ED :: Volume #29

#2863: multicolored Divine Hawk

------ a heaven falls and earth rends sound resounded through the world, at once, everything may become vulnerable, probably entire Ancient Garden was shaken was the same. ——————”一声天崩地裂的声音响彻了天地,一时之间,地动山摇,好像整个古园都被撼动了一样。 At this time, everyone looked, the mountain range of front distant place was one piece, probably heaven and earth collapse was in confusion broken, the innumerable mountain peak great mountains have crushed, the one great rivers and lakes, did not cut off are penetrated, very stirring. 在这个时候,大家望去,前面远处的山峦乃是一片的狼藉,好像天地崩碎一样,无数的山峰巨岳都已经粉碎了,一条条大江、一个个湖泊,不是被斩断就被击穿,十分的震撼人心。 Time that everyone looks, sees only a person of beast to fight heaven falls and earth rends, is not only the land is rumbled to result in the disintegration, even stars on Vault of Heaven were hit to explode, very stirring, probably end of the world is the same. 大家望去的时候,只见一人一兽战得天崩地裂,不仅仅是大地被轰得崩碎,连天穹上的星辰都一颗颗被打爆,十分的震撼人心,好像世间末日一样。 This person of beast, fights very intensely, very stirring, but this person of beast, this is under Supreme Tree has seen Spirit Heart True Emperor. 这一人一兽,战得十分的激烈,十分的震撼人心,而这一人一兽,这个乃是在至尊树下见过的灵心真帝 At this time, the Spirit Heart True Emperor whole person is Emperor Power opens greatly, vast pound invincible Emperor Power sweeps across the world, sweeps away eight sides, at this time, this has made one forget she is one such as the Elf common female, this is her truly proper status-- True Emperor. 此时,灵心真帝整个人是帝威大开,浩磅无敌的帝威席卷天地,横扫八方,在这个时候,这已经让人忘记了她是一个如精灵一般的女子,这才是她真正应有的身份——真帝 When seven palace True Emperor, such True Emperor Emperor Power opens greatly, that is what kind of incomparable, her Emperor Power vast day, under her Emperor Power, as if even the world appears the far away, as if only needs its Emperor Power gently one volume, then can destroy day of 9 Heavens 10 Worlds. 一位七宫真帝,这样的一位真帝帝威大开之时,那是何等的无匹,她的帝威浩天,在她帝威之下,似乎连天地都显得渺远,似乎只需要它的帝威轻轻一卷,便可以毁天九天十地 At this time Spirit Heart True Emperor was also makes True Fire, the Seven Fate Palaces bang day, the ups and downs were ancient, all blood energy changed to the vast sea, the True Emperor domain suppressed 9 Heavens 10 Worlds. 此时灵心真帝也是打出真火了,七个命宫轰天而起,沉浮亘古,所有的血气化作了浩瀚的海洋,真帝领域压制九天十地 What is more fearful, behind her the one of the gold/metal feather in one about in the middle, is maneuvers among groups, has to sweep away the 9 Heavens 10 Worlds imposing manner. 更为可怕的是,她背后的金羽在一张一合之间,乃是纵横捭阖,有着横扫九天十地的气势。 Her pair of gold/metal feather, was extremely was really powerful, when the double feather drew in the merge, seemed like gold/metal Kaipi to be the same , blocked all attacking instantaneously, moreover was hard incomparable, as if did not have the thing to break. 她这一对金羽,实在是太过于强大了,当双羽收拢合并之时,就好像是一身金铠披在身上一样,瞬间挡住了一切的攻伐,而且是坚硬无比,似乎无物可破。 When her gold/metal feather, like two Divine Blade, maneuvers among groups, cuts to kill eight sides, has the invincible potential. 当她金羽一张之时,如同两把神刀,纵横捭阖,斩杀八方,有着所向无敌之势。 At this time, Spirit Heart True Emperor, soaring sky, her both wings are the most powerful weapon, the feather blade cut to fall fiercely, have the potential of Splitting The Heaven and Earth, fierce matchless, certain kill ten sides. 此时,灵心真帝,飞翔天空,她的双翅就是最厉害最强大的兵器,羽刃斩落,有着开天辟地之势,凶猛无俦,绝杀十方。 But with Spirit Heart True Emperor to the war, is Divine Beast, this only Divine Beast has the five colors, is dragging the long light tail, the light tail drags, just like stars falls gently, its divine steed is very nimble and resourceful, in spurting, is paddling the entire universe probably, is a powerful incomparable phoenix. 而与灵心真帝对战的,乃是一只神禽,这只神禽有五色,拖着长长的光尾,光尾摇曳之时,宛如一颗颗星辰飘落一样,它十分的神骏灵动,在飞洒之间,好像是划动着整个天宇一样,乃是一只强大无匹的神鸟。 This phoenix, sees only its tail wing to sweep, heaven and earth collapse, stars extinguishes, the one band of light of each tail wing, seems like one Supreme Grand Dao to be the same, unparalleled, therefore, when its tail wing sweeps, shakes the gold/metal feather of Spirit Heart True Emperor hardly. 这只神鸟,只见它尾翼一扫而过之时,天地崩,星辰灭,每尾翼的一条条光带,就好像是一条条无上大道一样,绝世无双,所以,当它的尾翼一扫而过,硬撼灵心真帝的金羽。 Wing of both sides collides time, like heaven falls and earth rends, the spark of sputtering, very radiant dazzling, each grain of spark splashes down, can crush mountain peaks, melts a piece by piece land, the bad risk of ten points. 双方的羽翼相碰撞的时候,如同是天崩地裂,溅射的火花,十分的璀璨耀眼,每一粒火花溅落的时候,就可以击碎一座座山峰,融化一片片大地,十分的凶险。 Also because both sides really fought are too the bad risks, even if there are goes to much comes to see lively student to leave by far, is daunted by such a institute at present. 也正是因为双方战得实在是太凶险了,就算有不少赴来看热闹的学生都离得远远的,都被眼前这样的一幕所吓住了。 This phoenix, is Spirit Heart True Emperor, they were really powerful, treated as the battlefield this stretch of the world, hit heaven falls and earth rends, some giant beast one after another in this world deep sleep revived, they saw such a, has not joined the battlefield, but was recession here. 不论是这只神鸟,还是灵心真帝,他们都实在是太强大了,把这片天地当作了战场,打得天崩地裂,这片天地沉睡中的一些巨兽都纷纷苏醒过来,它们看到这样的一幕,并没有加入战场,而是退离这里。 Also because of so, one bang, bang and bang the sound is lingering on faintly, with these giant beast recessions, many great mountain godly peak was stepped on by them crushes. 也正是因为如此,一阵“轰、轰、轰”的声音不绝于耳,随着这些巨兽退离,不少的巨岳神峰都被他们踩得粉碎。 This young girl, but also somewhat vision.” Sees Spirit Heart True Emperor and Divine Beast games, big Black Bull approved one, said: This only multicolored Divine Hawk, indeed is divine object, vanquishes, when mount, that was indeed suitable. Not only clever in fighting, and extremely fast.” “这小妞,还真有点眼光。”看到灵心真帝神禽在一场,大黑牛赞了一声,说道:“这只五彩神鸢,的确是一只神物,降伏当坐骑,那的确再适合不过了。既善战,又极速。” Zhao autumn these Washing Sins Institute student look is dumbfounded, often is disintegration stars, the bang extinguishes sun and moon, such strength, really in terrifying, such True Emperor, that in the manners, then can destroy their Washing Sins Institute simply. 赵秋这些洗罪院学生看得是目瞪口呆,动不动便是崩碎星辰,轰灭日月,这样的实力,实在是在恐怖了,这样的真帝,那简直就是在举止之间,便可以毁灭他们的洗罪院 This young girl, but also is really good.” Big Black Bull takes a look at Spirit Heart True Emperor, hehe said to Li Qiye with a smile: Great Saint, hey, body frontier post younger sister not? Wants me to pull to be a go- to you?” Saying, smiled inexpensively. “这小妞,还真不错哟。”大黑牛瞅了瞅灵心真帝,对李七夜嘿嘿地笑着说道:“大圣人,嘿,身边缺妹子不?要不要我给你牵牵线?”说着,贱贱地笑了一下。 Ok, Bloodline is pure.” Li Qiye looked at Spirit Heart True Emperor, said slowly. “还可以,血统纯正。”李七夜看了看灵心真帝,徐徐地说道。 Big Black Bull was immediately more inexpensive, he blinks, hehe said with a smile: Wants me to help you grasp, so pure Bloodline, handed down descendant, that can develop one's ability to the full surely.”? You want.” Li Qiye squints at big Black Bull, said: I said, such Bloodline, gives me to work as a maidservant, helping me change clothes anything, but can also accept.” 黑牛顿时就更贱了,他眨了眨眼睛,嘿嘿地笑着说道:“要不要我帮你抓来,如此纯正的血统,传下的后代,那必定是大有作为。”?“你想多了。”李七夜乜了黑牛一眼,说道:“我只是说,这样的血统,给我当个丫环,帮我更衣什么的,还能接受。” Li Qiye this saying, made Washing Sins Institute student dumbfounded immediately , Spirit Heart True Emperor, that was seven palace True Emperor, she not only came from Heavenly Feather Clan, was Garden of Eden Successor, the position was what kind of noble. 李七夜这话,顿时让洗罪院学生傻眼了,要知道,灵心真帝,那可是七宫真帝呀,她不仅仅是出身于天羽族,更是伊甸园传人呀,身份地位是何等的高贵。 Now Li Qiye actually says, Spirit Heart True Emperor such seven palace True Emperor, is the changing clothes maidservant to him, this saying is really much fiercer. 现在李七夜竟然说,灵心真帝这样的七宫真帝,也只是给他做做更衣丫环,这话真的是凶猛得一塌糊涂。 Young Master, she is the Golden War God fiancee.” Has Washing Sins Institute student to remind Li Qiye gently. 公子,她是金变战神的未婚妻。”有洗罪院学生轻轻提醒李七夜 Golden War God fiancee how.” Big Black Bull absolutely is an cheap cow, thinks otherwise, said: Great Saint can have a look/take a liking she, that be her good fortune. Hey, Golden War God dares throat one, steps on the meat sauce him immediately.” 金变战神的未婚妻又怎么样。”大黑牛绝对是一头贱牛,不以为然,说道:“大圣人看上她,那是她的福气。嘿,金变战神敢吭一声,立马把他踩成肉酱。” This made Washing Sins Institute student all of a sudden speechless immediately, Li Qiye is much more rampant , this big Black Bull was also the same rampancy. 这顿时让洗罪院学生一下子无语了,李七夜已经嚣张得一塌糊涂了,没有想到,这头大黑牛也是一样的嚣张。 Although said, Li Qiye and big Black Bull sound is not loud, does their side have others, the person in distant place cannot hear, Spirit Heart True Emperor that however, fights on sky actually hears clear, as seven palace True Emperor, that feared that small sound, she can also be able to hear, therefore, at this time, a look of her murder looked. 虽然说,李七夜和大黑牛的声音并不大,他们身旁有没有其他人,远处的人没能听到,然而,远在天空上战斗的灵心真帝却听得一清二楚,作为七宫真帝,那怕再小的声音,她也能听得到,所以,在这个时候,她一记杀人的眼神一望而来。 Considers, a True Emperor look, that is how fearful, that can the deicide be the same simply, Zhao Qiushi their these student that are frightened the both legs to hit to tremble by such look, almost knelt on the ground. 试想一下,一位真帝的眼神,那是多么的可怕,那简直就是可以杀神一样,赵秋实他们这些学生那是被这样的眼神吓得双腿直打哆嗦,差点就跪在了地上了。 She, she, she heard.” Has student complexion deathly white, stands cannot come to a stop. “她,她,她听到了。”有学生脸色煞白,站都站不稳。 How heard.” Big Black Bull thinks otherwise, said at will: Heard well, so as to avoid spending many argument.” “听到了又如何。”大黑牛不以为然,随意地说道:“听到了最好,免得多费口舌。” Performs to offer some stupid ideas.” Li Qiye smiles, does not care, naturally, he also spoke thoughtlessly, receives Spirit Heart True Emperor, that must look at his mood. “尽出些馊主意。”李七夜笑了笑,也不在意,当然,他也随口说说而已,收不收灵心真帝,那都还得看他的心情呢。 Li Qiye and big Black Bull attitude, this made Zhao Qiushi they stupidly stand there all of a sudden. 李七夜和大黑牛的态度,这一下子都让赵秋实他们傻傻地站在那里了。 Teased True Emperor with ease, has not so cared True Emperor, their first meeting. Considers, seven palace True Emperor, in their mind are how powerful and how lofty exist(ence), now Li Qiye and big Black Bull actually speak with confidence, does not seem to treated as a matter Spirit Heart True Emperor, this is how overbearing stance. 如此轻松调侃真帝,如此地没把真帝放在心上,他们还是第一次遇到。试想一下,七宫真帝,在他们心目中是多么强大、多么高远的存在,现在李七夜和大黑牛竟然是侃侃而谈,似乎根本就没有把灵心真帝当作一回事,这是多么霸道的姿态。 Bang, bang and bang......” at this time, a sound of intermittent Collapsing Heaven crack place resounded, does not know that Spirit Heart True Emperor was only made True Fire by this multicolored Divine Hawk, because was wild with rage by Li Qiye their words, at this time she acted crazy instantaneously, the double feather raised, the innumerable gold/metal feathers were similar to a golden sword straight bang instantaneously, formed Sword Formation of tearing world instantaneously, killed to go to the multicolored Divine Hawk bang. “轰、轰、轰……”在这个时候,一阵阵崩天裂地的声音响起,不知道灵心真帝是被这只五彩神鸢打出了真火,还是因为被李七夜他们的话气疯了,此时她瞬间发飙,双羽一扬,无数的金羽瞬间如同金剑一下直轰而下,瞬间形成了撕裂天地的剑阵,向五彩神鸢轰杀而去。 But multicolored Divine Hawk does not show weakness, the tail wing big show/unfolds, vast is boundless, sun and moon stemming from, to the Spirit Heart True Emperor Sword Formation fan in the past. 五彩神鸢也毫不示弱,尾翼大展,广袤无际,日月出于其中,直向灵心真帝剑阵扇了过去。 Bang, bang and bang at once, the both sides dozen blazingly, hits heaven falls and earth rends. “砰、砰、砰”一时之间,双方打得炽热,打得天崩地裂 Spirit Heart True Emperor, worthily is seven palace True Emperor, was too powerful.” Sees at present such a, caught up to come to see lively student to pull out an cold air/Qi much, after all, in student had Immortal True God, that feared is they, saw Spirit Heart True Emperor such strength is apprehensive. 灵心真帝,不愧是七宫真帝,太强大了。”看到眼前这样的一幕,不少赶来看热闹的学生都不由抽了一口冷气,毕竟,学生中有不朽真神,那怕是他们,看到灵心真帝如此的实力都是忌惮三分。 Comes compared with Carved Stone True Emperor and Golden Python True Emperor, Spirit Heart True Emperor was powerful were indeed more. 比起刻石真帝金蟒真帝来,灵心真帝的的确确是强大了很多很多。 „Does the Spirit Heart miss, need me to help your helping hand otherwise?” When Spirit Heart True Emperor and multicolored Divine Hawk hits heaven falls and earth rends, a sound resounds. 灵心姑娘,需要我助你一臂之力否?”就在灵心真帝五彩神鸢打得天崩地裂的时候,一个声音响起。 This sound sounds, but also some naivete. 这个声音听起来,还有些稚气呢。 Everyone looks, sees only youngster Ta Kong/treads the sky, but, this youngster when speech, but also in the horizon, one step treads, hears bang a resonate sound, then stood in the Spirit Heart True Emperor sky, as if could take action momentarily, helped Spirit Heart True Emperor helping hand. 大家望去,只见一个少年踏空而至,这个少年在说话之时,还远在天边,一步踏来,听到“砰”的一声响起,便站在了灵心真帝的上空,似乎随时都会出手,助灵心真帝一臂之力。 This youngster, seems like the 15~16 years old scene, wears a brocade robe, his whole person seems like noble air 100%, probably wealthy family small Young Master is the same, moreover among the manners was also very naked surface reveals his high-profile domineering imposing manner to come, radically was the so arrogant that no-one else matters appearance. 这个少年,看起来才十五六岁的光景,穿着一身锦袍,他整个人看起来贵气十足,好像是富家小少爷一样,而且神态间也是很赤裸裸地表露出了他那股张扬跋扈的气势来,根本就是目中无人的模样。 The between the eyebrows place of this youngster sets upright the third eye, but, his this third eye is closing at this time, but, among stretch/open He slightly, is flashing golden light continuously, flashing golden light seems like golden needle to be the same. 这个少年的眉心处竖有第三只眼睛,不过,他这第三只眼睛此时闭合着,但是,在微微的张合之间,闪动着一缕缕的金光,闪动的金光就好像是金针一样。 Although this youngster has not rumbled the own invincible imposing manner, when he on a stand toward sky, has the father first under heaven appearance . Moreover, his strength also indeed is powerful incomparable. 这个少年虽然没有轰出自己无敌气势,但是,当他往天空上一站,就有着老子天下第一的模样,而且,他的实力也的的确确是强大无匹。 When he toward there one stands, probably the anchorage the universe, even multicolored Divine Hawk felt his great strength all of a sudden, even/including Shanshen the wing, far away from this youngster. 当他往那里一站之时,好像一下子定住了乾坤,连五彩神鸢都感受到了他的强大,连扇神翅,远离这个少年。 Three Eyes God Child!” Sees this youngster, everyone calls out in alarm one. 三目神童!”看到这个少年,所有人都不由为之惊呼一声。 Three Eyes God Child came.” Saw that this youngster stands in in the air, has only my sole ruler manner, even arrogance student, is apprehensive again. 三目神童来了。”看到这个少年站在空中,有着唯我独尊的神态,就算再傲气的学生,都不由忌惮三分。 Three Eyes God Child, indeed is powerful incomparable, worthily is Half Step Forever Existing.” Some senior student also awe to him. 三目神童,的确是强大无匹,不愧是半步长存。”有学长对他也是敬畏。 Such small age, unexpectedly is Half Step Forever Existing, too terrifying.” Has for the first time person who sees Three Eyes God Child, with amazement. “这么小的年纪,竟然是半步长存,太恐怖了吧。”有第一次见三目神童的人,都不由骇然。 „Don't you know? Three Eyes God Child, is the Bright Saint Courtyard greatest talent, is current world youngest Half Step Forever Existing.” Side has student to say. “你不知道吗?三目神童,乃是光明圣院最了不起的天才,也是当今世间最年轻的半步长存。”旁边有学生说道。
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