ED :: Volume #27

#2688: Ominous of lance

Clang--, a lance broken day, under a lance, day ground-return extremely, all change to Ghost Domain, in distribution of this lance, just like is the sacrifice refining up the whole world, the slaughter extinguished three thousand Big World, under this lance, Deities was also good, the emperors, will certainly vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke, all in world all belong to the nihility. “铛——”的一声,一矛破天,一矛之下,天地归极,一切化作鬼域,在这一矛之下发,犹如是祭炼了整个世界,屠灭了三千大世界,在这一矛之下,诸神也好,众帝也罢,都必将灰飞烟灭,世间的一切皆归于虚无。 In this nihility, was born Supreme Ghost Domain, replaced all in world, in such Ghost Domain, any creature, any invincible exist(ence), shivers, in such Ghost Domain, powerful person allowing to be oppressed feelings, seems like the fish meat on block, making people that desperate. 在这虚无之中,诞生了无上鬼域,代替了世间的一切,在这样的鬼域之中,任何生灵,任何无敌存在,都不由为之颤抖,在这样的鬼域之中,再强大的人都有一种任人宰割的感觉,就好像是砧板上的鱼肉,让人是那么的绝望。 Clang-- under this lance sound, does not know that many people felt a own heart pain, in this in an instant, felt the heart of own just like by this lance is pierced was the same. “铛——”在这一声长矛声下,不知道有多少人感觉自己心脏一痛,就在这刹那之间,感觉自己的心脏犹如被这一长矛刺穿了一样。 Even in this in an instant, some people miserable of Ah!”, cannot fall to the ground, although this lance does not puncture to them, but the terrifying lance intent actually pierced their hearts probably all of a sudden, is painful they to call out pitifully, cannot fall to the ground. 甚至在这刹那之间,有人“啊”的一声惨,倒地不起,虽然这一矛并不是刺向他们,但恐怖的矛意却好像一下子刺穿了他们的心脏,痛得他们惨叫一声,倒地不起。 So, does not know that many people change colors with amazement, does not know that many people are scared, does not know that many was so frightened soul destroyed/terror-stricken by a terrifying lance. 如此一幕,不知道有多少人为之骇然失色,不知道多少人为之胆寒,不知道有多少被如此恐怖的一矛吓得魂飞魄散 Clang-- loud sound, in this in an instant, Li Qiye has not avoided, the both arms interlock, shakes a lance that punctures hardly. “铛——”的一声巨响,在这刹那之间,李七夜也未躲避,双臂交错,硬撼刺来的一矛。 In this clang, sees only the spark sputtering, splutters the spark very gorgeously, wants magnificent billion times compared with the fireworks that the night blooms, the spark that each splashes high strikes to sprinkle , in starry sky, can stars crushing, be able stars melting, terrifying to be peerless, so the collision of terrifying, just like is the world destruction is the same. 在这“铛”的一声之中,只见星火溅射,溅射出来星火十分的绚丽,比夜间绽放的烟花还要壮观千百万倍,每一颗高高溅起的星火击洒在星空中的时候,可以把一颗颗的星辰击碎,可以把一颗颗的星辰融化,恐怖绝伦,如此恐怖的碰撞,犹如是世界毁灭一样。 So a terrifying lance, First Ominous Person shakes by the arm unexpectedly hardly, this makes everyone has a scare, everyone can look, included powerful incomparable Immortal True God also to look, the might of Hundred Suns Daoist this lance does not know compared with True Emperor Mu Jian Ancient Devourer Battlestaff struck powerful many. 如此恐怖的一矛,第一凶人竟然是以手臂硬撼,这让所有人都不由吓了一大跳,所有人都看得出来,包括了强大无匹的不朽真神也看得出来,百日道人这一矛的威力不知道比沐剑真帝古饕战棍的一击强大了多少。 Such a lance punctures, is not flesh body can resist, only feared that world there's nothing thing can block this lance air-splitting, under such a lance, only feared that Celestials, Deities and Demons can vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke. 这样的一矛刺来,根本就不是肉身所能抵挡的,只怕世间没有什么东西可以挡得住这破空的一矛,在这样的一矛之下,只怕诸天神魔都会灰飞烟灭 In this clang-- , the spark splutters, everyone opens one's eyes wide to look, sees only the both arms of First Ominous Person to interlock, unexpectedly is blocked this thorn inconceivable a lance. 在这“铛——”的一声中,星火溅射,所有人都张目以看,只见第一凶人的双臂交错,竟然是不可思议地挡住了这刺来的一矛。 Was too strong, was too inconceivable, First Ominous Person, Peerless is invincible, worthily is the Emperor Lineage World first powerhouse, worthily is Emperor Lineage World Highest Supreme, worthily is Emperor Lineage World most Supreme exist(ence).” Saw that the Li Qiye both arms interlock, blocks a lance that this punctured air-splitting unexpectedly, everyone screamed, everyone cheered loudly. “太强了,太不可思议了,第一凶人,绝世无敌,不愧是帝统界的第一强者,不愧是帝统界无上至尊,不愧是帝统界至高无上存在。”看到李七夜双臂交错,竟然挡住了这破空刺来的一矛,所有人都不由尖叫了一声,所有人都大声喝采。 In this moment, everyone noticed that First Ominous Person can block Hundred Suns Daoist Polar Ghost Spear, everyone relaxes, in everyone's heart, hopes that First Ominous Person can defeat Hundred Suns Daoist, if First Ominous Person defeated by Hundred Suns Daoist, that is the Emperor Lineage World end. 在这一刻,所有人看到第一凶人能挡得住百日道人极地鬼矛,大家都不由松了一口气,在所有人的心里面,都希望第一凶人能战胜百日道人,如果第一凶人百日道人打败了,那才是帝统界的末日。 Was happy too soon.” When Li Qiye staggered both hands blocked Polar Ghost Spear, Hundred Suns Daoist smiles dark, shouted severely: Kills-- “高兴得太早了。”在李七夜交错的双手挡住了极地鬼矛的时候,百日道人阴阴一笑,厉喝道:“杀—— Buzz-- a resonate sound, in this in an instant, sees only Polar Ghost Spear instantaneous black glow greatly hold, each wisp of black glow erupts instantaneously time, just like is one black needle punctures dun to mix general, each wisp of black glow terrifying, arrives extremely sharply cannot imagine, punctures to come, there's nothing can resist. “嗡——”的一声响起,就在这刹那之间,只见极地鬼矛瞬间黑芒大盛,每一缕黑芒瞬间爆发的时候,犹如是一把把的黑针刺破沌混一般,每一缕的黑芒都极为恐怖,锋锐到不可想象,一刺而来,没有什么可以抵挡得住。 In this in an instant, sees only the Polar Ghost Spear black glow to jump out probably all of a sudden, putting in order changed to Polar Ghost Spear probably was thin and long black needle is the same, pierced all instantaneously. 在这刹那之间,只见极地鬼矛好像一下子黑芒窜出,整把极地鬼矛好像是化作了又细又长的黑针一样,瞬间刺穿了一切。 Bang-- a resonate sound, when the Polar Ghost Spear black glow explodes instantaneously, pierced primal chaos all of a sudden, penetrated the limit all of a sudden, all thin Rumo under this thorn, very frail. “砰——”的一声响起,就在极地鬼矛黑芒瞬间暴发的时候,一下子刺穿了混沌,一下子击穿了极限,一切在这一刺之下都薄如膜,十分的脆弱。 In this bang, Polar Ghost Spear pierced the Li Qiye's defense instantaneously, circled across the Li Qiye staggered both arms instantaneously, with not unimaginable speed instantaneous thorn to the Li Qiye's chest. 在这“砰”的一声中,极地鬼矛瞬间刺穿了李七夜的防御,瞬间绕穿过了李七夜交错的双臂,以无法想象的速度瞬间刺向了李七夜的胸膛。 This lance punctures the defense instantaneously, circled across the staggered arm, the speed to is unable to catch with the naked eye quickly, had exceeded time, spanned the space. 这一矛瞬间刺破防御,绕穿过了交错的手臂,速度快到无法用肉眼来捕捉了,已经是超越了时光,跨越了空间。 Under such extremely fast, wants to hide without enough time, in this life and death instantaneous, the Li Qiye's shoulder shook. 在如此的极速之下,想躲都来不及了,在这生死瞬间,李七夜的肩膀只是晃了一下。 Hears scoffing a resonate sound, the blood sputtering, the Polar Ghost Spear lance punctured sharp all of a sudden above the Li Qiye's shoulder, the blood was falling of a little bit. 听到“嗤”的一声响起,鲜血溅射,极地鬼矛的矛尖一下子刺在了李七夜的肩膀之上,鲜血是一滴滴的落下。 When Polar Ghost Spear punctured instantaneously above the Li Qiye's shoulder, this just like frames was the same, everyone was shocked, at once, the innumerable eyes opened in a big way, dull looks at at present this. 极地鬼矛瞬间刺在了李七夜的肩膀之上的时候,这一幕犹如是定格了一样,所有人都被震撼住了,一时之间,无数双的眼睛张得大大的,呆呆地看着眼前这一幕。 „Not good-- to see such a, does not know that many people screamed loudly, regarding many people, is such that they most are not willing to see. “不好——”看到这样的一幕,不知道有多少人高声尖叫了一声,对于多少人来说,他们最不愿意看到的就是这样的一幕了。 Danger-- at this time, that feared that is sees countless winds and waves Immortal True God unable to bear big shout, is Li Qiye worries. “危矣——”在这个时候,那怕是见过无数风浪不朽真神都忍不住大叫一声,为李七夜捏了一把汗。 At this time, the world people changed colors with amazement, does not know that many artificial Li Qiye's safety worried. 在这个时候,天下人都骇然失色,不知道有多少人为李七夜的安危担忧起来。 No matter at this moment, the unknown person, had had with Li Qiye the person who hates grievances, a heart hangs under the throat high, changes colors with amazement, screams one, is the Li Qiye safety worries. 此时此刻,不管是素不相识的人、还是曾经与李七夜有过仇恨恩怨的人,都不由一颗心脏高高地悬于嗓子之下,都不由骇然失色,尖叫一声,为李七夜安危担忧起来。 To everyone, if First Ominous Person really died when the hand of Hundred Suns Daoist, that entire Emperor Lineage World end must approach, entire Emperor Lineage World will cover under the Hundred Suns Daoist shadow, all cultivator and all Dao Lineage will certainly meet trembling with fear such as the annual day! 对所有人来说,如果第一凶人真的死在了百日道人的手中之时,那整个帝统界的末日就要来临了,整个帝统界都将会笼罩在百日道人的阴影之下,所有的修士、所有的道统都必将会战战兢兢地如年度日! Now everyone pins the only hope on the body of First Ominous Person, if First Ominous Person really defeated in the hand of Hundred Suns Daoist, or was killed by Hundred Suns Daoist, then the only hope of Emperor Lineage World rubbed out like this. 现在所有人都把唯一的希望都寄托在了第一凶人的身上,如果第一凶人真的是败在了百日道人的手中,或者被百日道人杀害,那么帝统界的唯一希望就这样被捏灭了。 Tzzzzzzzzz-- the sound resounds, when the Polar Ghost Spear lance pricked the Li Qiye shoulder sharp, the fearful dark(ness) aura infected the wound of Li Qiye shoulder unexpectedly all of a sudden, dark(ness) must spread to the Li Qiye whole body instantaneously, dark(ness) wanted the invasion Li Qiye's body of penetrating place. 滋、滋、滋——”的声音响起,在极地鬼矛的矛尖刺入了李七夜肩膀的时候,可怕的黑暗气息竟然是一下子感染了李七夜肩膀的伤口,黑暗瞬间要向李七夜全身蔓延,黑暗要彻地的侵入李七夜的身体。 „It is not good, dangerous-- saw such a, everyone pulled out an cold air/Qi, changes colors with amazement, was stabbed the shoulder by Polar Ghost Spear, that already very dangerous matter, if makes dark(ness) invade the Li Qiye's body, only feared that the consequence does not dare to imagine. “不好,危险了——”看到这样的一幕,所有人都抽了一口冷气,骇然失色,被极地鬼矛刺伤了肩膀,那都已经很危险的事情了,如果让黑暗侵入李七夜的身体,只怕后果不敢想象。 Hey, by this lance injured, was been difficult to escape the Ecuadoran life, by dark(ness) devour(ing), that will be feared is the little wound, is difficult to escape dies.” This time, Hundred Suns Daoist was smiling gloomily, somewhat happily said: Heaven has group of you not to walk, hell is impossible you to be bent on having to rush, dares with this poor Daoist to be the enemy, is you brings about own destruction.” “嘿,被此矛伤者,都难逃厄命,被将会被黑暗吞噬,那怕是一点点伤口,都难逃一死。”在这个时候,百日道人阴森森地笑了起来,有几分得意地说道:“天堂有路你不走,地狱无门你偏要闯进来,敢与贫道为敌,是你自寻死路。” Tzzzzzzzzz the sound is lingering on faintly, dark(ness) invades the Li Qiye's body crazily, fearful dark(ness) must perish Li Qiye thoroughly. 滋、滋、滋”的声音不绝于耳,黑暗疯狂地入侵李七夜的身体,可怕的黑暗要把李七夜彻底地腐蚀掉。 What to do should this?” Sees such a, the world person penetrating place daunted, does not know that many people are anxious like like ants on a heated pan, but, everyone is at a loss, some even if people think that take action rescues, but is helpless, penetrating their strengths are unable to shake Hundred Suns Daoist, many cultivator powerhouses rush ahead, insufficient Hundred Suns Daoist stops up gap between teeth. “这该怎么办?”看到这样的一幕,天下人都彻地的吓住了,不知道多少人是急得像热锅上的蚂蚁一样,但是,所有人都束手无措,就算是有人想出手相救,但都无能为力,彻他们的实力根本就无法撼动百日道人,再多的修士强者冲杀上去,都不够百日道人塞牙缝。 The both sides strength was really disparate, such disparity, was unable to make up with the number. 双方实力实在是太悬殊了,这样的差距,已经无法用数目来弥补了。 Was too negligent, First Ominous Person should use the weapon from the beginning.” In this moment, does not know that many older generation important people are too late to regret, hates not to remind First Ominous Person from the beginning. “太大意了,第一凶人应该一开始就用兵器。”在这一刻,不知道有多少老一辈大人物都追悔莫及,都恨一开始没有提醒第一凶人 First Ominous Person tyrannical of flesh body, everyone is obvious to all, that feared that is True Emperor Mu Jian collection entire Dao Lineage strength, under Ancient Devourer Battlestaff strikes, could not injure First Ominous Person, but, actually plants now under Hundred Suns Daoist Polar Ghost Spear. 第一凶人肉身之强横,大家都是有目共睹的,那怕是沐剑真帝集整个道统力量,在古饕战棍一击之下,都伤不了第一凶人,但是,现在却栽在了百日道人极地鬼矛之下。 Tzzzzzzzzz the sound of corrosion is lingering on faintly, dark(ness) spreads in the Li Qiye body crazily. 滋、滋、滋”的侵蚀之声不绝于耳,黑暗疯狂地在李七夜身体内扩散。 First Ominous Person pulled rank, this Polar Ghost Spear is extremely evil, once were being injured, the consequence is dreadful, never expected that he idea of Hundred Suns Daoist.” Many people at once anxious incomparable, sees First Ominous Person injured, everyone changes colors with amazement, one ambitious tall Ti. 第一凶人还是托大了,这把极地鬼矛乃是极邪之器,一旦被伤着,后果不堪设想,没有想到他还是中了百日道人的计了。”不少人一时之间都焦急无比,看到第一凶人受伤,所有人都骇然失色,都不由都一颗心高高提了起来。 Hey, dies, those who submit will prosper , those who resist shall perish, blocks my road, kill without mercy-- noticed that dark(ness) invades the Li Qiye's body crazily, Hundred Suns Daoist smiles gloomily. “嘿,去死吧,顺我者昌,逆我者亡,挡我路者,杀无赦——”看到黑暗疯狂地入侵李七夜的身体,百日道人阴森森地一笑。 When a lance stabs the Li Qiye's shoulder, when dark(ness) invades the Li Qiye's body crazily, Hundred Suns Daoist is self-satisfied, he felt that own has victory in the hand, victory at present. 当一矛刺伤李七夜的肩膀之时,当黑暗疯狂入侵李七夜的身体之时,百日道人都不由得意起来,他感觉自己是胜券在握,胜利就在眼前。 At this time, looked like in Hundred Suns Daoist, First Ominous Person and dead person there's nothing had distinguished, because after no one can be wounded by his Polar Ghost Spear, person who can also live. 这个时候,在百日道人看来,第一凶人死人已经没有什么区别了,因为从来没有人能被他极地鬼矛击伤之后还能活下来的人。 So long as First Ominous Person dies, then entire Emperor Lineage World was belongs his, when the time comes, who can block him, he will certainly be act wilfully. 只要第一凶人一死,那么整个帝统界就是属于他的了,到时候,还有谁人能挡得住他,他必将是为所欲为 Supports, a lot of do not drop down.” At this time, many big shout, many powerhouse voices shivered, in this moment does not know that many people closely covered the mouth, even was the First Ominous Person secret pray. “撑住,千百不要倒下。”在这个时候,不少人大叫一声,有许多强者声音都不由颤抖,在这一刻不知道多少人紧紧地捂住了嘴巴,甚至为第一凶人暗暗祈祷。 Do not drop down, the miracle will certainly arrive.” Saw when dark(ness) invades the Li Qiye's body crazily, when dark(ness) invades the Li Qiye's body crazily, his golden ray all of a sudden is unexpectedly dim. “千万别倒下,奇迹必将会降临。”看到黑暗疯狂入侵李七夜的身体之时,在黑暗疯狂入侵李七夜的身体之时,他身上的金色光芒竟然一下子黯淡下来。 Without a doubt, dark(ness) strength was really powerful, must suppress Li Qiye body strength in Indestructible Diamond at this time. 毫无疑问,黑暗力量实在是太强大了,在这个时候已经要压制李七夜身体内的金刚不灭力量了。 In this moment, in the world will of the people trembles, in the ordinary day, in many will of the people never believes that world has the miracle. 在这一刻,天下人心里面都不由为之一颤,在平日,有多少人心里面从来不相信世间有奇迹。 However, at this time, in many will of the people the hope had the miracle to arrive, longed for that the First Ominous Person creation miracle, can reverse instantaneously. 但是,在这个时候,多少人心里面企盼有奇迹降临,企盼第一凶人创造奇迹,能在瞬间逆转。
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