ED :: Volume #25

#2470: The hatchet kills it

Sees Zeng Yibin such actions, many people looked at each other , some experience quite rich young cultivator shake the head secretly. 看到曾逸彬的如此所作所为,不少人相视了一眼,也有一些经历比较丰富的年轻修士不由暗暗摇了摇头。 Many people do not sympathize with Li Qiye this new Emperor, but thought Zeng Yibin villains held sway, only when fears new Emperor reigns, he fart does not dare to put one, now actually to raise the prestige military might in front of small and weak new Emperor. 很多人并非是同情李七夜这位新皇,而是觉得曾逸彬太小人得志了,只怕新皇在位之时,他连屁都不敢放一个,现在却在弱小的新皇面前扬威耀武 In cultivator, few people sympathize with the weak one, this world is the law of the jungle, but many people cannot get used to seeing the appearance that Zeng Yibin villains holds sway. 修士界,很少人去同情弱者,这个世界本来就是弱肉强食,只不过很多人是看不惯曾逸彬小人得志的模样。 In the ordinary day, Zeng Yibin that also is just the small role, such role usually in also stands in line what words in Nine Secrets Dao Lineage, now actually such makes widely known domineeringly, so rampant self-satisfied, so aggressive, makes many look that with young cultivator of Zeng Yibin similar strength he is not pleasing to the eyes. 在平日里,曾逸彬那也只不过是小角色而已,这样的角色平日里在九秘道统也排上什么字号,现在却如此的张扬跋扈,如此的嚣张得意,如此的咄咄逼人,让不少跟曾逸彬同样实力的年轻修士就看他不顺眼了。 Naturally, many people are not willing to say anything, let alone went is new Emperor defends against injustice. 当然,很多人也不愿意说什么,更别说去为新皇打抱不平了。 Although said that Zeng Yibin is not the talent , many young generation of cultivator looked that he is not pleasing to the eyes, but he after all is the Ma Mingchun nephew, the Zeng Family heir apparent, the backer is very strong. 虽然说曾逸彬不是什么天才,也有不少年轻一辈的修士看他不顺眼,但他毕竟是马明春的外甥,曾家的世子,靠山还是很强的。 What kind of fate as for new Emperor is, few people will hug in the sympathy, for new Emperor over, will not be new Emperor will hug not to hit evenly, to many, new Emperor that just will be stray cur, more people will be far it, who is willing to hug not to hit for such person evenly? 至于新皇是怎么样的下场,很少人会抱于同情,更不会为新皇出头,为新皇抱打不平,对于很多人来说,新皇那只不过是丧家之犬而已,更多的人是远之,谁愿意为这样的人抱打不平呢? At this time, Zeng Yibin ordered, Zeng Yibin behind more than ten corset sturdy man Li Qiye surround, their both eyes revealed the cold and severe ray all of a sudden all round. 在这个时候,曾逸彬一声令下,曾逸彬身后的十几个束衣劲汉一下子把李七夜团团围住了,他们都双目露出了冷厉的光芒。 These sturdy man had swayed back and forth in the army, absolutely is not the person of good stubble, so long as Zeng Yibin orders, their take action will not be forgiving absolutely, is the cruel and merciless generations. 这些劲汉都曾经在军队中打滚过,绝对不是什么善茬的人,只要曾逸彬一声令下,他们出手绝对不会留情,都是心狠手辣之辈。 Your Majesty, is to make small begins, is Your Majesty from the waste hands and feet?” sturdy man in more than ten sturdy man smile gloomily, said. 陛下,是让小的们动手呢,还是陛下自废手脚呢?”十几个劲汉中的一位劲汉阴森森地一笑,说道。 In scene tense, when everyone screen is breathing looks at at present such. 就在场面中的气氛紧张的时候,所有人都不由屏着呼吸看着眼前这样一幕之时。 At this time, heard „, and an intermittent sound resounds, this alarmed everyone on the scene all of a sudden, Zeng Yibin and his more than ten sturdy man have turned the head immediately. 就在这个时候,听到了“吧嗒、吧嗒、吧嗒”的一阵阵声音响起,这一下子惊扰了在场的所有人,曾逸彬和他的十几个劲汉立即转过头去。 Sees only sits Old Man by the mountain peak, the waist a hatchet, the under foot should not be putting one bucket of firewoods. At this time he sits above the rock, smoking pole, the appearance seems satisfied. 只见在山峰旁边坐着一个老人,腰间别着一把柴刀,脚下放着一担木柴。此时他坐在岩石之上,吧嗒吧嗒地抽着烟杆儿,模样显得惬意。 Everyone had not discovered when this Old Man arrives, as if he has sat there smokes to be the same, probably no one discovered that his exist(ence) is the same. 大家都没有发现这个老人是什么时候到来的,似乎他一直都坐在那里抽烟一样,好像没有人发现他的存在一样。 When everyone looks to this Old Man, Old Man spat smoke rings, knocked the smoke pole cigarette ash, hollow laugh, said: Excuse me, the old man going astray place, you continued.” 当所有人望向这个老人的时候,老人吐了一个烟圈,敲了敲烟杆儿的烟灰,干笑一声,说道:“不好意思,老汉走错地方了,你们继续。” Everyone does not know that who this Old Man is, many people looked at each other. 大家都不知道这个老人是谁,很多人只是相视了一眼。 Begins-- this time Zeng Yibin not to choose, he was more impossible to stop there at this time, in order to avoid resulted in a long delay usually means many problems, he told more than ten sturdy man immediately. “动手——”此时曾逸彬也没得选择,在这个时候他更不可能就此作罢,以免得夜长梦多,他立即吩咐十多个劲汉 Your Majesty, but we are no wonder cruel and merciless, this cannot blame me, can only say your too not long eyes.” sturdy man in more than ten sturdy man smile gloomily. 陛下,可莫怪我们心狠手辣,这可不能怪我,只能说你太不长眼睛了。”十几个劲汉中的一个劲汉阴森森一笑。 In this moment, in more than ten sturdy man had four sturdy man to look at each other, they loudly shouted: Hand comes-- words to fall, simultaneously take action. 在这一刻,十几个劲汉中有四个劲汉相视了一眼,他们大喝一声:“手来——”话一落下,同时出手 Four sturdy man grasp instantaneously to Li Qiye, they grasp respectively to the Li Qiye's hands and feet, everyone grasps an arm, wants to lift all of a sudden Li Qiye. 四个劲汉瞬间向李七夜抓去,他们分别是向李七夜的手脚抓去,每人抓一只手臂,想要一下子把李七夜抬起来。 Four people also hold the Li Qiye's hands and feet, this where is must break the Li Qiye's hands and feet, this is to tear limb from limb by five horses Li Qiye simply. 四个人同时抓住李七夜的手脚,这哪里是要打断李七夜的手脚呀,这简直就是要把李七夜五马分尸。 Clang-- a resonate sound, in this in an instant, bright as snow cold light flashes, hears , and the sound resounds, in this in an instant, blood light sputtering. “铛——”的一声响起,就在这刹那之间,雪亮的寒光一闪,听到“噗、噗、噗”的声音响起,在这刹那之间,血光溅射。 Everyone has not responded, is four pairs of arms falls to the ground, blood spout, all of a sudden dyed red soil. 所有人都还没有反应过来,就是四双手臂落地,鲜血喷涌,一下子染红了泥土。 Aiya, my hatchet-- everyone had not responded the time, heard to chop firewood Old Man to yell, he covered the waist of own tightly, but his hatchet has disappeared. “哎呀,我的柴刀——”大家都还没有反应过来的时候,听到砍柴老人大叫了一声,他紧捂自己的腰间,但他的柴刀已经不见了。 In this electrical spark light, sees only the hatchet to soar, in grasped dividing to the Li Qiye's robust man arm four in an instant, arm simultaneous/uniform shoulder of four robust men was divided completely, the hatchet was bright as snow, time that the arm divided, looking like cut open tofu to be the same. 在这石火电光之间,只见柴刀腾空而起,在刹那之间就把四位抓向李七夜的壮汉手臂给劈了下来,四位壮汉的手臂全部都齐肩被劈下来,柴刀雪亮锐利,把手臂劈下来的时候,就像是切开豆腐一样。 Ah!--, when the arm falls to the ground, the blood spurted crazily, these four robust men responded, discovered the arm of own got down by the arm, called out pitifully, they become no arm man all of a sudden. ——”当手臂落地,鲜血狂喷了,这四个壮汉才反应过来,才发现自己的手臂被臂下来了,都不由惨叫了一声,他们一下子成为了无臂汉子了。 At this time, saw only the hatchet to hang in empty/sky, the blood drops one after another from the blade. No one takes this hatchet, it probably cleverly is the same, cut the arms of four men all of a sudden. 在这个时候,只见柴刀高悬于空,鲜血一滴一滴地从刀刃下滴落下来。没有人去拿这把柴刀,它就好像通灵一样,一下子斩下了四个汉子的手臂。 Aiya, that is the fellow who I eat meal, comes back quickly.” At this time chopped firewood Old Man to yell one anxiously. “哎呀,那是我吃饭的家伙,快回来呀。”此时砍柴老人急得大叫了一声。 Sees such a, everyone thinks that all of a sudden was chops firewood Old Man take action, thinks that at this time chopped firewood Old Man is just plays the fool. 看到这样的一幕,所有人都一下子以为是砍柴老人出手了,都认为此时砍柴老人只不过是装傻而已。 Old thing, is you were doing to honor, courts death!” At this time, several other robust man complexions changed, immediately turns around. “老东西,原来是你在作崇,找死!”在这个时候,其他十几个壮汉脸色一变,立即转过身去。 Clang, clang and clang resonate sound of intermittent sword, more than ten robust man one after another drew out the sword, cruel generally to chopping firewood Old Man throws. “铛、铛、铛”的一阵阵刀剑之声响起,十几个壮汉都纷纷拔出了刀剑,如狼似虎一般向砍柴老人扑去。 Has nothing to do with the old man, misunderstands ten million/countless not.” Chops firewood Old Man to frighten jumps, waves the hand busily, is own argued. “与老汉无关,千万莫误会。”砍柴老人吓得一跳,忙是摇手,为自己辨解。 However, these more than ten robust man where will listen to his argument, hears clang the sound of sword long cry, their take action like lightning, sword like poisonous snake same thorn to throat that chops firewood Old Man. 但是,这十几个壮汉哪里会听他的辩解呢,听到“铛”的刀剑长鸣之声,他们出手闪电,刀剑如毒蛇一样刺向了砍柴老人的喉咙。 Their take action is vicious, not to enemy slightly opportunity of counter-attack, therefore they where, no matter chops firewood Old Man is sacred, wants to strike fatally. 他们出手狠毒,根本就不会给敌人丝毫反击的机会,所以他们不管砍柴老人是何方神圣,欲一击致命。 Chī-- a resonate sound, when more than ten robust men plunge chops firewood Old Man, hangs above hatchet cold light flashes, to strikes off to them. “嗤——”的一声响起,就在十几个壮汉扑向砍柴老人的时候,高悬在上空的柴刀寒光一闪,向直向他们砍去。 „Not good-- more than ten robust men, the instantaneous complexion changes, the sword strikes, chops to cut to go to the hatchet. “不好——”十几个壮汉,瞬间脸色一变,刀剑倒击,向柴刀劈斩而去。 Bang, bang and bang resonate sound of intermittent disintegration, sees only the sword to strike off instantaneously, the fragment flutters about, when this fragment flies, then saw the blood sputtering. “砰、砰、砰”的一阵阵崩碎之声响起,只见刀剑瞬间被击断,碎片纷飞,在这碎片飞起的时候,便见到了鲜血溅射。 The blade of hatchet is bright as snow, from the sky has drawn a beautiful snow white arc, cuts to fall, when the snow white arc falls, the blood splutters, both arm one after another crashes in the place. 柴刀的刀刃雪亮,在空中划过了一道美丽的雪白弧线,直斩而落,在雪白弧线落下的时候,鲜血溅射,一双双手臂纷纷坠落于地。 The hatchet has cut, is more than ten pairs of arms cuts off instantaneously, more than ten sturdy man suddenly became no arm man, when the hatchet cuts off, they revolt radically incompetently, they are the weapon are not only crushed by the hatchet all of a sudden, but also their arms also cut off all of a sudden. 柴刀斩过,瞬间是十几双手臂被斩断,十几个劲汉一下子成了无臂汉子,在柴刀砍落之时,他们根本就无能反抗,他们不仅仅是兵器被柴刀一下子击碎,而且他们的手臂也一下子被砍断了。 Ah!-- after a both arm falls to the ground, more than ten robust men then responded, a labor pain hurt the heartrending, was painful to call out pitifully. ——”在一双双手臂落地之后,十几个壮汉这才反应过来,一阵痛疼钻心,痛得都不由惨叫起来。 A hatchet cuts off, then reduced the arms of more than ten expert . Moreover the strength of their resistance does not have, this lets many complexion big change immediately. 一柴刀砍落,便砍掉了十几个高手的手臂,而且他们连反抗之力都没有,这顿时让很多人脸色大变 Ran into the person of high skill.” In this in an instant, everyone realized, this chops firewood Old Man is a deeply concealing person of high skill. “遇到高人了。”在这刹那之间,所有人都意识到了,这个砍柴老人是一位深藏不露的高人。 „Not good-- at this time, Zeng Yibin more than ten robust men then to recover, knows that ran into the fearful person of high skill, they for it with amazement, could not attend to the pain to hurt again, immediately retroceded by extremely fast. “不好——”在这个时候,曾逸彬的十几个壮汉这才回过神来,知道遇到可怕的高人了,他们都不由为之骇然,再也顾不上痛疼,立即以极速后退。 -- blood wind shoots, in this in an instant, sees only the hatchet to fly, a blade chops to fall, the heads of more than ten robust men flew all of a sudden, the robust man head flies, they also ran the good distance bang, bang and bang to throw down continually on the ground. “噗——”鲜血飙射,就在这刹那之间,只见柴刀飞起,一刀劈落,十几个壮汉的头颅一下子飞了出去,壮汉头颅飞出去的时候,他们还连跑了好一段距离才“砰、砰、砰”地摔倒在地上。 But at this time, their heads also just tumbled well on the ground. Just tumbled to see the body of own in the head of ground unexpectedly but actually, the blood from breaking the neck had/left the direct injection, their both eyes opened the eyes in a big way. 而在这个时候,他们的头颅也刚刚好滚落在地上了。刚刚滚落在地上的头颅竟然看到了自己的身体倒了过来,鲜血从断颈出直喷而出,他们的一双双眼睛不由睁得大大的。 In this moment, their mouth also stretch/open He, wants to scream desperately, but they screamed for quite a while, discovers own fundamentally on being able to scream sound. 在这一刻,他们的嘴巴也拼命地张合,想尖叫起来,但他们尖叫了大半天,才发现自己根本就叫不出声音来。 At once, the blood is flowing, concentrate became a small stream, flows on the ground, the hatchet cuts off, more than ten robust men all of a sudden by beheading skull. 一时之间,鲜血汩汩地流着,凝集成了一股小溪,流淌在地上,柴刀砍落,十几个壮汉就一下子被砍下了头颅。 At once, the air just like solidifying was the same, everyone turned very quiet, looks at this, many people have a shiver dull at present. 一时之间,空气宛如凝固了一样,所有人都不由屏住了呼吸,呆呆地看着眼前这一幕,不少人都打了一个冷颤。 Also made widely known domineering Zeng Yibin all of a sudden shocking a moment ago at present this, several robust men of his side are the experts, once touched crawled to sway back and forth the expert in the battlefield, no was a weak one, in this blinked then chops firewood Old Man to kill cleanly, this strength also too terrifying. 刚才还张扬跋扈的曾逸彬一下子被眼前这一幕给震撼住了,他身边的十几个壮汉都是好手,曾经在战场上摸爬打滚过的好手,没有一个是弱者,但是在这眨眼之间便被砍柴老人杀得一干二净,这实力也太恐怖了。 After recovering, Zeng Yibin had a shiver, with amazement big shout: My mother!” At this time, he wants not to think, turns around to run away. 当回过神来之后,曾逸彬打了一个冷颤,骇然大叫一声:“我的妈呀!”在这个时候,他想都不想,转身就逃走。 In this moment, what face countenance, what dignity, is unimportant, saving the poor life was more important than in this moment there's nothing, therefore he turns around to escape, that causes completely the strength of nursing, wishes one could to flee from here immediately. 在这一刻,什么颜脸,什么尊严,都不重要了,在这一刻没有什么比保住小命更重要了,所以他转身而逃的时候,那是使尽了吃奶的力气,恨不得立即就逃离这里。 When he turns around to escape, scoffing a resonate sound, bringing the hatchet of blood to non-stop fly to come, a blade chops , a blade cuts to fall. 但是当他转身而逃的时候,“嗤”的一声响起,带血的柴刀直飞而来,一刀直劈而下,一刀直砍而落。 bang-- a resonate sound, just escaped few step Zeng Yibin whole person to throw down on the ground, he took advantage of opportunity to roll very long distance to lie on the ground but actually. ——”的一声响起,才刚刚逃没有几步的曾逸彬整个人摔倒在地上,他顺势滚了很长一段距离才倒趴在地上。 Hears a resonate sound, saw only the Zeng Yibin both legs to be cut by the hatchet at this time all of a sudden, the blood spurted crazily, loses Zeng Yibin of both legs to roll all of a sudden falls down. 听到“噗”的一声响起,在这个时候只见曾逸彬的双腿被柴刀一下子砍了下来,鲜血狂喷,失去双腿的曾逸彬一下子滚倒在地上。 Ah!--, when lies on the ground completely but actually, Zeng Yibin discovered that the own both legs cut off, lost the both legs all of a sudden, the pain hurt the heartrending, making him call out pitifully. ——”当完全倒趴在地上的时候,曾逸彬才发现自己的双腿被砍断了,一下子失去了双腿,痛疼钻心,让他惨叫一声。 This frightens Zeng Yibin complexion deathly white, was scared all of a sudden, screamed: Mother-- loses him of both legs to tumble immediately, both hands crawl forward, wants to flee from here. 这更是吓得曾逸彬脸色煞白,一下子被吓破了胆了,尖叫:“妈呀——”失去双腿的他立即连滚带爬,双手向前爬去,欲逃离这里。 At this time, the Zeng Yibin whole body was the blood, when his both hands when the foot used, towed two Daoist long bloodstains on the ground. 在这个时候,曾逸彬全身是血,当他双手当脚用的时候,在地上拖下了两道长长的血迹。
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