ED :: Volume #27

#2693: True Emperor Jiu Ning

That fears dies, we must reveal own fangs.” The Emperor Tai Qing words are loud and clear, the clang clang is powerful. “那怕是死,我们也要露出自己獠牙。”太清皇的话掷地有声,锵铿有力。 looks at Emperor Tai Qing, Li Qiye smiled lightly, said: Somewhat the strength of spirit , I keep your entire corpse actually.” 看着太清皇,李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,说道:“倒是有几分骨气,也罢,我留你们一个全尸。” At this time, Emperor Tai Qing and Sun Lengying looked at each other, finally their nod, their master and servant two people three generations coexistence, a lot do not need to say a word layer on layer/heavily, often the look can pay attention. 此时,太清皇孙冷影相视了一眼,最后他们重重地一点头,他们主仆两人三世共存,很多事情已经不需要言语了,往往彼此之间一个眼神就能理会。 Killed-- at this time, a Emperor Tai Qing and Emperor Tai Qing liangs person drank one together, in this instantaneous, their two stuck out suddenly, the instantaneous bang killed to Li Qiye. “杀——”在这个时候,太清皇个人齐喝一声,在这瞬间,他们两个暴起,瞬间轰杀向了李七夜 Emperor Tai Qing take action, Sovereign Qi overwhelming, has to rule the potential of the world ; Sun Lengying take action, murders the unfeeling, the long sword like the poisonous snake, the sword sword is fatal, vicious incomparable. 太清皇出手,皇气浩然,有君临天下之势;孙冷影出手,杀伐绝情,长剑如毒蛇,剑剑致命,狠毒无比。 However, regardless of their take action is what kind of invincibility, everyone did not need to look, because everyone knows that was what kind of result / to bear fruit. 但是,不论他们两个人一出手是何等的无敌,大家都不用去多看了,因为大家都知道是怎么样的结果了。 Clang a resonate sound, in Emperor Tai Qing and Sun Lengying take action in an instant, Li Qiye picks conveniently, the sound of principle resounds, then took off two Dao Law to throw in this electrical spark light. “铛”的一声响起,就在太清皇孙冷影出手的刹那之间,李七夜只是随手一摘而已,法则之声鸣响,在这石火电光之间便摘下两道法则掷了出去。 Bang-- had the sound of disintegration to resound through everyone's ear, regardless of Emperor Tai Qing and Sun Lengying style was what kind of overbearing, was what kind of tyrannical, no matter also their weapons were what kind strange and what kind of viciousness. “砰——”有崩碎之声响彻了所有人的耳朵,不论太清皇孙冷影的招式是何等的霸道、是何等的强横,也不管他们的兵器是何等的诡异、何等的狠毒。 But, does not help matters in this moment all, two Dao Law throw, all Cultivation Technique, all strength and all weapons, were struck instantaneously crush, that feared that Emperor Tai Qing and Sun Lengying evolved completely Myriad Law, offered a sacrifice to the powerful incomparable weapons. 但,在这一刻一切都无济于事,两道法则掷来,一切的功法、一切的力量、所有的兵器,都瞬间被击得粉碎,那怕太清皇孙冷影演化尽了万法了,祭出了一件又一件强大无匹的兵器了。 However, under the principle that in this throws, all that frail, in bang in all defense all of a sudden disintegrations. 但是,在这掷来的法则之下,一切都那么的脆弱,在“砰”的一声之中所有的防御都一下子崩碎。 Hears scoffing a resonate sound, the blood sputtering, seeing only two Dao Law is the same like Divine Arrow , shot through their chests instantaneously, moreover led them instantaneously. 听到“嗤”的一声响起,鲜血溅射,只见两道法则如同神箭一样,瞬间射穿了他们的胸膛,而且瞬间把他们两个人带了起来。 Hears bang and bang resonate sound of hit, saw only a Emperor Tai Qing and Emperor Tai Qing liangs person to be sewn on the ground, the blood proliferated rapidly, dyed red soil. 听到“砰、砰”的撞击之声响起,只见太清皇个人被钉在了地上,鲜血迅速扩散,染红了泥土。 Ah!-- Emperor Tai Qing and Sun Lengying furiously roared, wants to struggle, but, they were killed by the principle nail there, cannot move, any struggles does not help matters. ——太清皇孙冷影狂吼一声,欲挣扎起来,但是,他们被法则钉杀在那里,根本就动弹不得,任何挣扎都无济于事。 Finally Emperor Tai Qing and Sun Lengying their two people also accepted fate, gave up struggling, because strength of both sides disparately was really big, that feared that they went all out to struggle, that did not help matters same. 最终太清皇孙冷影他们两个人也认命了,放弃了挣扎,因为双方的实力悬殊实在是太大了,那怕他们拼命挣扎,那也一样无济于事。 Sees such a, everyone is not accidental/surprised, it can be said that at everyone expected matter, Emperor Tai Qing and Sun Lengying, their strengths to the in the world person, that indeed is very powerful, is one of the Emperor Lineage World most peak Immortal True God. 看到这样的一幕,所有人都不意外,可以说是在所有人意料之中的事情,太清皇孙冷影,他们两个人的实力对于世人来说,那的确是很强大,是帝统界最巅峰的不朽真神之一。 However, in front of First Ominous Person, they are same like the ants, First Ominous Person must kill them, that lifts the issue of foot, the ease can stamp them. 但是,在第一凶人面前,他们两个人就如同蝼蚁一样,第一凶人要杀他们,那只是抬抬脚的问题而已,轻而易举就能把他们踩死。 looks at Emperor Tai Qing and Sun Lengying their two people were sewn on the ground, many people are only some feelings. Considered the past years, Emperor Tai Qing was what kind of Divine Power, once ruled the world, once let person faces become pale. 看着太清皇孙冷影他们两个人被钉在了地上,很多人只是有些感慨而已。试想当年,太清皇是何等的神威,曾经是君临天下,曾经是让人谈之色变 However, today, their two people also is just the ant cricket, but is the fish meat on block, allows to be oppressed. 但是,在今天,他们两个人也只不过是蚁蝼而已,只不过是砧板上的鱼肉,任人宰割。 Touches me reverse scale, I have a lot of methods to make you be in deep sorrow, my casual method, then can make you not seek livehood, to ask unable, I can say that your pitiful yell sounds resounded through in 1000 and 10,000 years in this Emperor Lineage World.” looks at was sewn in ground Emperor Tai Qing and Sun Lengying, the Li Qiye manner is very desolate. “触我逆鳞,我有千百个方法让你们痛不欲生,我随便一个手段,便可以让你们求生不得、求死不能,我可以说你们的惨叫声在这帝统界响彻一千年、一万年。”看着被钉在地上的太清皇孙冷影,李七夜神态很冷淡。 Li Qiye such words are very desolate, sound like superficial, when such words listen to into the world person ear, had a shiver, absolutely terrified, felt that own like fell into the icehouse to be the same. 李七夜这样的话很冷淡,听起来是轻描淡写,但是,当这样的话听入天下人耳中的时候,都不由打了一个冷颤,都不由毛骨悚然,感觉自己如同是掉入了冰窖一样。 In this in an instant, everyone can imagine, when a pitiful yell sound of person resounded through in 1000 and 10,000 years in Emperor Lineage World, this was how fearful torture, really to this situation, the death instead is an extrication, instead was the best home to return. 在这刹那之间,所有人都能想象,当一个人的惨叫声在帝统界响彻一千年、一万年,这是多么可怕的酷刑,真的到了这一地步,死亡反而是一种解脱,反而是最好的归宿。 Hears such words, many people are the cold sweat streaming, does not know that many people pledged in the heart secretly, this whole life that feared dies, do not go to provoke First Ominous Person, otherwise, will die a tragic death is very miserable. 听到这样的话,许多人是冷汗涔涔,不知道有多少人在心里面暗暗发誓,这辈子那怕是一死,也千万别去招惹第一凶人,否则的话,将会死得很惨很惨。 Read in you also strength of spirit share somewhat, today, I also keep your entire corpse.” Li Qiye desolately looks at Emperor Tai Qing and Sun Lengying, in his eyes, their two people and dead person there's nothing difference. “念在你们还有几分的骨气份上,今天,我也就留你们一个全尸。”李七夜冷淡地看着太清皇孙冷影,在他的眼中,他们两个人和死人没有什么区别了。 take action.” Emperor Tai Qing still laughs, said: Person always one dies, who can Longevity? My Emperor Tai Qing lived three generations, died will not have the childishness. Can die under 13 Fate Palaces, is being honored of my Emperor Tai Qing.” 出手吧。”太清皇依然大笑一声,说道:“人总有一死,又有谁能长生?我太清皇活了三世,死了也不会有乳臭了。能死在十三命宫之下,也算是我太清皇的荣幸。” That feared that is at death's door, Emperor Tai Qing is still arrogance 100%, his were really more than many Immortal True God and ratio many so-called invincible exist(ence). 那怕是死到临头,太清皇依然是傲气十足,他这一点就真的是比很多不朽真神、比很多所谓的无敌存在强了很多很多。 daoist brother, asking under the hand/subordinate to be forgiving, how forgives their life?” When Emperor Tai Qing and Sun Lengying their life and death hangs in one, resounds like the Heavenly Immortal general sound. 道兄,请手下留情,饶他们两个一命如何?”就在太清皇孙冷影他们两个生死悬于一线的时候,一个如同天仙一般的声音响起。 Hears such sound, everyone looks, sees only has two females to drop from the clouds, naturally, more people stayed the vision on another female. 听到这样的声音,所有人望去,只见有两个女子从天而降,当然,更多的人是把目光停留在了另一个女子身上。 Two females who this drops from the clouds, one then once was by Liu Chuqing that Emperor Tai Qing they abduct. 这从天而降的两个女子,其中一个便是曾被太清皇他们掳走的柳初晴 Another female, is common like Heavenly Immortal, light green clothes, very simple, but puts in her body, is actually Immortal Qi abundant, just like dropping from the clouds Fairy, has the abundant vitality, making one deeply breathe the one breath, is feeling this vital Immortal Qi. 另一个女子,如同天仙一般,一身湖绿衣裳,十分的简朴,但穿在她的身上,却是仙气盎然,犹如一位从天而降的仙子,带着盎然的生机,让人都不由深深地呼吸一口气,感受着这股充满生机的仙气 Beautiful Wushuang/matchless-- sees such a female, does not know that many people exclaim in surprise one, at once, everyone's attention is captured at present by this female. “美丽无双——”看到这样的一个女子,不知道有多少人为之惊叹一声,一时之间,所有人的目光都被眼前这位女子所吸引住了。 Such a female, anybody looks, in the vision does not have slight profaning intent, everyone's vision looks, exclaimed in surprise, is enchanted by, is really beautiful indescribably. 这样的一位女子,任何人望去,目光之中没有丝毫的亵意,所有人的目光望去,都是惊叹,都是迷醉,实在是美得无法形容。 At present this female, is not her appearance what kind of unparalleled, but is the makings of her whole person very shocking feeling, just like Heavenly Immortal, the female, only on Yingtian had, world was difficult to see. 眼前这个女子,并非是她的容貌何等的绝世无双,而是她整个人的气质给人十分惊艳的感觉,就犹如一位天仙,如此女子,只应天上有,世间难见一回。 This only feared that is not possible.” Li Qiye looked at this female one eyes, smiles lightly, shakes the head, said: Your I, although has casual acquaintance, but also not enough asked favor to them, not enough was worth me forgiving their life the time.” “这只怕是不可能。”李七夜看了这位女子一眼,淡淡地一笑,摇了摇头,说道:“你我虽然有一面之缘,但还不足够向他们求情,也不足够值得我饶恕他们一命的时候。” This female Li Qiye arrives at Nine Secrets Dao Lineage initially time, female who that suddenly presents mystically, she appears in the Li Qiye's dream probably is the same, very mysterious. 这个女子正是李七夜初到九秘道统的时候,那个突然神秘出现的女子,她就好像是出现在李七夜的梦中一样,十分的神秘。 This I also know.” This female sighed gently, said: Begged daoist brother to leave a loophole, leniency, that feared that Fellow Daoist destroyed their cultivation, making them be a mortal ordinary, crossed the remaining years of life.” “这个我也知道。”这个女子不由轻轻地叹息一声,说道:“还是乞求道兄能网开一面,慈悲为怀,那怕道友毁了他们的道行也可以,让他们普普通通做个凡人,渡过余生。” Suddenly emits such a such as the Heavenly Immortal common female, actually asked favor for Emperor Tai Qing and Sun Lengying, this let everyone stare blankly, many people did not know that this female, does not know that she was the where to come experience. 突然冒出这样的一个如天仙一般的女子,竟然替太清皇孙冷影求情,这让所有人都不由呆了一下,很多人都不认识这个女子,都不知道她是何来历。 My life did not ask in people, will not wag the tail the desire to others. Must kill to blow casually, dies, does not need to ask favor for me, does not need to beg for me.” Emperor Tai Qing laughs said. “我一生不求于人,也不会向别人摇尾乞求。要杀要刮随便,一死而已,不需要替我求情,也不需要替我乞求。”太清皇大笑地说道。 Shuts up-- this to sink to drink one like the Heavenly Immortal common female, when her sinks to drink, Supreme Emperor Power instantaneously fills the air, under her Supreme Emperor Power, that feared that no longer powerful Immortal True God hit one to tremble, in heart absolutely terrified. “闭嘴——”这个如同天仙一般的女子沉喝一声,当她一声沉喝的时候,无上帝威瞬间弥漫,在她无上帝威之下,那怕不再强大的不朽真神都不由打了一个哆嗦,心里面不由毛骨悚然。 Mentioned also strangely, always arrogant Emperor Tai Qing, after by this female one sank to drink, unexpectedly obediently closes the mouth, did not dare the throat. 说来也奇怪,一向都高傲的太清皇,被这个女子一声沉喝之后,竟然乖乖地闭上嘴巴,一声都不敢吭了。 daoist brother, so long as you are willing to forgive their life, Jiu Ning hopes for the daoist brother completely pygmy effort.” This female asked favor to Li Qiye with hardship. 道兄,只要你愿意饶他们一命,九凝愿为道兄尽绵薄之力。”这个女子苦苦向李七夜求情。 If Heavenly Immortal common female, such entreated desperately, trading to do is others is tenderhearted, anything requested, has readily agreed. 天仙一般的女子,如此的苦苦地哀求,换作是其他的人早就心软了,不论是什么要求,早就一口答应了。 Li Qiye looked at her one eyes lightly, shakes the head, said lightly with a smile: „It is not good, my reverse scale, world who dares to touch! kill without mercy. Do not say that is the True Emperor plea of your 12 Palace, even if First Ancestor asks favor, is equally invalid!” 李七夜只是淡淡地看了她一眼,摇了摇头,淡淡地笑着说道:“不行,我的逆鳞,世间谁敢触!都杀无赦。不要说是你这位十二宫真帝求情,就算是始祖求情,也一样无效!” The Li Qiye very light words saying, that is the blood and iron is brutal. 李七夜很平淡的话说出来,那已经是铁血无情了。 Jiu Ning, 12 Palace True Emperor.” At this time, some ancient and decayed Old Ancestor muttered said, then with amazement, lost one's voice said: I, I know that who she was, she, she, she was True Emperor Jiu Ning!” 九凝,十二宫真帝。”在这个时候,有古朽老祖不由喃喃地说道,然后骇然,失声地说道:“我,我知道她是谁了,她,她,她是九凝真帝!” What, True Emperor Jiu Ning!” Hears this saying, everyone shakes, at once, does not know many people is a mouth open in a big way, for a very long time cannot respond. “什么,九凝真帝!”听到这话,所有人都不由为之一震,一时之间,不知道有多少人是一张嘴巴张得大大的,久久反应不过来。 She, she, she is really True Emperor Jiu Ning.” Many powerhouses have not seen her, surprised looks at at present this like the Heavenly Immortal common female. “她,她,她真的是九凝真帝。”很多强者都没有见过她,不由吃惊地看着眼前这位如同天仙一般的女子。 Really is she.” Has ancient and decayed Old Ancestor to sigh with emotion, said: My previous time sees her, that is on a era matter, at that time she also just become True Emperor , today she is 12 Palace True Emperor.” “真的是她。”有古朽老祖不由感慨,说道:“我上次见她,那已经是上一个时代的事情了,那时她还刚成真帝,没有想到,今日她已经是十二宫真帝了。” 12 Palace True Emperor.” This saying said that many people shocked, this is under First Ancestor is most powerful most invincible exist(ence). 十二宫真帝。”这话说出来,很多人都震撼,这已经是始祖之下最强大最无敌的存在了。 She is really the Emperor Tai Qing daughter, True Emperor Jiu Ning.” looks at this True Emperor Jiu Ning, many people feel at present like having a dream to be the same. “她真的是太清皇的女儿呀,九凝真帝。”看着眼前这位九凝真帝,很多人都感觉如同做梦一样。 The True Emperor Jiu Ning given name, the world hears, the Emperor Tai Qing life proudest matter, is not his three generations for the sovereign, is not he sweeps away Eight Desolate, but is the daughter who his ten points make every effort to succeed, has True Emperor daughter-- True Emperor Jiu Ning. 九凝真帝的大名,天下都耳闻,太清皇一生最骄傲的事情,不是他三世为皇,也不是他横扫八荒,而是他有一个十分争气的女儿、有一位真帝的女儿——九凝真帝 It can be said that had such a daughter, is in the Emperor Tai Qing life proudest and most self-satisfied matter. 可以说,生了这么一个女儿,是太清皇一生中最骄傲、最得意的事情。 Indeed, True Emperor Jiu Ning indeed has not disappointed Emperor Tai Qing, the life is shocking, until now, she has become 12 Palace True Emperor, becomes 3 Immortals World strongest True Emperor. 的确,九凝真帝也的的确确没有让太清皇失望,一生惊艳,时至今日,她已经成为了一尊十二宫真帝,成为了三仙界最强的真帝了。
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