ED :: Volume #28

#2753: strength of team

At this time, Treasure Pearl Seven Stars Divine Storehouse Formation presented the enormous flaw, this is defeats Guo Jiahui they best time. 在这个时候,宝玑七星神藏阵出现了极大的破绽,这是击败郭佳慧他们最好的时机。 What a pity, at this time, Zhou Ziqing basic on unable to breathe, True Qi discontinued, Emperor's Sword in hand wants to cut to strike again is very difficult, is unable to take advantage to win the pursuit. 可惜,在这个时候,周孜晴根本就喘不过气来,真气不继,手中的帝剑想再斩出一击都十分困难,根本就无法去趁胜追击。 In fact, Zhou Ziqing also saw this once in a thousand years time at this time, saw Guo Jiahui their Peerless great formation presented the fatal flaw, but, she is helpless, can only looks at this time pass helplessly. 事实上,周孜晴在这个时候也看到了这千载难逢的时机,也看出了郭佳慧他们的绝世大阵出现了致命的破绽,但,她却无能为力,只能是眼睁睁地看着这个时机流逝。 In this electrical spark light, Guo Jiahui they also realized all of a sudden they Treasure Pearl Seven Stars Divine Storehouse Formation presented the flaw, they sink to drink one, no matter carries how heavy wound, the homing, secured the position at the maximum speed instantaneously. 在这石火电光之间,郭佳慧他们也一下子意识到了他们的“宝玑七星神藏阵”出现了破绽,他们沉喝一声,不管身负多么重的伤,都以最快的速度归位,瞬间稳住了阵脚。 Hears buzz a resonate sound, they holds one's ground in Li Jiankun and Guo Jiahui in an instant, Treasure Pearl Seven Stars Divine Storehouse Formation appeared again the ray, their Peerless great formation forms the situation in this moment again, the fatal flaw that just presented dissipates to go all of a sudden. 听到“嗡”的一声响起,在李建坤郭佳慧他们稳住阵脚的刹那之间,宝玑七星神藏阵再一次浮现了光芒,在这一刻他们的绝世大阵又再一次形成大势,刚刚出现的致命破绽又是一下子消逝而去。 Pitifully.” Some many the big sects and countries powerhouses and Old Ancestor see such a , sighs with regret one sigh with emotion, who saw such a, so long as the competent powerhouse, understands that was defeated Guo Jiahui a moment ago their Peerless great formation best time, was cuts to kill Guo Jiahui they most suitable time. “可惜了。”有很多大教疆国的强者、老祖看到这样的一幕,也不由感慨地叹惜一声,谁都看到了这样的一幕,只要有实力的强者,都明白刚才是击破郭佳慧他们绝世大阵的最好时机,也是斩杀郭佳慧他们最适合的时机。 At this moment, was actually missed by Zhou Ziqing in vain. 没有想到,此时此刻,却被周孜晴白白地错过了。 This, was dangerous.” Saw Li Jiankun they hold one's ground the time again, Treasure Pearl Seven Stars Divine Storehouse Formation erupted its strong might again, this made some Old Ancestor shake the head gently. “这一下,悬了。”看到李建坤他们再一次稳住阵脚的时候,宝玑七星神藏阵又再一次爆发出了它强大的威力,这让有些老祖轻轻地摇了摇头。 Before has not made war, everyone believes, makes the Central Territory Holy Land outstanding disciple, Zhou Ziqing must cut to kill Mountguard Sect only several disciples, that has what difficulty, ten moves of eight moves can also make their heads fall to the ground. 在未开战之前,所有人都认为,作出中域圣地优秀的弟子,周孜晴要斩杀护山宗的区区几个弟子,那有何难,十招八招也能让他们脑袋落地。 Begins , the Zhou Ziqing of strength above them in Guo Jiahui actually has not held the big advantage, finally including the best time in vain makes it pass. 没有想到,一动手之后,实力远在郭佳慧他们之上的周孜晴竟然没有占有多大的优势,最后连最好的时机都白白的让它流逝。 At this time, looks like in some experienced Old Ancestor, Zhou Ziqing is the advantage completely loses, she has missed the best time, this decisive battle odds of success is not big. 此时,在一些经验丰富的老祖看来,周孜晴已经是优势尽失,她已经错失了最好的时机,这一场决战胜算不大。 Everyone can look, Zhou Ziqing is in one vigorous effort, again however fades, three use up, she them does not have the powerful incomparable toughness like Guo Jiahui, seems like thousand to rub Bai Lian (hundred refinements) to be the same. 大家都看得出来,周孜晴是一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭,她不像郭佳慧他们那样具有强大无比的韧性,就好像是千磨百炼一样。 Calms down.” At this time Guo Jiahui they looked at each other, Li Jiankun sank to drink one, at this time, their seven person slowly surround Zhou Ziqing. “沉住气。”此时郭佳慧他们相视了一眼,李建坤沉喝一声,在这个时候,他们七个人缓缓地围住周孜晴 Hears bang, bang and bang resonate sound, as the god hides opens greatly, the Divine Light turnover, in Guo Jiahui their great formation raised slowly a god wall at the same time, another valuable shield appears in their whole bodies, to shelter them. 听到“轰、轰、轰”的一声声响起,随着神藏大开,神光吞吐,郭佳慧他们的大阵之中冉冉升起了一面又一面的神墙,一只又一只的宝浮现在他们的周身,以庇护着他们。 In this moment, Guo Jiahui they adopt the method of steadily hitting attacks steadily, surrounds Zhou Ziqing by the firmest defense and surrounding. 在这一刻,郭佳慧他们采取了稳打稳攻的方法,以最坚固的防御和包围困住周孜晴 They no longer spell with Zhou Ziqing hardly, does not show off power, but used the method of sieging the dragging, consumes Zhou Ziqing True Qi and blood energy. 他们不再与周孜晴硬拼,也不逞强,而是采用了围困拖延的方法,消耗周孜晴真气血气 Originally, before then, Zhou Ziqing is blood energy is sufficient, even protracted battle, she same can support is very long, what a pity, she stimulated to movement the sword of True Emperor by True Blood, although made her repel Guo Jiahui instantaneously they, making her have very big advantage. 本来,在此之前,周孜晴还算是血气充足,就算久战不下,她一样能支撑很久,可惜,她以真血催动了真帝之剑,虽然瞬间让她击退了郭佳慧他们,让她占了很大的优势。 What a pity, her True Blood is insufficient, after striking, True Qi cannot continue, then, this made all her of a sudden exposing the own drawback, accelerated her being defeated. 可惜,她真血不足,一击之后,真气无以为继,如此一来,这让她一下子把自己的弊端给暴露了,也加速了她的落败。 Thinks that this Miss is good to bully?” Zhou Ziqing can also look, Guo Jiahui they want to consume own True Qi, shouted angrily, at this time, she had gasped for breath finally, Emperor's Sword in hand one horizontal, heard clang, clang and clang the sound resounded, sword light such as the wind berserk rain was the same, the crazy impact, wanted to destroy Guo Jiahui their Peerless great formation. “以为本姑娘好欺负吗?”周孜晴也看得出来,郭佳慧他们想消耗自己真气,怒喝一声,在这个时候,她终于喘过气来了,手中的帝剑一横,听到“铛、铛、铛”的声音响起,剑芒如风狂暴雨一样,疯狂冲击而下,欲摧毁郭佳慧他们的绝世大阵 However, Guo Jiahui their onset and retreat has, the enemy enters , then draws back, the enemy draws back , then the enemy, does not shoulder with Zhou Ziqing hardly, then, several rounds attack, the sword potential of Zhou Ziqing is more and more weak, True Qi is more and more weak, slowly fell leeward. 但是,郭佳慧他们进退有度,敌进则退,敌退则敌,并不与周孜晴硬扛,如此一来,几轮攻伐下来,周孜晴的剑势是越来越弱,真气是越来越弱,慢慢地落入了下风。 In these are next, the Zhou Ziqing long and loud cry continues, are supporting several times, Emperor's Sword in hand rumbled strongly struck, such as the violent storm was the same, she also broke through Guo Jiahui taking advantage of the own most powerful offensive their Peerless great formation. 在这几次之中,周孜晴长啸不止,几次都是强撑着,手中的帝剑轰出了最强的一击,如狂风暴雨一样,她也借着自己最强大的攻势攻破郭佳慧他们的绝世大阵 What a pity, such offensive, is unable to break through Guo Jiahui they Treasure Pearl Seven Stars Divine Storehouse Formation, can only accelerates her True Qi consumption. 可惜,这样的攻势,根本就无法攻破郭佳慧他们的“宝玑七星神藏阵”,只能是加速她的真气消耗而已。 Fights for a long time, is more disadvantageous to Zhou Ziqing, she fell slowly leeward, is unable to turn the tide in favor again, as her True Qi is getting more and more weak, her offensive is also getting more and more weak, finally she was compelled to return to the sword to protect the body. 战得越久,对周孜晴就越不利,她慢慢地落入了下风,再也无法挽回颓势,随着她的真气越来越弱,她的攻势也越来越无力,最后她被逼得回剑护体。 Although was Zhou Ziqing had fallen leeward, has been unable to save the situation, can only be returns to the sword to protect the body, but, Guo Jiahui they were still not irritable, did not seek the anxious merit, has not launched the fierce attack to Zhou Ziqing. 尽管是周孜晴已经落入了下风,已经无力回天,只能是回剑护体,但是,郭佳慧他们依然不急不躁,不求急功,并没有对周孜晴发动凶猛的攻击。 At this time, Guo Jiahui they still attacked with steady steps, forced into the dead angle Zhou Ziqing step by step, is drawing in the battle formation, surrounded her firmly. 在这个时候,郭佳慧他们依然是稳步进攻,一步又一步地把周孜晴逼入死角,收拢着阵势,牢牢地把她困住。 Game is as good as lost-- sees such a, many older generation powerhouses shake the head, they could have looked, the Zhou Ziqing losing battle has decided that is unable to save the situation. “大势已去——”看到这样的一幕,很多老一辈强者不由摇了摇头,他们已经看得出来,周孜晴败局已定,无力回天。 Such situation, simply stemming from everyone's anticipation, in starting, everyone thinks that Zhou Ziqing has victory in the hand , this time Zhou Ziqing was the losing battle has decided now unexpectedly. 这样的局势,简直就是出于所有人的意料,在开始的时候,所有人都认为周孜晴是胜券在握,没有想到,现在这个时候周孜晴竟然是败局已定。 It looks like in many Large Sect cultivator disciples and powerhouses, Guo Jiahui their such fighting methods, that created a miracle simply, exceeds two realm unexpectedly, can be more powerful than so own many opponent in dire straits, such achievement is really extraordinary. 在不少大教修士弟子、强者看来,郭佳慧他们这样的打法,那简直就是创造了一个奇迹,竟然超越两个境界,能把比自己强大得如此多的对手困死,这样的成就实在是了不起。 At this time, wants to say as the simultaneous/uniform peak Sword Saint several yawns of referee, wants to drink to stop, but swallowed down the own words finally. 此时,作为裁判的齐峰剑圣几次张口欲言,本想喝止,但最后还是把自己的话吞下去了。 Without a doubt, simultaneous/uniform peak Sword Saint stands this side Zhou Ziqing, their Qifeng Kingdom and Central Territory Holy Land itself/Ben has very good friendship, this he jumps to be the referee time, intended to favor Zhou Ziqing. 毫无疑问,齐峰剑圣是站在周孜晴这一边的,他们齐峰国中域圣地本就是有着很好的交情,这一次他跳出来做裁判,本就有意偏袒周孜晴 The situation will develop such aspect, at this time, even if he wants to favor Zhou Ziqing, cannot discover anything to give a pretext, after all, Guo Jiahui they not contrary. 没有想到,局势会发展到这样的局面,在这个时候,就算他想偏袒周孜晴,都找不出什么借口来,毕竟,郭佳慧他们没有违规。 Moreover, he cannot do too obviously, after all in Immortal Demon Dao Lineage, he is also the honored and popular character, cannot for a younger generation, making own disgraced. 而且,他不能做得太明显,毕竟在仙魔道统,他也是有头有脸的人物,总不能为了一个晚辈,让自己名声扫地。 As for these along with young male and female cultivator and Central Territory Holy Land that many disciples on the scene Zhou Ziqing comes, they see this, in the heart indignant disturbed, even some people drink pick, wants to disrupt Guo Jiahui their mind, is Zhou Ziqing catches the opportunity. 至于那些随周孜晴而来的年轻男女修士以及中域圣地在场的不少弟子,他们看到这一幕,心里面是忿忿不平,甚至有人喝倒采,想扰乱郭佳慧他们的心神,为周孜晴争取机会。 „It is not concerned about face, seven do hit one, Mountguard Sect always comes is not concerned about face?” Has with the Zhou Ziqing sentiment good young disciple, yelled said. “不要脸,七个打一个,护山宗一向来都这么不要脸吗?”有和周孜晴感情好的年轻弟子,不由大叫地说道。 Mountguard Sect does not have a face, others to win, can definitely resort to all means that otherwise, how they can crawl.” Has the Central Territory Holy Land disciple to taunt. 护山宗有什么脸,人家为了胜利,完全可以不择手段,不然,他们怎么能爬得起来呢。”有中域圣地的弟子是冷嘲热讽。 .................................... ……………………………… Although many Central Territory Holy Land disciples and Zhou Ziqing have good friendship young cultivator to speak to satirize Guo Jiahui they, wants to disrupt their mind, but, Guo Jiahui they remain unmoved, still acts calmly, is stranded Zhou Ziqing in formation center firmly, forced into the dead angle her step by step. 尽管是有不少中域圣地的弟子和周孜晴有好交情的年轻修士出言讽刺郭佳慧他们,想扰乱他们的心神,但是,郭佳慧他们不为所动,依然是沉着应战,牢牢地把周孜晴困在阵中,一步又一步地把她逼入了死角。 As they were suppressed by Guo Jiahui step by step, Zhou Ziqing True Qi was weakened time and time again, fights finally, she is the withering broom corn millet is dispirited, at this time she returned to the sword to protect the body to be difficult, at once, she they were wounded by Guo Jiahui several times, the body was the dripping with blood. 随着被郭佳慧他们一步又一步地压制,周孜晴真气被一次又一次地削弱,战到最后,她已经是萎糜不振,此时她连回剑护体都困难了,一时之间,她被郭佳慧他们几次击伤,身上是鲜血淋漓。 Finally, hears bang a resonate sound, Zhou Ziqing is unable to resist Guo Jiahui again they seven attacking step by step, was struck down by heavy shield on the ground, struck her spurted a blood. 最终,听到“砰”的一声响起,周孜晴再也无法抵得住郭佳慧他们七个的步步攻伐,被一记重击倒在地上,把她击得喷了一口鲜血。 Hears clang a resonate sound, a Guo Jiahui sword punctured, although Zhou Ziqing hides quickly, cannot puncture to her chest, but, was still a sword handle she sews on the ground, a sword pierced her shoulder. 听到“铛”的一声响起,郭佳慧一剑刺了过去,虽然周孜晴躲得快,没能刺到她的胸膛,但,依然是一剑把她钉在了地上,一剑刺穿了她的肩膀。 Stops-- in the life and death hangs in one, sinks to drink one as simultaneous/uniform peak Sword Saint of referee, drank to stop Guo Jiahui they. “住手——”就在生死悬于一线之时,作为裁判的齐峰剑圣沉喝一声,喝止住了郭佳慧他们。 Guo Jiahui they are wanting to strike to kill Zhou Ziqing, but, listening to arriving in full peak Sword Saint one to drink greatly, has to stop. 郭佳慧他们正欲击杀周孜晴,但,听到齐峰剑圣一声巨喝,不得不停下来。 Ok, this decisive battle stopped, Miss Zhou losses, you won.” Uneven peak Sword Saint walked, announced that said. “好了,这一场决战就到此为止,周姑娘,你们胜出。”齐峰剑圣走了过来,宣布地说道。 Cuts-- to listen to arriving in full peak Sword Saint such judging, some cultivator powerhouses outside the school ground cheered immediately but actually, somewhat disdained. “切——”听到齐峰剑圣这样的宣判,在校场外立即有一些修士强者倒喝彩,有些不屑。 Everyone can look, simultaneous/uniform peak Sword Saint favors Zhou Ziqing, is helping Central Territory Holy Land, but, everyone is not willing to offend Central Territory Holy Land and Eight Trigrams Ancient Kingdom, therefore, in many will of the people are even uncomfortable regarding such ruling, does not dare to say anything, most also drinks booing. 谁都看得出来,齐峰剑圣是偏袒周孜晴,是帮着中域圣地,只不过,大家都不愿意得罪中域圣地八卦古国而已,所以,就算有不少人心里面对于这样的判决不爽,也不敢多说什么,最多也就喝一声倒彩。 Did not say that dies?” Lu Ruoxi is unwilling. “不是说至死方休吗?”陆若熙就不甘心了。 This for a while other for a while.” The simultaneous/uniform peak Sword Saint complexion sinks, said: Samsara Mountain City, is the place of First Ancestor, the blood dyes the city, is disrespects to First Ancestor, today, stops, you win.” “此一时彼一时。”齐峰剑圣脸色一沉,说道:“轮回山城,乃是始祖之地,鲜血染城,乃是对始祖不敬,今天,就到此为止,你们胜出。” We do not obey!” The Guo Jiahui sinking sound said: Custom is the custom, since said dies, dies. She wants to kill our seven people, we kill her now, is in the rule!” “我们可不服从!”郭佳慧沉声地说道:“规矩就是规矩,既然说至死方休,就是至死方休。她想杀我们七人,我们现在杀了她,也是规则之中!” bold and arrogant!” Uneven peak Sword Saint drinks one severely, both eyes one severely, in both eyes the instantaneous turnover sword light, cold voice was saying: this king sentences you to win, this has conformed to the custom, cannot slaughter innocents again.” 放肆!”齐峰剑圣厉喝一声,双目一厉,双目之中瞬间吞吐着剑芒,冷声地说道:“本座判你们胜出,这已经符合规矩,不能再滥杀无辜。” This favored is too much.” Some even if Large Sect Old Ancestor also shake the head gently, but no one will stand is Guo Jiahui they supports, does not have artificial Guo Jiahui they to speak. “这偏袒有点过了。”就算是有些大教老祖也轻轻地摇了摇头,但没有人会站出来为郭佳慧他们撑腰,也没有人为郭佳慧他们说话。 After all, Mountguard Sect is just third-rate Sect, small and weak incomparable, that feared that they received the unfair treatment, no one will care, some people will not uphold justice for them, some people will not uphold the justice for them. 毕竟,护山宗只不过是三流门派而已,弱小无比,那怕他们受到了不公平的待遇,也没有人会在意,也不会有人会为他们仗义,更不会有人为他们主持公道。 After all, if Mountguard Sect upholds justice, that offended Central Territory Holy Land and Eight Trigrams Ancient Kingdom, went against the simultaneous/uniform peak Sword Saint's face, who is willing for small sect small school, to offend so many people all of a sudden, moreover is the big sects and countries. 毕竟,如果说为护山宗仗义,那就是得罪了中域圣地八卦古国,也是逆了齐峰剑圣的面子,谁人愿意为了一个小门小派,一下子得罪那么多人,而且都是大教疆国
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