ED :: Volume #25

#2407: Three Immortals Tree

, Sand the sound resounds, saw only two Longevity Tree interpenetration fusions at this time, at this time you will discover they each other incomplete partially was such tallying.? Originally it is really the incomplete part.” Sees such a, Longevity Spiritual Master shocks, dull looks at at present this. “沙、沙、沙”的声音响起,在这个时候只见两株长生树相互贯穿融合,在这个时候你才会发现它们彼此残缺的部分是那么的吻合。?“原来它真的是残缺的一部分而已呀。”看到这样的一幕,长生真人都不由为之震撼,呆呆地看着眼前这一幕。 The Longevity Tree that long ago, their Longevity Valley First Ancestor some guess, their Longevity Valley had had may be some big tree the incomplete part. 早在很久以前,他们长生谷始祖曾经有过猜测,他们长生谷所拥有的这一株长生树有可能是某一株大树所残缺的一部分而已。 Only pitifully, Longevity Valley First Ancestor did not have the opportunity to see this Lord tree, therefore this can remain at the stage of guess, without the means confirmed. 只可惜,长生谷始祖一直都没有机会见到这株主树,所以这能停留在猜测的阶段,没有办法去证实。 Today when sees at present such a, Longevity Spiritual Master knows that the guess of their First Ancestor is correct, what a pity their First Ancestor actually cannot see with one's own eyes at present this. 今天看到眼前这样的一幕之时,长生真人才知道他们始祖的猜测是正确的,可惜他们的始祖却不能亲眼看到眼前这一幕。 Finally, when two Longevity Tree fuse completely mutually, complete incomparable Longevity Tree appears in Li Qiye and Longevity Spiritual Master at present. 最终,当两株长生树完全相互融合的时候,一株完整无比的长生树出现在了李七夜长生真人的眼前了。 Heard buzz a resonate sound, not only sent out immortal light in this time this complete Longevity Tree, Immortal Dao Law continuously let fall, each wisp of Immortal Dao Law thin like silk, but each Immortal Dao Law was actually the flowing light leisurely color, carefully looked again, each Immortal Dao Law seemed like with tiny to cannot the tiny world pass through continually becomes, this seemed like dust is a world. 听到了“嗡”的一声响起,在这个时候这株完整的长生树不仅仅散发出了仙光,一缕缕的仙道法则垂落,每一缕的仙道法则细如丝,但是每一道的仙道法则却是流光逸彩,再仔细去看,每一道仙道法则就好像是用一个个细小到不能细小的世界所贯连而成的一样,这就好像是一颗尘埃就是一个世界。 When this Longevity Tree lets fall Immortal Dao Law, heard buzz a resonate sound, appeared Totem, there just like opening a boundless endless world, multiplied there myriad things, the world was boundless, filled with the inexhaustible vitality, trillion time in such a world passage of time. 当这株长生树垂落仙道法则的时候,听到了“嗡”的一声响起,浮现了一个图腾,在那里宛如打开了一个磅礴无尽的世界,在那里万物繁衍,天地无垠,充满了无穷无尽的生机,亿万时光在这样的一个世界苒荏。 Although this Longevity Tree has not sent out the heaven frightening imposing manner at this moment, but the looks at present scene, this is stirring enough, as if world there's nothing Divine Tree has also been able again with it. 虽然此时此刻这株长生树并没有散发出惊天的气势,但看着眼前的景象,这就已经足够震撼人心了,似乎世间已经再也没有什么神树可以与之相匹了。 „Is this true Longevity Tree?” looks at this Longevity Tree, Longevity Spiritual Master also shocks at present, some little time she recovers, mutters said. “这就是真正的长生树吗?”看着眼前这株长生树,长生真人也为之震撼,好一会儿她才回过神来,喃喃地说道。 It did not call Longevity Tree, its real name is Three Immortals Tree.” Li Qiye smiles lightly. “它不叫长生树,它的真名叫做三仙树。”李七夜淡淡一笑。 Before then, Li Qiye also once called it Longevity Tree, but, after he walked Lost Immortal Temple all main halls, he knew in this thoroughly was mysterious, therefore this Three Immortals Tree origin he also understood clearly in the heart. 在此之前,李七夜也曾叫它长生树,但是,当他走完了迷仙殿的所有大殿之后,他彻底知道了这里面的奥妙了,所以这株三仙树的来历他也了然于胸 Before it is not, Longevity Tree that names, its true name is Three Immortals Tree. 它并不是以前取名的长生树,它真正的名字叫做“三仙树”。 Totem that Three Immortals Tree-- Longevity Spiritual Master murmured this name, her looks at Three Immortals Tree is then reappearing, then just like opening Big World, she said surprised: „Is could it be that this 3 Immortals World?” 三仙树——长生真人昵喃着这个名字,然后她看着三仙树所浮现的图腾,那宛如打开的一个大世界,她不由吃惊地说道:“难道这就是三仙界?” Right, it is 3 Immortals World.” World that Li Qiye looks at Three Immortals Tree Totem appears, the vision is profound, said slowly: Has a limited view, through it, you are also same can peep at entire 3 Immortals World.” “没错,它就是三仙界。”李七夜看着三仙树图腾所浮现的世界,目光深邃,徐徐地说道:“管中窥豹,通过它,你也一样能窥视整个三仙界。” It and our does 3 Immortals World have the greatest relations?” The world that in looks at Three Immortals Tree Totem appears, Longevity Spiritual Master muttered said. “它与我们三仙界有莫大的关系吗?”看着三仙树图腾中所浮现的世界,长生真人不由喃喃地说道。 This far more than has the greatest relations with 3 Immortals World.” Li Qiye smiles, said: This Three Immortals Tree, not only related to Longevity, can only say, Longevity is only its part, what it is more important was the source and 3 Immortals World it, you can also call it related to 3 Immortals World some sources, therefore it was unparalleled, entire 3 Immortals World, ancient did not only extinguish.” “这何止是与三仙界有莫大关系。”李七夜笑了笑,说道:“这株三仙树,不仅仅是涉及长生,只能说,长生只是它的一部分,它更重要的是源及了三仙界的本身,你也可以称之为涉及了三仙界的一些本源,所以它就是绝世无双,整个三仙界唯有一株,亘古不灭。” Three Immortals Tree.” At this time Longevity Spiritual Master muttered said. 三仙树。”此时长生真人不由喃喃地说道。 Although said this Three Immortals Tree part in their Longevity Valley the innumerable years, since their Longevity Valley established, continuously here, but, their Longevity Valley has not actually understood its back mystery, even if their First Ancestor cannot understand. 虽然说这株三仙树的一部分在他们长生谷已经无数岁月了,自从他们长生谷建立起,就一直在这里了,但是,他们长生谷却从来没有参透它背后的奥妙,就算是他们始祖也未能参透。 Sometimes some journey Ren, this Three Immortals Tree picks several leaves regarding their Longevity Valley biggest use, serves as in pill refining. Naturally, that feared that is the trivial several leaves, is the efficacy is unable to estimate. 在某种程认来说,这株三仙树对于他们长生谷的最大用处就是有时候采几片叶子,用作于炼丹之用。当然,那怕是区区的几片叶子,也是药力无法估量。 At this time Li Qiye extends take action to come, hears buzz one, Three Immortals Tree to be separated from the soil slowly, flew, fell above the Li Qiye palm. 此时李七夜缓缓地伸出手来,听到“嗡”的一声,三仙树脱离泥土,飞了起来,落在了李七夜手掌之上。 In the looks at Li Qiye hand holds Three Immortals Tree, person who even if cannot judge the quality of goods, saw that it still knows this is heaven frightening moves the place Divine Tree. 看着李七夜手中托着的三仙树,就算再不识货的人,看到它也知道这是一株惊天动地的神树 You planned where plants it?” looks at this Three Immortals Tree, Longevity Spiritual Master mutters at present said. “你打算把它种植在哪里呢?”看着眼前这株三仙树,长生真人不由喃喃地说道。 In entire 3 Immortals World, wants to find one to plant its place, only feared that difficultly is very very difficult.” Li Qiye is looking at the distant place, the vision is profound, just like passing through time, his mind just like sauntering to fly in circles in remote Space-Time. “在整个三仙界,想找到一个能种植它的地方,只怕很难很难。”李七夜望着远处,目光深邃,宛如穿越了时光,他的心神宛如遨翔于遥远的时空之中。 Crossed some little time, Li Qiye then took back the vision, walks slowly outward. 过了好一会儿,李七夜这才收回了目光,缓缓地往外走去。 Longevity Spiritual Master accompanies in his side, their two people walk not quickly, strolls in the canyon, is enjoying this very rare time. 长生真人陪在他的身边,他们两个人走得并不快,漫步于深谷之中,享受着这十分难得的时光 Their two people are walking slowly, has not known how long, Longevity Spiritual Master looks at Li Qiye, said: I know that has a person to have the ascended to Emperor Lineage World method.” 他们两个人慢慢地走着,也不知道过了多久,长生真人看着李七夜,说道:“我知道有个人有登临帝统界的门路。” ascended to Emperor Lineage World, regarding the Ten Thousand Lineage World powerhouse, is very difficult, generally needs to take immortally as the start, or must take True Emperor as the start. 登临帝统界,对于万统界的强者而言,是十分困难的,一般都是需要以不朽为起步,或者要以真帝为起步。 Only the person of such strength can force ascended to Emperor Lineage World, naturally, if aids you in some Emperor Lineage World people, that was easier. 只有这样实力的人才能强行登临帝统界,当然了,如果在帝统界有人接应你,那就更容易了。 Like Mu Shaochen, they have powerful Mu Family to aid in Emperor Lineage World, therefore Mu Shaochen re-enters Emperor Lineage World, is not the special difficulty. 就像沐少晨一样,他们在帝统界有强大的沐家接应,所以沐少晨重回帝统界,也不是特别的困难。 Besides these two methods, a method, some powerful incomparable Dao Lineage, their First Ancestor by the powerful invincible strength contact 3 Immortals World, powerful First Ancestor had therefore left behind some methods. 除了这两个方法之外,还有一种方法,有一些强大无比的道统,他们始祖曾经以强大无敌的力量往来过三仙界,所以强大的始祖留下了一些门路。 Also because some so Dao Lineage are still retaining some methods, therefore this enables some Dao Lineage not to become immortal or the True Emperor person delivers Emperor Lineage World, the cost of naturally in this needing is also very scary, does not have the absolute necessity, they will not easily go to deliver Emperor Lineage World a person. 也正是因为如此有些道统依然保留着一些门路,所以这使得有一些道统能把还没有成为不朽或者真帝的人送上帝统界,当然这里面所需要的成本也是十分吓人的,没有绝对的必要,他们不会轻易去把一个人送上帝统界 Naturally, by the Li Qiye's strength, he must mount Emperor Lineage World forcefully, that is not a problem completely, but wastes some time. 当然了,以李七夜的实力,他要强行登上帝统界,那也完全不成问题,只不过就是浪费一些时间而已。 If there is a method, making Li Qiye mount Emperor Lineage World, is quicker on the speed, all preparations can jump over directly. 如果说有门路的话,让李七夜登上帝统界,那就速度更快,所有前期的准备都可以直接跳过。 That has a look.” Li Qiye smiles at will, no matter, he can also force ascended to, can walk method ascended to, this does not have the tremendous impact on him. “那就去看看。”李七夜随意一笑,无所谓,他也可以强行登临,也可以走门路登临,这对他都没有多大的影响。 I say a hello.” Longevity Spiritual Master smiles one tenderly. “那我就去打一声招呼。”长生真人娇笑一声。 When this time, Longevity Spiritual Master hesitant, she closely is grasping Li Qiye's big hand, finally loosens slowly, this process is very slow is very slow, suddenly just like a century is the same. 在这个时候,长生真人犹豫了一下,她紧紧地握着李七夜的大手,最后才缓缓地松开,这个过程很慢很慢,恍然之时宛如就是过了一个世纪一样。 Finally, Li Qiye is also going to leave Longevity Valley, Fan Miaozhen their very does not abandon , three girls red the eye, Li Qiye one after another supported Dao Protector to leave with them on point of departure. 最终,李七夜也将要离开长生谷了,梵妙真她们十分的不舍,在临别之时,三个姑娘都不由红了眼睛,李七夜一一与她们拥护道别。 When said goodbye finally, cunning Fan Miaozhen was usually rudest, she closely held Li Qiye not to let go. 在最后道别的时候,平时刁钻的梵妙真最为失态,她紧紧地抱着李七夜不愿意松手。 I can think your.” Fan Miaozhen closely is holding Li Qiye, unconsciously wet eyes, in sound some weeping voice. “我会想你的。”梵妙真紧紧地抱着李七夜,不觉间湿了双眼,声音中有些哭腔。 silly girl.” Li Qiye gave her a deep hug, said gently: In the future the association/will meets, the world does not extinguish, will have the opportunity finally.” 傻丫头。”李七夜给了她一个深深的拥抱,轻轻地说道:“未来总会相见的,天地不灭,终会有机会。” Many does not abandon, finally must leave depart, finally Li Qiye does not wield with the Fan Miaozhen sisters three people, starts to leave. 再多的不舍,最终还是要别离,最终李七夜挥别和梵妙真姐妹三人,启程离开。 The Fan Miaozhen sisters three people gaze after Li Qiye to depart, has waved, finally Li Qiye and Longevity Spiritual Master vanished, they then took back the vision longingly. 梵妙真姐妹三人目送李七夜离去,一直挥手,最终李七夜长生真人消失了,她们这才依依不舍地收回了目光。 Longevity Spiritual Master said that has the method, this is Yang Ming Cult, Ten Thousand Lineage World most powerful Dao Lineage, rules the Ten Thousand Lineage World roost. 长生真人所说的有门路,这正是阳明教,万统界最强大的道统,执万统界牛耳。 Although said that Longevity Spiritual Master and between Yang Ming wanderer has all sorts of tests of strength, but in fact, in secret Yang Ming Cult and Longevity Valley friendship is very good, but these do not know for the bystander. 虽然说长生真人阳明散人之间有着种种的角力,但事实上,私底下阳明教长生谷的交情是十分好的,只不过这些都不为外人所知而已。 When Li Qiye arrives Yang Ming Cult, his whereabouts is also very low-key, does not know for the bystander, for all this, is still Yang Ming wanderer welcomes personally. 李七夜驾临阳明教的时候,他的行踪也很低调,不为外人所知,尽管如此,依然是阳明散人亲自相迎。 Although said that before then, Li Qiye and between Yang Ming wanderer has all sorts is not happy, when Li Qiye arrival, Yang Ming wanderer gave fully the Li Qiye face, welcomed personally, the entertainment was thorough. 尽管说,在此之前,李七夜阳明散人之间有着种种的不愉快,但是,当李七夜到来之时,阳明散人还是给足了李七夜面子,亲自相迎,招待周到。 It can be said that Yang Ming wanderer has not neglected Li Qiye this guest. Naturally, by the Li Qiye today's position, enjoys such treatment, that all are the natural things. 可以说,阳明散人没有丝毫怠慢李七夜这位客人。当然了,以李七夜今日的身份地位,享受这样的待遇,那一切都是理所当然的事情。 wanderer, we visit to visit today, is discusses marriage to your Yang Ming Cult.” After seeing Yang Ming wanderer, Longevity Spiritual Master said easely: My this apprentice, is interesting about wanderer, this can also say that is the wanderer beautiful appearance is boundless, was really appealing, therefore, our Longevity Valley wants to unite the marriage with your Yang Ming Cult, my apprentice must marry you to go back.” 散人,今日我们登门来拜访,乃是向你们阳明教提亲的。”见到了阳明散人之后,长生真人悠然地说道:“我这个徒弟,对散人有意思,这也能说是散人美貌无边,实在是太吸引人了,所以呢,我们长生谷想与你们阳明教联婚,我徒弟要娶你回去。” It can be said that Longevity Spiritual Master and Fan Miaozhen in this point really looked like, their Master and Disciple both are to have the succuba general personality, this Longevity Spiritual Master will also choose Fan Miaozhen to take eldest disciple no wonder, inherits her legacy. 可以说,在这一点上长生真人梵妙真实在是太像了,她们师徒两个都是有着魔女一般的性格,这也难怪长生真人会选择梵妙真作为大弟子,继承她的衣钵 „Haven't you awaked?” Yang Ming wanderer was only coldly shot a look at Longevity Spiritual Master one, was still that noble and pure, that chilly. “你还没睡醒吗?”阳明散人只是冷冷地瞥了长生真人一眼,依然是那么高洁,那么的清冷。 In fact, Yang Ming wanderer, is Longevity Spiritual Master, absolutely is the big beautiful woman who Ten Thousand Lineage World ranks among the best, their beautiful appearance are to let the innumerable females are overshadowed absolutely, but by their today's position, they truly noticeable was not only their beautiful appearance. 事实上,不论是阳明散人,还是长生真人,都绝对是万统界数一数二的大美女,她们的美貌绝对是让无数女子为之黯然失色,只不过以她们今天的地位,她们真正让人瞩目的不仅仅是她们的美貌了。 What's wrong? No line?” Longevity Spiritual Master said ridiculing with a smile: „Can't could it be that my apprentice be joined to you? My apprentice is now the Ten Thousand Lineage World first powerhouse, marries you, has more than enough to spare, when you our Longevity Valley wife, does not put in great inconvenience to you. Naturally, I occupy you cheaply, called me Master. No, should be you took my advantage, my was called by you old, I may be younger than you.” “怎么?不行吗?”长生真人戏谑地笑着说道:“难道我徒弟配不上你?我徒弟乃是当今万统界第一强者,娶你,绰绰有余,你当我们长生谷的媳妇,也不委屈你。当然,我占你一点便宜,叫我一声师父。不,应该是你占了我的便宜,我这都被你叫老了,我可比你年轻美丽。” The Longevity Spiritual Master individuality is so, this is also one of the she most charming places. 长生真人的个性便是如此,这也是她最迷人的地方之一。
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