ED :: Volume #28

#2755: Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi

Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi, this is the Central Territory Holy Land disciple Flame Flag Sacred Altar altar/jar lord, but Flame Flag Sacred Altar, place that also Zhou Ziqing comes. 焰旗圣坛主,这正是中域圣地门下焰旗圣坛的坛主,而焰旗圣坛,也正是周孜晴所出身的地方。 When Zhou Ziqing or the Central Territory Holy Land ordinary disciple, she is a Flame Flag Sacred Altar disciple disciple, afterward she did well, obtained elder training in Sect. 周孜晴还是中域圣地的普通弟子的时候,她就是焰旗圣坛门下的一个弟子,后来她表现出色,得到了宗门内的长辈培养。 Especially after Zhou Ziqing becomes the Central Territory Saintess personal maidservant, her status is soar, let alone, now she along with marrying maidservant, in the future will have the opportunity to become the Eight Trigrams Ancient Kingdom imperial concubine, it may be said that has boundless prospects. 特别是周孜晴成为了中域圣女的贴身侍女之后,她的身份更是水涨船高,更何况,现在她还是随嫁的侍女,将来还有机会成为八卦古国的妃子,可谓是前途无量。 Regarding Flame Flag Sacred Altar, they, although has many outstanding disciples, but, had/left a Zhou Ziqing such disciple, is not easy, therefore, regardless of what situation, Flame Flag Sacred Altar will protect Zhou Ziqing, they will not make such a outstanding disciple lose absolutely like this. 对于焰旗圣坛来说,他们虽然有着不少优秀的弟子,但是,出了周孜晴这样的一位弟子,也是不容易的,所以,不论什么情况,焰旗圣坛都会力保周孜晴,他们绝对不会让这么一个优秀的弟子就这样损失了。 Also because of so, knew after Mountguard Sect also has Li Qiye such Master Ancestor, Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi is Zhou Ziqing brings up the rear personally, is Zhou Ziqing escorts, supports Zhou Ziqing, does not make her have any accident absolutely. 也正是因为如此,得知护山宗还有着李七夜这么一位师祖之后,焰旗圣坛主是亲自为周孜晴押阵,为周孜晴保驾护航,力挺周孜晴,绝对不让她有任何闪失。 If, some people have any disadvantageous action to Zhou Ziqing, their Flame Flag Sacred Altar will spare nothing to guarantee Zhou Ziqing. 如果说,有人对周孜晴有任何不利之举,他们焰旗圣坛会不惜一切代价把周孜晴保下来。 It can be said that at this time Zhou Ziqing has very lofty position in Flame Flag Sacred Altar, the ordinary disciple, is impossible to have such treatment. 可以说,此时周孜晴焰旗圣坛已经拥有了十分崇高的地位了,普通的弟子,根本就不可能有着这样的待遇。 At this time, Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi stand, both eyes one cold, vision lightning is ordinary, they sweeps off to Guo Jiahui. 此时,焰旗圣坛主站了出来,双目一冷,目光一闪电一般,向郭佳慧他们扫去。 When the Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi vision same sweeps like cold Dian, Guo Jiahui in their heart one cold, felt that received one to hit hard is the same, thump, thump and thump retroceded several steps. 焰旗圣坛主的目光如同冷电一样扫来,郭佳慧他们不由心里面一寒,感觉受到了一记重击一样,“咚、咚、咚”不由后退了好几步。 To them, the Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi strength was too powerful, the flame clan chancel lord was 5-layer Heaven Heaven Ascending True God, the strength goes to Mountguard Sect Fu Kun more powerful than the same day. 对于他们来说,焰旗圣坛主的实力太强大了,焰族圣坛主乃是一位五重天登天真神,实力比当日去护山宗符坤还要强大。 Traded a few words saying that the only Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi individual strength, can destroy completely Mountguard Sect fully, why this was also Zhou Ziqing dares to clamor must extinguish Mountguard Sect, this was also because had Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi such powerful Heaven Ascending True God to support, this made Zhou Ziqing have the energy, did not dread Li Qiye this Mountguard Sect Master Ancestor. 换一句话说,单凭焰旗圣坛主的个人实力,就足可以灭掉护山宗,这也是为什么周孜晴敢叫嚣着要灭了护山宗了,这也是因为有焰旗圣坛主这样强大的登天真神撑腰,这才让周孜晴有了底气,不畏惧李七夜这位护山宗师祖 It looks like in Zhou Ziqing, although Li Qiye this Mountguard Sect this Master Ancestor is more powerful than own, but, at all is not their Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi opponent, so long as their Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi take action, can cut to kill him surely. 周孜晴看来,李七夜这位护山宗这位师祖虽然比自己强大很多,但是,根本不是他们焰旗圣坛主的对手,只要他们焰旗圣坛主出手,必定能斩杀他。 When Guo Jiahui they were shaken thump thump thump the retreat, Zhou Ziqing also found the opportunity all of a sudden, jumps instantaneously, runs away all of a sudden, suddenly, she their Treasure Pearl Seven Stars Divine Storehouse Formation escaped from Guo Jiahui, hid in Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi all of a sudden behind. 郭佳慧他们被震得咚咚咚后退的时候,周孜晴也一下子找到了机会,瞬间跃起,一下子逃窜而出,眨眼之间,她从郭佳慧他们的“宝玑七星神藏阵”中逃了出来,一下子躲在了焰旗圣坛主的身后。 Your-- looks at Zhou Ziqing ran away helplessly, Xiu Ling anger, but also has no alternative. “你——”眼睁睁地看着周孜晴逃走了,修凌不由十分的愤怒,但又无可奈何。 „It is not concerned about face-- Lu Ruoxi also to indignant disturbed, said: Cannot win others, looks for elder take action.” “不要脸——陆若熙也忿忿不平,说道:“打不赢别人,就找长辈出手。” Li Jiankun their these old people are silent, they understand that this is the world of law of the jungle, even they do not help matters angrily, only then makes own more powerful. 李建坤他们这些年纪比较大的人就沉默着,他们明白这是弱肉强食的世界,就算他们愤怒也无济于事,只有让自己变得更加强大。 Snort, Mountguard Sect, this enmity this Miss has taken down, I will certainly extinguish your Mountguard Sect, lets your Mountguard Sect vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke, when the time comes, this Miss will cut your heads personally.” After being saved, Zhou Ziqing clenches jaws, said bitterly. “哼,护山宗,这份仇本姑娘已经记下了,我一定会灭了你们护山宗的,让你们护山宗灰飞烟灭,到时候,本姑娘会亲手砍下你们的头颅。”得救之后,周孜晴不由咬牙切齿,恨恨地说道。 Regarding Zhou Ziqing, so long as she lived, one day she will destroy completely Mountguard Sect, so long as after she becomes the Eight Trigrams Ancient Kingdom imperial concubine, even if did not have Central Territory Holy Land elder take action, so long as she ordered, still same had the mighty force to destroy completely Mountguard Sect. 对于周孜晴来说,只要她活下来了,总有一天她会灭掉护山宗的,只要她成为了八卦古国的妃子之后,就算没有中域圣地的长辈出手,只要她一声令下,也一样有千军万马灭掉护山宗 „The matter of today, stops!” At this time Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi complexion one cold, the sinking sound said. “今天之事,就到此为止!”此时焰旗圣坛主脸色一冷,沉声地说道。 He as 5-layer Heaven Heaven Ascending True God, take action supports the own disciple, that is not easy, if not Zhou Ziqing has the broad future, he cannot such dragging in too many people. 他作为一尊五重天登天真神,出手力挺自己的弟子,那已经不容易了,如果不是周孜晴有着远大的前程,他也不会如此的劳师动众。 Only those who make Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi be a pity, Sage Crown on Guo Jiahui top of the head they have not succeeded in obtaining, this is he most regrettable matter. 唯一让焰旗圣坛主可惜的是,郭佳慧头顶上的圣贤冠他们还没有到手,这是他最遗憾的事情。 Sees such a, cultivator powerhouse blankly look at each other on the scene, Zhou Ziqing losses, Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi over, this can be said as inequality very now forcefully, but, how is unfair, who called Mountguard Sect to be only third-rate Sect. 看到这样的一幕,在场的修士强者都不由面面相觑,周孜晴了,现在焰旗圣坛主强行出头,这可以说是十分的不公平,但是,不公平又如何,谁叫护山宗只是一个三流门派 If, the Mountguard Sect strength and Central Territory Holy Land are equivalent, then Central Territory Holy Land does not dare absolutely such act wilfully, but, Mountguard Sect is unable to compare with Central Territory Holy Land now, what kind of attitude therefore Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi does not care about Mountguard Sect to have. 如果说,护山宗的实力与中域圣地相当的话,那么中域圣地绝对不敢如此的为所欲为,但是,现在护山宗根本就无法与中域圣地相比,所以焰旗圣坛主也根本不在乎护山宗有怎么样的态度。 Escapes on this looks at Zhou Ziqing helplessly, although in Li Jiankun their hearts indignants disturbed, but also has no alternative, they absolutely do not have the strength and Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi contending. 就这样眼睁睁地看着周孜晴逃过一劫,李建坤他们心里面虽然忿忿不平,但又无可奈何,他们根本就没有实力与焰旗圣坛主抗衡 Since came, but also wants to walk?” When Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi wants to carry off Zhou Ziqing, Li Qiye then languidly said: Came well, leaves behind your heads.” “既然来了,还想走吗?”就在焰旗圣坛主想带走周孜晴的时候,李七夜这才慢吞吞地说道:“来了就好,把你们的头颅都留下吧。” Hears the Li Qiye's words, Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi turns around suddenly, cold to look at Li Qiye, his coldly looks at Li Qiye, said slowly: „The matter of today, stops, worries over for nothing not, otherwise, today is your times of death.” 听到李七夜的话,焰旗圣坛主霍然转过身来,冷视李七夜,他冷冷地看着李七夜,徐徐地说道:“今天之事,就到此为止,莫自寻烦恼,否则,今天便是你们的死期。” Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi this saying to be straightforward, without a doubt, what kind of price, their flame flag Holy Land will guarantee Zhou Ziqing. 焰旗圣坛主这话已经再直白不过了,毫无疑问,不论是怎么样的代价,他们焰旗圣地都会把周孜晴保下来的。 Right?” Li Qiye smiled lazily, said: This saying many people have said to me, but, said that the person of this saying, has died.” “是吗?”李七夜懒洋洋地笑了一下,说道:“这话很多人对我说过,不过,说这话的人,都已经死了。” Reckless thing!” Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi both eyes one severe, cold voice said: You are not only Mountguard Sect Master Ancestor, should be the Mountguard Sect welfare considers, otherwise, my Central Territory Holy Land can let your Mountguard Sect vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke casually, lets your Mountguard Sect no longer exist(ence).” “不知死活的东西!”焰旗圣坛主双目一厉,冷声地说道:“你既是护山宗师祖,就该为护山宗的福祉着想,否则,我中域圣地随随便便都可以让你们护山宗灰飞烟灭,让你们护山宗不复存在。” Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi this does not hide shortcomings, directly threatened Mountguard Sect, was regards Mountguard Sect not to have the thing. 焰旗圣坛主这已经不是护短了,直接威胁护山宗了,也是视护山宗无物。 Although this saying to be not very of pleasant to hear, is not pleasant to the ear, but, outside school ground everyone felt that at this time, if Li Qi depends upon their Mountguard Sect really to knock with Central Territory Holy Land hardly, that is very unwise action, that is seeks to perish, after all, the great strength of Central Territory Holy Land, is the matter that the world person is obvious to all. 这话虽然十分不好听,也不中听,但是,校场外的所有人都觉得,在这个时候如果李七依靠他们护山宗真的与中域圣地硬磕的话,那是十分不明智之举,那是自寻灭亡,毕竟,中域圣地的强大,是天下人有目共睹的事情。 Even Li Qiye such Mountguard Sect Master Ancestor is powerful, wants to resist with Central Territory Holy Land, that still fights a hopeless battle without doubt, depending on his strength, is impossible to shake Central Territory Holy Land, that is just brings death. 就算李七夜这么一位护山宗师祖再强大,想与中域圣地对抗,那也无疑是以卵击石,凭他一个人之力,根本就不可能撼动中域圣地,那只不过是送死而已。 „Is Central Territory Holy Land, what thing?” Li Qiye is disinclined to pay attention to Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi, said lightly: Stirring up me is unhappy, extinguishes your Central Territory Holy Land, that is also the slight effort.” 中域圣地,算什么东西?”李七夜根本就懒得理会焰旗圣坛主,淡淡地说道:“惹得我不开心,灭你们中域圣地,那也是举手之劳。” This boy must be insane insanely.” Hears Li Qiye this saying time, everyone outside school ground looked at each other, some powerhouses find it ridiculous, shakes the head. “这小子得了失心疯了吧。”听到李七夜这话的时候,校场外的所有人都不由相视了一眼,有些强者都觉得好笑,不由摇了摇头。 This boy, although was known as that is Mountguard Sect Master Ancestor, but rather sat the well view day, depending on him, wants to shake Central Territory Holy Land, that really overreached oneself, he was used to Mountguard Sect horizontally, in Mountguard Sect he most powerful, thought own unmatched in the world.” Has the Large Sect elder to hear the Li Qiye such rampant words, shakes the head. “这小子,虽然号称是护山宗师祖,但未免是太坐井观天了吧,凭他一个人,就想撼动中域圣地,那实在是太不自量力了,他是在护山宗横惯了吧,在护山宗他最强大,就认为自己天下无敌了。”有大教的长老听到李七夜这样嚣张的话,也不由摇了摇头。 Reckless thing.” Hears Li Qiye such words, Zhou Ziqing screams one immediately, how she will let up such opportunity, said to Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi: Altar lord, he insulted our Central Territory Holy Land, regarded our Central Territory Holy Land not to have the thing, should kill!” “不知死活的东西。”听到李七夜这样的话,周孜晴立即尖叫一声,她怎么会放过这样的机会呢,对焰旗圣坛主说道:“坛主,他侮辱我们中域圣地,视我们中域圣地无物,该杀!” She suffers a loss in the Li Qiye hand, was slapped by Li Qiye ruthlessly, she regards as the great shame, harbors resentment in the heart, now finally makes her catch the opportunity of retaliation, how she will let off. 她在李七夜手中吃了大亏,被李七夜狠狠掌嘴,她视为奇耻大辱,怀恨于心,现在终于让她抓到了报复的机会了,她又怎么会放过呢。 Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi immediately both eyes one cold, revealed fearful killing intent, even if did not have instigation of Zhou Ziqing, he will not let off Li Qiye. 焰旗圣坛主顿时双目一冷,露出了可怕的杀机,就算是没有周孜晴的怂恿,他也不会放过李七夜 Li Qiye is in front of the world person to shame their Central Territory Holy Land, how he will give up, let alone, he does not place in Mountguard Sect the eye. 李七夜当着天下人的面羞辱他们中域圣地,他又怎么会就此罢休呢,更何况,他根本就不把护山宗放在眼中。 Now Mountguard Sect not well-known Master Ancestor dares to speak to insult their Central Territory Holy Land unexpectedly, that is brings about own destruction. 现在护山宗的一位不知名的师祖竟然敢出言侮辱他们中域圣地,那是自寻死路。 At this time, Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi big hand wields, outside the school ground makes a long-range raid the large military forces to come instantaneously, this large military force is the vigor installs the man, looks at one has not been the weak one, they flushed, Guo Jiahui their surround, hears clang-- the long sword has the sheath sound instantaneously all round, sees only them to draw a sword completely in the hand, coldly looks at Guo Jiahui they, they will kill Guo Jiahui momentarily. 此时,焰旗圣坛主大手一挥,校场外瞬间奔袭进大队人马来,这一大队人马全是劲装汉子,一看没有一个是弱者,他们冲了进来,瞬间把郭佳慧他们团团围住,听到“锵——”的长剑出鞘声,只见他们全部拔剑在手,冷冷地看着郭佳慧他们,随时都会把郭佳慧他们砍杀。 Guo Jiahui their complexion big change, composes great formation immediately, is ready in full battle array. 郭佳慧他们脸色大变,立即组成大阵,严阵以待。 Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi went forward to step one step, „” a resonate sound, his behind flame flags spout the inexhaustible ray, his whole body was divine flame shoots up to the sky, at once, the flags blocked the sky, under this flags, Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi looked like a giant, Divine Power was torrential, he is pinching the arrogant imposing manner, went to the Li Qiye steamroll. 焰旗圣坛主上前跨了一步,“蓬”的一声响起,他身后的一面面焰旗喷涌出了无穷无尽的光芒,他全身是神焰冲天而起,一时之间,旌旗遮天蔽日,在这旌旗之下,焰旗圣坛主就像是一尊巨人,神威滔滔,他挟着凌人的气势,向李七夜碾压而去。 I must have a look at your Mountguard Sect Master Ancestor but actually, somewhat skill.” Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi cold Sen smiles. “我倒要看看你这位护山宗师祖,有几分本事。”焰旗圣坛主冷森一笑。 Meanwhile, his big hand wields, orders: Begins, dismembers their chaotic blade, does not keep a living witness!” 同时,他大手一挥,下令:“动手,把他们乱刀分尸,不留一个活口!” Then, Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi takes down the flags in the hand, smiles to Li Qiye densely, said: You first help oneself you, first rescues your younger generation? Your own choice.” 说完,焰旗圣坛主取下旌旗在手,对李七夜森然一笑,说道:“你是先自救你,还是先救你的晚辈呢?你自己选择吧。” Clang, clang and clang......” sword cry resound, soldiers and horses instantaneous shape under flame flag altar/jar, seeing only the sword wave is torrential, they cuts to kill to go to Guo Jiahui, the dreadful sword wave they submerges Guo Jiahui instantaneously. “铛、铛、铛……”的一声声剑鸣响起,焰旗坛下的兵马瞬间形阵,只见剑浪滔滔,向郭佳慧他们斩杀而去,滔天的剑浪瞬间把郭佳慧他们淹没。 Saw that the sword wave is dreadful, Guo Jiahui their complexion changes , the soldiers and horses under flame flag altar/jar, were without a doubt more powerful than their seven people too many, that feared that their life and death wrestled, was not their opponents. 看到剑浪滔天,郭佳慧他们不由脸色一变,毫无疑问,焰旗坛下的兵马,比他们七个人强大得太多了,那怕他们生死一搏,都远不是他们的对手。 Meanwhile, Holy Altar Lord Yan Qi cried loud and long, the flags dance in hand, cut to kill to Li Qiye under. 与此同时,焰旗圣坛主长啸一声,手中的旌旗狂舞,向李七夜斩杀而下。 When the flags dance, just like the sidereal revolution to rock, sun and moon stars is swaying to continue, the universe reverses probably is the same, when the flame flag cuts, sky seems like broken out is the same. 在旌旗狂舞的时候,犹如周天在晃动,日月星辰在摇晃不止,乾坤好像是倒转一样,在焰旗斩下的时候,天空好像是被劈开一样。
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