ED :: Volume #23

#2283: Counter-attack

Bang, bang and bang world sways, thunders to continue, at this time sees only the green light to compel the dark(ness) ray successively to retrocede, is the green light got the advantage within the short time, compelled the Myriad Life Country border. “轰、轰、轰”天地摇晃,轰鸣不止,此时只见绿光逼得黑暗光芒节节后退,在短短的时间之内已经是绿光占了优势了,逼到了万寿国边沿了。 Blood sacrifice saw that the situation is not wonderful, Myriad Life Old Monarch clenches teeth, does not have to choose, finally was ready for any sacrifice. “血祭”见到大势不妙,万寿老君一咬牙,没得选择,最后豁出去了。 Blood sacrifice one hear of Myriad Life Old Monarch words, 25 pavilion elder cried loud and long immediately, in this in an instant, heard bang loud sound, originally the situation ray all of a sudden transformation that spout by Myriad Life Country is blood light, heard , and the sound resounded, blood spout. “血祭”一听万寿老君的话,二十五阁老立即长啸一声,就在这刹那之间,听到“轰”的一声巨响,本来由万寿国喷涌出来的大势光芒一下子转化为血光,听到“噗、噗、噗”的声音响起,鲜血喷涌。 Among Ah!”, the pitiful yell sound penetrating world, various Myriad Life Country places resounded the sound of pitiful yell, had half of disciples to change to blood fog in Myriad Life Country all of a sudden, these disciples started the entire border country situation by own True Qi, but in this in an instant, the situation took their life all of a sudden, stripped their blood energy, to strip their life all of a sudden. 啊”一声之间,惨叫声响彻天地,万寿国各处都响起了惨叫之声,在万寿国内有一半弟子一下子化作了血雾,这些弟子本来是以自己真气来启动整个疆国大势的,但就在这刹那之间,大势一下子剥夺了他们的生命,一下子剥离了他们的血气、剥离了他们的生命。 In this in an instant, Myriad Life Country has half of disciples by the blood sacrifice, this has the disciple of quantity ten million/countless, so many disciples by the instance of blood sacrifice, are how the terrifying things. 就在这刹那之间,万寿国有一半弟子被血祭,这可是有着千万数量的弟子,如此多的弟子被血祭的瞬间,是多么恐怖的事情。 Their lives, Dao Foundation and flesh changed to purest strength all of a sudden, all invested in the giant wheel black hole. 他们的生命、道基、血肉一下子化作了最纯粹的力量,全部投入了巨轮黑洞之中。 „After bang, bang and bang giant wheel black hole obtains the blood sacrifice, rotates crazily, the entire giant wheel appeared blood light, melted just like the demon was the same, in this in an instant might hurricane. “轰、轰、轰”巨轮黑洞得到血祭之后,疯狂地转动,整个巨轮都浮现了血光,宛如魔化了一样,在这刹那之间威力狂飙。 Bang loud sound, giant wheel black hole devour(ing) many Longevity Dao Lineage strength, the dark(ness) light beam rose all of a sudden again in a big way one time, the might instantaneous rose dramatically crazily. “轰”的一声巨响,巨轮黑洞吞噬了更多的长生道统力量,黑暗光柱一下子再涨大了一倍,威力瞬间疯狂飙升。 In this in an instant, hears bang loud sound shakes hardly, the disintegration the world, saw only the dark(ness) light beam to shake the green light unexpectedly, stopped the retreat all of a sudden, with green light hard solid ground rubber there. 在这刹那之间,听到“砰”的一声巨响硬撼,崩碎了天地,只见黑暗光柱竟然撼住了绿光,一下子停止了后退,与绿光硬硬地胶着在那里。 Was too ruthless sees such a, does not know that many people were absolutely terrified, one breath on own border country half of disciple blood sacrifice, this was how vicious method, this was ten million/countless the number, this simply was a massacre. “太狠了吧”看到这样的一幕,不知道有多少人毛骨悚然,一口气就把自己疆国的一半弟子血祭,这是多么狠毒的手段,这可是千万数目,这简直就是一场大屠杀。 My mother.” Saw the one breath blood sacrifice so many disciples, these turned to Myriad Life Country Large Sect Sect Master weak all of a sudden on the ground. “我的妈呀。”看到一口气血祭了这么多的弟子,那些投靠万寿国大教掌门都一下子瘫软在地上。 Myriad Life Old Monarch they can go well to the own border country disciple, in the future they will really have the power, same can go well to other Sect inheritance, that feared that turns to their Sect inheritance, they are also the same can start, this was is extremely vicious. 万寿老君他们能对自己疆国的弟子下得了手,未来他们真的掌握了大权,也一样能对其他的门派传承下得了手,那怕投靠他们的门派传承,他们也一样能下手,这是太过于狠毒了。 Bang, bang and bang......” in many people were frightened by the Myriad Life Country so vicious method is ignorant, suddenly, god columns drop from the clouds, these god columns, sewed above the Myriad Life Country border area in an instant, the Myriad Life Country border area was so vast, can say that on sky was winks lowered ten million root god columns, the nail locked in the Myriad Life Country border area all of a sudden. “轰、轰、轰……”就在不少人被万寿国如此狠毒的手段吓懵之时,突然之间,一根根的神柱从天而降,这一根根的神柱,刹那之间钉在了万寿国的边疆之上,万寿国的边疆如此辽阔,可以说天空上是眨间降下了千万根的神柱,一下子钉锁住了万寿国的边疆。 That is anything saw that god column nails lock in the Myriad Life Country border area all of a sudden, everyone somewhat is dumbstruck, does not know where these god columns come. “那是什么”见到一根根神柱一下子钉锁住万寿国的边疆,大家都有些发懵,不知道这些神柱是从哪里来的。 Tzzzzzzzzz the sound resounds, locked in Longevity Dao Lineage strength in these god column nails, flowed to the giant wheel black hole strength to be weakened most bottom all of a sudden. 滋、滋、滋”的声音响起,就在这一根根的神柱钉锁住了长生道统力量,一下子流向巨轮黑洞的力量被削弱到了最底。 bang bang bang in this in an instant, in Myriad Life Country border country, presented form, this person Ta Kong/treads the sky come, they from underground summoning god columns, these god columns split Myriad Life Country Dao Foundation, tore the Myriad Life Country situation within the short time. 轰轰轰”就在这刹那之间,在万寿国疆国之内,出现了一个个一个身影,这一个个人踏空而来,他们从地下召起了一根根的神柱,这一根根的神柱裂开了万寿国道基,在短短的时间之内撕裂了万寿国的大势。 Bang, bang and bang......” the sounds of disintegrations are lingering on faintly, as these god columns raise from Myriad Life Country Dao Foundation, tears the Myriad Life Country situation time, within short time, the situation disintegration of Myriad Life Country domestic county another county. “砰、砰、砰……”一声声崩碎的声音不绝于耳,随着这一根根的神柱从万寿国道基升起,撕裂万寿国大势的时候,在短短的时间之内,万寿国境内一个郡又一个郡的大势崩碎。 Hears threw, threw and throws failing to explode sound, with the situation disintegration, flowed to the giant wheel black hole strength to be weakened all of a sudden. 听到了“扑、扑、扑”的哑火声音,随着大势崩碎,流向巨轮黑洞的力量就一下子被减弱了很多。 Moreover the form that this Ta Kong/treads the sky come compels toward the Myriad Life Country royal court territory, their place visited is the god column summons, tore Myriad Life Country Dao Foundation. 而且这一个个踏空而来的身影往万寿国的王庭疆土逼去,他们所过之处便是神柱召起,撕裂了万寿国道基 Yes, is Longevity Spiritual Master and numerous Old Ancestor has important people to hit the Heaven Splitting eye to look, discovered these capture the Myriad Life Country person unexpectedly are Longevity Spiritual Master and Longevity Valley Old Ancestor, everyone does not know where Longevity Spiritual Master they brave suddenly, kills Myriad Life Country to be caught off guard in electrical spark light. “是,是长生真人和一众老祖”有大人物开天眼一看,发现这些攻入万寿国的人竟然是长生真人长生谷老祖,大家都不知道长生真人他们突然之间是从哪里冒出来的,在石火电光之间杀得万寿国措手不及。 Myriad Life Country constructs above Longevity Dao Lineage eventually, the palm holds Longevity Dao Lineage Longevity Valley to have the method to control Myriad Life Country Dao Root.” Saw that Longevity Spiritual Master they summoned god columns, tore Myriad Life Country Dao Foundation, had Old Ancestor to mutter said. 万寿国终究是建在长生道统之上,掌执长生道统长生谷还是有手段控制万寿国道根。”看到长生真人他们召出了一根根的神柱,撕裂了万寿国道基,有老祖不由喃喃地说道。 Sees such a, everyone understands, although said that Myriad Life Country Dao Foundation is their True Emperor and Virtuous Predecessor experienced blessing time and time again, even depended on the degree regarding Longevity Dao Lineage Dao Foundation is very weak. 看到这样的一幕,大家都明白,虽然说万寿国道基已经是他们的真帝先贤经历了一次又一次的加持了,甚至对于长生道统道基依托程度已经是很弱了。 But it constructed above Longevity Dao Lineage eventually, eventually was the inescapable Longevity Dao Lineage foundation, under Longevity Dao Lineage First Ancestor strength, Longevity Valley still had the opportunity to rip open Myriad Life Country Dao Foundation. 但它终究是建在了长生道统之上,终究是无法逃脱长生道统的根基,在长生道统始祖力量之下,长生谷依然有机会撕开万寿国道基 In this in an instant, Longevity Dao Lineage many the big sects and countries truly are clear, why Longevity Valley is always such low key, is always such governing by non-interference, does not interfere, no matter what guarantees the development of the big sects and countries, the expansion of ignores any the big sects and countries, as if absolutely does not have strength to strive for hegemony to be the same. 在这刹那之间,长生道统的很多大教疆国才真正明白,为什么长生谷一直以来是如此的低调,一直以来是如此的无为而治,根本就不干涉任保大教疆国的发展,放任任何一个大教疆国的扩张,似乎根本就没有力量去争雄一样。 In fact Longevity Valley does not fear the big sects and countries to expand, because they grasped the Longevity Dao Lineage person truly, they have Longevity Dao Lineage Dao Source, had Longevity Dao Lineage strength, that feared that your the big sects and countries Dao Foundation tamps solidly, really one day wants to displace to Longevity Valley again, Longevity Valley has that strength to tear your foundation, this is Longevity Valley until now governs by non-interference the biggest energy, because it did not fear that any the big sects and countries betrays it! 事实上长生谷根本就不怕大教疆国扩张,因为他们才是真正掌握了长生道统的人,他们是拥有着长生道统道源,拥有了长生道统力量,那怕你的大教疆国道基得再扎实,真有一天想对长生谷取而代之,长生谷就有那个实力撕裂你的根基,这就是长生谷一直以来无为而治最大的底气,因为它根本就不怕任何大教疆国背叛它! Rests crazily saw that Longevity Spiritual Master they are summoning the god column, while compels to Myriad Life Country Wang Ting, this makes Myriad Life Old Monarch wild with rage. “休狂”看到长生真人他们一边召唤着神柱,一边向万寿国的王庭逼去,这让万寿老君狂怒。 Bang loud sound, although both sides are separated by the remote distance, under Myriad Life Old Monarch take action, struck, the galaxy crashes, sun and moon does not have the light, a fist is immeasurable, straight bang under. “轰”的一声巨响,虽然双方相隔着遥远的距离,万寿老君出手了,一击之下,星河坠落,日月无光,一拳无量,直轰而下。 Bang loud sound, under a fist, the Myriad Life Country thousand li (500 km) territory disintegration, this fist is destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth, however actually cannot kill Longevity Spiritual Master they. “砰”的一声巨响,一拳之下,万寿国的千里疆土崩碎,这一拳可谓是毁天灭地,然而却未能杀死长生真人他们。 Sees only Longevity Spiritual Master to hold the rigid weapon with Longevity Valley Old Ancestor together, this weapon spout invincible ancestor power, it camouflaged world all lands, just like the backdrop is the same, there's nothing can destroy. 只见长生真人长生谷老祖们共同掌执着一件兵器,这件兵器喷涌出了无敌的祖威,它遮蔽天地万域,宛如是天幕一样,没有什么可以打碎。 Ancestor Weapon, Medicine Immortal Ancestor Weapon saw that this weapon erupted invincible ancestor power, Longevity Dao Lineage does not know had many people frightened to jump. 祖兵,药仙祖兵”看到这件兵器爆发出了无敌祖威,长生道统不知道有多少人被吓得跳了起来。 Ancestor Weapon this also lets Myriad Life Old Ancestor complexion big change, this is he is unable to compare, is their Myriad Life Country is unable to compare, because they are impossible to have Ancestor Weapon, they are just True Emperor inheritance. 祖兵”这一幕也让万寿老祖脸色大变,这是他无法比拟的,也是他们万寿国所无法比拟的,因为他们不可能拥有祖兵,他们只不过是真帝传承而已。 But, Longevity Valley is different, it is First Ancestor inheritance, although Longevity Valley had not shown by Ancestor Weapon, but it indeed may have Ancestor Weapon. 但,长生谷不一样,它可是始祖传承,虽然长生谷一直未以祖兵示人,但它的确是有可能拥有祖兵 Rolls over, rolls over and rolls over......” when Myriad Life Old Monarch complexion big change, suddenly opened portal in Longevity Valley of horizon remotely, the immortal light turnover in this portal, spout First Ancestor strength, just like has the First Ancestor Zen to sit here general. “轧、轧、轧……”就在万寿老君脸色大变的时候,遥远在天边的长生谷突然打开了一道门户,在这道门户之内仙光吞吐,喷涌着始祖力量,宛如是有始祖在这里禅坐一般。 This is Myriad Life Old Monarch eventually is an immortality, felt the crisis instantaneously, immediately turn head, looked in the Longevity Valley direction. “这是”万寿老君终究是一尊不朽,瞬间感受到了危机,立即回头,往长生谷的方向望去。 Buzz a resonate sound, in this instantaneous, sees only in this portal to hang a great bow, this sent out the ancient aura the great bow, saw only in this moment in portal has a big form to grasp the great bow, drew completely the bowstring. “嗡”的一声响起,就在这瞬间,只见这一个门户之内挂着一把巨弓,这把巨弓散发出了亘古的气息,就在这一刻只见在门户之中已经有一个高大的身影手持着巨弓,拉满了弓弦。 „It is not good the Myriad Life Old Monarch complexion to change with amazement, wants to hide, but is late, an arrow projects, the slaughter god extinguishes the emperor, spans instantaneously, but. “不好”万寿老君脸色骇然大变,欲躲,但已经迟了,一箭射出,屠神灭帝,瞬间跨越而至。 Although Myriad Life Country has in trillion to Longevity Valley remote, but this arrow shot the Myriad Life Old Monarch front instantaneously, this arrow was fatal, extremely fast, could not shoot. 虽然万寿国长生谷亿万里之遥,但这一箭瞬间射到了万寿老君的面前,这一箭致命,极速,根本射不掉。 Scoffing a resonate sound, the blood splashes high, this arrow shot through the throat of Myriad Life Old Monarch instantaneously, Myriad Life Old Monarch cut at the scene but actually, his eyes opened the eyes in a big way, never expected that own will be attacked to kill instantaneously, he was one immortal, was killed by the unexpected blow like this. “嗤”的一声响起,鲜血高高地溅起,这一箭瞬间射穿了万寿老君的喉咙,万寿老君当场就裁倒,他一双眼睛睁得大大的,没有想到自己瞬间会被袭击杀死,他可是一尊不朽呀,就这样被人以冷箭射杀了。 Was you finally in the Myriad Life Old Monarch mouth put out these two characters, he recognized in Longevity Valley portal this big form that held the bow, but all these were late. “是你”最后万寿老君口中吐出了这两个字,他认出了长生谷门户之内这个持弓的高大身影,但这一切都迟了。 Finally, the body of Myriad Life Old Monarch crashes from the upper air, bang a resonate sound, numerous falling fall on the ground. 最后,万寿老君的身体从高空坠落,“砰”的一声响起,重重的摔落在地上。 All became silent, all these changes were too rapid, but instantaneous, Longevity Valley broke the Myriad Life Country situation, killed Myriad Life Old Monarch, such method can be called the wind and thunder to enforce, blood and iron to be brutal. 一切都变得寂静了,这一切变化都太快了,只不过是瞬间而已,长生谷就破了万寿国的大势,袭杀了万寿老君,这样的手段可以称得上风雷厉行、铁血无情。 Your younger sister.” Sees such a, Li Qiye ridicules saying: I do the coolie here, you actually run to snatch my crest of wave suddenly, has not run quickly, otherwise I killed by explosion you.” “你妹呀。”看到这样的一幕,李七夜不由笑骂道:“我在这里干苦力,你们却突然跑出来抢我的风头,还不赶快跑,不然我轰死你们。” Bang loud sound, is more abundant in this instantaneous green light, originally the giant wheel black hole had been weakened, the green light compelled the dark(ness) ray successively to retrocede, at this time green light more abundant time, the bang approached the Myriad Life Country royal court at a rate of unparalleled. “轰”的一声巨响,在这瞬间绿光更盛,本来巨轮黑洞已经被削弱了,绿光本就逼得黑暗光芒节节后退,此时绿光更盛的时候,绝无伦比轰向了万寿国的王庭。 Drawing back Longevity Spiritual Master they have not killed the Myriad Life Country royal court, saw the green light comes by the destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth stance bang, her also complexion big change, very decisive, immediately brings various elders to retreat. “退”长生真人他们还没有杀到万寿国的王庭,一看到绿光以毁天灭地的姿态轰来,她也脸色大变,十分的果断,立即带着诸老撤退。 "no!" saw that the green light bang comes, 25 pavilion elder with amazement, all powerhouse and Old Ancestor in complexion deathly white Myriad Life Country royal court, screamed one. “不”看到绿光轰来,二十五阁老骇然,万寿国王庭中的所有强者和老祖都脸色煞白,尖叫一声。 Bang loud sound, green light by the destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth stance bang to the Myriad Life Country royal court, in this instantaneous, is not only the giant wheel black hole is rumbled crushes, the entire Myriad Life Country royal court was also collapsed crushes, in the land left behind fearful big hole, the entire Myriad Life Country royal court was rumbled to result in vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke, vanished all of a sudden. “轰”的一声巨响,绿光以毁天灭地的姿态轰向了万寿国的王庭,在这瞬间,不仅仅是巨轮黑洞被轰得粉碎,整个万寿国的王庭也被崩得粉碎,大地上留下了一个可怕的大洞,整个万寿国的王庭被轰得灰飞烟灭,一下子消失了。 At this time, above the Myriad Life Country territory, the royal court vanished, in the land only leaves behind the cannot erase great hole, even if at this time ten thousand border country still also, but, the royal court has extinguished, that still survived in name only. 此时,在万寿国的疆土之上,王庭消失了,大地上只留下不可磨灭的巨洞,此时就算万疆国依然还在,但是,王庭已灭,那也是名存实亡了。
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