ED :: Volume #24

#2399: What is invincible three asks the monthly ticket!!!!!!

looks at Li Qiye take action then locked in Zhu Xiang Martial Court Dao Lineage, making Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon basic on devour(ing) the world, is shocking everyone at once. 看着李七夜出手便锁住了朱襄武庭道统,让武祖心魔根本就吞噬不了天地,一时之间震撼着所有人。 First Ominous Person, extraordinary, should change name as the first powerhouse henceforth.” Some Old Ancestor exclaim in surprise one. 第一凶人,了不起,应该从此改名为第一强者。”有老祖都不由为之惊叹一声。 At this moment, as we all know, First Ominous Person compared with Martial God Long Xiang does not know that powerful many, currently also only has him to have the qualifications to call it the Ten Thousand Lineage World first powerhouse. 此时此刻,所有人都知道,第一凶人比起龙象武神来不知道强大了多少,现在也唯有他才有资格称之为万统界的第一强者了。 What you use is what sorcery.” Saw that Li Qiye locked in Zhu Xiang Martial Court instantaneously, Mu Shaochen also complexion big change, because of also counts on Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon devour(ing) entire Zhu Xiang Martial Court. “你用的是什么妖法。”看到李七夜瞬间锁住了朱襄武庭,沐少晨脸色大变,因还指望武祖心魔吞噬整个朱襄武庭呢。 Because present Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon is powerful not enough, even if can sweep away current Ten Thousand Lineage World, but does not have the means to sweep away in Emperor Lineage World, therefore only had Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon devour(ing) entire Zhu Xiang Martial Court, returned to the peak, this can be invincible in Emperor Lineage World. 因为现在的武祖心魔还不足够强大,就算是能横扫当今的万统界,但在帝统界也没办法横扫,所以唯有武祖心魔吞噬了整个朱襄武庭,重返巅峰,这才能在帝统界所向无敌。 But, now Li Qiye take action then locks in the Zhu Xiang Martial Court world, this made the hope of Mu Shaochen fail all of a sudden, how this can make him be resigned. 但,现在李七夜出手便锁住了朱襄武庭的天地,这一下子让沐少晨的希望落空了,这怎么能让他甘心呢。 Stupid thing, world where has sorcery so.” Li Qiye shakes the head, said lightly with a smile: That feared that you have Innate Talent spatially, does not have the remarkable experience, that could not miss many with the straw bag.” “蠢物,世间哪有这般妖法。”李七夜摇了摇头,淡淡地笑着说道:“那怕你空有一身天赋,没有卓越的见识,那也跟草包差不了多少。” Your-- Mu Shaochen the complexion is red immediately, looks angrily at Li Qiye, but also has no alternative. “你——沐少晨顿时脸色通红,怒视李七夜,但又无可奈何。 Roar-- at this time, Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon sees cannot devour(ing) Zhu Xiang Martial Court, his being unwilling heart furiously roared, sound roar world, but also same has no alternative, because he goes all out to absorb, entire Zhu Xiang Martial Court still remains unmoved, entire Zhu Xiang Martial Court locked in firmly, that feared that he has a source with Zhu Xiang Martial Court, is still attracts is motionless its slightest. “吼——”此时,武祖心魔见不能吞噬朱襄武庭,他不甘心地狂吼一声,声吼天地,但也一样无可奈何,因为就算他拼命吸收,整个朱襄武庭也不为所动,整个朱襄武庭被牢牢的锁住了,那怕他是与朱襄武庭是同出一源,依然是吸不动它分毫。 Li Qiye floats on spatial slowly, dominates in the Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon sky, a Martial Dao Battle Stick at will finger/refers in hand, said slowly: Should finish.” 李七夜缓缓地浮于空上,凌驾于武祖心魔的上空,手中的武道战棍随意地一指,徐徐地说道:“该结束了。” -- this time Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon furiously roared, roared instantaneously, in this in an instant, heard bang loud sound, saw only Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon to lose the human form all of a sudden, inexhaustible dark(ness) attacked instantaneously to Li Qiye. “呜——”此时武祖心魔一声狂吼,瞬间咆哮,就在这刹那之间,听到“轰”的一声巨响,只见武祖心魔一下子失去了人形,无穷无尽的黑暗瞬间冲击向李七夜 In this moment, Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon looked like changed to the entire dark(ness) world, saw only dark(ness) to attack to Li Qiye like the raging tide. 在这一刻,武祖心魔就像是化作了整个的黑暗世界,只见黑暗就像狂潮一样向李七夜冲击而来。 In this in an instant, everyone is shocked by this at present, because the Li Qiye whole person submerges like this in the dark(ness) world, in this dark(ness), without the light, has eternally unchanging dark(ness), anybody is unable to escape from such dark(ness). 在这刹那之间,所有人都被眼前这一幕震撼了,因为李七夜整个人就这样淹没在黑暗的世界之中,在这黑暗之中,没有光明,就有永恒不变的黑暗,任何人都无法从这样的黑暗之中逃脱。 At this moment, inexhaustible dark(ness) submerged Li Qiye all of a sudden. Li Qiye when the showdown, Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon has not used any style, even if powerful invincible Martial Forefathers' Twelve Forms has not used, he is submerges Li Qiye with dark(ness) directly. 此时此刻,无穷无尽的黑暗一下子淹没了李七夜。在对决上李七夜之时,武祖心魔没有用上任何招式,就算强大无敌的“武祖十二式”都没有用上,他是直接用黑暗李七夜淹没。 dark(ness) is inexhaustible, seizing every opportunity, as if it seems like omnipresent same, in such inexhaustible dark(ness), was probably same in Samsara for generations, is unable to escape from such dark(ness) by far, in this inexhaustible dark(ness) world, seemed like could not see the light forever. 黑暗无穷无尽,无孔不入,似乎它就像是无所不在一样,在这样无穷无尽的黑暗之中,好像是世世代代在轮回一样,远远都无法从这样的黑暗之中逃脱,在这无穷无尽的黑暗世界中,似乎是永远看不到了光明。 At this time inexhaustible dark(ness) was submerged Li Qiye incessantly instantaneously, moreover instantaneously wrapped Li Qiye solid, blocked the entire world, as if did not make Li Qiye walk completely from dark(ness). 此时无穷无尽的黑暗不止是瞬间把李七夜淹没了,而且瞬间把李七夜包裹的严严实实,把整个天地封死,似乎完全不让李七夜黑暗之中走出来。 Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon, he is Heart's Demon, he dark(ness) surface birth from Martial Ancestor Dao Heart comes, he knows certainly facing this exist(ence) time, starts from what aspect is the best choice. 武祖心魔,他可是心魔,他就是从武祖道心中的黑暗面诞生而来,他当然知道面对这种存在的时候,从什么方面入手是最佳的选择。 Facing Li Qiye such powerful exist(ence), only feared that anything Martial Forefathers' Twelve Forms not necessarily has the effect, but, dark(ness) invades his Dao Heart, that is uncertain, after all, the powerful person, Dao Heart may have the flaw the time, once he can invade in Li Qiye's Dao Heart, once made him succeed, he then can occupy in Li Qiye's Dao Heart. 面对李七夜这样强大的存在,只怕什么“武祖十二式”都不一定有效果,但是,黑暗入侵他的道心,那就不一定了,毕竟,再强大的人,道心都有可能有破绽的时候,一旦他能入侵到李七夜的道心里面,一旦让他成功了,他便能盘踞在李七夜的道心之中。 One to such situation, he not only can turn defeat into victory, can make own more powerful taking advantage of Li Qiye's Dao Heart. 一到了这样的地步,他不仅仅是能反败为胜,更能是借着李七夜的道心自己更加强大。 Heart of Darkness -- sees such a, Martial God Long Xiang also complexion big change, knows that Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon intention, his such powerhouse also realizes danger same. 黑暗之心——”看到这样的一幕,龙象武神脸色大变,知道武祖心魔的意图,他这样的强者也一样意识到其中的危险。 If were really succeeded by Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon, then he becomes more powerful, powerful, thought of this point, Martial God Long Xiang had a shiver, was really so, he was their Zhu Xiang Martial Court plays incessantly, only feared that Ten Thousand Lineage World must play. 如果说真的被武祖心魔成功了,那么他就变得更加强大,更加的强大,想到这一点,龙象武神不由打了一个冷颤,真的是如此,他不止是他们朱襄武庭玩完了,只怕万统界也要玩完了。 „It is not good, is this dark(ness) invasion, First Ominous Person can defend Dao Heart?” Sees such a, everyone is startled. “不好,这是黑暗入侵,第一凶人能守得住道心吗?”看到这样的一幕,所有人都大吃一惊。 To many, often they can resist the enemy who own is more powerful , but sometimes actually cannot defend own Dao Heart, once cannot defend Dao Heart, making dark(ness) invade, that is the terrifying matter. 对于很多人来说,往往他们能对抗得了比自己强大的敌人,但有时候却偏偏守不住自己道心,一旦未能守住道心,让黑暗入侵,那是十分恐怖的事情。 Ha, ha, ha, surnamed Li, you died, you were powerful, once were invaded by dark(ness), that will also just become the dark(ness) puppet, depended on you, only feared that could not defend own Dao Heart.” Saw that Li Qiye was wrapped solid by dark(ness), Mu Shaochen laughs wildly one. “哈,哈,哈,姓李的,你死定了,你再强大,一旦被黑暗入侵,那也只不过会成为黑暗的傀儡而已,就凭你,只怕守不住自己道心。”看到李七夜黑暗包裹得严严实实,沐少晨不由狂笑一声。 In his opinion, like Li Qiye this young favorite person, cannot defend own Dao Heart. 在他看来,像李七夜这种年少得意的人,根本就守不住自己道心 Pitifully, disappointing you, world who can also be firmer than my Dao Heart?” At this time, in dark(ness) broadcast the Li Qiye ease sound. “可惜,让你失望了,世间还有谁能比我道心更坚?”就在这个时候,黑暗之中传来了李七夜悠然的声音。 At this time, heard buzz a resonate sound, a ray continuously illuminated dark(ness), this ray continuously sent out from Dao Heart, penetrated dark(ness), Li Qiye stood there, radically was slightly not affected. 就在这个时候,听到“嗡”的一声响起,一缕缕的光芒照亮了黑暗,这一缕缕的光芒从道心散发出来,穿透了黑暗,李七夜站在那里,根本就是丝毫不受影响。 Saw that Li Qiye serene stands in inexhaustible dark(ness), by the slight influence, this was not made everyone shake, does not know that many Old Ancestor pulled out an cold air/Qi. 看到李七夜风轻云淡地站在无穷无尽的黑暗之中,不受丝毫的影响,这让所有人都为之一震,不知道多少老祖抽了一口冷气。 Good firm Dao Heart.” Sees Li Qiye in inexhaustible dark(ness) is to still stroll general, this makes many Old Ancestor shock, can achieve this step person, do not say is Ten Thousand Lineage World, only feared that is entire 3 Immortals World is also few. “好坚定的道心。”看到李七夜在无穷无尽的黑暗之中依然是闲庭信步一般,这让许多的老祖都为之震撼,能做到这一步的人,不要说是万统界,只怕就是整个三仙界也是寥寥无几。 Should finish.” Li Qiye serene, in hand Martial Dao Battle Stick at one fell swoop. “该结束了。”李七夜风轻云淡,手中武道战棍一举。 -- loud sound, saw only Martial Dao Battle Stick instantaneously spout the most radiant ray, in this in an instant, heard resonate sound of Dragon Roar Phoenix Cry, real dragon leaping was spatial, White Tiger jumped the gorge and Phoenix flying in circles day...... phenomenon to appear there. ——”的一声巨响,只见武道战棍瞬间喷涌出了最璀璨的光芒,就在这刹那之间,听到了龙吟凤鸣声响起,真龙跃空、白虎跳涧、凤凰翔天……一个个异象出现在那里。 -- in loud sound, Long Xiang is a good omen, tiger ni simultaneous/uniform line/traverse, sees only leader giant beasts and only Divine Beast type line of intersections, changed to ancient incomparable Totem. ——”的一声巨响之中,龙象呈祥,虎猊齐行,只见一头头巨兽、一只只神禽样行相交,化作了一个亘古无比的图腾 All phenomena on earth Totem-- saw such a, Martial God Long Xiang yelled, such a type he was only heard, merely was heard, their Zhu Xiang Martial Court never had the person meeting, besides Martial Ancestor. “万象图腾——”看到这样的一幕,龙象武神大叫了一声,这样的一式他只是听说过而已,仅仅是听说过,他们朱襄武庭从来没有人会,除了武祖之外。 Because the rumor said that this type is entire Martial Forefathers' Twelve Forms general outline, is the final evolution of entire 12 type, changed to Supreme Totem, but everyone has not seen this type, its only exist(ence) in legend. 因为传言说这一式乃是整个“武祖十二式”总纲,也是整个十二式的最终演化,化作了无上图腾,但大家都从来没有见过这一式,它只存在传说之中。 Bang-- loud sound, the Totem instantaneous suppression, Supreme, suppression seal certain kill, patted the original form inexhaustible dark(ness) instantaneously, patted from the upper air instantaneously. “砰——”的一声巨响,图腾瞬间镇压而下,至高无上,镇封绝杀,瞬间把无穷无尽的黑暗拍回了原形,瞬间从高空中拍了下来。 Hears Tzzzzzzzzz the sound resounds, under the suppression of Totem, dreadful endless dark(ness) starts to burn down. 听到“滋、滋、滋”的声音响起,在图腾的镇压之下,滔天无尽的黑暗开始焚烧起来。 Not-- in this moment, Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon resounded one to angrily roar finally, till this was he appeared the first saying words. “不——”就在这一刻,武祖心魔终于响起了一声怒吼,这是他出现为止第一句说出来的话。 Should refine to melt-- Li Qiye to cry loud and long, hears bang loud sound, saw only Totem spout the inexhaustible multi-colored sunlight, in this in an instant, this inexhaustible multi-colored sunlight in dark(ness), seemed like the combustion of kerosene on the water surface to be the same all of a sudden. “该炼化了——李七夜长啸一声,听到“轰”的一声巨响,只见图腾喷涌出了无穷无尽的霞光,就在这刹那之间,这无穷无尽的霞光一下子趟在了黑暗之中,就好像是火油在水面上燃烧一样。 Hears Tzzzzzzzzz the sound resounds, an intermittent light smoke direct lighting, but no longer was burnt down parched in this time dark(ness), but was built up to change into natural spirit essence, turns over to trace in the source. 听到“滋、滋、滋”的声音响起,一阵阵青烟直照,但在这个时候黑暗不再被焚烧得干烧,而是被炼化为了天地精气,归溯于本源。 Because of Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon devour(ing) the essence of 1 million li (0.5 km) land, after dark(ness) burns down, all natural spirit essence will also be built up, turns over to trace the source. 因为武祖心魔吞噬了百万里大地的精气,当黑暗焚烧掉之后,所有的天地精气也将会被炼化,重新归溯本源。 Everyone looks at shocks incomparable one at present, that feared that Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon like invincible general exist(ence), is also incapable of resisting at this moment, was suppressed by Li Qiye's Totem directly, was patted in the upper air directly, was built up livingly. 大家看着眼前震撼无比的一幕,那怕武祖心魔如同无敌一般的存在,此时此刻也是无力抵抗,直接被李七夜的图腾所镇压,在高空上直接被拍了下来,活生生地被炼化。 Before then, Martial Ancestor Heart's Demon also defeated Martial God Long Xiang, but does not have the strength of slight resistance in the Li Qiye hand at this moment, can only be built up livingly, this is how stirring one. 要知道,在此之前,武祖心魔还打败了龙象武神,但此时此刻在李七夜手中根本就无丝毫的反抗之力,只能是被活生生炼化,这是多么震撼人心的一幕。 So powerful exist(ence), only has was built up the destiny, this it can be imagined Li Qiye this is terrifying how, was fearful. 如此强大的存在,也唯有被炼化的命运,这可想而知李七夜这是多么的恐怖,多么的可怕了。 bo-- a resonate sound, by the last minute, all dark(ness) was built up, turns over to trace the source, sees only incessant natural spirit essence the same as rush just like Vast Ocean, same is whipping sky just like the monstrous waves. “啵——”的一声响起,到了最后一刻,所有的黑暗被炼化,归溯本源,只见滔滔不绝的天地精气宛如汪洋大海一样澎湃,宛如巨浪一样拍打着天空 Bang loud sound, saw only Martial Dao Battle Stick under the Totem package pierced entire like Vast Ocean same natural spirit essence. Probably Martial Dao Battle Stick puts on to be the same the natural spirit essence nail. “砰”的一声巨响,只见在图腾的包裹之下武道战棍刺穿了整个如汪洋大海一样的天地精气。好像是武道战棍天地精气钉穿一样。 Is now, should direct to trace.” Li Qiye sinks to drink one. “就是现在,该引溯的时候了。”李七夜沉喝一声。 I come also-- Martial God Long Xiang to drink one crazily, leaps to empty, a very chest, welcomed the upper air straight nail to kill, but below Martial Dao Battle Stick. “我来也——龙象武神狂喝一声,跃空而起,一挺胸膛,迎上了高空直钉杀而下的武道战棍 In this in an instant, Martial God Long Xiang closed the eye slowly, very serene, how he knows the own fate, but, regarding such choice, he has no complain and regret. 就在这刹那之间,龙象武神缓缓地闭上了眼睛,十分的安详,他知道自己的下场将会怎么样,但,对于这样的选择,他是无怨无悔。 This is the disaster that he brings, he must give people a hard time Zhu Xiang Martial Court explain/justify, he must make up for the wound in this stretch of land, only by doing so, he can save Zhu Xiang Martial Court, in his heart can be serene. 这是他引来的灾难,他必须给整人朱襄武庭一个交待,他要去弥补这片大地的创伤,只有这样,他能挽救朱襄武庭,他心里面才能安详。 Otherwise, even if he can live, he is still living in the own guilty shadow, therefore, Zhu Xiang Martial Court needs him now, he is willing to offer the own life. 否则的话,就算他能活着了,他也是活着自己的内疚阴影之中,所以,现在朱襄武庭需要他,他愿意献出自己的性命。 Scoffing a resonate sound, Martial Dao Battle Stick pierced the chest of Long Xiang Martial Ancestor instantaneously, put from the back all of a sudden. “嗤”的一声响起,武道战棍瞬间刺穿了龙象武祖的胸膛,一下子从背部穿了出来。 At this time Martial Dao Battle Stick is the nail is killing the essence straight bang of 1 million li (0.5 km) world, its might is what kind of hugeness, is what kind of terrifying. 此时武道战棍是钉杀着百万里天地的精气直轰而下,它的威力是何等的巨大,是何等的恐怖 ps: Last month wants to erupt several, various trivial matters, have done very busily , without the time to erupt. Today slightly erupts, today three, ask the monthly ticket, the double monthly ticket time, invited everyone generous support «Emperor's Domination», cast the monthly ticket, thanks. ps:上个月本来想多爆发几更的,一直各种琐事,搞得很忙,没时间爆发。今天小小爆发一下,今天三更,求月票,双倍月票时间,请大家多多支持《帝霸》,把月票投过来吧,谢谢。
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