ED :: Volume #23

#2285: The grand ceremony starts

Regarding Li Qiye this frivolous stance, Longevity Spiritual Master has not been angry, but walks in Li Qiye your presence slowly. 对于李七夜这轻佻的姿态,长生真人也并没有生气,只是缓缓走于李七夜座前。 At this moment, everyone turns very quiet, looks at Li Qiye and Longevity Spiritual Master this pair of strange incomparable Master and Disciple, many people felt their pair of Master and Disciple too not lining, because the Li Qiye's performance was too overbearing, dominated above everyone, that feared that Longevity Spiritual Master this extraordinary Master same could not suppress him, even appeared before him is overshadowed. 此时此刻,大家都不由屏住呼吸,看着李七夜长生真人这一对奇怪无比的师徒,很多人都感觉他们这一对师徒太不衬了,因为李七夜的表现太霸道了,凌驾在所有人之上,那怕长生真人这位了不起的师父都一样压不住他,甚至在他面前显得黯然失色。 You are Big Senior Brother, it may be said that continues Longevity Valley legacy, has heavy responsibilities......” Longevity Spiritual Master to smile gracefully, when she smiles, just like the spring snow melts the flower, all flowers blooming together, was really beautiful, making the buddhist Senior Sister Miaozhen younger sister three people appear changes colors much, so beautiful, making one look at the mind to swing entrains. “你是大师兄,可谓是继续长生谷衣钵,任重道远……”长生真人盈盈一笑,当她一笑之时,宛如是春雪融花,百花齐放,实在是太美丽了,让梵妙真师姐妹三人都显得失色不少,如此的美丽,让人看得心神摇拽。 However, if you looked earnestly, you will discover above the elegant demeanor, the avaricious really looks like her Master Longevity Spiritual Master wonderfully, both people have three points of cunningness. 不过,如果你认真去看,你会发现在风采之上,婪妙真更像她师父长生真人,两个人都有着三分的狡黠。 Ok, without interest.” Li Qiye beckoned with the hand gently, smiled, put out a hand to shoulder Longevity Spiritual Master that beautiful chin, carefully looks at her beautiful appearance. “算了,没兴趣。”李七夜轻轻地摆手,笑了一下,伸手挑起了长生真人那美丽的下巴,仔细地看着她的美貌。 In this in an instant, the atmosphere of entire scene just like solidified was the same, but Longevity Spiritual Master Li Qiye's Master, was Longevity Valley Sect Master, it may be said that was powerful, others do not dare to have slight disrespecting before her, now Li Qiye shoulders Longevity Spiritual Master that beautiful incomparable chin under glare of the public eye unexpectedly, this was how frivolously and how the bold and arrogant approach. 在这刹那之间,整个场面的气氛宛如是凝固了一样,长生真人可是李七夜的师父,又是长生谷掌门人,可谓是位高权重,别人在她面前都不敢有丝毫的不敬,现在李七夜竟然在众目睽睽之下挑起了长生真人那美丽无比的下巴,这是多么轻佻、多么放肆的做法。 But, in suddenly, all these seems that normal, on this domineering incomparable man, as if he handles anything that naturally, handling anything is such along with however the nature, does not have slight towering. 但,在恍然之间,这一切都显得那么正常,在这个霸气无匹的男人身上,似乎他做什么事情都是那么的理所当然,做什么事情都是那么的随然自然,没有丝毫的突兀。 This man is ordinary, if bold and arrogant gets up, as if he dominates in all above, all such nature, it can be said that act wilfully. 这个男人平凡无比,但是一旦放肆起来,似乎他是凌驾在一切之上,一切都那么的自然,可以说是为所欲为 When everyone looks at such, Li Qiye serene took back the hand, smiles lightly, said slowly: I, do not care about the back black calamity, does not care to be the coolie. However, all things have the price, in world free lunch, has not known that you prepared.” 就在所有人看着这样一幕的时候,李七夜风轻云淡地收回了手,淡淡地一笑,徐徐地说道:“我这个人嘛,不在乎背黑祸,也不在乎做苦力。不过,万事都是有代价的,世间没有免费的午餐,就不知道你准备好了没有。” „All are the reasons.” Longevity Spiritual Master smiles gracefully, beautiful Wushuang/matchless, her beauty harnesses Repulsing with Yang Ming wanderer together, is only Yang Ming wanderer is lonely, sees its one to smile rarely, not like Longevity Spiritual Master so charming. “一切皆是缘。”长生真人盈盈一笑,美丽无双,她的美丽与阳明散人齐驾齐驱,只是阳明散人冷清高洁,难得见其一笑而已,不像长生真人如此的迷人。 Longevity Spiritual Master said slowly: This is also you wants, you to ask?” 长生真人徐徐说道:“这也不也是你所想要、你所想求的吗?” Very good.” Li Qiye smiled, said: That is good, I am waiting for collecting debts time. As for the present, this/should ending time, gave you.” Said that he then stood. “很好。”李七夜笑了起来,说道:“那就好,我等着收债的时候。至于现在嘛,也该落幕的时候了,就交给你吧。”说完他便站了起来。 When everyone has not responded, the Li Qiye form flashes, mounted Picking Medicine Peak instantaneously, he stands in the Picking Medicine Peak peak has the stance of domination all living things, just like he in all above. 在大家还没有反应过来的时候,李七夜身影一闪,瞬间登上了采药峰,他站在采药峰的峰顶上有着凌驾众生的姿态,宛如是他是在一切之上。 When everyone has not recovered, Li Qiye vanished suddenly all of a sudden, vanish into thin air, does not know where he went, as if evaporated probably same place was the same. 就在大家还没有回过神来的时候,李七夜突然之间一下子消失了,消失得无影无踪,不知道他去了哪里,似乎就好像是原地蒸发了一样。 This is-- looks at Li Qiye vanishes all of a sudden does not see, everyone a short time cannot recover, blankly look at each other. “这是——看着李七夜一下子消失不见,大家一时半刻都未能回过神来,都不由面面相觑 Could not feel the mind in this time everyone, Li Qiye strove to turn the tide, destroyed completely Myriad Life Country, big of his merit, only feared that was no one can compare with it in Longevity Valley. 在这个时候所有人都摸不着头脑了,李七夜力挽狂澜,灭掉了万寿国,他的功劳之大,只怕在长生谷是没有人能与之比拟了。 Now the foregone conclusion, should be celebrate Gong time, Li Qiye took the merit illustrious, he should be enjoys this Yaorong the time, should be rules the world roost the time, but he actually walks away. 现在大势已定,该是庆功的时候了,李七夜作为功劳赫赫,他应该是享受这一份耀荣的时候,应该是执天下牛耳的时候,但是他却一走了之。 Such matter, in anybody opinion is the inconceivable matter. Regarding any Dao Lineage, if the disciple set up the so big merit, rewarded that to be needless saying that only feared that in this Dao Lineage he wanted anything to be good, even it can be said that had boundless prospects. 这样的事情,在任何人看来都是不可思议的事情。对于任何一个道统来说,如果有一个弟子立了如此大的功劳,奖赏那就不用说了,只怕在这个道统中他想要什么都行了,甚至可以说是前途无量。 Above such celebration, whoever will not miss like this golden opportunity, this is establishes the Supreme position absolutely the best time. 在这样的庆典之上,不论谁都不会错过这样的大好时机,这绝对是奠定无上地位的最好时候。 However, Li Qiye actually walks away, does not spare a glance regarding such merit, does not care completely, such attitude finds it hard to believe in anybody opinion. 但是,李七夜却一走了之,对于这样的功劳不屑一顾,完全不放在心上,这样的态度在任何人看来都觉得不可思议。 After all everyone understands, if today above such grand ceremony, Li Qiye must inherit the Longevity Valley imperial throne, that only feared that an issue does not have, but Li Qiye simply has no interest, walks away. 毕竟大家都明白,如果在今天在这样的大典之上,李七夜要继承长生谷的大位,那只怕一点问题都没有,但李七夜却根本没兴趣,一走了之。 Li Qiye vanishes instantaneously, is Fan Miaozhen their Senior and Junior Sisters three people, sighed gently in the heart, these days contacted, in their hearts understands, Li Qiye has not cared Longevity Valley this power and influence, moreover their hearts know, Li Qiye will not stay in Longevity Valley is too long, he was the horizon flood dragon, he was doomed is saunters to fly in circles in 9 Heavens 10 Worlds. 李七夜瞬间消失,就是梵妙真她们师姐妹三人,在心里面也不由轻轻地叹息一声,这些日子接触下来,她们心里面明白,李七夜根本就没有把长生谷这点权势放在心上,而且她们心知道,李七夜不会在长生谷停留太久,他就是天际蛟龙,他注定是遨翔于九天十地 At this time Longevity Spiritual Master sits above Sovereign Throne, looks at everyone on the scene, said slowly: Today is the Longevity Dao Lineage sacrificial offering grand ceremony, although had a lot today, but as the Longevity Dao Lineage disciple, has the responsibility to maintain Longevity Dao Lineage peaceful......” 此时长生真人坐在皇座之上,看着在场的所有人,徐徐地说道:“今日是长生道统的祭祀大典,虽然在今天发生了很多事情,但作为长生道统的弟子,都有责任去维护长生道统的安宁……” „...... This Dao Lineage inheritance all ages, Hundred Clans thousand stands in great numbers, various factions have the own objective, has the own freedom, therefore until now Longevity Dao Lineage Hundred Clans thousand are prosperous, therefore I believe that no one is willing to let during the years that Longevity Dao Lineage falls into flame of war are flying......” “……这个道统传承万世,百族千门林立,各门各派都有自己的宗旨,都有自己的自由,所以一直以来长生道统百族千门都是欣欣向荣,所以我相信没有谁愿意让长生道统陷入战火纷飞的岁月之中……” The Longevity Spiritual Master words are not loud and clear, but actually spread over the world, spread over Longevity Dao Lineage, the innumerable cultivator powerhouses hear clear. 长生真人的话并不洪亮,但却传遍了天地,传遍了长生道统,无数的修士强者都听得一清二楚。 Was determining in Longevity Spiritual Master these words without a doubt Longevity Valley in the position that in Longevity Dao Lineage cannot be shaken, in fact is also so, since billion years, Longevity Dao Lineage inheritance era, the innumerable Sect rise and fall have alternated, but Longevity Valley has held the rigid Longevity Dao Lineage authority, whatever storm, which Sect inheritance cannot have to displace finally. 长生真人这一席话中毫无疑问是确定着长生谷长生道统中不可撼动的地位,事实上也是如此,千百万年以来,长生道统传承一个又一个的时代,无数门派兴衰更迭,但长生谷一直都掌执着长生道统的权柄,不论怎么样的风浪,最终都未能有哪一个门派传承取而代之。 Longevity Valley, they are Longevity Dao Lineage Legitimate Lineage, only then they can grip the Longevity Dao Lineage authority firmly, in the past was so, the present will be so, in the future is also so. 长生谷,他们才是长生道统正统,只有他们才能牢牢地握住长生道统的权柄,在过去是如此,现在是如此,未来也是如此。 Longevity is immeasurable, all ages coexistence-- finally the Longevity Dao Lineage innumerable Sect inheritance disciple shouted loudly, kneels in place. 长生无量,万世共存——”最后长生道统的无数门派传承的弟子高呼,伏拜于地。 Grand ceremony starts-- finally Longevity Spiritual Master to proclaim saves the sacrificial offering grand ceremony to be held as scheduled, many Longevity Dao Lineage cultivator powerhouses shouted loudly excitedly, after the war, finally welcomed the peace. “大典开始——”最后长生真人宣存祭祀大典如期举行,不少长生道统修士强者都为之兴奋高呼,战争之后终于迎来了和平。 The light smoke curls, after doing obeisance generations, the azure case displayed the thing of sacrificial offering, finally is the acknowledged leader by Longevity Spiritual Master, shares with the world. 青烟袅袅,在拜过列祖列宗之后,青案是摆上了祭祀之物,最后由长生真人亲执牛耳,与天下共享。 A sacrificial offering grand ceremony is held as scheduled, although had usurping power of Myriad Life Country to seize the position from the beginning, but this sacrificial offering grand ceremony was still such as in the past equally smooth being held, was still rules the world roost by Longevity Valley, what was only different, past position very high Myriad Life Country, today vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke, Longevity Dao Lineage will have set up the new power order again, but the Dao Lineage authority was still firmly in the Longevity Valley hand. 一场祭祀大典如期举行,虽然一开始有了万寿国的篡权夺位,但这一届的祭祀大典依然是如往常一样顺利的举行,依然是由长生谷执天下牛耳,唯一不一样的是,昔日地位很高的万寿国,在今天已经灰飞烟灭,长生道统将会重立新的权力秩序,但道统的权柄依然是牢牢的在长生谷手中。 This grand ceremony grand feast, some people like, some people of grief, these stand in Longevity Valley this side Sect inheritance firmly without doubt are the delighted people, their standpoints will also be deciding they in the Longevity Dao Lineage position, but grief without doubt is these turns to Myriad Life Country Sect inheritance, even if Longevity Valley will not exterminate an entire family them, will adjudicate them, this will make their Sect position suffer a disastrous decline in Longevity Dao Lineage, since then moves toward the decline. 这一场大典盛宴,有人欢喜,有人悲愁,那些坚定站在长生谷这一边的门派传承无疑是欢喜的人,他们的立场也将决定着他们在长生道统的地位,而悲愁的无疑是那些投靠万寿国门派传承,就算长生谷不会对他们进行灭门,都会对他们进行裁决,这将会让他们的宗门地位在长生道统中一落千丈,从此走向衰落。 This year sacrificial offering grand ceremony, to many are the stimulation extremely, a heaven, hell, one step goes astray, then all loses overall, was not only own lost, but also study made contact with own Sect inheritance. 这一年的祭祀大典,对于不少人来说是刺激万分,一步天堂,一步地狱,一步走错,便是全盘皆输,不仅仅是自己输了,而且学搭上了自己宗门传承 Finally, the grand feast diverges, goes various home respectively, representative also one after another leaving the table of major Dao Lineage said goodbye to go. 最终,盛宴散去,各回各家,各大道统代表纷纷离席告辞而去。 After the grand feast clears, Yang Ming wanderer leaves finally, finally only has Yang Ming to disperse with Longevity Spiritual Master on the scene, two people sit there, the atmosphere is very calm. 盛宴散尽之后,阳明散人是最后离开的,最后唯有阳明散与长生真人在场,两个人坐于那里,气氛很平静。 Yang Ming wanderer, Longevity Spiritual Master, they are the Ten Thousand Lineage World two big beautiful women, moreover they are Daoist, when two Peerless beautiful women wear the Daoist robe, has the Peerless flavor of being able saying that to people are a seduction. 阳明散人,长生真人,她们可谓是万统界的两大美女,而且她们两个人都是道人,当两个绝世美女身穿道袍的时候,有着说不出来的绝世韵味,对于人来说更是一种诱惑。 Longevity Spiritual Master is free and easy, Yang Ming wanderer is chilly, two types of different flavors, make one be worth seeing a hundred times. 长生真人洒脱飘逸,阳明散人清冷高洁,两种不同的韵味,却让人百看不厌。 Yang Ming wanderer and Longevity Spiritual Master were called Ten Thousand Lineage World two big Daoist, this is not only because they hold the rigid Dao Lineage authority, this also is not only because their strength is profound , because they have the different wisdom and distinguished opinions. 阳明散人长生真人被人称之为万统界的两大道人,这不仅仅是因为她们两个人都掌执着道统的权柄,这也不仅仅是因为她们两人实力高深,更是因为她们两个人有着不一样的睿智与卓见。 You may know, your Head Disciple is the hand grasps the Mad Court Dao Lineage Supreme authority.” Yang Ming wanderer looks at Longevity Spiritual Master, said slowly. Her sound is chilly, but sounds specially delightful, making one want to listen. “你可知道,你的首席大弟子乃是手握狂庭道统无上权柄。”阳明散人看着长生真人,徐徐地说道。她的声音清冷,但听起来特别的悦耳,让人十分想听。 Knows.” Longevity Spiritual Master has a smile, said: This to you are not the secret.” “知道。”长生真人含笑,说道:“这对于你而言也不是什么秘密。” You may think, he can hold Mad Court Dao Lineage Dao Source, can hold the governing your Longevity Dao Lineage country.” Yang Ming wanderer said. “你可想过,他能掌狂庭道统道源,又能掌御你们长生道统的国得。”阳明散人说道。 Longevity Spiritual Master has a smile, said: Has thought that he is the talent of having god-given wisdom, this to him, there is what difficulty.” 长生真人含笑,说道:“想过,他是天纵之才,这对于他而言,又有何难。” Do not forget, Mad Court Dao Lineage the name of Demon Cult still has not disappeared.” Yang Ming wanderer seems serious, said: If Longevity Dao Lineage falls in others the hand, is not the wise action.” “不要忘了,狂庭道统魔教之名依然未消。”阳明散人显得郑重,说道:“若是长生道统落于他人之手,可不是什么明智之举。” But, I remember that Ten Thousand Lineage World all Dao Lineage signed the agreement , is equal to recognize the Mad Court Dao Lineage position.” Longevity Spiritual Master smiles, beautiful incomparable, deeply moving. “但,我记得万统界所有道统都签了协议,也是等同于承认狂庭道统的地位。”长生真人一笑,美丽无比,动人心弦。 You dare saying that in the future won't have the raging tide to raid to curl Ten Thousand Lineage World? If there is, only feared that your Longevity Dao Lineage bears the brunt surely.” Yang Ming wanderer said. “你就敢说,未来不会有狂潮袭卷万统界?如果是有,只怕你长生道统必定是首当其冲。”阳明散人说道。 You looked down on my disciple.” Longevity Spiritual Master shakes the head with a smile, said: Trivial True God Tian De, how can there be the qualifications compare and theory with him, even if this Ten Thousand Lineage World, does not enter his discernment.” “你太小瞧我的徒儿了。”长生真人笑着摇头,说道:“区区天德真神,焉有资格与他相比并论,就算是这个万统界,都不入他的法眼。” It seems like you are self-confident.” Yang Ming wanderer said. “看来你是自信满满。”阳明散人说道。 I believe my eye.” Longevity Spiritual Master has a smile, said: When you saw me to misread excellently.” “我相信我这双眼睛。”长生真人含笑,说道:“你见我何时看错过人了。”
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