ED :: Volume #27

#2641: Soul Chasing Drum

At this time, True Emperor Mu Jian and Lu Keweng their four people looked at each other. 在这个时候,沐剑真帝鹿客翁他们四个人相视了一眼。 That offended, our war sees the life and death.” True Emperor Mu Jian both eyes one severe, murderous aura soars to the heavens, when as True Emperor, his murderous aura soars to the heavens, that has the easily accomplished potential, terrifying of ten points, very fearful. “那就得罪了,我们一战见生死。”沐剑真帝双目一厉,杀气冲天,作为一尊真帝,他杀气冲天之时,那是有着摧枯拉朽之势,十分的恐怖,也是十分的可怕。 Clang-- a resonate sound, True Emperor Mu Jian is a sword in the hand, the long sword like the snow, stands erect in the True Emperor Mu Jian chest front slowly. “铛——”的一声响起,沐剑真帝乃是一剑在手,长剑如雪,缓缓地竖立于沐剑真帝的胸前。 True Emperor Mu Jian both hands grasp the sword, the firm is incomparable, when his both hands grasp that flash of sword, he is this sword, his all strength, his all Grand Dao, the techniques of all Wushuang/matchless, integrated in this long sword. 沐剑真帝双手握剑,坚牢无比,当他双手握剑的那一瞬间,他就是这一把剑,他的所有力量,他的所有大道,所有的无双之术,都融入了这把长剑之中。 This is bright as snow the long sword, on the sword blade is rippling halo one after another, puts in order seems like the long sword in the galaxy of that vast giant star by sky, but precise becomes, as if had ten million stars to be hammered to cast the sword blade, put in order as if there is infinite weight the long sword, has infinite broad, as if entire starry sky was cast to refine above this sword blade. 这把长剑雪亮,剑身上荡漾着一轮又一轮的光晕,整把长剑看起来像以天空中那浩瀚巨星的星河而凝炼成,似乎有千万颗星辰被锻铸成了剑身,整把长剑似乎拥有着无限的重量,拥有着无限的宽阔,似乎整个星空都被铸炼在了这把剑身之上。 If, this sword were by ten million stars tempered surface the sword blade, then its ridges cast to refine by True Emperor Mu Jian True Emperor Sword Dao. 如果说,这把剑乃是以千万颗星辰淬炼面了剑身,那么它的剑脊就是以沐剑真帝真帝剑道所铸炼而成。 This is clear the ridges of long sword, ridges one sturdy powerful dao marks is intertwined the stock, after this dao marks one after another innumerable hammers cast, finally produces out of concentrated feelings the ridges. 这把长剑的剑脊晶莹夺目,剑脊一条条粗壮有力的道纹在交缠成股,就这样一股又一股的道纹被无数次的锤铸之后,最终被凝铸成了剑脊。 Also because, this has boundless strength the ridges of long sword, it contains True Emperor Sword Dao, as if True Emperor Mu Jian entire Sword Dao was cast into. 也正是因为如此,这把长剑的剑脊拥有着磅礴的力量,它蕴藏着真帝剑道,似乎沐剑真帝的整条剑道都被铸入了其中。 Such a sword, uses stars as the iron, takes as the keel, such Emperor's Sword can say that is unparalleled God Item. 这样的一把剑,以星辰为铁,以道为脊,这样的一把帝剑可以说已经是一把绝无伦比神器了。 When True Emperor Mu Jian both hands are grasping this Emperor's Sword, everyone felt, time that this sword chops, can chop the Heaven Splitting place, can cut to kill Nine Heavens Deities. 所以当沐剑真帝双手握着这帝剑的时候,所有人都感觉,这一剑劈下来的时候,可以劈开天地,可以斩杀九天诸神 Even can say that feared this Emperor's Sword not when the True Emperor Mu Jian hand, such Emperor's Sword falls, can the collapsing by pressure land, be able to suppress godly demon. 甚至可以说,那怕这把帝剑不在沐剑真帝手中,这样的一把帝剑落下之时,都可以压塌大地,可以镇压神魔 Such Emperor's Sword is sending out inexhaustible Emperor Power, so long as a sword leaves, is the Slaughtering Emperor eight sides, this is representative the True Emperor Supreme will, filled slaughtered and suppressed. 这样的一把帝剑散发着无穷无尽的帝威,只要一剑出,就是帝屠八方,这是代表真帝无上意志,充满了杀戮与镇压。 Without a doubt, this Emperor's Sword is by True Emperor Mu Jian personally the casting, is powerful incomparable Emperor's Sword. 毫无疑问,这把帝剑乃是由沐剑真帝亲手所铸造,是一把强大无匹的帝剑 A True Emperor Mu Jian sword in the hand, has the potential of unmatched in the world, making in many will of the people tremble. 沐剑真帝一剑在手,已经有着天下无敌之势,让不少人心里面为之颤了一下。 True Emperor, does not have the weak one, Whole World is difficult some people of energy enemies.” The powerhouse of even if older generation, sees a True Emperor Mu Jian sword in the hand, has profound respect. 真帝,从无弱者,举世难有人能敌。”就算是老一辈的强者,看到沐剑真帝一剑在手,也不由肃然起敬。 At this time, everyone realized, True Emperor Mu Jian indeed is very powerful, thinks everyone is more powerful. 在这个时候,所有人都意识到,沐剑真帝的确是很强大,比大家所想的都要强大。 Recently True Emperor Mu Jian appeared overshadowed, that was because was too tyrannicalally and too was really beautiful as First Ominous Person of enemy, this blocked from True Emperor Mu Jian ring of light. 最近沐剑真帝显得黯然失色,那是因为作为敌人的第一凶人实在是太强横、实在太妖艳了,这才遮住了沐剑真帝光环 Buzz-- a resonate sound, at this time, beyond the day a wisp of ray photo came, this wisp of ray according to the body of Guan Shuzhe, in this buzz , a world opened probably was the same. “嗡——”的一声响起,就在这个时候,天外一缕光芒照来,这一缕光芒照在了观树者的身上,在这“嗡”的一声中,好像是一个世界打开了一样。 crash intermittent big wave resonate sound, at this time, huge to the unimaginable Hearing Bamboo metal and stone tree appeared in Guan Shuzhe behind, saw only this Hearing Bamboo metal and stone tree to block from the whole world, as if a giant incomparable star is only growing such a Hearing Bamboo metal and stone tree. 哗啦啦”的一阵阵涛声响起,在这个时候,一株巨大到不可想象的闻竹金石树出现在了观树者的身后,只见这株闻竹金石树遮住了整个世界,似乎一个巨大无比的星球只生长着这么一株闻竹金石树。 Therefore, when such a Hearing Bamboo metal and stone tree when Guan Shuzhe behind one after another launches the branches and leaves, the branches and leaves sound roaring is intermittent, just like the difficult situation, especially all branches and leaves stretch, is more like a monstrous waves wave impact of Vast Ocean to come, looks like green sea to lay out to be the same on Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage sky all of a sudden. 所以,当这样的一株闻竹金石树在观树者的身后一一展开枝叶之时,枝叶声涛声阵阵,如同惊涛骇浪一样,特别是所有的枝叶舒展的时候,更像是汪洋大海的巨浪一浪紧接着一浪冲击而来,一下子就像是一个绿色的海洋在石韵道统天空上铺陈开来一样。 In this blinks, this Hearing Bamboo metal and stone tree covered entire Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage sky, raise one's head looked, on sky seemed like by the green prosperous foreign sea is submerged is the same. 在这眨眼之间,这一株的闻竹金石树笼罩住了整个石韵道统天空,抬头望去,天空上好像是被绿色的旺洋大海淹没一样。 -- loud sound, in this in an instant, the Guan Shuzhe body all of a sudden becomes big incomparable, originally stature short and small he, all of a sudden tall as a giant mountain . Moreover the body grew pitchfork pitchfork unexpectedly, probably is Treant is the same. ——”的一声巨响,在这刹那之间,观树者身体一下子变得高大无比,本来身材矮小的他,一下子高如一座巨大的山岳,而且身上竟然长出了杈杈叶叶,好像是是一尊树人一样。 Moreover, was muscle Ben gets up in this time Guan Shuzhe whole body, the both arms seemed like Horned Dragon to be the same, filled strength, as if his palm can throw off the land. 而且,在这个时候观树者全身是肌肉贲起,双臂好像是虬龙一样,充满了力量,似乎他一只手掌就可以把大地掀翻。 what is this-- saw that Guan Shuzhe changed the appearance suddenly, many people are startled, in this in an instant, was not only the body of Guan Shuzhe becomes huge, but also his strength also rose dramatically all of a sudden, in probably his body contains inexhaustible strength, probably contains strength of the world. 这是什么——”看到观树者突然之间变了模样,很多人都不由吃惊,在这刹那之间,不仅仅是观树者的身体变得巨大了,而且他的力量也一下子飙升,好像他的身体里面已经蕴藏着无穷无尽的力量,好像是蕴藏着一个世界的力量 This is Guan Shuzhe.” Some Old Ancestor said slowly: He is in Hearing Bamboo Dao Lineage only can set up the strength person taking advantage of governing Hearing Bamboo metal and stone, that feared that he left Hearing Bamboo Dao Lineage to be very remote, but can still span Space-Time to borrow strength of Hearing Bamboo metal and stone tree, making his violent walk all of a sudden, this was the Guan Shuzhe powerful place, therefore he by the Hearing Bamboo Dao Lineage polite name will be Protector God.” “这就是观树者。”有老祖徐徐地说道:“他是闻竹道统唯一一个可以借御闻竹金石力量的人,那怕他离开闻竹道统很遥远了,但依然可以跨越时空去借用闻竹金石树的力量,让他一下子暴走,这就是观树者强大的地方,所以他才会被闻竹道统尊称为守护神。” Hearing Bamboo Dao Lineage has Ancestral Tree, this Hearing Bamboo metal and stone tree has grown to have the innumerable years, it has powerful incomparable strength, even some people said, its root hair has taken root in entire Dao Lineage each corner. 闻竹道统有着一株祖树,这株闻竹金石树已经生长有无数岁月了,它拥有着强大无匹的力量,甚至有人说,它的根须已经扎根到了整个道统的每一个角落了。 But Guan Shuzhe, is world can borrow Hearing Bamboo metal and stone to set up the strength person only, that fears him not in Hearing Bamboo Dao Lineage, same can span Space-Time to borrow strength of Hearing Bamboo metal and stone tree, but was the might is weak. 观树者,则是世间唯一可以借用闻竹金石力量的人,那怕他不在闻竹道统,也一样可以跨越时空去借用闻竹金石树的力量,只不过是威力是弱了很多而已。 Although is so, that still very powerful, is still terrifying. Guan Shuzhe he is very powerful, in addition strength of Hearing Bamboo metal and stone tree, that is how may strength. 尽管是如此,那依然是十分的强大,依然是十分的恐怖。要知道,观树者他本身就很强大,再加上闻竹金石树的力量,那是多么可的的实力。 When Guan Shuzhe and strength fusion of Hearing Bamboo metal and stone tree, could be on par Lu Keweng. 观树者闻竹金石树的力量融合的时候,说不定可以比肩鹿客翁 Thump-- a resonate sound, at this time, a drumbeat resounded through the world, at this time, seeing only Four Great Treasures King is the chest front is hanging a big drum, the hand grasps the drumstick, the drumstick beating a drum scope, the drumbeat vibration world, Myriad Dao is suppressed instantaneously, Grand Dao Law lost strength all of a sudden. “咚——”的一声响起,在这个时候,一声鼓声响彻了天地,在这个时候,只见四大宝王已经是胸前挂着一面大鼓了,手握着鼓槌,鼓槌一敲鼓面,鼓声震动天地,万道瞬间被镇压,大道法则一下子失去了力量 In such thump in a drumbeat, everyone felt that the heart of own was beaten ruthlessly, unable to breathe, almost suffocated dead all of a sudden. 在这样的“咚”的一声鼓声之中,所有人都感觉自己的心脏被狠狠地捶了一下,一下子喘不过气来,差点窒息身亡。 The danger that this comes, frightens many people with amazement, is pale, said: This, what is this treasure.” 这突然而来的危险,吓得不少人为之骇然,脸色发白,说道:“这,这是什么宝物。” Soul Chasing Drum!” Having the Old Ancestor complexion is dignified, leaves Four Great Treasures King to be distant instantaneously, he said slowly: Four Great Treasures King, the world all misunderstanding is four King Bao, in fact refers to Buddhist Golden Cave Lord four Ultimate Treasure, calls it King Bao, therefore Buddhist Golden Cave Lord was also called Four Great Treasures King.” 追魂鼓!”有老祖脸色凝重,瞬间离得四大宝王远远的,他徐徐地说道:“四大宝王,世人皆误会是四位宝王,事实上是指藏金洞主的四件重宝,也称之为宝王,所以藏金洞主也被人称之为四大宝王。” On the same day, Four Great Treasures King met head-on Gu Yifei, actually referred to Buddhist Golden Cave Lord meeting head-on Gu Yifei by four Ultimate Treasure, but the world actually thinks that was four King Bao meets head-on Gu Yifei.” Truly has knows that the powerhouse of inside story smiled bitterly, shakes the head. “当日,四大宝王迎战古一飞,其实指的是藏金洞主以四件重宝迎战古一飞,而世人却以为是四位宝王迎战古一飞。”有真正知道内幕的强者苦笑了一下,摇了摇头。 Soul Chasing Drum, this is Four Great Treasures King one of the four Ultimate Treasure, when Soul Chasing Drum the sound of drumbeat sound, then makes person soul lose falls, whatever he butchers. 追魂鼓,这正是四大宝王的四件重宝之一,当追魂鼓的鼓声一响之声,便使人魂魄丢落,任由他宰割。 Yo-- at this time, a Luming resounds, everyone looks, only hears Tzzzzzzzzz the sound resounds, saw only in the Lu Keweng top of the head at this time is grows unexpectedly slowly a pair of antler. “呦——”此时,一声鹿鸣响起,大家望去,只听到“滋、滋、滋”的声音响起,在这个时候只见鹿客翁头顶上竟然缓缓是生长出一对鹿角来。 This pair of antler very giant, entire antler is the Yaya fork fork, when such a pair of antler grows above the Lu Keweng top of the head, seemed like two young trees to grow in the Lu Keweng top of the head. 这一对鹿角十分的巨大,整支鹿角是丫丫叉叉,当这样的一对鹿角生长在鹿客翁的头顶之上时,就好像是两株小树生长在了鹿客翁的头顶上。 Although said that this pair of antler was just grew from the Lu Keweng top of the head, but actually did not appear young tender, on the contrary, this pair of antler very experienced, that feared that was the periphery of antler had keratinized, moreover seemed like very hard. 虽然说这一对鹿角是刚刚从鹿客翁头顶上生长出来,但是却一点都不显得幼嫩,相反,这一对鹿角十分的老成,那怕是鹿角的末稍都已经是角质化了,而且看起来是十分的坚硬。 This then a pair of antler of Lu Keweng seemingly special has the sense of reality, making people feel that this does not seem like the antler, is more like dragon horn, because this pair of antler filled strength hardly, that feared that is a small antler fork, appears specially hard, as if can pierce all. 这便得鹿客翁的一对鹿角看起来特别的有质感,让人感觉这不像是鹿角,更像是龙角,因为这一对鹿角是坚硬充满了力量,那怕是一个小小的鹿角叉子,都显得特别的坚硬,似乎可以刺穿一切。 eh-- saw in the Lu Keweng top of the head to grow such a pair of antler, many people looked dumbfounded, Lu Keweng White Haired gentle Old Man, in the top of the head is actually going against a pair of giant incomparable antler gray and seemingly young-looking elderly, this appeared specially strange, specially irritable. ——”看到鹿客翁头顶上生长出了这么一对的鹿角,很多人都看傻眼了,鹿客翁一个白发苍苍、看起来鹤发童颜的慈祥老人,头顶上却顶着一对巨大无比的鹿角,这显得特别的诡异,特别的别扭。 „Is Lu Keweng deer monster?” Sees in the Lu Keweng top of the head to grow a pair of antler, has young cultivator to ask in a low voice. 鹿客翁是鹿妖吗?”看到鹿客翁头顶上生长出一对鹿角,有年轻的修士低声地问道。 You know that what the deer does mean?” Had the powerhouse of getting old to look at one young cultivator one, said lightly. “你知道鹿是意味着什么吗?”有上了年纪的强者看了一眼年轻的修士一眼,淡淡地说道。 Auspicious, longevity.” Has young cultivator to say. “祥和,长寿。”有年轻的修士说道。 „It is not right.” Has knowledge profound cultivator to shake the head, said: Auspicious, longevity, that can only say that is the ordinary deer. But, once the deer to become a monster, was different, deer passable god, what depended is what? Gathers obscenely! Therefore in the deer monster, is double cultivates, once some places, regarded as dirty the deer monster.” “不对。”有知识渊博的修士摇头,说道:“祥和、长寿,那只能说是普通的鹿。但,鹿一旦成妖,就不一样了,鹿可通神,靠的是什么?淫合!所以鹿妖之中,很多是双修的,曾有些地方,把鹿妖视为秽污。” But, Lu Keweng is the blood deer.” Has Old Ancestor to say lightly. “但,鹿客翁是血鹿。”有老祖淡淡地说道。 What blood deer and do other deer have to distinguish?” Some many cultivator powerhouses are not clear. “血鹿和其他的鹿有什么区别吗?”有很多修士强者不明白。 Blood deer, if deer time, is more precious than other deer.” At this point, Old Ancestor both eyes concentrates, said slowly: But, blood deer, once to become a monster, hey, you may know that by what maintains livelihood?” “血鹿,如果还是鹿的时候,比其他的鹿都珍贵。”说到这里,老祖双目一凝,徐徐地说道:“但是,血鹿一旦成妖,嘿,你们可知道是靠何维生?” What?” Had cultivator surprised. “什么?”有修士愕了一下。 Blood, person blood.” This Old Ancestor said slowly: Drunk person blood are more, the blood deer more longevity, can live for a long time, the magical powers will also be getting more and more powerful. The corner/horn of blood deer, hundred years old is one inchs , means that hey, hey, one inch antler, that was drinks many blood to grow.” “血,人血。”这位老祖徐徐地说道:“喝的人血越多,血鹿就越长寿,就能活得越久,神通也就将会越来越强大。血鹿之角,百岁长一寸,也就意味着,嘿,嘿,一寸鹿角,那是喝了很多人血才生长出来的。” This-- hears this saying, many people are absolutely terrified. “这——”听到这话,不少人毛骨悚然。 At once, when many people look that pair of antler to the Lu Keweng top of the head, complexion big change. 一时之间,许多人望向鹿客翁头顶上那一对鹿角之时,都脸色大变了。 How long although no one measures Lu Keweng this pair of antler in a big way, but, least is also over nine chi (0.33 m), considers, can grow such big antler, actually Lu Keweng drank many person blood. 虽然没有人去丈量鹿客翁这一对鹿角有多长有多大,但,最少也是九尺以上,试想一下,能长出这么大的鹿角,鹿客翁究竟是喝了多少的人血。 Thinks of here, everyone had a shiver. 想到这里,所有人都打了一个冷颤。
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