ED :: Volume #25

#2463: Has female Chuqing

Let alone, this engagement world all knows, since that moment, that means that she is the new Emperor woman, this is her destiny! Therefore since this moment, she also knows that own must marry new Emperor, she does not want to change it, but is complies with it, adapts it. 更何况,这一桩婚约天下皆知,在那一刻起,那就意味着她是新皇的女人,这就是她的命运!所以在这一刻起,她也知道自己是要嫁给新皇,她并没有想去改变它,而是去遵从它,去适应它。 You?” Li Qiye smiles, looks at present Liu Chuqing. “那你呢?”李七夜笑了笑,看着眼前的柳初晴 Liu Chuqing looked straight ahead the Li Qiye's vision to dangle, said in a soft voice: Person, cannot fail to keep one's word, since there is this engagement, I, I, I should fulfill it.” 柳初晴直视李七夜的目光又不由垂下了,轻声地说道:“人,不能言而无信,既然有这婚约,我,我,我就该去履行它。” „, This engagement is not you subscribes.” Li Qiye smiles, touches the chin, said. “要知道,这婚约不是你订下的。”李七夜笑了笑,摸了摸下巴,说道。 I, I know.” The Liu Chuqing place nod, said gently: But, Front Sea Pavilion raises me to nurture me, Old Ancestor they spent many painstaking care on me, I should, should be Sect does anything the time, I, I should also do. Since Old Ancestor subscribing got down this engagement, I, I will not make Old Ancestor break a promise.” “我,我知道。”柳初晴轻轻地点了点头,说道:“但,临海阁养我育我,老祖宗他们在我身上花费了很多心血,我该,该为宗门做点什么事的时候,我,我也应该做的。老祖宗既然订下了这一桩婚约,我,我就不会让老祖宗失信。” Good, nowadays, but can also keep the promise are really not many, especially keeps the promise to the weak one.” Li Qiye claps hands to smile. “不错,这年头,还能遵守诺言的还真不多,特别是对弱者遵守诺言。”李七夜不由抚掌而笑。 Liu Chuqing hangs down small head, are not many speaks, in fact, few supports her to observe this engagement in their Front Sea Pavilion personally, regarding their Front Sea Pavilion, she, if marries new Emperor, far more than is the fresh flower inserts on the cow dung, wasted their Front Sea Pavilion great contributor. 柳初晴低垂螓首,并不多说话,事实上,在他们临海阁也没有几个人支持她去遵守这一桩婚约,对于他们临海阁来说,她若是嫁给新皇,何止是鲜花插在牛粪上,更是浪费了他们临海阁的栋梁之材。 However, Liu Chuqing fulfills this engagement, this is her own decided in private, she does not want to let Old Ancestor and Sect is difficult to do, own runs. 但是,柳初晴还是来履行这一桩婚约,这是她自己私下决定的,她也不想让老祖宗宗门难做,自己独自一人跑出来的。 Since you must fulfill this engagement, how you do plan to do?” Li Qiye has the smile, looks at at present this young girl. “既然你是要履行这一桩婚约了,那你打算怎么做呢?”李七夜带着笑容,看着眼前这个少女。 Young girl raised the head, looked at Li Qiye one fast, then dangled the view, said in a low voice: Is faithful to husband no matter what his lot is.” At this point, her sound arrives lightly inaudible, accepts to be the same just like the mosquito. 少女抬起头来,飞快地看了李七夜一眼,然后又垂下了眼帘,低声地说道:“嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗。”说到这里,她的声音轻到不可闻,宛如蚊纳一样。 Said after this saying, she felt that the root of the ear of own is feeling hot, but she said the own words. 说完了这话之后,她感觉自己的耳根都在发烫,但她还是说出了自己的话来。 Un, good to be faithful to husband no matter what his lot is.” Li Qiye nod, the praise, said: I like such girl, good, that comes.” “嗯,好一个嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗。”李七夜点头,赞扬,说道:“我就喜欢这样的女孩子,好吧,那就进来吧。” Li Qiye such words made in the Liu Chuqing heart jump, was somewhat anxious, but thinks that the later day was very long, roused the courage to own. 李七夜这样的话让柳初晴心里面跳了一下,有些紧张,但想到以后日子还很长,又给自己鼓了鼓勇气。 At this time Li Qiye has walked into Stone Palace, stood roused the courage in Liu Chuqing, finally followed to walk into Stone Palace. 此时李七夜已经走入了石殿,站在门外的柳初晴鼓了鼓勇气,最后还是跟着走入了石殿了。 But, when walks into Stone Palace, in the Liu Chuqing heart also somewhat is anxiously small, because of big Great Antiquity Mountain, big Stone Palace, only then their two people, besides them, a silence. 但,当走入石殿的时候,柳初晴心里面又不由有些小紧张,因为偌大的洪荒山,偌大的石殿,也就只有他们两个人而已,除了他们之外,一片寂静。 Also, Liu Chuqing has not been short of heard Li Qiye evil reputation outside, the world people have known that new Emperor is dissolute, if in this barren mountains and wild hills, Li Qiye really makes anything to come to her, that, what to do that should...... 再说,柳初晴没少听说李七夜在外的恶名,天下人都知道新皇荒淫无道,如果在这荒山野岭之中,李七夜真对她做出什么事情来,那,那,那该怎么办…… At once, Liu Chuqing somewhat slightly flinches, after all she is a young girl, is a young virgin eldest daughter, a lot have not experienced, can not make her be afraid? 一时之间,柳初晴又不由有些小退缩,毕竟她还是一个少女,是一个黄花大闺女,很多事情还未曾经历过,能不让她害怕吗? But at once Liu Chuqing encourages own secretly, after all she and Li Qiye have the engagement, among them the status has decided that, even if real Li Qiye makes anything matter to come to her, that is still natural, that should also be. 但旋即柳初晴又不由暗暗地鼓励了一下自己,毕竟她与李七夜已经有了婚约,他们两个人之间名份已定,就,就算真的李七夜对她做出一些什么事情来,那,那也是理所当然的,那,那也是应该的。 Thinks of here, Liu Chuqing is not only disturbed, in the heart is fear somewhat, but is not willing to flinch like this, she is not willing to break a promise like this. 想到这里,柳初晴既是忐忑,心里面又是有几分的害怕,但又不愿意就这样退缩,她不愿意就这样失信于人。 Finally she deeply shouted inspires, follows close on Li Qiye's behind, although was in the heart perturbed and uneasy, she persisted in getting down, adapts it, slowly changed him. 最终她还是深深地呼吸了一口气,紧跟在李七夜的身后,尽管是心里面忐忑不安,她还是坚持走下去,去适应它,慢慢去改变他。 Walked into Stone Palace, Li Qiye sat in the Grandmaster chair, said with a smile: Since you want to be my wife, that must learn to serve me, good, I give you an opportunity, serves me to wash.” 走入了石殿,李七夜坐在大师椅,笑着说道:“既然你想做我妻子,那就要学会侍候我,好吧,我给你一个机会,侍候我洗漱吧。” Liu Chuqing stare blankly, recovers, said in a low voice: I, I know.” Then goes to bustle about, is the thing of Li Qiye preparation washing. 柳初晴呆了一下,回过神来,低声地说道:“我,我知道。”然后去忙碌起来,为李七夜准备洗漱之物。 Liu Chuqing is Front Sea Pavilion Princess, although said that is insufficient the clothes to put out a hand, is waited on hand and foot, but, she has not made the dirty job in Front Sea Pavilion, has not served excellently. 柳初晴乃是临海阁公主,虽然说不至于衣来伸手,饭来张口,但是,在临海阁她是从来没有做过脏活,更没有侍候过人。 After all she is well-born, has noble Bloodline, is Front Sea Pavilion Princess, usually in did not need the person to serve that is very good, where came to need to serve others. 毕竟她出身高贵,拥有着高贵的血统,又是临海阁公主,平日里不需要人侍候那已经是很不错了,哪里来需要去侍候别人呢。 Although said that starts these lock trivial things to come Liu Chuqing to knock unavoidably, but is willing intent to do. 虽然说做起这些锁琐的事情来柳初晴是免不了磕磕碰碰,但还是心甘情愿意去做。 At this time Liu Chuqing looks like an obedient young wife to bustle about equally, Li Qiye sits there, looks at bustles about likely Liu Chuqing of small top, seems like appreciates this rare beautiful scene to be the same at present. 此时柳初晴就像是一个听话的小媳妇一样忙碌起来,李七夜坐在那里,看着忙碌得像小陀螺的柳初晴,似乎是欣赏着眼前这一幅难得的美景一样。 Some little time later, Liu Chuqing finally prepared the thing of washing, carried in front of lukewarm water of basin Li Qiye. 好一会儿之后,柳初晴终于把洗漱之物准备好了,把一盆的温水端到了李七夜面前。 Starts.” Li Qiye still sits well motionless, dignified, if element, but the serene instruction said. “开始吧。”李七夜依然端坐不动,泰然若素,只是风轻云淡地吩咐说道。 Liu Chuqing surprised, she also thinks that own was Li Qiye prepares to wash was good , this also needed own to wash for him, this made her unable to respond all of a sudden, after all she so has not really served as Front Sea Pavilion Princess excellently. 柳初晴不由愕了一下,她还以为自己李七夜准备好洗漱就行了,没有想到,这还需要自己为他洗漱,这让她一下子反应不过来,毕竟作为临海阁公主她还真的没有如此侍候过人。 Finally Liu Chuqing deeply shouted inspires, making in the own heart more comfortable, after all this was own husband, the own man, later must follow he for a lifetime. 最后柳初晴深深地呼吸了一口气,让自己心里面舒坦一些,毕竟这是自己的夫君,自己的男人,以后还要跟着他一辈子。 Finally Liu Chuqing is Li Qiye washing, although said that she first time is served the person, the movement is shy, does and unsatisfactory, but she is very careful gentle, looks like a very virtuous obedient little wife. 最后柳初晴还是为李七夜洗漱,虽然说她是第一次侍候人,动作青涩,做得并不如人意,但她还是很细心温柔,就像是一个十分贤惠听话的小妻子。 After Liu Chuqing is Li Qiye just washed, Li Qiye smiled, put out a hand to press firmly between the fingers her fine beautiful chin gently. 柳初晴李七夜刚刚洗漱完之后,李七夜不由笑了一下,伸手轻轻地捏住了她那精致美丽的下巴。 „Do you, how you want?” Liu Chuqing was in a big way frightened one to jump by the Li Qiye sudden movement, like fawn startled. “你,你想怎么样?”柳初晴李七夜突然的动作吓得一大跳,像小鹿一样惊慌。 Especially the Li Qiye reputation was not good, his dissolute wicked name has spread over entire Nine Secrets Dao Lineage, some hearsay had said let alone, he seizes the gentlewoman in the imperial capital specially, therefore in Liu Chuqing heart anxious, the speech flatters. 特别是李七夜名声本来就不好,他荒淫无道之名早就传遍了整个九秘道统,更何况早就有传闻说,他在帝都的时候专门强抢良家妇女,所以柳初晴心里面大为紧张,说话都巴结。 You said, our single male and female, what we can make?” Li Qiye narrowed an eye, said with a smile. “你说,我们孤男寡女,我们能做点什么?”李七夜眯了一下眼睛,笑着说道。 At this time Li Qiye this appearance in others opinion, is the appearance that the color narrows the eyes, said dreadfully some dreadfully. 此时李七夜这模样在别人看来,是色眯眯的模样,说起来有多猥琐就有多猥琐。 Li Qiye such words, but also really daunted Liu Chuqing, she retroceded one step, the complexion changes, said anxiously: You, you, like this.” 李七夜这样的话,还真把柳初晴吓住了,她不由后退了一步,脸色一变,紧张地说道:“你,你,你不要这样。” One anxious, she forgot, new Emperor is a cultivation extremely shallow person, but she is the Front Sea Pavilion young generation of best powerhouse. 一紧张之下,她都忘记了,新皇是一个道行极浅的人,而她可是临海阁年轻一辈数一数二的强者。 How did you say should?” Li Qiye with a smile looks at Liu Chuqing. “那你说该怎么样呢?”李七夜笑吟吟地看着柳初晴 I, I, I......” the Liu Chuqing opens the mouth wanted saying that but I most of the day, could not speak. “我,我,我……”柳初晴张口欲说,但是我了大半天,都说不出话来。 Li Qiye said leisurely and carefree: Person who we have the engagement, you are my woman, you mentioned listen, what matter if both of us had, should be? Is natural?” The Liu Chuqing opens the mouth wants saying that but a character could not speak, finally gently low small head. 李七夜悠闲地说道:“我们可是有婚约的人,你已经是我的女人了,你说来听听,如果我们两个人发生点什么事情,是不是应该的呢?是不是理所当然的呢?”柳初晴张口欲言,但一个字都说不出话来,最后不由轻轻地低下了螓首 Li Qiye this saying said after all is reasonable, they have the engagement, they are the couples, if they had what matter, that was also sooner or later matter. 李七夜这话说得有道理,毕竟他们已经有婚约了,他们已经是夫妻了,他们若是发生点什么事情,那也是迟早的事情。 But, Liu Chuqing eventually is a young virgin eldest daughter, has not experienced some things, therefore she could not speak for a very long time. 但,柳初晴终究是一个黄花大闺女,从来没有经历过这样的一些事情,所以她久久说不出话来。 You, you, do you have no alternative but like this?” Finally Liu Chuqing said in a low voice. “你,你,你就不能不这样吗?”最后柳初晴低声地说道。 How can't?” Li Qiye looks at Liu Chuqing, said with a smile: You were said that among us had a point anything matter, or was other things.” “不能怎么样?”李七夜笑吟吟地看着柳初晴,说道:“你是说我们之间发生一点什么事情,又或者是其他的事情。” Liu Chuqing is lowering small head, is holding appreciatively the lower hem corner, seems anxious, hesitant some little time, does not know the courage of finally where coming, is lowering the sound, said: „, Is the wild and absurd this matter, you, you, can't you change?” 柳初晴不由低着螓首,把玩着衣角,显得紧张,犹豫了好一会儿,最后也不知道哪里来的勇气,低着声音,说道:“就,就是荒、荒唐这事,你,你,你就不能改变一下吗?” Then, do you want to change me?” Li Qiye showed the smile, looks at Liu Chuqing. “这么说来,你是想改变一下我了?”李七夜不由露出了浓浓的笑容,看着柳初晴 Liu Chuqing shouted inspires, finally her raised the head, looked straight ahead the Li Qiye's vision, does not know the courage where she came, looks at Li Qiye, said earnestly: I, I do not hope you, you are that person, after all I, I, we are couple's words, in the future, I, we will have a long way to go. You, your cultivation, this, this are not related lowly, after all, no, is no one can become the powerhouse......” 柳初晴呼吸了一口气,最后她抬起头来,直视李七夜的目光,也不知道她从哪里来的勇气,看着李七夜,认真地说道:“我,我不希望你,你是那种人,毕竟我,我,我们是夫妻的话,未来,我,我们有很长的路要走。你,你道行低一点,这,这都没关系,毕竟,不,不是谁都能成为强者的……” „......, but, but, but I do not want to leave, others laughed saying that I, my husband was, is an absurd person, if, if I, I can, I, I hope that you can transform, was a person open and aboveboard, no, no longer was that absurd emperor, other, other did not matter.” “……但,但,但我也不希望别,别人笑话说,我,我的丈夫是,是个荒唐的人,如果,如果我,我可以的话,我,我希望你能有所转变,堂堂正正去做一个人,不,不再是那个荒唐的皇帝,其他的,其他的都无所谓了。” Liu Chuqing is very anxious, mentions these words, she somewhat flatters, but she was said very much earnestly very much rigid these words, this was also she sincere simplest most and honorable aspiration. 柳初晴很紧张,说起这一席话来,她都不由有些巴结,但她还是很认真很执着地说完了这一席话,这也是她最真挚最淳朴的心声。 Regarding Liu Chuqing, since set this engagement, that was destined. Even the Li Qiye ability is bad, cultivation, this are not related shallowly, she wants, but she does not hope that own husband is an absurd lascivious man. 对于柳初晴来说,既然定下了这一桩婚约,那就命中注定了。就算李七夜能力是差一些,道行浅一点,这都没关系,她都愿意,但她不希望自己夫君是一个荒唐好色的男人。 Although she cannot change this marriage, therefore she wants to try to change Li Qiye. 虽然她改变不了这一桩婚姻,所以她想去试着去改变李七夜 Then, you want to change me.” Li Qiye said earnestly. “这么说来,你是想改变我了。”李七夜认真地说道。 I, I hope you, you can cultivate the behavior open and aboveboard, I, I also think, you, you can be good.” Liu Chuqing is very anxious, but she had the courage to say such words. “我,我是希望你,你能堂堂正正去做人,我,我也想,你,你是能行的。”柳初晴很紧张,但她还是有勇气说出了这样的话来。 Un, a little truth.” Li Qiye nod. “嗯,有点道理。”李七夜不由点头 Liu Chuqing is also very earnest, this after all is her husband, she is a quite pure person, cannot keep the concern, therefore could not bear own heart inside words says. 柳初晴也是很认真,这毕竟是她的夫君,她是一个比较单纯的人,也藏不住心事,所以忍不住把自己心里面的话说出来了。 She looks for Li Qiye, not only need fulfill the engagement, wants to change this man. 她来找李七夜,不仅仅是要履行婚约,也想改变一下这个男人。
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