ED :: Volume #24

#2335: Taking advantage of somebody

At this time, does not know that the attention of many people are attracted by this stone wall at present, does not know that many Old Ancestor eyes open in a big way, wants to see some clue from this stone wall. 在这个时候,不知道多少人的注意力都被眼前这面石壁所吸引了,也不知道有多少老祖一双眼睛睁大大的,想从这面石壁中看出一些端倪来。 Really has so big Dao Bone? This, this, this is impossible.” Also in some will of the people does not believe, although said in Coin Beast City indeed has Dao Bone, Dao Bone that but everyone knows, that also is just hand size. “真的有如此大的道骨吗?这,这,这不可能吧。”也有些人心里面不是十分相信,虽然说在币兽城中的确是有道骨,但大家所知道的道骨,那也只不过是巴掌大小而已。 At present this stone wall is what kind of hugeness, where does world have so huge Dao Bone? Is that radically the not possible matter? 眼前这面石壁是何等的巨大,世间哪里有如此巨大的道骨呢?那根本就是不可能的事情吗? Although in some will of the people feels hard believing, but Solitary Sword God is certain this was one piece of Dao Bone, their have no reason to deny. 虽然有些人心里面觉得难于置信,但孤独剑神都可以肯定这是一块道骨了,他们没有理由去否认。 This, this only feared that is one piece of Dao Bone.” After crossing some little time, Butcher Blade True God, is Ten Thousand Arms Celestial King, has been certain, this indeed is one piece of Dao Bone. “这,这只怕是一块道骨。”过了好一会儿之后,不论是屠刀真神,还是万臂天王,都已经可以肯定了,这的确是一块道骨 Although they also feel hard the imagination, such one piece of Dao Bone rather extremely in huge, fully at the same time stone wall is one piece of Dao Bone, this is not the unimaginable matter. 虽然他们也觉得难于想象,这样的一块道骨未免太过于巨大了吧,整整一面石壁都是一块道骨,这是让人无法想象的事情。 But, after they pass through one pondered over, they are also certain this stone wall indeed is one piece of Dao Bone, so one piece of Dao Bone, only feared that was world hugest one piece of Dao Bone. 但,他们经过了一番琢磨之后,他们也可以肯定这面石壁的确是一块道骨,如此一块道骨,只怕是世间最巨大的一块道骨了。 This, this is could not completely understand.” Finally Butcher Blade True God, is Ten Thousand Arms Celestial King, they have to concede, in this regard, they indeed are inferior to Solitary Sword God. “这,这是看不透。”最后不论是屠刀真神,还是万臂天王,他们都不得不服输,在这一点上,他们的确是不如孤独剑神 However, Solitary Sword God is unable to understand this Dao Bone mystery, he is also careful to ponder over, although is unable [comprehend/comprehension], but, he is not willing to give up. 但是,孤独剑神也无法参透这面道骨的奥妙,他也仔细去琢磨,虽然无法参悟,但,他不愿意放弃而已。 „Is this unparalleled Dao Bone?” Even Butcher Blade True God and Ten Thousand Arms Celestial King affirmed this was one piece of Dao Bone, everyone on the scene will not suspect and questioned that again at present this stone wall was one piece of Dao Bone. “这是绝世无双道骨吗?”连屠刀真神万臂天王都肯定了这是一块道骨了,在场的所有人都不会再去怀疑和质疑眼前这面石壁是不是一块道骨了。 Fully at the same time stone wall is one piece of Dao Bone, that really shocked everyone's mind, had Old Ancestor to pull out an cold air/Qi, muttered said: Rumor said, True Emperor Dao Xue just obtained one piece of hand size Dao Bone, becomes most shocking True Emperor. If [comprehend/comprehension] this Dao Bone, that all ages is invincible at present?” 整整一面石壁都是一块道骨,那实在是太震撼所有人的心神了,有老祖抽了一口冷气,喃喃地说道:“传言说,道解真帝只不过是得到了一块巴掌大小道骨,就成为了最为惊艳的真帝了。若是参悟了眼前这面道骨,那岂不是万世无敌?” Thinks that such possibility, does not know many people palpitate with excitement, does not know that many people drool with envy, how but regardless of they open the eye to look, is hard from sees some clue. 想到这样的可能,不知道多少人怦然心动,不知道多少人垂涎三尺,但不论他们如何睁大眼睛去看,都难于从其中看出一些端倪来。 Was exposed by a Solitary Sword God word, in the Wu Bingning heart also worries, but sees all people to focus on above this Dao Bone now, this makes Wu Bingning relax secretly. 孤独剑神一言点破,武冰凝心里面也不由担忧起来,但现在见所有的人都把注意力放在了这块道骨之上,这才让武冰凝暗暗地松了一口气。 When Wu Bingning relaxes, looked at each other in this time Young Master Pan Long and Sword Venerable, their two people walk up immediately. 就在武冰凝松了一口气的时候,在这个时候蟠龙公子剑尊相视了一眼,他们两个人立即走上前来。 Saw that Young Master Pan Long and Sword Venerable walk up, this lets in the Wu Bingning heart immediately one cold, matter that she most worries about happened finally. 见到蟠龙公子剑尊走上前来,这顿时让武冰凝心里面一凛,她最担忧的事情最终还是发生了。 Li Qiye, we see the life and death today!” At this time Young Master Pan Long coldly shouted: Dares to fight with us!” 李七夜,今日我们一见生死!”此时蟠龙公子冷冷地喝道:“敢不敢与我们一战!” Young Master Pan Long stands to challenge the enemy to battle suddenly Li Qiye, this made everyone on the scene look at each other. As we all know, at this time Li Qiye sits in meditation comprehend dao, he is not possible to accept a challenge. 蟠龙公子突然站出来叫阵李七夜,这让在场的所有人都相视了一眼。大家都知道,此时李七夜是入定悟道,他根本是不可能应战的。 But everyone also understands, this is the Li Qiye weakest time, he sits in meditation comprehend dao, once were broken, light then accidentally discharges become a devil, heavy is body dies and Dao disappears, without a doubt, this regarding Young Master Pan Long them, the present is the best time. 但大家也明白,这是李七夜最弱的时候,他入定悟道,一旦是被打断了,轻则走火入魔,重则是身死道消,毫无疑问,这对于蟠龙公子他们而言,现在是最好的时机。 Young Master Pan Long they so-called challenge the enemy to battle to Li Qiye, that is just a excuse, they while such opportunity Li Qiye, except that. 蟠龙公子他们所谓向李七夜叫阵,那只不过是一个借口而已,他们就是趁着这样的一个机会把李七夜除去。 As for Ten Thousand Arms Celestial King their such Old Ancestor, then watches in side indifferent and cold, did not call to prevent Young Master Pan Long they. 至于万臂天王他们这样的老祖,则是在旁冷漠观看,也不叫阻止蟠龙公子他们。 Although said, Old Ancestor of their older generation are not willing to handle this matter, but there is youngster to make such dirty job, they why not. 虽然说,他们老一辈的老祖不愿意去做这种事情,但有年轻人去做这样的脏活,他们又何乐而不为呢。 If Young Master Pan Long must challenge our Young Master, that agreement time, the agreed location, our Young Master accompanies surely.” Wu Bingning coldly said. “如果蟠龙公子要挑战我们公子,那就约定时间,约定地点,我们公子必定奉陪。”武冰凝冷冷地说道。 Since picks a lucky day, might as well hit day.” Sword Venerable said with a smile: Then on the present, why to decide the time and place again, looks by me, here is also the place of very good decisive battle, here, is at this moment, sees high under.” “既然择日,就不如撞日了。”剑尊笑着说道:“那就现在吧,何必再约定时间和地点呢,以我看,这里也是很好的决战之地,就在这里,就是此刻,一见高下吧。” If that is right, calculates my one.” Demon Blade Crown Prince also coldly smiles to say. “若是如此,算我一份。”魔刀太子冷冷地一笑说道。 Sees Demon Blade Crown Prince their three people some to take advantage that jointly this opportunity eradicates the Li Qiye's plan, making many people pull out an cold air/Qi secretly, many people also looked at each other, although said that has in the will of the people to despise Demon Blade Crown Prince their behavior, but the proverb said right, got sick while him, wants him to assign/life. 魔刀太子他们三个人都有联手趁这个机会铲除李七夜的打算,让不少人暗暗地抽了一口冷气,很多人也相视了一眼,虽然说有人心里面不齿魔刀太子他们的所为,但有一句老话却说得没错,趁他病,要他命。 Now Li Qiye is the weakest time, at this time does not want him to assign/life, but when also treats. 现在李七夜是最弱的时候,此时不要他命,还待何时呢。 No guts evildoers.” Wu Bingning understands that Demon Blade Crown Prince their idea, her coldly looked at their one eyes, sneers said: Outside Coin Beast City, our Young Master sword leaves, you are scared, flee like a scared rat, today suddenly emboldens, nothing but is takes advantage of somebody.” “无胆匪类而已。”武冰凝又何尝不明白魔刀太子他们三个人的想法呢,她冷冷地看了他们一眼,冷笑地说道:“在币兽城外,我们公子一剑出,你们吓破了胆,抱头鼠窜,今日突然壮了胆,无非是趁人之危而已。” Wu Bingning such words uncovered Demon Blade Crown Prince without doubt ruthlessly their scar, on the same day outside Coin Beast City, Li Qiye quick sword, frightened Demon Blade Crown Prince their three people to yield and withdraw, it can be said that their shames. 武冰凝这样的话无疑是狠狠地揭了魔刀太子他们的伤痕,当日在币兽城外,李七夜快剑一出,吓得魔刀太子他们三个人退避三舍,可以说是他们的耻辱。 Now was left by Wu Bingning tastes, that uncovers their grief ruthlessly, making their complexion become flushed, is difficult to see the extreme, shames and gets angry, even it can be said that becomes angry out of shame. 现在被武冰凝一口道出,那是狠狠揭他们的伤痛,让他们脸色涨红,难看到极点,又羞又怒,甚至可以说是老羞成怒。 Martial Goddess, you and demon collaborate, that in the non- correct path the person, had only feared that you also escape difficultly die.” Sword Venerable face becomes flushed, a complexion board, coldly said. 女武神,你与魔头同流合污,那已经非正道中人,只怕你也难逃一死。”剑尊老脸涨红,脸色一板,冷冷地说道。 How to say as you like.” Wu Bingning cold and proud observes the situation the people, that feared that was slandered the clear reputation, she does not care, sneers, said: Since you want to challenge our Young Master, I and you fight then am, first crosses me.” “随你们怎么说。”武冰凝冷傲环视众人,那怕被人诋毁清誉,她也不在乎,冷笑一声,说道:“既然你们想挑战我们公子,那我与你们一战便是,先过我这一关。” Wu Bingning sudden a few words must challenge Demon Blade Crown Prince their three people, this made those present look at each other immediately, at once, everyone looks at they. 武冰凝突然一句话要挑战魔刀太子他们三个人,这顿时让在场的人都不由为之相视了一眼,一时之间,所有人都看着他们。 Martial Goddess is Martial Goddess, worthily is Zhu Xiang Martial Court Successor.” Some people sigh with emotion one to say. 女武神就是女武神,不愧是朱襄武庭传人。”有人不由感慨一声说道。 Young Master Pan Long is angry, cold voice said: Martial Goddess, you rather considered oneself as that too high, you think that depending on your one's effort is our opponents?” 蟠龙公子为之大怒,冷声地说道:“女武神,你未免自视太高了吧,你以为凭你一己之力是我们的对手吗?” In this Young Master Pan Long heart is also angry no wonder, in a short time ago, them collaborated, cannot kill Young Master Ping Cheng, this let the Young Master Ping Cheng prestige far Gueux above them, afterward they were startled by a Li Qiye sword, can say that these days they take action was not repeatedly smooth, now is so challenged by Wu Bingning, this was makes their prestige fall the bottom simply. 这也难怪蟠龙公子心里面大怒,在前不久,他们三个人联手,未能杀死平城公子,这让平城公子的威名远盖于他们之上,后来他们又被李七夜一剑惊走,可以说这些日子他们屡次出手都不顺,现在又被武冰凝如此挑战,这简直就是让他们的威望降到了最低点了。 Their Third Young Master and Saber Sword Double Extreme , according to the truth are now Ten Thousand Lineage World young non- most apex most peak exist(ence), they were challenged again and again, making their prestige lose, how this does not make in the Young Master Pan Long heart be angry. 要知道,他们三公子刀剑双绝,按道理来说是当今万统界年轻一非最顶尖最巅峰的存在,他们一而再再而三地被人挑战,让他们威望有所损失,这怎么不让蟠龙公子心里面大怒。 Today, if they cannot be victorious Wu Bingning, their three people did not use in Ten Thousand Lineage World base. 今天,如果他们都打不过武冰凝的话,他们三个人不用在万统界立足了。 You try apparent.” That feared that to fight three, Wu Bingning also still cold and proud, coldly observes the situation them. “你们试试便知。”那怕是以一战三,武冰凝也依然冷傲,冷冷地环视他们三个人。 Good, such being the case, we asked for advice Martial Goddess Supreme martial technique.” Demon Blade Crown Prince laughs, compared Pan Long (Coiling Dragon) Duke and Sword Venerable comparison treasures the own fame, Demon Blade Crown Prince compared to see through. “好,既然如此,我们就领教一下女武神无上武技。”魔刀太子大笑一声,相比起蟠龙公了和剑尊比较爱惜自己的名气而言,魔刀太子倒比较看得开了。 Since there is an opportunity by three pairs one, Demon Blade Crown Prince will not certainly miss like this golden opportunity. 既然有机会以三对一,魔刀太子当然是不会错过这样的大好时机了。 Good, we asked for advice Zhu Xiang Martial Court the technique of Peerless.” Sword Venerable did not care about what prestige reputation simply, sneered. “好,那我们就领教一下朱襄武庭绝世之术。”剑尊也索性不顾及什么威望名声了,也冷笑一声。 Clang-- this time Sword Venerable drew out the long sword slowly, cold light shone, illuminated everyone's eyes, fearful sword light made one not dare to regard. “铛——”此时剑尊缓缓地拔出了长剑,寒光照耀,照亮了所有人的双眼,可怕的剑芒让人不敢视。 Such being the case, why not?” Young Master Pan Long cold and proud smiles, cold voice said: Since Martial Goddess must be buried along with the dead for the demon, we help are.” Said bang loud sound, his eight arms picked up eight Ultimate Treasure slowly, spout powerful incomparable strength, deterred the 100,000 land. “既然如此,那又有何不可?”蟠龙公子冷傲一笑,冷声地说道:“既然女武神要为魔头陪葬,我们成全便是。”说完“轰”的一声巨响,他八只手臂冉冉托起了八件重宝,喷涌出了强大无匹的力量,威慑十万大地。 This comes regarding Young Master Pan Long, in the heart is really aggrieved, first has Young Master Ping Cheng to fight three, currently also has Wu Bingning to fight three, probably their three people who can challenge to be the same, but when they this year light generation of most powerful talent! 这对于蟠龙公子来,心里面实在是憋屈,先是有平城公子以一战三,现在又有武冰凝以一战三,好像他们三个人谁都可以挑战一样,他们可是当今年轻一辈最强大的天才呀! Buzz a resonate sound, at this time Demon Blade Crown Prince is also the demon blade in the hand, the turnover fearful Demon Qi, Demon Blade Crown Prince his whole person was being wrapped by Demon Qi, making one look had a shiver. “嗡”的一声响起,此时魔刀太子也是魔刀在手,吞吐着可怕的魔气,魔刀太子他整个人都被魔气所包裹着,让人一看都不由打了一个冷颤。 Sees Demon Blade Crown Prince their weapon in the hand, Wu Bingning does not dare to have a low opinion of the enemy, this she took back the own long sword time unexpectedly, hears clang a resonate sound, she changed a weapon at this time, is Battle Halberd in the hand. 魔刀太子他们三个人都兵器在手,武冰凝也不敢轻敌,这一次她竟然收回了自己的长剑,听到“锵”的一声响起,此时她换了一件兵器,乃是一把战戟在手。 -- loud sound, in this moment, Young Master Pan Long took the lead to offer a sacrifice to a valuable seal, but his valuable seal did not rumble to Wu Bingning, his valuable seal hung above his top of the head, let fall like waterfall same Grand Dao Law, dense Grand Dao Law sheltered to be one of them his whole person. ——”的一声巨响,在这一刻,蟠龙公子率先祭出了一个宝印,但他的这个宝印不是轰向武冰凝的,他的宝印是高悬在他的头顶之上,垂落了一道道如瀑布一样的大道法则,密密的大道法则把他整个人庇护在其中。 Clang, clang and clang the sound resounds, in this moment, Sword Venerable is also the left hand lifts, one appears huge incomparable Divine Sword, each Divine Sword float in his whole body, slowly revolved, formed a giant incomparable sword wall, is wrapping his whole person. “铛、铛、铛”的声音响起,在这一刻,剑尊也是左手一抬,一把把巨大无比的神剑浮现,每一把神剑都悬浮在他的周身,慢慢地旋转,形成了一个巨大无比的剑墙,把他整个人包裹着。 As for Demon Blade Crown Prince, he used the technique of hiding directly, vanished to disappear all of a sudden. 至于魔刀太子,他是直接施展出了遁形之术,一下子消失不见了。 Their experience crossed Wu Bingning the technique of hiding killing in Sword Venerable a moment ago, therefore the hand, Sword Venerable they used the stance of defense together, in order to avoid suffered the sneak attack of Wu Bingning suddenly. 在刚才剑尊他们都见识过了武冰凝的遁形袭杀之术,所以一起手,剑尊他们就采用了防御的姿态,以免突然遭受到了武冰凝的偷袭。 Killing-- the Wu Bingning words were not many said, drank one coldly, vanished instantaneously. “杀——武冰凝话也不多说,冷喝一声,瞬间消失。 In this in an instant, Sword Venerable they opened Heavenly Eye, the illumination world, wants to discover Wu Bingning, but actually flies back without any results. 在这刹那之间,剑尊他们都打开了天眼,烛照天地,欲找出武冰凝,但却无功而返。 Bang a resonate sound, in this in an instant, Battle Halberd penetrates void, hiding Demon Blade Crown Prince was compelled become visible all of a sudden, Demon Blade Crown Prince cried loud and long, the demon blade was the blade shadow is instantaneously dreadful. “砰”的一声响起,在这刹那之间,战戟击穿虚空,遁形的魔刀太子一下子被逼得现形,魔刀太子长啸一声,魔刀瞬间是刀影滔天。
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