ED :: Volume #27

#2696: Grand Dao what changed/easy

The world is silent, Li Qiye also static good, lies to look blustery, comfortably by heart. 天下寂静,李七夜也静好,卧看风起云涌,自在由心。 At that moment, Nine Secrets Dao Lineage is also good, the matter of the world, Li Qiye did not care, moreover in immediately, peace throughout the country, is peaceful, does not need Li Qiye to worry. 当下,九秘道统也好,天下之事也罢,李七夜都不关心,而且在当下,天下太平,一切都安宁,更无需李七夜操心。 Lies in the Emperor's garden, looks at deep blue sky, flower fragrance intoxicant, the warm braw is intermittent, has the comfortableness and satisfaction of being able saying that at this moment, to a human world static good feeling. 静卧于御花园,看着蔚蓝的天空,花香醉人,暖风阵阵,有着说不出来的自在与惬意,此时此刻,给一种人世间静好的感觉。 Lies to lie down there, just like fell asleep was the same , just like is the world as one. 卧躺在那里,犹如是睡着了一样,又犹如是天地为一体。 Also has not known how long, clear Ling's fragrant Feng Piao/breeze came, fairy is pleasant, this is True Emperor Jiu Ning. 也不知过了多久,一阵清泠的香风飘来,仙女入眼,这正是九凝真帝 True Emperor Jiu Ning had not left, since coming back, she then kept Nine Secrets Dao Lineage, although said that immediately is the Li Qiye palm holds the world power, is being run entire Nine Secrets Dao Lineage by Li Qiye. 九凝真帝一直都没有离开,自从回来之后,她便留在了九秘道统,虽然说当下已经是李七夜掌执天下大权,由李七夜掌管着整个九秘道统 However, True Emperor Jiu Ning still decides idly comfortably, here such as the own family/home is still the same, in fact, here also indeed is her family/home, she also grows up in Nine Secrets Dao Lineage. 但是,九凝真帝依然闲定自在,在这里依然如自己的家一样,事实上,这里也的的确确是她的家,她也是在九秘道统长大的。 That feared that Li Qiye and Emperor Tai Qing had grievances, but, did not have the slight barrier in the True Emperor Jiu Ning heart, between she and Li Qiye, decided the nature idly, seemed like the old friend to meet by chance to be the same. 那怕李七夜太清皇恩怨了,但是,在九凝真帝心里面却没有丝毫的隔阂,她与李七夜之间,是那么的闲定自然,就好像是老朋友相逢一样。 True Emperor Jiu Ning sits down side Li Qiye, looks at lies is lying down Li Qiye, but smiles lightly. Her beautiful like Heavenly Immortal, smiles lightly, it may be said that is devastatingly beautiful, making sun and moon be overshadowed. 九凝真帝李七夜身旁坐下,看着卧躺着的李七夜,只是淡淡地一笑。她美如天仙,淡淡一笑,可谓是倾国倾城,让日月都黯然失色。 You have the concern.” The palm of True Emperor Jiu Ning turns round in the Li Qiye's head gently, her white hands warm belt/bring is cool, turns round above the forehead gently, there is a cool feeling to flow, making people all over the body happy. “你可是有心事。”九凝真帝的手掌轻轻地覆于李七夜的头颅,她的玉手温中带凉,轻轻覆于头额之上,有股凉意在流淌着,让人通体舒畅。 Li Qiye opened the eyes, the looks at True Emperor Jiu Ning that beautiful Wushuang/matchless face, said lightly with a smile: all ages wind and cloud, but is the white horse crosses the crack, is far from what concern.” 李七夜睁开了双眼,看着九凝真帝那美丽无双的脸庞,淡淡地笑着说道:“万世风云,只不过是白马过隙而已,谈不上什么心事。” „The all ages wind and cloud, regarding you, perhaps is serene, but, human world, most lets only one that the person does not abandon sentiment character, the friendship, kinship, love and fellow officer sentiment of...... world are numerous, does to one sentiment character.” True Emperor Jiu Ning has the dust to be unusual, is much more beautiful. 万世风云,对于你,或许是风轻云淡,但是,人世间,最让人不舍的无外乎一个‘情’字,友情、亲情、爱情、同袍之情……世间林林总总,又奈何一个‘情’字。”九凝真帝出尘超凡,美丽得让人窒息。 Li Qiye smiled lightly, selected nod, takes a broad view to look out into the distance deep blue sky. Finally, said slowly: Solitarily on however, does Immortal Lineage World, it may be said that have difficult?” 李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,不由点了点头,放眼远眺着蔚蓝的天空。最后,徐徐地说道:“只身而上,仙统界,可谓有难?” Grand Dao is endless, did not have the easy two characters.” True Emperor Jiu Ning that such as the flower blossoms to fall the tranquil beauty, is really likable, making one look then can not forget with strong attachment. 大道漫漫,本就没有容易两字。”九凝真帝那如花开花落宁静的美丽,实在是让人喜欢,让人一看便能恋恋不忘。 Said well, Grand Dao is endless, indeed does not have the easy two characters.” Li Qiye claps hands to smile, said: If sought the easy two characters, why self-torture Grand Dao, made free Royal Noble.” “说得好,大道漫漫,的确是没有容易两字。”李七夜不由抚掌而笑,说道:“若求容易两字,又何必苦修大道呢,做个逍遥的王侯也罢。” To the in the world person, the Grand Dao easy two characters, to you, Grand Dao is not endless, only has the difficulty.” True Emperor Jiu Ning visual Li Qiye, probably looked at into the Li Qiye's eye pupil. “对于世人,大道没有容易两字,对于你而言,大道漫漫,唯有艰难。”九凝真帝目视着李七夜,好像是看入了李七夜的眼眸之中。 The Li Qiye deterrent world, 9 Heavens 10 Worlds all creature shiver under his Supreme Divine Power, world several people dare to look at each other with him , at this moment, True Emperor Jiu Ning looks straight ahead Li Qiye, just like to enter the Li Qiye's heart deep place to be the same. 李七夜威慑天下,九天十地的所有生灵都在他的无上神威之下颤抖,世间又有几人敢与他对视呢,但是,此时此刻,九凝真帝直视李七夜之时,犹如要进入李七夜的内心深处一样。 Li Qiye has not spoken, looks at deep blue sky, after crossing for a long time, smiles slowly, said: all ages is all difficult, there are why not, does not experience all difficulties, how also to stroll and be content with honorable poverty.” 李七夜没有说话,看着蔚蓝的天空,过了许久之后,才徐徐笑了笑,说道:“万世皆艰难,又有何妨,不经历万难,又如何闲庭信步、安步当车。” Invincible, considers so.” True Emperor Jiu Ning acclaimed one gently, her beautiful posture, she really can let world be infatuated fully, she said approvingly: Invincible, not only refers to Grand Dao, refers to Dao Heart. World who is the lifetime undefeated, loses to in people, is not fearful, only having a mind undefeated, will happen one day undefeated.” “无敌,当是如此。”九凝真帝不由轻轻赞叹一声,她的美姿,她实在是足可以让世人神魂颠倒,她赞叹地说道:“无敌,不仅仅指于大道,更是指于道心。世间又有谁是一生不败呢,兵败于人,并不可怕,唯有心不败,终有一天不败。” Regarding acclaiming of True Emperor Jiu Ning, Li Qiye smiles, does not have to reply, is only looks at deep blue sky. 对于九凝真帝的赞叹,李七夜笑了笑而已,也没有去回答,只是看着蔚蓝的天空 Does not know daoist brother, did you ask are what?” Crossed some little time, just like is the years is static, True Emperor Jiu Ning lies with Li Qiye shoulder to shoulder, very comfortable, very satisfied, two people just like have the hundredth friendship old friend to be the same. “不知道兄,你所求是何?”过了好一会儿,犹如是岁月静好,九凝真帝李七夜并肩而卧,也是十分的自在,十分的惬意,两个人犹如是有着百世交情的老朋友一样。 You thought that I did ask am what?” Li Qiye smiled lightly. “你觉得我所求是何?”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下。 Does not know.” True Emperor Jiu Ning shakes the head gently, said slowly: World invincible generation, I see in excess many, some people asked Longevity, some people strove for invincibly, some people hiked the peak, some people strove for pleased......” “不知。”九凝真帝轻轻摇首,徐徐地说道:“世间无敌之辈,我见过甚多,有人求长生,有人求无敌,有人登巅峰,也有人求快意……” At this point, True Emperor Jiu Ning, she shook the head gently, said: As for daoist brother, I do not know. I look like, daoist brother asked that was not Longevity, was not invincible, was not the peak. Because daoist brother invincible, stands in the peak, this is not daoist brother strives. But, daoist brother, in the heart strove for finally, but I was ordinary people, is unable to estimate daoist brother to ask.” 说到这里,九凝真帝顿了一下,她轻轻地摇首,说道:“至于道兄,我不知。我看来,道兄所求,并非是长生,也并非是无敌,也不并非是巅峰。因为道兄已经无敌过,也站于巅峰过,这都不是道兄所求。但,道兄,心中终是有求,只是我乃是凡夫俗子而已,无法揣摩道兄所求。” Ha, ha, Ha......” Li Qiye smiled, stroked beautiful hair on True Emperor Jiu Ning shoulder gently, said with a smile: If you are ordinary people, then the world is vulgar, the custom cannot see.” “哈,哈,哈……”李七夜不由笑了起来,不由轻轻地拂了一下九凝真帝肩上的秀发,笑着说道:“如果你都是凡夫俗子,那么世人庸俗不堪,俗不可入目。” Must such appreciation, True Emperor Jiu Ning be also light smiles, such as Heavenly Immortal she, has the dust alone world, is really beautiful Wushuang/matchless, so beautiful, only on Yingtian had. 得如此的赞赏,九凝真帝也只是淡淡一笑,如天仙的她,出尘独世,实在是美丽无双,如此的美丽,只应天上有。 Crossed some little time, True Emperor Jiu Ning turns the head gently, her frown and smile, are beautiful Wushuang/matchless, making one palpitate with excitement. 过了好一会儿,九凝真帝轻轻侧首,她的一颦一笑,都是美丽无双,让人怦然心动。 I know, daoist brother, is not the person in world.” True Emperor Jiu Ning said gently: all ages is lively, the eternity mighty waves, in the daoist brother eye, that just will be the passing scene. daoist brother passes through from world, what stays behind was only legend, daoist brother takes a long journey, passed through the innumerable domains, where has not actually guarded.” “我所知,道兄,不是世间之人。”九凝真帝轻轻地说道:“万世繁华,千古波澜,在道兄眼中,那只不过是过眼烟云而已。道兄从世间走过,留下的只是传说,道兄一路远行,走过了无数的领域,却未曾在哪里驻守过。” At this point, True Emperor Jiu Ning has sigh with emotion, said: Perhaps bramble finch who knows soaring ambition, is not daoist brother does not settle down, but world is not worth daoist brother settling down. daoist brother takes a long journey, in that distant place, has thing that own pursues surely, such thing, regarding the daoist brother attraction, that exceeded all.” 说到这里,九凝真帝颇有感慨,说道:“燕雀安知鸿鹄之志,或许并非是道兄不驻足,只是世间并不值得道兄驻足而已。道兄远行,在那远方,必定有自己所追逐的东西,这样的东西,对于道兄的吸引力,那是超越了一切。” Long journey, not representative does not have to yearn, settles down, not representative yearns for anything.” Li Qiye said lightly: Long journey, perhaps to protect, but settles down, there is a possibility merely is because does not have the ability to take a long journey again.” “远行,不代表无所留恋,驻足,也不代表留恋什么。”李七夜淡淡地说道:“远行,或许为了守护,而驻足,也有可能仅仅是因为没有能力再去远行。” Long journey, perhaps to protect.” True Emperor Jiu Ning savors carefully these words, such one sentence is making one provide much food for thought that seems like that meaningful. “远行,或许为了守护。”九凝真帝细细地品味着这一句话,这样的一句话让人回味无穷,似乎是那么的隽永。 Crossed some little time, True Emperor Jiu Ning looks at Li Qiye, her beautiful incomparable elegant eyes is very profound, probably points to the innermost feelings to be the same. 过了好一会儿,九凝真帝看着李七夜,她那美丽无比的秀目无比深邃,好像是直指内心一样。 She said gently: What daoist brother protects is what? Person who own loves? Loves the own person? daoist brother protects is being this world, Three Thousand Worlds, the Eternal ups and downs, in this time river, who is keeping watch? Is who shoulders this great task?” 她轻轻地说道:“道兄所守护的是什么呢?自己所爱的人?还是爱自己的人?或者,道兄守护着乃是这个世界,三千世界,万古沉浮,在这时间长河之中,是谁在守望?是谁肩负起这个重责呢?” At this point, True Emperor Jiu Ning looks at Li Qiye's both eyes, her vision just like is the direct lighting entered the Li Qiye's eye pupil. 说到这里,九凝真帝看着李七夜的双目,她的目光犹如是直照入了李七夜的眼瞳。 „The world does not know, but, in this time river, some people are keeping watch finally, the bad risk between world, is above in people the imagination by far.” True Emperor Jiu Ning said slowly: In fact, the Sect life or death, individual rise and fall, perhaps to the in the world person, that are important incomparable. But in this time river, all sorts of matters, that is just the dust, insignificant. So long as this world ancient does not extinguish, all will be eternal.” “世人不知,但,在这时间长河之中,终是有人在守望着,天地间的凶险,是远远超乎于人的想象。”九凝真帝徐徐地说道:“事实上,宗门存亡,个人兴衰,或许对于世人而言,那是重要无比。但在这时间长河之中,种种之事,那只不过是尘埃而已,微不足道。只要这个世界亘古不灭,一切都将会永恒。” Therefore, this world, in this time river, some people are keeping watch.” At this point, True Emperor Jiu Ning that earnest, she wants to see what clue from the Li Qiye's pupil pupil. “所以,这世间,在这时间长河之中,有人在守望着。”说到这里,九凝真帝是那么的认真,她想从李七夜的眸瞳之中看出什么端倪来。 Li Qiye smiled, shakes the head gently, said: Girl, you wants to be many, I am not the towerman in this world, is not the Savior in this world, to me, world never has the Savior, or never has exist(ence) what Savior.” 李七夜不由笑了起来,轻轻地摇了摇头,说道:“丫头,你想多了,我不是这个世界的守望者,也不是这个世界的救世主,对于我来说,世间从来就没有救世主,或者从来就没有存在过什么救世主。” Alternatively, either is not.” True Emperor Jiu Ning shakes the head gently, said gracefully beautifully: That is only daoist brother your own does not think that own is a Savior, but, to the in the world person, this is the Savior. Cut Hundred Suns Daoist on such as daoist brother, then saved Emperor Lineage World, avoided Emperor Lineage World numerous Dao Lineage by devour(ing), therefore daoist brother in the world mind is a Savior.” “或者是,或者不是。”九凝真帝轻轻地摇了摇头,优雅美丽地说道:“那只是道兄自己不认为自己是救世主而已,但是,对于世人而言,这便是救世主。就如道兄斩了百日道人,便是拯救了帝统界,避免了帝统界众多的道统吞噬,所以道兄在世人心目中就是救世主。” That is only the world so thinks.” Li Qiye smiles lightly, shakes the head gently, said: Even if I do not cut Hundred Suns Daoist, you will still cut Hundred Suns Daoist, I cut it, that is only but conveniently is.” “那只是世人如此想而已。”李七夜淡淡地笑了笑,轻轻地摇了摇头,说道:“就算我不斩百日道人,你也会斩百日道人,我斩之,那只是随手而为。” True Emperor Jiu Ning does not congeal with a smile, when she did not speak with a smile, devastatingly beautiful, Heavenly Immortal same she was really makes one palpitate with excitement, lets person be infatuated. 九凝真帝只是含笑不凝,当她含笑不语之时,倾国倾城,天仙一样的她真的是让人怦然心动,让人神魂颠倒 „Do you cross Three Immortals obviously?” After a while, Li Qiye said lightly with a smile. “你可见过三仙?”过了一会儿,李七夜淡淡地笑着说道。 Hears Li Qiye such words, the True Emperor Jiu Ning manner concentrates, the manner is solemn at once, passed the moment, she shakes the head gently, said: Has not seen Three Immortals.” 听到李七夜这样的话,九凝真帝神态一凝,一时之间神态端庄起来,过了片刻,她轻轻摇首,说道:“没见过三仙。” At this point, True Emperor Jiu Ning, said slowly: vast of Immortal Lineage World, that is not Emperor Lineage World can compare, I cannot search completely completely. Above Immortal Lineage World, has a more remote place, some domains, or only have to break through First Ancestor, that can true stepping-, otherwise, that also slightly understands the fur/superficial knowledge.” 说到这里,九凝真帝顿了一下,徐徐地说道:“仙统界广袤,那不是帝统界所能相比,我也未能完全探尽。在仙统界之上,有着更遥远之地,有些领域,或者唯有突破始祖,那才能真正的涉足,否则,那也是略懂皮毛而已。” First Ancestor.” Li Qiye smiled lightly, said: You have this strength, there is this potential, only misses a mature time, always has another day, leap in heaven. The accumulation of first another, this is also a good deed, this can make you leap high.” 始祖呀。”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,说道:“你有这个实力,也有这个潜质,只差一个成熟的时机而已,总有他日,会飞跃于天。一世又一世的积累,这也是一件好事,这能让你飞跃得更高。” Receives the daoist brother auspicious words.” True Emperor Jiu Ning nod, said gently: Perhaps, when stepped into the First Ancestor domain, can story, broad, has unknown, hopes that can find out.” “承道兄吉言。”九凝真帝轻轻点头,说道:“或许,当踏入了始祖领域,所能见闻,才更加的广阔吧,有未知的,希望能一探究竟。” For example Three Immortals.” Li Qiye smiles. “比如三仙。”李七夜笑了笑。 True Emperor Jiu Ning smiled bitterly, that feared that she smiled bitterly gently, still that beautiful, that deeply moving. 九凝真帝不由苦笑了一下,那怕她轻轻地苦笑了一下,依然是那么的美丽,那么的动人心弦。 Three Immortals, is ancient incomparable legend.” True Emperor Jiu Ning shakes the head gently, said: Whether is real exist(ence) , makes one be hard the affirmation, only fears world, no one has seen Three Immortals, even if some people have seen Three Immortals, that only fears still few.” 三仙,是一个亘古无比的传说。”九凝真帝轻轻地摇首,说道:“是否是真的存在,也让人难于肯定,只怕世间,没有人见过三仙,就算有人见过三仙,那只怕也寥寥无几。”
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