ED :: Volume #24

#2345: Death

One comes shortly, was the death covers, does not have any Cultivation Technique, does not have any style, even was anything does not have, screened out the life like this, screened out all vitalities, suddenly was harvested all, vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke. 一眼看来,便是死亡笼罩,没有任何功法,没有任何招式,甚至是什么都没有,就这样被抽走了生命,被抽走了一切生机,眨眼之间被收割了一切,随之灰飞烟灭 This is not Cultivation Technique, what most terrifying is, under such situation, your any resistance, any moving with effort does not help matters, how even you revolt, how to move with effort does not know. 这不是什么功法,最为恐怖的是,在这样的情况之下,你任何的反抗,任何的扎挣都无济于事,甚至你连怎么样反抗,怎么样扎挣都不知道。 The death, then decided a True God life and death, this is how the terrifying matter, this is how dreadful matter. 死亡,一眼便决定了一位真神的生死,这是多么恐怖的事情,这是多么可怕的事情。 Sees such a, everyone is absolutely terrified, no one knows that actually this is what thing. 看到这样的一幕,所有人都毛骨悚然,没有人知道这究竟是什么东西 This, this, what is this Cultivation Technique?” Everyone was ignorant, everyone eye stares speechless. “这,这,这是什么功法?”所有人都懵了,所有人都目瞠口呆。 Highest profound truth.” This time, Li Qiye was saying lightly: World, since birth, then had, if the heaven creation life , were I runs the death now! Only the idiot thinks that this is demon cultivation!” “最高的奥义。”在这个时候,李七夜淡淡地说道:“世间,有生,便有死,如果说苍天创造生命,那么,现在就是我掌管死亡!只有蠢货才会认为这是一种魔功!” At once, everyone stupidly looks at Li Qiye, actually everyone does not understand this is what profound truth. 一时之间,所有人都傻傻地看着李七夜,大家都不懂这究竟是什么奥义 „Is this real?” Some people cannot believe that such words, muttered ask Old Ancestor. “这是真的吗?”有人不敢相信这样的话,不由喃喃地问身边的老祖 Old Ancestor looks at Li Qiye, crossed dumbstruck some little time, this muttered said: This, this is only legend, legend is this, only then the heaven can create the life. Since birth, then had, if really some people can grasp the death, that was really one of the Highest Profound Truth.” 身边的老祖都发懵地看着李七夜,过了好一会儿,这才喃喃地说道:“这,这只是传说,传说是这样,只有苍天才能创造生命。有生,便是有死,如果真的是有人能掌握了死亡,那就真的是最高奥义之一。” But, does not believe Old Ancestor, some world people are really grasping the death? 但,连老祖都不怎么相信,世间真的有人掌握着死亡吗? Naturally, the death that Li Qiye grasps, with the death home to return to in world, that was two matters, Li Qiye displays at this time indeed is Cultivation Technique, indeed was one of the Highest Profound Truth. 当然,李七夜掌握的死亡,和世间的死亡归宿,那又是两回事,李七夜此时施展出来的确是一门功法,的确是最高奥义之一。 The death, this was Li Qiye opened brand-new one page «Death Scripture», therefore did not have «Death Scripture» after this, only had 《Death》! This is brand-new One of the Nine Grand Heavenly Scriptures. 死亡,这就是李七夜把《死书》翻开了全新的一页,所以从此之后再也没有《死书》,只有《死亡》!这将会是全新的九大天书之一 The death, this did not need any style, at this time, Li Qiye was death embodiment, representing of death, he is harvesting the life, in his hands, all can die! 死亡,这不需要任何招式,在这个时候,李七夜就是死亡的化身,死亡的代言,他收割着生命,在他的手中,一切皆可以死亡! Therefore, when his eyes look to True God, the death is then covering this True God, this True God life and vitality were harvested completely by Li Qiye, within this short time, this True God changed to ashes, vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke. 所以,当他一眼望向真神的时候,死亡便笼罩着这位真神,这位真神的生命、生机都全部被李七夜收割走,就在这短短的时间之内,这位真神化作了齑粉,灰飞烟灭 What Highest Profound Truth-- this time Butcher Blade True God furiously roared, sharp roar said: I do not believe in evil doctrines, kill!” The words fall, clang a resonate sound. “什么最高奥义——”此时屠刀真神狂吼一声,厉叫道:“我就是不信邪,杀!”话一落下,“铛”的一声响起 In this in an instant, the Butcher Blade True God long blade came out of the sheath, this was Butcher Blade, a Butcher Blade sheath, blood light shone 9 Heavens 10 Worlds, the whole world just like covered by blood light is being same, terrifying of ten points, appalling. 就在这刹那之间,屠刀真神的长刀出鞘了,这是一把屠刀,屠刀一出鞘,血光照耀着九天十地,整个世界宛如被血光所笼罩着一样,十分的恐怖,让人毛骨悚然。 Those who most make people frightened is, under this Butcher Blade, just like having the innumerable resentment spirits is crying out in grief to be the same, as if billion slaughtered cultivator powerhouses never be reincarnated, was built up by the Butcher Blade True God sacrifice completely in his Butcher Blade. 最让人为之恐惧的是,在这屠刀之下,宛如有着无数怨灵在哀叫一样,似乎千百万被屠杀的修士强者永不得超生,全部被屠刀真神祭炼在了他的屠刀之中。 When Butcher Blade comes out of the sheath, was not only blood light illuminated the world, making one smell the terrifying incomparable smell of blood, what was more frightening was that innumerable dead complains cries out in grief spirit, hears such crying out in grief, making people scared, making people desperate, this was really terrifying. 所以当屠刀出鞘的时候,不仅仅是血光照亮了世界,让人闻到了恐怖无比的血腥味,更让人恐惧的是那无数死者怨灵哀叫,听到这样的哀叫,让人为之胆寒,让人为之绝望,这实在是太恐怖了。 At once, everyone shivers, when Butcher Blade comes out of the sheath, everyone knows that Butcher Blade True God had slaughtered many people, everyone understands, Butcher Blade True God, indeed is so famous. 一时之间,所有人都不由打了个冷颤,当屠刀出鞘的时候,大家就知道屠刀真神曾经屠杀过多少人了,大家都明白,屠刀真神,的确是如此名。 Killed-- at this time, Butcher Blade True God furiously roared, when Butcher Blade, his appearance ferocious name, the blood ghost was dreadful, at this time, he was take action slaughters tens of thousands of Butcher Blade True God, any and he for the person of enemy, he can slaughter light/only their aristocratic families and Sect, he be Butcher Blade True God, vicious cruelly is his generation of names. “杀——”在这个时候,屠刀真神狂吼一声,当屠刀一出的时候,他面目狞狰,血煞滔天,在这个时候,他就是出手屠杀成千上万的屠刀真神,任何与他为敌的人,他都会屠光他们的世家、门派,他就是屠刀真神,凶狠残忍就是他的代名字。 -- a resonate sound, Butcher Blade cuts, Annihilation innumerable stars, the whole world just like changing to Blood Sea, Butcher Blade True God no longer dreaded Li Qiye, at this time he was cruel embodiment. “噗——”的一声响起,屠刀斩下,湮灭了无数星辰,整个世界宛如化作了血海,屠刀真神不再畏惧李七夜,在这个时候他就是残忍的化身 Scoffing a resonate sound, Butcher Blade cut to Li Qiye, certain kill was brutal, anybody under his Butcher Blade, must give the head, in this in an instant, Butcher Blade True God just like seeing the Li Qiye's head was cut the scene that soared high. “嗤”的一声响起,屠刀斩向了李七夜,绝杀无情,任何人在他的屠刀之下,都必须授首,在这刹那之间,屠刀真神都宛如看到了李七夜的头颅被砍下来高高飞起的景象。 What death-- this time Butcher Blade cut, Butcher Blade True God confidence 100%, showed the cruel smile, said densely: I died!” “什么死亡——”此时屠刀斩下,屠刀真神信心十足,露出了残忍的笑容,森然地说道:“我就是死亡!” So a terrifying blade cuts, does not know that many people are absolutely terrified, because a blade cuts, infertile, this blade is harvesting the life crazily. 如此恐怖的一刀斩下,不知道多少人都毛骨悚然,因为一刀斩下,寸草不生,这一刀是疯狂地收割着性命。 Butcher Blade True God, indeed person such as the name.” Some Old Ancestor had a shiver, with the Butcher Blade True God like this artificial enemy, indeed is very dangerous, because not only own may be killed, but also he will also slaughter your Sect and aristocratic family. 屠刀真神,的确人如其名。”有老祖都不由打了一个冷颤,与屠刀真神这样的人为敌,的确是很危险,因为不仅仅自己有可能被杀死,而且他还会屠杀掉你的门派、世家。 Clang a resonate sound, in Butcher Blade cuts on Li Qiye, saw only Li Qiye to stretch out a finger, this finger point, blocked Butcher Blade that cut gently. “铛”的一声响起,就在屠刀斩在了李七夜身上的时候,只见李七夜只是伸出了一根手指而已,这根手指只是轻轻一点,就挡住了斩下来的屠刀 In this in an instant, time like framing, because in a Li Qiye direction Butcher Blade, that relaxed, that easy, as if that feared that is savage incomparable Butcher Blade, under the Li Qiye's death , is still insignificant, still cannot surpass the Thunder Pond half step. 在这刹那之间,时间就像定格了一样,因为李七夜一指点中了屠刀,是那么的轻松,那么的容易,似乎那怕是凶残无比的屠刀,在李七夜的死亡之下,也依然是微不足道,依然是不能超雷池半步。 I harvest, is not only the life.” A Li Qiye finger anchorage Butcher Blade, smiled lightly, but his smile made one seem like at this time is such terrifying. “我收割的,不仅仅是生命。”李七夜一根手指定住了屠刀,淡淡一笑,但在这个时候他的笑容让人看起来就是那么的恐怖 When Li Qiye smiles toward you, you will feel Death God smiled to you, will make you absolutely terrified. 李七夜朝你一笑的时候,你就会感觉是死神向你笑了一下,会让你毛骨悚然。 Chī-- a resonate sound, at this time, the Li Qiye's finger infected Butcher Blade probably all of a sudden, sees only Butcher Blade unexpectedly all of a sudden decayed, blood light is all of a sudden low-spirited, putrefies all of a sudden. “嗤——”的一声响起,就在这个时候,李七夜的手指好像一下子感染了屠刀,只见屠刀竟然一下子腐朽,血光一下子黯然,一下子腐化掉。 own Butcher Blade was putrefied all of a sudden, this in a big way frightens one to jump Butcher Blade True God, he extremely fast retrocedes immediately. 自己屠刀一下子被腐化掉,这把屠刀真神吓得一大跳,他立即极速后退。 Late.” Li Qiye smiles, shakes the head gently, said lightly: Depending on your skill, but could also not block my death.” “迟了。”李七夜笑了笑,轻轻地摇了摇头,淡淡地说道:“凭你这点本事,还挡不住我的死亡。” Tzzzzzzzzz......” in this in an instant, sees only Butcher Blade True God that ten million zhang (3.33 m) giant body to putrefy unexpectedly at a rate of unparalleled. 滋、滋、滋……”在这刹那之间,只见屠刀真神那千万丈的巨大身体竟然绝无伦比在腐化。 From the beginning grasps Butcher Blade big hand to start to putrefy from Butcher Blade True God that in this in an instant, Butcher Blade True God is very decisive, hears , the blood spout, saw only Butcher Blade True God to cut off the arm of own all of a sudden, he was breaks the arm to seek livehood, wants to cut off the arm, to prevent the putrefication to spread. 一开始是从屠刀真神那握屠刀大手开始腐化的,在这刹那之间,屠刀真神十分果断,听到“噗”的一声,鲜血喷涌,只见屠刀真神一下子就斩断了自己的手臂,他是断臂求生,欲斩断手臂,以防止腐化蔓延。 However, this does not help matters, that feared that is Butcher Blade True God cuts off the arm of own, still hears Tzzzzzzzzz the sound resounds, he giant incomparable body is putrefying at a rate of unparalleled. 但是,这无济于事,那怕是屠刀真神斩断自己的手臂,依然听到“滋、滋、滋”的声音响起,他巨大无比的身体绝无伦比在腐化。 Not-- Butcher Blade True God sharp roar, pulls the part that the own body is putrefying crazily, wants to drive out this putrefication, but, does not help matters, that feared that he slices off the muscle that the whole body putrefies, could not prevent his body putrefication. “不——屠刀真神厉叫一声,疯狂地扯着自己身体腐化的部分,欲把这腐化驱除,但,根本就无济于事,那怕他把全身腐化的肌肉削掉,也阻止不了他的身体腐化。 Because this does not corrode or the infection, but was the death, this was Li Qiye pulls out to the vitality, this was not putrefication result / to bear fruit, but pulled out after the vitality, will putrefy. 因为这不是侵蚀或者感染,而是死亡,这是李七夜抽离了生机,这并非是腐化的结果,而是抽离生机之后,才会腐化。 Bang, bang and bang, when the body of Butcher Blade True God putrefies crazily, entire has the huge incomparable body like pushing the gold mountain but actually jade column same disintegration within the short time. “轰、轰、轰”在屠刀真神的身体疯狂腐化的时候,整具巨大无比的身躯在短短的时间之内如同推金山倒玉柱一样崩碎。 After Butcher Blade True God giant incomparable body collapse, hears bang a resonate sound, that blood-color vortex disrupts all of a sudden, sees only Ten Thousand Arms Celestial King their these three big Dao Lineage Old Ancestor to appear in everyone at present. 屠刀真神巨大无比的身体倒塌之后,听到“砰”的一声响起,那个血色漩涡一下子碎裂,只见万臂天王他们这些三大道统老祖全部出现在大家的眼前。 My mother-- at this time, three big Dao Lineage all Old Ancestor and powerhouses frightened soul destroyed/terror-stricken, they could not attend to anything again, turned around to run away, they must leave such death by far. “我的妈呀——”在这个时候,三大道统的所有老祖、强者吓得魂飞魄散,他们再也顾不上什么,转身就逃走,他们要远远离开这样的死亡。 However, that feared that three big Dao Lineage Old Ancestor powerhouses run away at the maximum speed, that does not help matters, hears Tzzzzzzzzz the sound resounds, their bodies also same start to putrefy, moreover speed quick scary. 但是,那怕三大道统老祖强者以最快的速度逃走,那都无济于事,听到“滋、滋、滋”的声音响起,他们的身体也一样开始腐化,而且速度快的吓人。 Not-- at this time, squeal fluctuating continued, within the short time, saw only over a thousand three big Dao Lineage Old Ancestor and powerhouses to be putrefied completely, suddenly changed to Tanhuang water. “不——”在这个时候,尖叫声起伏不止,短短的时间之内,只见上千的三大道统老祖、强者全部被腐化,眨眼之间化作了一滩黄水。 Ah!-- at this time, sad and shrill incomparable pitiful yell resonate sound, saw only the Butcher Blade True God whole person to be putrefied, he could not prevent such death, regardless of he used what method to struggle, regardless of he suppressed in what method, cannot cheat such death. ——”在这个时候,凄厉无比的惨叫声响起,只见屠刀真神整个人被腐化,他阻止不了这样的死亡,不论他用什么方法挣扎,不论他以什么方法去镇压,都逃脱不了这样的死亡。 In the pitiful yell sound, the Butcher Blade True God whole person changed to Tanhuang water. 在惨叫声中,屠刀真神整个人都化作了一滩黄水。 What not-- final death is Ten Thousand Arms Celestial King, in all Old Ancestor , was his skill was deepest, at this time, he called out pitifully sad and shrill, filled being unwilling, he protected the body by most powerful treasure, but, still did not help matters, saw only his whole person to be putrefied yellow water. “不——”最后死亡的是万臂天王,在所有的老祖之中,也是要数他的功力最深厚了,此时,他凄厉地惨叫,充满了不甘,他以最强大的宝物护体了,但,依然无济于事,只见他整个人还是被腐化成了黄水。 At once, three big Dao Lineage over a thousand Old Ancestor and powerhouses, vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke, no living witness can remain completely, in this blinks, Li Qiye harvested everyone's life. 一时之间,三大道统上千的老祖、强者,全部都灰飞烟灭,没有一个活口能留下来,在这眨眼之间,李七夜收割走了所有人的生命。 „The words of yama, perhaps expiration time, but, I want you three to be dead, that is three is dead!” Li Qiye serene. “阎王的话,或许还有失效的时候,但,我要你三更死,那就是三更死!”李七夜风轻云淡 At this time death aura dissipates, Li Qiye is still Li Qiye, probably sky sunny was all of a sudden same. 此时死亡气息消散,李七夜依然是李七夜,好像天空一下子晴朗了一样。 At once, everyone looks at this, everyone is unable to describe with the expression dull at present, in this in an instant, they are absolutely terrified, matter that at present has, simply is a nightmare. 一时之间,大家呆呆地看着眼前这一幕,所有人都无法用言辞去形容,在这刹那之间,他们都不由为之毛骨悚然,眼前所发生的事情,简直就是一场噩梦。 No Cultivation Technique, does not have any style, even from beginning to end, Li Qiye also moved to point at merely, this, harvested three big Dao Lineage everyone lives, no living witness fortunately survived, such that this such as Li Qiye said from the beginning, anybody do not want to live is leaving here. 没有任何功法,没有任何招式,甚至从始至终,李七夜也就仅仅动了一下手指而已,就这样,收割了三大道统的所有人性命,没有一个活口幸存下来,这就如李七夜一开始所说的那样,任何人都别想活着离开这里。 Death! At this time, everyone had a shiver, in this moment, everyone believes, Li Qiye's grasped the death, only then grasped the person of death, can achieve this, otherwise, who can achieve saying that whom made die who died? 死亡!在这个时候,所有人都不由打了一个冷颤,在这一刻,所有人都相信,李七夜的确是掌握了死亡,只有掌握了死亡的人,才能做到这样,不然的话,谁能做到说让谁死谁就死?
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