using, crawling more was quicker. “驾,驾,驾,人头马,快走,快走,走快点。”大黑牛的蹄子一次又一次踢在了管云鹏的屁股上,在大黑牛越踢越快的时候,管云鹏手脚并用,爬得就越快。 Is blinking, big Black Bull has been riding Guan Yunpeng on the street several. 在眨眼之间,大黑牛已经骑着管云鹏在街道上走了好几圈了。 Human-headed Horse-- heard big Black Bull to take such a nickname to Guan Yunpeng, many people want to smile, but, did not facilitate to smile. 人头马——”听到大黑牛管云鹏取了这样的一个绰号,有很多人都想笑,但是,又不方便笑出来。 I, I, I must kill your-- Guan Yunpeng to scream one, when he receives such shame, screamed: I must peel your skin, drinks your blood, eats your meat--? Bang-- bang-- bang-- a resonate sound, the Guan Yunpeng words have not said, the hoof of big Black Bull pounded like the hail ruthlessly on his head, pounded full Toubao the head of Guan Yunpeng all of a sudden, pounds Guan Yunpeng at present piece of golden star, the headache was incomparable. “我,我,我要杀了你——管云鹏尖叫一声,他什么时候受过如此的耻辱,尖叫道:“我要剥你皮,喝你血,吃你肉——”?“砰——————”的一声响起,管云鹏的话还没有说完,大黑牛的蹄子就像冰雹一样狠狠地砸在了他的头颅上了,一下子把管云鹏的头颅砸得满头包,砸得管云鹏眼前一片的金星,头痛无比。 Kills your younger sister! Your present surface is handsome bull mount, has not ridden the power!” Big Black Bull cries out strangely, the attitude is very rampant. “杀你妹!你现面是本帅牛坐骑,没有骑权!”大黑牛怪叫一声,态度十分嚣张。 Harnesses, harnesses, harnesses, Human-headed Horse, walks a bit faster.” Big Black Bull is riding Guan Yunpeng, at the same time yelled continues. “驾,驾,驾,人头马,走快点。”大黑牛边骑着管云鹏,一边大叫不止。 Sees such a, everyone does not know whether to laugh or cry, ox Qiren, such a, everyone is first seeing, moreover ridden Guan Yunpeng such origin astonishing Young Master. 看到这样的一幕,所有人都哭笑不得,牛骑人,这样的一幕,大家都是第一次看到,而且被骑的还是管云鹏这样来历惊人的少主 Wants big incident occured.” Sees such a, some people shake the head, said: „The steward, is Strength Grass Dao Lineage, is vows not to rest.” “要出大事了。”看到这样的一幕,有人不由摇了摇头,说道:“不论是管家,还是劲草道统,都是誓不罢休的。” Will have looks lively.” Also some people take pleasure in others' misfortunes. “会有热闹看的。”也有一些人是幸灾乐祸。 As we all know, Guan Yunpeng is Strength Grass Dao Lineage Young Master, his father is being insufferably arrogant Rolling Cloud God, let alone, he is Talented Sage Lan Shu Junior Brother, his status is what kind of honored. 大家都知道,管云鹏劲草道统少主,他父亲又是不可一世的卷云神,更何况,他还是兰书才圣师弟,他的身份是何等的尊贵。 Considers, today is in front of the world person, he by a cow, when the pet rides, this did not say Guan Yunpeng, is Strength Grass Dao Lineage is unable to swallow under this tone, this shames their Strength Grass Dao Lineage. 试想一下,今日当着天下人的面,他被一头牛当宠物来骑,这不说管云鹏,就是劲草道统都无法咽得下这口气,这是羞辱他们劲草道统 At this time, Guan Yunpeng does not have was calm, worked as the pet to ride by a cow, this is his lifetime great shame, he wishes one could the ground to split one to sew greatly, he worms one's way into immediately. 此时,管云鹏已经是无地从容了,被一头牛当着宠物来骑,这是他一生的奇耻大辱,他恨不得地上裂开一条大缝来,他立即钻了进去。 Ok, forgives his one time.” Looked that big Black Bull also rode similarly, Li Qiye smiles, shakes the head. “算了,饶他一次吧。”看大黑牛也骑得差不多了,李七夜笑了笑,摇了摇头。 Saw Li Qiye to open the mouth, big Black Bull then jumps down from the body of Guan Yunpeng, well satisfied, squints at Guan Yunpeng, said: Looks in the Great Saint share, today forgives you not dead, next time will ride dead you directly, hears not to have, Human-headed Horse.” 李七夜开口了,大黑牛这才从管云鹏的身上跳了下来,心满意足,乜了管云鹏一眼,说道:“看在大圣人的份上,今天饶你不死,下次就直接把你骑到死,听到没有,人头马。” Was called Human-headed Horse by big Black Bull, this almost faints the Guan Yunpeng air/Qi, he screamed one, sharp roar said: Did not report this enmity, didn't vow......”? Bang-- a resonate sound, the Guan Yunpeng words have not fallen, a hoof of big Black Bull pounded ruthlessly on the head of Guan Yunpeng, Guan Yunpeng was pounded to faint all of a sudden. 被大黑牛叫“人头马”,这差点把管云鹏气昏过去,他不由尖叫一声,厉叫道:“不报此仇,誓不为人……”?“砰——”的一声响起,管云鹏的话还没有落下,大黑牛的一记蹄子就狠狠地砸在了管云鹏的脑袋上,管云鹏一下子被砸昏了过去。 Bang, bang and bang the big Black Bull one breath pounded Guan Yunpeng head more than ten times ruthlessly, he seemed like pounds becomes addicted. “砰、砰、砰”大黑牛一口气狠狠地砸了管云鹏的脑袋十几次,他似乎是砸得上瘾了。 Has smashed Guan Yunpeng full head is the blood, the quick inadequate human form, big Black Bull then gave up, big Black Bull took back the hoof, said well satisfied: What vowed is not a person, you were not a person, Human-headed Horse.” Was saying hehe smiles. 一直砸到管云鹏满头是血,都快不成人形了,大黑牛这才罢手,大黑牛收回了蹄子,心满意足地说道:“什么誓不为人,你本来就不是人,一匹人头马而已。”说着嘿嘿地笑。 Sees this appearance, Li Qiye also shakes the head with a smile, Guan Yunpeng is brings about own destruction, if big Black Bull really wants to kill people, but also turns to obtain them rampantly to the present? Guan Yunpeng they had been killed by big Black Bull, does not remain. 看到这个模样,李七夜也只是笑着摇了摇头而已,管云鹏是自寻死路而已,如果大黑牛真的想杀人,还轮得到他们嚣张到现在?管云鹏他们早就被大黑牛干掉了,一个都不留。 At this time that several were suppressed in ground several Immortal True God is ashamed and resentful does not have calmly, after all protects Guan Yunpeng is their responsibility, never expected that Guan Yunpeng by the shame, such, not only has been so shamed Guan Yunpeng today unexpectedly, shamed their Strength Grass Dao Lineage. 此时那几位被镇压在地上的几位不朽真神都羞愤得无地从容,毕竟保护管云鹏是他们的责任,没有想到今天管云鹏竟受到如此的羞辱,这样的一幕,已经不仅仅是羞辱了管云鹏,也是羞辱了他们劲草道统 At this time, Li Qiye received the foot, looked at their one eyes desolately, said lightly: Today, I do not kill people, go away, best roll, otherwise, cut your heads next time.” 在这个时候,李七夜才收脚,冷淡地看了他们一眼,淡淡地说道:“今日,我就不杀人了,滚,最好滚远一点,否则,下一次就斩了你们的脑袋。” These Immortal True God startled and anger, but, at this time, they no one dares to begin again randomly, because take action tried a moment ago, they have known result / to bear fruit, they are not the big Black Bull opponents, is not the Li Qiye's opponent, at this time is ignorant of the proper action to take again, that seeks its shame. 这几尊不朽真神又惊又怒,但是,在这个时候,他们没有谁敢再乱动手,因为刚才一出手相试,他们都已经知道结果了,他们不是大黑牛的对手,也不是李七夜的对手,此时再不知进退,那就是自寻其辱。 Your excellency honored name?” When Li Qiye, Strength Grass Dao Lineage still some people cannot endure this tone just before leaving, the sinking sound said. “阁下尊姓大名?”在李七夜临走的时候,劲草道统依然有人忍不下这口气,不由沉声地说道。 What's wrong? Also wants to ask me to revenge inadequately?” Li Qiye turned around, looked at their one eyes. “怎么?还想找我报仇不成?”李七夜不由转身,看了他们一眼。 Our Strength Grass Dao Lineage, does not let the person to insult!” This True God sinking sound said: This matter I will certainly report Sect, reports First Ancestor, asking his Old Man to decide!” “我们劲草道统,不是任人欺辱的!”这位真神不由沉声地说道:“这事我一定会汇报宗门,汇报始祖,请他老人家定夺!” This True God words saying, everyone on the scene turned very quiet, looks at Li Qiye. 这尊真神的话一说出来,在场的所有人都不由屏住了呼吸,都不由看着李七夜 As we all know, First Ancestor that this True God said refers to Talented Sage Lan Shu, but First Ancestor, who doesn't dread extremely? 大家都知道,这一尊真神所说的始祖指的是兰书才圣,而一尊始祖,谁人不忌惮万分? Idiot.” Li Qiye coldly looked at his one eyes, sneers, said: Dares to lift the Talented Sage Lan Shu reputation to press me, courts death.” The words fall, one foot stepped on. “蠢货。”李七夜冷冷地看了他一眼,冷笑一声,说道:“竟敢抬兰书才圣的名头来压我,找死。”话一落下,一足就踩了过去。 Careful-- other Immortal True God one startled, big shout. “小心——”其他的不朽真神一惊,大叫一声 But, is late, hears bang a resonate sound, this True God the pitiful yell without enough time, by the time that Li Qiye steps on, was stepped on the meat sauce instantaneously, when Li Qiye's big foot grinds, hears bo a resonate sound, was ground blood fog. 但,已经迟了,听到“砰”的一声响起,这尊真神连惨叫都来不及,被李七夜一脚踩下的时候,瞬间被踩成了肉酱,在李七夜的大足一碾之时,听到“啵”的一声响起,被碾成了血雾 blood fog is floating, along with Feng Piao/breeze disperses to go, this True God on such vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke. 血雾飘飘,随风飘散而去,这位真神就这样灰飞烟灭了。 Under one foot, then ground blood fog True God, this was how overbearingly and how savage method, this made those present look, was absolutely terrified. 一足之下,便把一尊真神碾成了血雾,这是多么霸道、多么凶残的手段,这让在场的人看了,都不由为之毛骨悚然。 Talented Sage Lan Shu knows that was tarnished the reputation by your idiots, that wishes one could to stamp you.” Li Qiye looked at their one eyes desolately, serene, probably stamps a cockroach to be the same. 兰书才圣知道被你们这些蠢货败坏名声,那都恨不得一脚踩死你们。”李七夜冷淡地看了他们一眼,风轻云淡,好像是踩死一只蟑螂一样。 Stupid.” Big Black Bull also sneered, coldly looked at Strength Grass Dao Lineage disciple one, these idiots lifted the Talented Sage Lan Shu reputation to frighten Li Qiye unexpectedly, that brought about own destruction simply. “愚蠢。”大黑牛也冷笑一声,冷冷地看了劲草道统的弟子一眼,这些蠢货竟然抬出兰书才圣的名头来吓李七夜,那简直就是自寻死路。 After stamped True God, others do not dare the breathing one breath, only to be able again helplessly looks at Li Qiye and big Black Bull leave. 一脚踩死了一尊真神之后,其他人都不敢再喘一口气,只能是眼睁睁地看着李七夜和大黑牛离开了。 This too vicious.” When Li Qiye, some people pulled out an cold air/Qi, said: „Who this boy is, unexpectedly so savage, did not fear that was revenged?” “这太凶狠了吧。”当李七夜远离之后,有人不由抽了一口冷气,说道:“这小子是什么人,竟然如此的凶残,不怕被报仇吗?” Does not know.” Many people look at each other. “不知道。”很多人都不由相视一眼。 First Ominous Person-- some people recognize Li Qiye, but, does not dare to talk too much, said gently, then turned around to leave. 第一凶人——”有人认得李七夜,但,不敢多言,轻轻说了一声,便转身离开了。 Traces to the origin the senior author new book, the metropolis milk father class/flow that «Invincible Milk Father Seizing Monster Daily», very well looks , the life trivia write well.】 【推本老作者新书,《无敌奶爸的捉妖日常》,挺好看的都市奶爸流,生活细节写得不错。】
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