ED :: Volume #25

#2402: By dead commitment

Sees the choice of Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake, in many hearts admires, can say that Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake can definitely leave independently, so long as he wants, he can live is leaving here, but he actually chose staying behind. 看到裂天狂虺的选择,不少都心里面为之敬佩,可以说裂天狂虺完全可以放手离开,只要他愿意,他可以活着离开这里,但他却选择了留下。 This point very commendable, what kind of person no matter Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake is, at least in this point he is the one man, being worth the person admiring. 这一点是十分的难能可贵,不管裂天狂虺是怎么样的一个人,至少这一点上他是一条汉子,值得人去敬佩。 Regarding many people, but also there is anything more precious than the life, many people to go on living, are willing to give up all, but Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake actually keeps the own promise, that feared that clearly knows must build the own life, that fears his clearly knows, even if own remained unable to change anything. 对于多少人来说,还有什么比性命更加珍贵的,有多少人为了活下去,愿意放弃一切,但是裂天狂虺却遵守自己的诺言,那怕明知道要把自己的性命搭进去,那怕他明知道就算自己留下来也改变不了什么。 However, Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake still remains, that feared that he knows own remains, that also just died in vain, could not rescue Mu Shaochen. 但是,裂天狂虺依然留下来,那怕他知道自己留下来,那也只不过是白白死去而已,根本就救不了沐少晨 Although is so, he was still remains, because he had complied with Mu Family, must protect the good Mu Shaochen security, therefore who wanted the Mu Shaochen life, then must walk from his corpse. 尽管是如此,他依然是留下来了,因为他曾经答应过沐家,一定要保护好沐少晨的安全,所以不论是谁想要沐少晨的性命,那么就必须从他的尸体上走过去。 Regarding Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake, kept the own promise at this time, was more precious than his own life. 对于裂天狂虺而言,在这个时候遵守自己的诺言,比他自己的性命还要珍贵。 Good, since is so, I help you.” Li Qiye smiles lightly, said slowly: Your take action, in order to avoid your take action opportunity does not have.” “好,既然是如此,那我就成全你。”李七夜淡淡地一笑,徐徐地说道:“你出手吧,以免得你连出手的机会都没有。” Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake deeply shouted inspires, took out the weapon, he turn head looked at Mu Shaochen one, said slowly: Young Master, the old servant first walked one step, took care.” 裂天狂虺深深地呼吸了一口气,取出了兵器,他回头看了沐少晨一眼,徐徐地说道:“少主,老奴先走一步了,保重。” Old Wang-- Mu Shaochen one startled, but he also had no alternative at this time, he can be awe-inspiring before, can act wilfully, but now he was a dead end. 王老——沐少晨一惊,但此时他也无可奈何了,在以前他可以威风八面,可以为所欲为,但现在他是穷途末路了。 Kills-- in this in an instant, the Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake anger makes a sound, weapon golden light in hand flashes, same fled just like the golden snake, in this in an instant, hears bang loud sound, Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake blood energy burns all of a sudden, at bang in loud sound, the weapon in his hand spout inexhaustible golden light, raised to be the same just like a huge incomparable golden Sun. “杀——”就在这刹那之间,裂天狂虺怒响一声,手中的兵器金光一闪,宛如金蛇一样窜了出去,在这刹那之间,听到“轰”的一声巨响,裂天狂虺血气一下子燃烧起来,在“轰”的一声巨响之中,他手中的兵器喷涌出了无穷无尽的金光,宛如一颗巨大无比的金色太阳升起一样。 When such a weapon makes, heard „ziii” a resonate sound, the space melted all of a sudden, melted the liquid gold to be the same just like the world all of a sudden. 当这样的一件兵器打出的时候,听到了“滋”一声响起,空间都一下子融化了,宛如天地一下子融化成了金水一样。 Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake also knows that feared he made in the own life most powerful strikes does not help matters, but, he made the own strongest weapon, made own strongest one move, that feared that clearly knows all these are unproductive, is not studious, but he still needs to struggle, at least he tries hard to do, keeps the own promise with the own life. 裂天狂虺也知道那怕他打出了自己一生中最强大的一击都是无济于事,但是,他还是打出了自己最强的兵器,打出了自己最强的一招,那怕明知道这一切都是徒劳,都是无用功,但他依然是需要挣扎一下,至少他努力去做,用自己的生命去遵守自己的诺言。 When because of so, Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake rumbles the own most invincible move, is burning instantaneously own blood energy, is burning the own life span, making a own move of might rise dramatically one time to continue instantaneously, melted the liquid gold the entire space all of a sudden. 也正是因为如此,裂天狂虺轰出自己最无敌一招之时,瞬间燃烧着自己血气,燃烧着自己的寿命,让自己的一招威力瞬间飙升了一倍都不止,一下子把整个空间融成了金水。 This move of might is peerless, it can be said that shock and awe will of the people. 这一招威力绝伦,可以说是震慑人心。 Traded to do before, made one move of so crazy tyrant so fierce one move immortally, does not know that met many people to call out in alarm one, does not know that many people thought this move is invincible, no one has been able to catch. 换作是在以前,一尊不朽打出了一招如此狂霸如此凶猛的一招,不知道会多少人惊呼一声,不知道多少人都觉得这一招已经无敌了,已经没有人能接得住了。 But when now Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake makes a move is so invincible, everyone responded that was light, because of as we all know, no matter Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake this move is what kind of invincibility, what kind of overbearing, what kind of fierceness, this does not help matters, result / to bear fruit had been doomed, an invincible move, change result. 但现在当裂天狂虺打出如此一招无敌之时,所有人反应都平淡了,因为大家都知道,不管裂天狂虺这一招是何等的无敌,何等的霸道,何等的凶猛,这都是无济于事,结果已经是注定了,再无敌的一招,也改变不了结局。 What because he faces is First Ominous Person, when the First Ominous Person take action instance, all will be doomed. 因为他面对的是第一凶人,当第一凶人出手的瞬间,一切都将会注定。 In this in an instant, Li Qiye grasps golden sword, sword light flashes, this sword was too quick, how no one sees Li Qiye is take action, even can say that no one sees golden sword in Li Qiye hand. 在这刹那之间,李七夜手握一把金剑,剑光一闪,这一剑太快了,没有人看到李七夜是怎么样出手的,甚至可以说没有人看到李七夜手中的金剑 After crossing was very long, everyone noticed that golden light flashes, where flashes as for this golden light, many people have not seen clearly. 只是过了很久之后,大家才看到金光一闪,至于这金光是从哪里闪出来的,很多人都没有看清楚。 Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake stands there, moves has not moved, seemed anything not to happen at this time is the same, a silence, as if the time returned to the zero point to be the same, probably did not have take action that moment to be the same in Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake. 裂天狂虺站在那里,一动都没有动,在这个时候好像什么事情都没有发生过一样,一片的寂静,似乎时间又回到了原点一样,好像就在裂天狂虺没有出手的那一刻一样。 Mediocre a resonate sound, saw only the head of Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake to tumble from the neck at this time, bang fell the ground. “碌”的一声响起,在这个时候只见裂天狂虺的头颅从脖子上滚落下来,“”的一声落到地上。 In this moment resounded one, the blood like the fountain same from the neck fracture direct injection comes out, sprays to sky, sprinkles on the ground. 就在这一刻才响起了“噗”的一声,鲜血如同喷泉一样从脖子断口直喷出来,喷洒向天空,洒落在地上。 But his Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake tumbles in the head of ground is an eye opens, but he had died, that feared that he had died, after crossing some little time, bang a resonate sound, his eye saw unexpectedly the body of own fell down. 而他裂天狂虺滚落在地上的头颅还是一双眼睛睁开,但他已经死亡了,那怕他已死亡了,过了好一会儿之后,“”的一声响起,他的一双眼睛竟然看到了自己的身体倒在地上了。 The Li Qiye's sword was really quick, quickly to letting the person is unable to see clearly, that feared that Dao Lineage Old Ancestor has not seen clearly Li Qiye this sword truly. 李七夜的剑实在是太快了,快到让人无法看清楚,那怕道统老祖也没有真正看清楚李七夜这一剑。 When the body of Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake falls down, golden sword in Li Qiye hand also vanished. 裂天狂虺的身体倒在地上的时候,李七夜手中的金剑也消失了。 golden sword, this is «Only Sword» one, this sword representative the speed, a character and style of sword, was saying that many quickly quick, the instantaneous sword is fatal. 金剑,此乃是《止剑》之一,此剑代表着速度,一剑的风情,说多快就有多快,瞬间一剑致命。 When golden sword take action, many people have not known a this is what matter, but he had been claimed the life. 金剑出手的时候,很多人都还不知道这是怎么一回事,但他已经是被夺走了性命了。 It can be said that when Li Qiye golden sword in the hand, does not know that many people do not have the take action opportunity, golden sword, is doomed the result. 可以说,当李七夜金剑在手的时候,不知道多少人连出手的机会都没有,金剑一出,就注定着结局了。 Like Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake, as an immortality, he was powerful enough, but, golden sword take action, he was also the same is a sword is fatal, under this sword, basic on change anything, faced only had died. 裂天狂虺,作为一尊不朽,他足够强大了吧,但是,金剑出手,他也一样是一剑致命,在这一剑之下,根本就改变不了什么,面对的唯有就是死亡。 Even can say how under this sword, many own dead does not know. 甚至可以说,在这一剑之下,很多人连自己是怎么样死的都不知道。 Naturally, dies under golden sword, is a luck, at least death but in instantaneously, goes instantaneously, does not have the slight pain, in not consciousness, you had been harvested the life, left human world silently, does not have the slight pain, even terrifying opportunity without enough time. 当然,死在金剑之下,也算是一种幸运,至少死亡就在瞬间而至,瞬间而去,没有丝毫的痛苦,在不知觉中,你已经被收割了生命,无声无息地离开了人世间,没有丝毫的痛苦,甚至连恐怖的机会都来不及。 Old Wang-- sees Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake to fall down, Mu Shaochen big shout. He does not certainly pity the life for Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake, because present Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake is his only dependence, now drops down Cracking Heaven Crazy Snake, can say that he becomes the true loner now. 王老——”看到裂天狂虺倒在地上,沐少晨不由大叫一声。他当然不是为裂天狂虺惜命,而是因为现在裂天狂虺是他唯一的依靠,现在连裂天狂虺都倒下了,可以说他现在是成为了真正的孤家寡人了。 This you.” Mu Shaochen that Li Qiye looks at changes colors with amazement, said lightly with a smile. “该你了。”李七夜看着骇然失色的沐少晨,淡淡地笑着说道。 You, you, do not act unreasonably, do not act unreasonably.” Mu Shaochen was scared by Li Qiye, complexion deathly white, retrocedes again and again, at this time he wishes one could to flee from here, but he cannot escape. “你,你,你不要乱来,不要乱来。”沐少晨李七夜吓破了胆,脸色煞白,连连后退,此时他恨不得逃离这里,但是他又逃不掉。 Relax, does not make you die now, I will make you die in Mu Family.” Li Qiye said lightly with a smile. “放心,不是让你现在就死,我会让你死在沐家的。”李七夜淡淡地笑着说道。 „Do you, you, you want to do?” Mu Shaochen complexion big change, with amazement, he is not a fool, he felt uneasy all of a sudden, this frightens his both legs to become tender. “你,你,你想干什么?”沐少晨脸色大变,骇然,他也不是个蠢蛋,他一下子感到不妙了,这吓得他双腿都发软。 Doesn't do, this explained me to be benevolent, at least can make you die in the own family/home, this also was a little somewhat warm, has the little tender feeling.” Li Qiye said lightly with a smile. “不干什么,这说明我仁慈,至少能让你死在自己家里,这多多少少也有点温馨,有一点点的温情吧。”李七夜淡淡地笑着说道。 Is impossible, I cannot return to Emperor Lineage World, my own cannot come up, this is impossible to go back.” Mu Shaochen screamed one. “不可能的,我是回不了帝统界,我自己是上不去的,这根本就不可能回去的。”沐少晨不由尖叫一声。 If can return to Mu Family now, could it be that he doesn't want to go back? Depending on his strength, is impossible to mount Emperor Lineage World, although he has other methods, but, under the ordinary circumstances, their Mu Family will not take him to go back. 如果说现在就能回沐家,难道他不想回去吗?凭他一个人的力量,根本不可能登上帝统界,虽然他有其他手段,但是,一般情况之下,他们沐家是不会接他回去的。 This has the means.” Li Qiye said with a smile: Your Mu Family is impossible to make you die in this Ten Thousand Lineage World helplessly, you said that when you must die truly, for example, True Fate in burning down, you said that your Old Ancestor can make you die here? They also left behind the method on you.” “这不是没办法。”李七夜笑吟吟地说道:“你们沐家也不可能眼睁睁地让你死在这万统界,你说是吧,当你真正要死的时候,比如说,真命在焚烧的时候,你说你们老祖宗能让你死在这里吗?他们好歹也在你身上留下了手段。” You, you, do not act unreasonably, do not act unreasonably.” Mu Shaochen was frightened complexion deathly white, at this time he knows that Li Qiye must do, screamed that said: If you really killed me, your also there's nothing auspicious day. In Emperor Lineage World, my big brother is invincible True Emperor, our Mu Family is Emperor Lineage World is the most powerful aristocratic family, hoodwinks the public. If you killed me, so long as you once mounts Emperor Lineage World, you, you, you do not have the foothold......” “你,你,你不要乱来,不要乱来。”沐少晨被吓得脸色煞白,在这个时候他知道李七夜要干什么了,尖叫地说道:“如果你真的杀了我,你也没有什么好日子过。在帝统界,我大哥是无敌的真帝,我们沐家帝统界是最强大的世家,只手遮天。你如果杀了我,只要你一旦登上帝统界,你,你,你就无立足之地……” These frightened to break the Mu Shaochen courage, because most terrifying matter must arrive on his body, he screamed one, retroceded again and again. 这一下把沐少晨胆子都吓破了,因为最恐怖的事情要降临在他的身上了,他尖叫一声,连连后退。 What's the big deal?” Li Qiye smiles lightly, said: „Isn't this just right? Good did such opportunity, how extinguish your Mu Family? Since you must go back, that happen to also gives me to have words.” “那又怎么样?”李七夜淡淡一笑,说道:“这不也是正好吗?这么好的机会,灭了你沐家怎么样?既然你都要回去了,那正好也给我带个话。” „After going back, remembers that helps me have the words.” Li Qiye looks at Mu Shaochen, said slowly: I wanted on Emperor Lineage World, if your Mu Family knew the limitation, cultivated the behavior on obediently, otherwise, I came up to extinguish your Mu Family.” “回去之后,记得帮我带过话。”李七夜看着沐少晨,徐徐地说道:“我要上帝统界了,如果你们沐家识相的,就乖乖地做人,不然,我上去就灭了你们沐家。” You, you, you......” Mu Shaochen frighten the both legs to become tender, trembles directly, screamed that said: You, you, you must declare war to our Mu Family.” “你,你,你……”沐少晨吓得双腿发软,直接哆嗦,尖叫地说道:“你,你,你这是要向我们沐家宣战。” Right, you have not spoken incorrectly, I declare war to your Mu Family.” Li Qiye smiles gently, said: Remember, must have my words! My First Ominous Person declares war to your Mu Family.” “对,你没说错,我就是向你们沐家宣战。”李七夜温柔一笑,说道:“记住,一定要把我的话带到!我第一凶人向你们沐家宣战。” Everyone shocks looks at this, Ten Thousand Lineage World, many Dao Lineage talked about Mu Family for it look changes, after all this was the Emperor Lineage World most powerful aristocratic family, one of the Emperor Lineage World three big giants, do not say is Ten Thousand Lineage World, was Emperor Lineage World also few Dao Lineage can stir up. 所有人震撼地看着这一幕,在万统界而言,多少道统谈到沐家都不由为之色变,毕竟这是帝统界最强大的世家,帝统界三大巨头之一,不要说是万统界,就是帝统界也没有几个道统能惹得起。 Now First Ominous Person is to declare war to Mu Family, this is how the domineering approach. 现在第一凶人就是要向沐家宣战,这是多么霸气的做法。 Your-- at once, Mu Shaochen could not speak, the whole person trembled, at this time he knows that the death left own nearly is very very near. “你——”一时之间,沐少晨说不出话来,整个人发抖,在这个时候他知道死亡离自己很近很近了。 Goes, this/should starting off time.” Li Qiye smiles lightly, big hand is only gently a point. “去吧,该上路的时候了。”李七夜淡淡一笑,大手只是轻轻一点。 bo a resonate sound, a Li Qiye big hand point, a little spark fell on the body of Mu Shaochen gently, moistened Mu Shaochen instantaneously. “啵”的一声响起,李七夜大手轻轻一点,有一点火星落在了沐少晨的身上,瞬间沾住了沐少晨 This merely is little spark, seems like that insignificant, even can say that casual can extinguish it. 这仅仅是一点点的火星而已,看起来是那么的微不足道,甚至可以说随便都能把它熄灭。
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