ED :: Volume #27

#2699: Passes on the position

Bingchi Hanyu silently place nod, in heart does not abandon. 兵池含玉默默地点了点头,心里面万般的不舍。 Li Qiye takes out Immortal Execution Three Swords, bestows to her, said slowly: Your Bingchi Family good soldier, I believes that this Sword Formation in your hands, will blossom in radiant splendor surely.” 李七夜取出诛仙三剑,赐于给她,徐徐地说道:“你们兵池家善兵,我相信这个剑阵在你手中,必定会大放异彩。” Bingchi Hanyu received Immortal Execution Three Swords, said gently: I will not disappoint.” Finally, turns around to leave. 兵池含玉收入了诛仙三剑,轻轻地说道:“我不会辜负的。”最后,转身离开。 However, has not walked far, Bingchi Hanyu cannot bear turn around, invested in the Li Qiye's bosom all of a sudden, closely held in the arms the Li Qiye's neck, cannot bear offer the fragrant lip of own, is tangled up with the own one's beloved. 但是,没走多远,兵池含玉忍不住转过身来,一下子投入了李七夜的怀中,紧紧地搂住了李七夜的脖子,忍不住奉上自己的香唇,与自己的心上人缠绵起来。 Blazing incomparable kissing, is not willing to let loose for a very long time, Bingchi Hanyu closely is hugging, this is last minute corrupt happy, this leaves, when she does not know can see again/goodbye to him. 一阵炽热无比的吻吮,久久不愿意放开,兵池含玉紧紧地抱着,这是最后一刻的贪欢,这一别,她也不知道何年何月能再见到他。 I will be waiting for you, has been waiting for you, that fears the dry seas and crumbling rocks, I continuously here.” Finally Bingchi Hanyu said gently. “我会等着你的,一直等着你,那怕海枯石烂,我一直都在这里。”最后兵池含玉轻轻地说道。 Her talk between lovers gently that firm powerful, the pledge of that not regret. 她这轻轻的情话是那么的坚定有力,那是不悔的誓言。 Finally, Bingchi Hanyu let loose Li Qiye, turned around to run off, the form disappeared in the corridor. 最后,兵池含玉放开了李七夜,转身跑开了,身影消失在长廊之中。 looks at Bingchi Hanyu vanishes the form that goes, Li Qiye is silent for a very long time, finally sighed gently, in the heart is also disappointed. 看着兵池含玉消失而去的身影,李七夜不由久久地沉默起来,最后轻轻地叹息了一声,心里面也不由为之怅然。 Since billion years, he experienced many life and death leaves depart, but, his heart still has not died, his heart still not numb, he still does not have a heart of stone, his heart is beating blazingly. 千百万年以来,他经历了多少的生死别离,但是,他心依然没死,他的心依然没有麻木,他依然不是铁石心肠,他的心还是炽热地跳动着。 Before departure, Li Qiye held turned over the throne to another congress, Nine Secrets Dao Lineage all Sect inheritance has the Old Ancestor powerhouse to participate, was entire Emperor Lineage World all Dao Lineage sends most powerful Old Ancestor to participate, came to participate by the highest specification, it may be said that was incomparable grand and gravity. 在离开之前,李七夜举行了禅让大会,九秘道统的所有门派传承都有老祖强者参加,就是整个帝统界的所有道统都派有最强大的老祖参加,以最高规格前来参加,可谓是无比的隆重与庄重。 Under Sovereign Throne, gathers ten thousand numerous, head of the teaching, has Sect Old Ancestor, has peak Immortal True God. 皇座之下,聚有万众,有一教之首,有宗门老祖,更是有巅峰的不朽真神 The entire scene is magnificent incomparable, great incomparable, can say, also no one can have so strong rallying point in Emperor Lineage World again. 整个场面可谓是壮观无比,宏大无比,可以说,在帝统界再也没有谁能有着如此强大的号召力了。 In the current world, only needs Li Qiye a few words, then all lands comes to towards, moreover any Dao Lineage is most powerful Old Ancestor and status loftiest Immortal True God attended personally. 在当今天下,只需要李七夜一句话而言,便万域来朝,而且任何一个道统都是最强大的老祖、身份最为崇高的不朽真神亲自来出席。 Regarding the world person, to sees First Ominous Person sincerely, that is being honored of Supreme. 对于天下人来说,对谨见第一凶人,那已经是一种无上的荣幸了。 When Li Qiye walks slowly, becomes the entire scene focus all of a sudden, everyone's vision gathers at his body. 李七夜缓缓走出来的时候,一下子成为了整个场面的焦点,所有人的目光都聚集在他的身上。 Side him, there is a Liu Chuqing peer, has True Emperor Jiu Ning accompanying. 在他身边,有柳初晴同行,有九凝真帝随行。 That feared that is True Emperor Jiu Ning such 12 Palace True Emperor, appear here moment is overshadowed, under First Ominous Person Supreme ring of light, any exist(ence) appears is overshadowed. 那怕是九凝真帝这样的十二宫真帝,在这一刻都显得黯然失色,在第一凶人无上光环之下,任何存在都显得黯然失色。 Li Qiye sits above the throne, tranquil comfortable, without heaven frightening Divine Power, does not have the invincible imposing manner, lightly like water, even just like a mortal to be the same. 李七夜坐在皇位之上,平静自在,没有惊天神威,也没有无敌的气势,平淡如水,甚至犹如一个凡人一样。 However, at this moment, regardless of you have how powerful Immortal True God, no matter you are the status have how lofty Old Ancestor, sees First Ominous Person time, turns very quiet, is respectful. 但是,此时此刻,不论你是有多么强大的不朽真神,不管你是身份有多么崇高的老祖,看到第一凶人的时候,都不由屏住呼吸,都是恭恭敬敬。 My sovereign long live, long live-- this time to shout loudly, everyone hong on the scene bends down kneel and worship on the ground, even is not the Nine Secrets Dao Lineage disciple, same shouted loudly with one voice, full of admiration. “吾皇万岁万岁,万万岁——”此时一声高呼,在场的所有人都訇伏跪拜在地上,就算不是九秘道统的弟子,都一样是齐声高呼,五体投地。 clear(ly) to today, that feared that First Ominous Person not series Emperor Lineage World, that feared that he did not have the soldier to send the world, but, he was the Emperor Lineage World uncrowned king, Supreme, therefore powerful Immortal True God, lofty Old Ancestor, knelt down sincerely on the ground, full of admiration. 明至今日,那怕第一凶人并没有一统帝统界,那怕他没有兵发天下,但,他都是帝统界的无冕之王,至高无上,所以再强大的不朽真神、再崇高的老祖,都心服口服地跪倒在地上,五体投地。 It can be said that can hong bend down under First Ominous Person Sovereign Throne, shouted loudly my sovereign, that is one type is honored. 可以说,能訇伏在第一凶人皇座之下,高呼吾皇,那都已经是一种荣幸了。 This such as Supreme First Ancestor is the same, among Whole World, is no one has the qualifications to see First Ancestor sincerely, is no one can have the qualifications to pay a visit First Ancestor. 这就如一尊至高无上始祖一样,举世之间,不是谁都有资格去谨见始祖的,不是谁都能有资格拜见始祖的。 Until now, is so, can hong under First Ominous Person Sovereign Throne bend down, that is now Emperor Lineage World most powerful exist(ence), is Old Ancestor that in Dao Lineage the position most venerates. 时至今日,也是如此,能在第一凶人皇座之下訇伏,那已经是当今帝统界最强大的存在了,已经是一个道统中地位最尊崇的老祖了。 All Old Ancestor and Immortal True God, hong bends down in the place, kneel and worship there, full of admiration, the scene is great, very stirring. 所有的老祖不朽真神,都訇伏于地,跪拜在那里,五体投地,场面宏大壮观,十分的震撼人心。 The Li Qiye vision sweeps, when his vision sweeps, in all will of the people trembled. 李七夜目光一扫而过,当他的目光一扫而过的时候,所有人心里面都不由颤了一下。 That feared that Li Qiye has not exploded invincible Divine Power, but only needs his vision to sweep gently, is Whole World is invincible, no matter you are invincible Immortal True God, is Supreme Old Ancestor, in this vision sweeps, cannot bear shiver, just like ants hong to bend down in the under foot of Highest Supreme is the same. 那怕李七夜没有暴发无敌的神威,但只需要他的目光轻轻一扫,就已经是举世无敌,不管你是无敌不朽真神,还是至尊老祖,在这目光一扫而过之时,都忍不住颤抖,犹如一只蝼蚁訇伏在无上至尊的脚下一样。 stand up-- Li Qiye gently nod, calm comfortable. 平身——李七夜轻轻地点头,淡定自在。 Thanked the Your Majesty gracious gift.” Everyone under Sovereign Throne does obeisance again, finally trembling with fear stood, after the even if world person stands got up, lowers the head, most also looked at Li Qiye one secretly, no one dares to horizontally view Li Qiye, does not dare to go with his vision looking at each other. “谢陛下恩赐。”皇座之下的所有人再拜,最后才战战兢兢地站了起来,就算是天下人站了起来之后,都低下头,最多也是偷偷地瞄了李七夜一眼,没有人敢去平视李七夜,更不敢去与他的目光对视。 At this time, everyone turned very quiet, waited for Li Qiye to speak. 在这个时候,所有人都屏住呼吸,都等待着李七夜发话。 Today, I also make a long story short.” Li Qiye looks at everyone, said slowly: Today, passes on situated in the empress, starting today, is held governing Dao Lineage by her, the world altogether reveres.” “今日,我也长话短说。”李七夜看着所有人,徐徐地说道:“今日,传位于娘娘,从今日起,由她掌御道统,天下共尊。” When Li Qiye such words, everyone on the scene was startled, when everyone has not recovered, Li Qiye has worn the imperial crown in the Liu Chuqing top of the head, held the throne Liu Chuqing personally. 李七夜这样的话一出,在场的所有人不由为之怔了一下,当所有人还没有回过神来之时,李七夜已经是把皇冠戴在了柳初晴的头顶上了,亲手把柳初晴扶上了皇位。 Everyone stayed, everyone has not thought suddenly, Li Qiye teaches the throne to Liu Chuqing unexpectedly. 所有人都呆了呆,大家都没有想到突然之间,李七夜竟然把皇位传授给柳初晴 Although everyone said is astonished, but with astonishment turns over to with astonishment, everyone hong bends down in the ground, shouted loudly: Your Majesty long live, long live!” 大家虽然说是惊愕,但是惊愕归惊愕,所有人都訇伏于地上,高呼道:“陛下万岁,万万岁!” At once, everyone kneels down, everyone is respectful, no one dares to disrespect slightly. 一时之间,所有人都跪倒在地,所有人都恭恭敬敬,没有任何人敢丝毫不敬的。 Until now, Li Qiye passes on, this person is where is actually sacred, is actually what kind of family background, these are unimportant. 时至今日,李七夜传位于人,这个人究竟是何方神圣、究竟是怎么样的出身,这些都已经不重要了。 When Li Qiye passes to Liu Chuqing the throne, then she is the Nine Secrets Dao Lineage only legitimate being in power person, she is the Nine Secrets Dao Lineage only emperor, her position is Supreme, the world altogether reveres. 李七夜把皇位传给柳初晴的时候,那么她就是九秘道统的唯一合法掌权人,她就是九秘道统唯一的皇帝,她的地位是至高无上,天下共尊。 Because no matter what reason makes Li Qiye pass to Liu Chuqing the throne, all these are unimportant, Li Qiye does not need to explain to the world. 不管是因为什么原因让李七夜把皇位传给柳初晴,这一切都并不重要,李七夜也不需要向世人解释。 He only need pass to Liu Chuqing to be able the throne, from that moment on, Liu Chuqing is the Nine Secrets Dao Lineage only legitimate being in power person, is the emperor who the world altogether reveres, this was enough. 他只需把皇位传给柳初晴便可,从这一刻起,柳初晴就是九秘道统唯一合法的掌权人,也是天下共尊的皇帝,这就足够了。 Therefore, when Li Qiye the throne passes to Liu Chuqing, the world person only needs respectfully to accept such result / to bear fruit then. 所以,当李七夜把皇位传给柳初晴的时候,天下人只需要恭恭敬敬地接受这样的一个结果便可以。 stand up-- finally Liu Chuqing nod, bestows everyone stand up. 平身——”最终柳初晴点头,赐所有人平身 From that moment on, Liu Chuqing then holds the governing Nine Secrets Dao Lineage Supreme authority, Nine Secrets Dao Lineage all Sect inheritance, must only she follow the lead. 从这一刻起,柳初晴便掌御九秘道统无上权柄,九秘道统的所有门派传承,都必须唯她马首是瞻。 Even can say, when Liu Chuqing sits this throne, she is the Emperor Lineage World uncrowned king, the world altogether reveres! 甚至可以说,当柳初晴坐上这个皇位之时,她便是帝统界的无冕之王,天下共尊! First Ominous Person, must leave.” When Li Qiye passes on situated in Liu Chuqing, many powerful incomparable Immortal True God understood a this is what matter. 第一凶人,要离开了。”当李七夜传位于柳初晴的时候,不少强大无匹的不朽真神明白这是怎么一回事了。 When he passes to Liu Chuqing the throne, that means that is Liu Chuqing inherits his authority, inherits his will, is replaced First Ominous Person to keep watch this world by her, inspects this world. 当他把皇位传给柳初晴之时,那就意味着是柳初晴继承他的权柄,继承他的意志,由她来代替第一凶人守望这个世界,巡视这个天地。 The day, must come eventually, each generation of First Ancestor all, have 13 Fate Palaces him, have no reason to stay in Emperor Lineage World.” Regarding some ancient and decayed Old Ancestor, First Ominous Person leaves, this is also their expected things. “这一天,终究是要来的,每一代始祖皆是如此,拥有十三命宫的他,没有理由停留在帝统界。”对于一些古朽老祖而言,第一凶人离开,这也是他们意料之中的事情。 After all, like Li Qiye, like Li Qiye, has 13 Fate Palaces him powerful shockingly, had founded the Emperor Lineage World greatest miracle, exist(ence) like him, will certainly soar in Nine Heavens, has the vast world above Emperor Lineage World, no matter what he saunters to fly in circles, has a broader journey to make him go on an expedition. 毕竟,强大如李七夜,惊艳如李七夜,拥有十三命宫的他,已经开创了帝统界最了不起的奇迹了,像他这样的存在,必将会腾飞于九天,在帝统界之上还有更广袤的天地任他去遨翔,有着更远大的征程让他去征战。 Everyone understands, is so powerful incomparable exist(ence) like First Ominous Person, stays in Emperor Lineage World, that is careless and wasteful use of nature's products, radically is the not possible matter. 所有人都明白,像第一凶人这么强大无匹的存在,停留在帝统界,那是暴殄天物,根本就是不可能的事情。 Knowing First Ominous Person is going to leave, in many will of the people the taste, some people like in every possible way, some people sigh with emotion, some people moved...... 得知第一凶人将要离开,不少人心里面百般滋味,有人欢喜,有人感慨,也有人怅然若失…… Situation will open, will certainly incomparable lively radiant.” At this time, there is a Old Ancestor forecast in the future, how they have been able to see the future situation to be able. “大势将启,必将会无比的繁华璀璨。”在这个时候,也有老祖展望未来,他们已经能看到未来的大势将会如何了。 No matter how said, this biography grand ceremony very magnificent, very stirring, the day gets down toward, this established the Liu Chuqing position all of a sudden. 不管如何说,这一场的传位大典十分的壮观,十分的震撼人心,天下来朝,这一下子奠定了柳初晴的地位。 After all, Liu Chuqing is holds the throne by First Ominous Person personally, she and Li Qiye's relate are also the world person all know, therefore, when Liu Chuqing sits above the throne, the world person altogether reveres, world person don't dares not, since. 毕竟,柳初晴乃是由第一凶人亲手扶上皇位,她与李七夜的关系也是天下人皆知,所以,当柳初晴坐在皇位之上的时候,天下人共尊,天下人莫敢不从。 Brand-new era, will be opened by the empress.” Some people also sigh with emotion incomparably. “一个全新的时代,将会是由娘娘开启。”有人也不由感慨无比。 As for Liu Chuqing, sits above the throne, tranquil free, was educated by Li Qiye's, she also slowly becomes that light calm, she is not that Little Miss, now she is Emperor Supreme who rules the world. 至于柳初晴,坐于皇位之上,平静自由,受到李七夜的薰陶,她也慢慢地变得那么的平淡镇定,她已经不是那个小姑娘了,现在她已经是君临天下的无上皇帝。 Although said, the path of growth is very long, but, Liu Chuqing she effort, will not disappoint own man. 虽然说,成长的道路还很漫长,但是,柳初晴她会更加的努力,不会辜负自己男人的期望。 When Liu Chuqing calmly sits above the throne, she does not have the pleasant surprise, is only looks at Li Qiye, her in the eye only has a Li Qiye person in this moment. 柳初晴静静地坐在皇位之上的时候,她也没有惊喜,只是看着李七夜,在这一刻她眼中只有李七夜一个人而已。 What rules the world, what Supreme authority, what world altogether reveres, at this time, in her eyes seemed unimportant, was such was not worth raising, in her eyes only then the own man, in this world, there's nothing can compare favorably with her man. 什么君临天下,什么无上权柄,什么天下共尊,在这个时候,在她眼中都显得不重要,都是那么的不值得提,在她眼中只有自己的男人,在这世间,没有什么能比得上她的男人了。 Leaves, therefore Liu Chuqing is also willing to look like this, because leaves, she does not know when in the future can see again/goodbye to him, leaves after today, becomes will part forever. 离别将在,所以柳初晴也愿意这样一直看下去,因为一别之后,她也不知道未来什么时候才能再见到他了,或者,今天一别之后,将会成为永别。 Therefore, on the same day the servant to she congratulated, she only wants to look at own man one, only wants such looks at she, in addition, to have no other desire. 所以,当天下人向她恭贺的时候,她只想多看自己的男人一眼,只想一直这样看着她,除此之外,别无他求了。 Li Qiye also sighed gently, is grasping her white hands, said gently: This you.” 李七夜也不由轻轻地叹息一声,握着她的玉手,轻轻地说道:“该你了。” Finally, Liu Chuqing recovers, is grasping his big hand, followed Li Qiye to stand slowly. 最终,柳初晴回过神来,握着他的大手,也跟随着李七夜缓缓地站了起来。
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