ED :: Volume #26

#2527: Confrontation

The boundless piece, entire Nine Linked Mountain just like camouflaged was the same, in this in an instant, a huge incomparable Sword Formation formation, covers entire Nine Linked Mountain is one of them. 茫茫一片,整个九连山宛如被遮蔽了一样,就在这刹那之间,一个巨大无比的剑阵形成,把整个九连山笼罩在其中。 In this huge incomparable Sword Formation, slaughters, innumerable giant sword appear, after giant sword sweeps, universe stars also goes just like the dust same dissipation. 在这庞大无比的剑阵之中,森罗杀戮,无数的巨剑浮现,一把巨剑荡扫过后,天宇星辰也宛如尘埃一样消散而去。 When huge Sword Formation appears like this, the slaughtered aura fills the air in between Heaven and Earth, as if any creature in this Sword Formation can be strangled to death instantaneously, moreover was twisted blood fog instantaneously, the skeleton does not save. 当这样的巨大剑阵浮现之时,杀戮的气息弥漫于天地之间,似乎在这剑阵之中的任何生灵都会瞬间被绞杀,而且是瞬间被绞成血雾,尸骨不存。 Heaven's Primal Sword Formation.” At this time, had Old Ancestor looks at Nine Linked Mountain of aristocratic family to change to Sword Formation, muttered said: This is one of the Myriad Formation Country three big absolute formation, most powerful Sword Formation.” 天元剑阵。”在这个时候,有世家的老祖看着九连山化作了剑阵,不由喃喃地说道:“这是万阵国三大绝阵之一,最强大的剑阵。” looks at entire Nine Linked Mountain was covered by this huge incomparable Sword Formation is one of them, in this time everyone understands why Eight Formation True Emperor will let before then ten million/countless Divine Sword drops from the clouds, all inserted on Nine Linked Mountain, this for arrange so unparalleled Sword Formation in Nine Linked Mountain. 看着整个九连山都被这巨大无匹的剑阵笼罩在其中,在这个时候大家才明白为什么在此之前八阵真帝会让千万把的神剑从天而降,全部插在了九连山上,这就是为了在九连山布下如此绝世无双剑阵 At once, everyone turned very quiet, Myriad Formation Country is known as Formation Law Wushuang/matchless, today the Eight Formation True Emperor consumption so painstaking care, arrange Peerless Sword Formation, does not know whether he can create the miracle. 一时之间,所有人都不由屏住了呼吸,万阵国乃是号称阵法无双,今日八阵真帝耗费如此心血,布下绝世剑阵,就不知道他能否创造出奇迹。 Clang-- a resonate sound, in this in an instant, Eight Formation True Emperor one step treads, halts in Great Antiquity Mountain, his vision such as cold Dian, sweeps, his vision first falls on the body of Bingchi Hanyu, at this time Bingchi Hanyu calmly stands side Li Qiye's. “铛——”的一声响起,在这刹那之间,八阵真帝一步踏来,止步于洪荒山,他目光如冷电,一扫而过,他的目光先落在兵池含玉的身上,此时兵池含玉静静地站在李七夜的身边。 Also, the Eight Formation True Emperor vision fell on Li Qiye's, in his vision fell when the Li Qiye body, in an instant bloomed radiant incomparable sword light, just like a world blasts out was the same, fills with the boundless invincible aura. 随之,八阵真帝的目光落在了李七夜的身上,在他的目光落在李七夜身上之时,刹那之间绽放了璀璨无比的剑芒,宛如是一个世界炸开了一样,充满磅礴无敌的气息。 The foes meet, particularly eyes are red, but, Eight Formation True Emperor is still True Emperor, but also has the mind of being broad-minded, at this time had not said that shouted angrily furiously roared. 仇敌相见,分外眼红,只不过,八阵真帝依然是真帝,还有着海涵的胸襟,在这个时候并没有说怒喝狂吼 Li Qiye-- at this time, Eight Formation True Emperor said the Li Qiye's name, his sound like metal and stone, came out of the sheath to be the same just like Divine Sword, each character filled swift and fierce murdering. 李七夜——”在这个时候,八阵真帝直呼李七夜的名字,他的声音如金石,宛如神剑出鞘一样,每一声字都充满了凌厉的杀伐。 king king meets, in this in an instant, everyone turned very quiet, closely is staring at present this, is not willing to miss most splendid thing. 王王相见,在这刹那之间,所有人都屏住了呼吸,都不由紧紧地盯着眼前这一幕,都不愿意错过最精彩的东西 At once, in the world , only then the breathing is the same, as if even silver needle falls to the ground can hear. 一时之间,天地间只有呼吸声一样,似乎连银针落地都能听得到。 Everyone steadily looks at Li Qiye and Eight Formation True Emperor, can say that this is second king king between Li Qiye and Eight Formation True Emperor meets. 所有人都目不转睛地看着李七夜八阵真帝,可以说这是李七夜八阵真帝之间的第二次王王相见。 First meeting, Eight Formation True Emperor brought six big regiment, Bingchi Aristocratic Family and Myriad Formation Country allied armies to break through the imperial palace, the army threatened the border. 第一次相见,八阵真帝带着六大军团、兵池世家万阵国的联军攻破了皇宫,大军压境。 At that time, new Emperor that just one dissolute wicked incapable ruler, small and weak insignificant. 在那个时候,新皇那只不过一个荒淫无道的昏君而已,弱小的微不足道。 It can be said that at that time result / to bear fruit can definitely be able to expect, being deserted by friends and allies new Emperor was caught up with the throne by Eight Formation True Emperor, such as stray cur flees generally. 可以说,在那个时候结果是完全可以料想得到,众叛亲离的新皇八阵真帝赶下了皇位,如丧家之犬一般逃离。 As for Eight Formation True Emperor, at that time is high-spirited, reputation big chirp, for a while does not have two, even there are to mount the throne and displacing potential. 至于八阵真帝,在那个时候可谓是意气风发,名声大噪,一时无二,甚至有登上皇位、取而代之之势。 But today king king meets again, all became different, new Emperor Whole World was invincible, world all was the ant cricket, even if Eight Formation True Emperor must be dignified waits. 但今日再次王王相见,一切又变得不一样了,新皇举世无敌,世间皆为蚁蝼,就算是八阵真帝必是俨阵以待。 Makes people think what suffocates, Eight Formation True Emperor fiancee Hanyu Princess fell into the hand of new Emperor! 更让人觉得窒息的是,八阵真帝的未婚妻含玉公主落入了新皇的手中! Regarding the Eight Formation True Emperor saying name, the Li Qiye idle appearance, put down the teacup in hand, hit a yawn gently, is bored to death, said: You prepared to be very long, was quite bored.” 对于八阵真帝的直呼名字,李七夜无所事事的模样,放下了手中的茶杯,轻轻地打了一个呵欠,百无聊赖,说道:“你准备了很久了,好无聊。” Like this said that making one obstruct. Eight Formation True Emperor is Myriad Law adds the body, has the invincible posture, but, such stance looks like in the new Emperor eye, that is bored in every possible way, does not care. 这样的话一说出来,让人不由为之一窒。八阵真帝乃是万法加身,拥有着无敌之姿,但是,这样的姿态在新皇眼中看来,那是百般的无聊,根本就不放在心上。 That feared that was this time Eight Formation True Emperor royal cart Nine Secrets Dao Lineage boundless strength, new Emperor was still the indifferent stance, was still the appearance of being bored to death, this explained that new Emperor has not placed in Eight Formation True Emperor the eye. 那怕是此时八阵真帝御驾着九秘道统的磅礴力量了,新皇依然是无所谓的姿态,依然是百无聊赖的模样,这说明新皇根本就没有把八阵真帝放在眼中。 The Eight Formation True Emperor such invincible condition, new Emperor has not placed in the eye, then new Emperor is what kind of great strength, is what kind of terrifying, therefore everyone on the scene suffocated. 八阵真帝这样无敌的状态,新皇都没有放在眼中,那么新皇是何等的强大,是何等的恐怖,所以在场的所有人都不由为之窒息了一下。 Eight Formation True Emperor has not gotten angry, his manner concentrates, vision one severe, cold voice said: Today, I come carry off Hanyu Princess!” The words fall, both eyes spout the radiant ray just like to cut open the whole world. 八阵真帝也没有发怒,他神态一凝,目光一厉,冷声说道:“今日,我来乃是带走含玉公主!”话一落下,双目喷涌出璀璨的光芒宛如是可以剖开整个世界。 Eight Formation True Emperor such stance, showed his determination without doubt. 八阵真帝如此的姿态,无疑是说明了他的决心。 Courage praise worthy, has the mind.” Li Qiye is still worn out, waves gently, hit a yawn, said: First did not say that you are capable of taking away her from my hand, you must first ask that she is willing to leave with you.” “勇气可嘉,有胸襟。”李七夜依然是有气无力,轻轻地挥了挥手,打了一个呵欠,说道:“先不说你有没有能力从我手中带走她,那你也得先问问她愿不愿意跟你离开。” Li Qiye such stance, that is simply has not placed in the eye Eight Formation True Emperor, this made many young one generation on the scene look, was Eight Formation True Emperor defends against injustice in the heart, felt that new Emperor this was too extremely arrogant and is too rampant. 李七夜如此的姿态,那是根本没把八阵真帝放在眼中,这让在场的不少年轻一辈看了,在心里面为八阵真帝打抱不平,感觉新皇这太狂妄、太嚣张了。 However, no one dares saying that that fears in the heart discontented, does not dare throat one, new Emperor this tyrant take action then slaughter 1 million methods, they have to experience. 但是,没有人敢说出口,那怕心里面不满,也不敢吭一声,新皇这个暴君出手便屠百万的手段,他们又不是没有见识过。 The Eight Formation True Emperor vision concentrates, at once, his vision falls in the body of Bingchi Hanyu, the vision like the running water, was gentle. 八阵真帝目光一凝,旋即,他目光落于兵池含玉的身上,目光如流水,柔和了很多。 Princess does Your Highness, how along with me depart?” At this time, Eight Formation True Emperor still displayed is a modest and self-demanding gentleman, worthily was True Emperor, the style or the manner, conformed to him as the True Emperor status. 公主殿下,随我离去如何?”在这个时候,八阵真帝依然表现出是一尊谦谦君子,不愧是一尊真帝,不论是风范还是举止,都符合他作为真帝的身份。 looks at Eight Formation True Emperor, Bingchi Hanyu sighed gently, shook the head gently, said slowly: Tian Zhi Young Master, the matter, all has by me, was finished by me. You will have the excellent future in the future, puts down grievances, leaves here, the day high ground is far, wide sea and sky.” 看着八阵真帝,兵池含玉轻轻地叹息一声,轻轻摇头,徐徐地说道:“天挚公子,万般事,皆由我起,就由我来结束吧。你未来有大好前途,放下恩怨吧,离开这里,天高地远,海阔天空。” Bingchi Hanyu this saying said gently, this has read the past friendship very much, because in her heart was very clear, present age no one is the Li Qiye's opponent, all exist(ence) and Li Qiye for enemy, only then blind alley one, all resistances that pale and weak, her feudal official bent down in Li Qiye, attached in Li Qiye. 兵池含玉这话轻轻说出来,这已经是很念往日的情份了,因为她心里面很清楚,当世之间没有人是李七夜的对手,一切存在李七夜为敌,都只有死路一条,一切的反抗都是那么的苍白无力,她臣伏于李七夜,依附于李七夜 This saying, the world in an uproar, everyone pulled out an cold air/Qi, many people for it with amazement, in this in an instant, many blankly look at each other, do not know in many will of the people to shake. 这话一出,天下哗然,所有人都抽了一口冷气,不少人为之骇然,在这刹那之间,很多人都不由面面相觑,不知道多少人心里面为之一震。 At this time, in all will of the people trembled. Before then, the world people know, Hanyu Princess and Eight Formation True Emperor are the day suppose make one pair, place, their two people is a perfect match. 在这个时候,所有人心里面都不由颤了一下。在此之前,天下人都知道,含玉公主八阵真帝乃是天设地对、地造一双,他们两个人是郎才女貌。 Moreover, on many occasions, Hanyu Princess is Eight Formation True Emperor drums up support, is Eight Formation True Emperor wins over the popularity, was Eight Formation True Emperor seeks the profit...... saying that to help Eight Formation True Emperor can mount the throne, Hanyu Princess spared no effort, whole-heartedly. 而且,在很多场合之下,含玉公主都为八阵真帝造势,为八阵真帝拉拢人气,为八阵真帝谋求益处……可以说,为了帮助八阵真帝能登上皇位,含玉公主是不遗余力,全力以赴。 At that time, looks like in the world person, Hanyu Princess is really a good wife, she is the beautiful appearance is not only moving, is the virtuous high character, is really very qualified Empress. 在那个时候,在天下人看来,含玉公主实在是一个贤内助,她不仅仅是美貌动人,同时也是贤慧兰质,实在是一个十分合格的帝后 However, within the short time, actually had such transformation, Hanyu Princess is just falls into the new Emperor hand one night, this then changed all. 但是,短短的时间之内,却发生了如此的转变,含玉公主只不过是落入新皇手中一夜而已,这便改变了一切。 Thinks of here, making many people suffocate, actually what happened in that night? Also at once, makes one think! 想到这里,让不少人为之窒息,在这一夜之间究竟是发生了什么事情?一时之间,也不由让人浮想联翩! Not long, Hanyu Princess and Eight Formation True Emperor are the Phoenix Cry luan, lets the person in many of eyes for a pair of lover who it envies. 曾几何时,含玉公主八阵真帝乃是凤鸣鸾和,在多少人眼中是多么让人为之羡慕的一对情侣。 However, today Hanyu Princess actually follows new Emperor, such change, does not know that made in many will of the people pull out an cold air/Qi. 但是,今日含玉公主却跟随了新皇,这样的改变,不知道让多少人心里面抽了一口冷气。 Hears Hanyu Princess such words, the Eight Formation True Emperor manner changes, the body trembled, but, he eventually is True Emperor, quickly returned to normal, the manner all of a sudden is also calm. 听到含玉公主这样的话,八阵真帝神态一变,身体颤了一下,但,他终究是一位真帝,很快又恢复了平静,神态又一下子镇定下来。 Princess, you could rest assured that I will certainly save you.” Eight Formation True Emperor deeply shouted inspires, calm, said slowly: Regardless of what happened, since you are because I fall into whole yu, I have the responsibility to bring to go back you!” 公主,你放心,我一定会把你救出来的。”八阵真帝深深地呼吸了一口气,镇定,徐徐地说道:“不论发生什么事,既然你是因为我身陷囵圄,我就有责任把你带回去!” Hears Eight Formation True Emperor such words, many people give the thumbs-up secretly, this is the man real man, said Nine Cauldrons, like this responsible attitude, making anybody gasp in admiration. 听到八阵真帝这样的话,不少人暗暗地竖起了大拇指,这才是男子汉大丈夫,一言九鼎,这样的负责态度,让任何人都为之叹服。 Bingchi Hanyu sighed gently, she shakes the head, said slowly: Tian Zhi Young Master, you are still not clear. You are not the Your Majesty opponent, forcefully with Your Majesty for the enemy, that is only the perishing way. This is not only makes Myriad Formation Country draw on the total destruction, implicated Bingchi Aristocratic Family.” 兵池含玉轻轻地叹息一声,她摇了摇头,徐徐地说道:“天絷公子,你依然还不明白。你不是陛下的对手,强行与陛下为敌,那只是亡途。这不仅仅是让万阵国招来灭顶之灾,也连累了兵池世家。” At this time, Bingchi Hanyu this saying said clearly, was says very directly. Like this is not very pleasant to the ear, anybody listened to feel gratingly, even punctures the heart, but, Bingchi Hanyu this saying said the truth. 在这个时候,兵池含玉这话说得再明白不过了,也是说得十分直接。这样的话十分的不中听,任何人听了都感觉刺耳,甚至是刺心,但是,兵池含玉这话却说出了实情。 In Bingchi Hanyu heart clear, Eight Formation True Emperor for it, this will draw on the total destruction forcefully surely, this not only relates to their individual honor or disgrace, but is relates to the life or death of entire border country and entire old family. 兵池含玉心里面一清二楚,八阵真帝强行为之,这必定会招来灭顶之灾,这已经不仅仅是关系到他们个人的荣辱了,而是关系到整个疆国、整个世族的存亡。 Bingchi Hanyu such words saying, in all will of the people for this shook , many people could not understand that Bingchi Hanyu such approach, after all looked like in many people, Eight Formation True Emperor took the so big risk to come, that was to save her. 兵池含玉这样的话一说出来,所有人心里面都不由为这一震,也有很多人理解不了兵池含玉这样的做法,毕竟在不少人看来,八阵真帝冒着如此大的风险前来,那是为了救她。 Eight Formation True Emperor complexion big change, but he deeply shouted inspires, at once is calm, he took back the vision from Bingchi Hanyu resolutely. 八阵真帝脸色大变,但他深深地呼吸了一口气,旋即镇定下来,他毅然地从兵池含玉身上收回了目光。 Clang, at this time Eight Formation True Emperor both eyes one severe, sword cry resounds, his vision changed to terrifying peerless Divine Sword, as if must cut the Li Qiye head to be the same. “铛”的一声,此时八阵真帝双目一厉,剑鸣响起,他的目光就化作了恐怖绝伦的神剑,似乎要斩了李七夜头颅一样。 In this in an instant, the Eight Formation True Emperor whole body spout terrifying incomparable murderous aura, in this in an instant, his whole person just like changed to a deicide to be the same, who kept off his path, that surely was kill without mercy! 在这刹那之间,八阵真帝全身喷涌出了恐怖无比的杀气,在这刹那之间,他整个人宛如是化作了一尊杀神一样,谁人挡他的道路,那必定是杀无赦 Today, I must make you give the head! Carries off Hanyu Princess, otherwise, fight to the death.” At this time Eight Formation True Emperor manner one severe, the sound sinks, the words that he said were loud and clear, representative he was determined steadfastly. “今日,我必让你授首!带走含玉公主,否则,不死不休。”此时八阵真帝神态一厉,声音一沉,他说出的话掷地有声,代表着他坚定不移的决心。 Sees Eight Formation True Emperor to be determined a war, Bingchi Hanyu sighs gently, no longer urged, because she knows that this has been doomed, no one changed. 见到八阵真帝决心一战,兵池含玉轻轻地叹息一声,不再去劝,因为她知道这已经注定了,谁都改变不了。
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