ED :: Volume #23

#2280: The strength of whole nation

The Myriad Life Old Monarch words fall, does not know that many people suffocate, immortal words, that does not crack a joke, that has terrifying deterrent strength absolutely, therefore in many will of the people beat. 万寿老君话一落下,不知道多少人为之窒息,一位不朽的话,那可不是开玩笑,那绝对是有着恐怖的威慑力量,所以不少人心里面都跳动了一下。 Does not know at once many looks at Li Qiye, everyone does not know whether Li Qiye can block Myriad Life Old Monarch, if cannot block, but Longevity Valley also does not have Immortal True God to assume personal command, then Longevity Valley really must play. 一时之间不知道多少人都看着李七夜,大家都不知道李七夜能否挡得住万寿老君,如果是挡不住,而长生谷又没有不朽真神坐镇的话,那么长生谷真的是要玩完了。 That is the good deed, coming one to slaughter.” Li Qiye is not angry, said superficially: Was you make me cut you, I cut your head in the past.” “那是好事,来一场杀戮吧。”李七夜也不生气,轻描淡写地说道:“是你过来让我斩了你,还是我过去砍了你头颅。” First extinguishes you, then destroys Longevity Valley.” Myriad Life Old Monarch complexion indifferent and cold, without replying Li Qiye, said slowly: Starts, starts the situation.” “先灭你,再毁长生谷。”万寿老君脸色冷漠,没有回答李七夜,徐徐地说道:“开始吧,启动大势吧。” The Myriad Life Old Monarch words fall, first spout the ray in the Myriad Life Country royal court, heard buzz, buzz and buzz the sound resounded, sees only main hall godly peak in royal court spout the ray, appeared coordinate, these coordinate is filling the True Emperor immortal aura, such blessing, that came from True Emperor or the immortality absolutely. 万寿老君话一落下,首先是在万寿国的王庭喷涌起了光芒,听到了“嗡、嗡、嗡”的声音响起,只见王庭中的一座座大殿神峰都喷涌出了光芒,浮现了一道道的经纬线,这一道道的经纬线都是弥漫着真帝不朽的气息,如此的加持,那绝对是出身于真帝或不朽。 Buzz resonate sound, is centered on the Myriad Life Country royal court, the ray that this shines goes to ten thousand border country entire border country divergences, within short time, entire Myriad Life Country ten million/countless in the territory unexpectedly every inchs land spout the ray, dense and numerous coordinate interwove above the Myriad Life Country land every inchs, formed a huge incomparable situation. “嗡”的一声声响起,紧接着以万寿国的王庭为中心,这亮起的光芒向万疆国的整个疆国幅散而去,短短的时间之内,整个万寿国的千万里疆土竟然每一寸土地都喷涌出了光芒,密密麻麻的经纬线交织在了万寿国的每一寸土地之上,形成了一个庞大无比的大势。 This is the Myriad Life Country foundation, Myriad Life Country this was plays, built the own foundation, did not succeed then dies for a righteous cause.” Saw that bunch of rays of shot up to the sky, illuminated entire Myriad Life Country, making the Longevity Dao Lineage many cultivator powerhouse see that such was startled secretly. “这是万寿国的根基呀,万寿国这是玩真的了,把自己的根基都搭进去了,不成功便成仁。”看到一束束的光芒冲天而起,照亮了整个万寿国,让长生道统的很多修士强者看到这样的一幕都不由暗暗吃惊。 Myriad Life Country constructs, in long said that in Dao Lineage foundation, the Myriad Life Country founder by Cultivation Technique tampered that own evolved on the foundation of entire territory, the later generation experienced all previous Virtuous Predecessor and True Emperor blessing and tampered, this made the Myriad Life Country territory foundation depend in the Longevity Dao Lineage foundation, but also had the own foundation, had the own situation. 万寿国是建在了长道道统的基础上,万寿国的创始人以自己演化出来的功法夯实了整上疆土的基础,后世又经历了历代先贤真帝加持夯实,这使得万寿国的疆土基础既是依托在了长生道统的基础之上,但却又拥有了自己的根基,拥有了自己的大势。 Because the Myriad Life Country border country foundation had the own independent situation, this caused them regarding the Longevity Dao Lineage Dao Foundation dependence is weak. 正是因为万寿国疆国根基拥有了自己独立的大势,这使得他们对于长生道统道基的依赖性是弱了很多。 Now Myriad Life Country opens the own border country situation unexpectedly, this is Myriad Life Country all previous generations Virtuous Predecessor and True Emperor countless painstaking care, such a foundation does not know that poured into many painstaking care of Myriad Life Country generations, actually bet in today's Myriad Life Country, bet the giving people a hard time foundation. 现在万寿国竟然开启了自己疆国大势,这可是万寿国历代先贤真帝的无数心血,这样的一份根基不知道倾注了万寿国列祖列宗的多少心血,在今天万寿国却赌上了,把整人根基都赌了上去。 Longevity passes toward an intermittent song after it resonate sound, Myriad Life Country each place within the short time resounded song after it sound. 长生逝往”一阵阵的颂经之声响起,在短短的时间之内万寿国的每个地方都响起了一声声的颂经之声。 At this moment, Myriad Life Country each disciple, so long as practiced the Myriad Life Country Cultivation Technique disciple, regardless of the strong and weak, starts heart scripture that praised their Myriad Life Country to be in sole possession. 此时此刻,万寿国的每一个弟子,只要是修练了万寿国功法的弟子,不论强弱,都开始颂起了他们万寿国所独有的心经 When Myriad Life Country each disciple praised heart scripture, their whole bodies sent out a ray continuously, this ray continuously in an instant with the ray fusion that the Myriad Life Country territory foundation sent out in one, in this in an instant, the Myriad Life Country high and low ten million/countless disciple just like with the entire Myriad Life Country fusion in one, at this moment, they and Myriad Life Country basis could not have separated firmly, when they fused with the foundation, that is doomed the life and death already altogether, if Myriad Life Country collapse and destruction, they can also vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke. 万寿国的每一个弟子颂起了心经之时,他们全身散发出了一缕缕的光芒,这一缕缕的光芒在刹那之间与万寿国疆土根基所散发出来的光芒融合在了一起,在这刹那之间,万寿国上下千万弟子宛如与整个万寿国融合在了一起,此时此刻,他们与万寿国的根本已经是牢牢的分不开了,当他们与根基相融合的时候,那就注定着生死已共,若是万寿国崩灭,他们也将会随之灰飞烟灭 Longevity passed toward resounded through the world in the Myriad Life Country Wang Ting's song after it sound, their song after it sound reverberation in entire Longevity Dao Lineage, are deterring the trillion creature mind. 长生逝往”在万寿国王庭的颂经之声响彻了天地,他们的颂经之声回荡于整个长生道统,威慑着亿万生灵的心神。 In that crowd of temples that especially Myriad Life Old Monarch is, appeared a 25 form, this 25 form is to decay old Old Man, is White Haired is gray, is on the verge of death, but they actually sent out the prestige of boundless vast True God, when they praised, their song were more resonant than anybody after it sound . Moreover the ray that on them sent out was also intensely brighter than anybody, the ray that on them sent out seemed like Sun to be the same. 特别是万寿老君所在的那一群神殿之中,浮现了二十五个身影,这二十五个身影都是朽老的老人,都是白发苍苍,行将就木,但是他们却散发出了磅礴浩瀚的真神之威,当他们颂经之时,他们的颂经之声比任何人都嘹亮,而且他们身上所散发出来的光芒也比任何人都要耀眼夺目,他们身上所散发出来的光芒就好像是一轮轮太阳一样。 25 pavilion elder!” Saw this 25 form appears, Longevity Dao Lineage does not know in many cultivator powerhouse hearts one for it cold. 二十五阁老!”看到这二十五个身影浮现的时候,长生道统不知道多少修士强者心里面为之一凛。 At present this 25 Old Man Myriad Life Country final background, is Myriad Life Country last batch of most powerful Old Ancestor, was called 25 pavilion elder, although this 25 pavilion elder is inferior to Myriad Life Old Monarch, but was stronger than the 36 dragon. 眼前这二十五老人正是万寿国最后的底蕴,也是万寿国最后一批最强大的老祖,被人称之为二十五阁老,虽然这二十五阁老不如万寿老君,但比三十六龙就更强了。 25 pavilion elder once received the person who Myriad Life Country True Emperor bestows to seal, they incessantly are powerful, moreover strength formidable, their was called is shield of Myriad Life Country, they are not only the Myriad Life Country final defenses, is Myriad Life Country final background , their 25 pavilion elder will not unless it is absolutely essential come. 二十五阁老都是曾经受过万寿国真帝所赐封的人,他们不止是位高权重,而且实力十分的强悍,他们被人称之为是万寿国,他们既是万寿国最后的防御,也是万寿国最后的底蕴,不到万不得已,他们二十五阁老是不会现身的。 Now Myriad Life Country uses the entire border country foundation incessantly, was even 25 pavilion elder take action, with Myriad Life Country up and down with concerted strength, this was how stirring matter. 现在万寿国不止是动用了整个疆国的根基,更是连二十五阁老出手了,与万寿国上下同心齐力,这是多么震撼人心的事情呀。 Entire country all disciples with the concerted strength, Myriad Life Country this are how powerful ambitions, this is stakes everything on a single throw of the dice, the success or failure all does not have the escape route.” Has Longevity Dao Lineage Large Sect Old Ancestor to see such a, is absolutely terrified. “全国上下所有弟子同心齐力,万寿国这是多么强大的野心,这是孤注一掷,成败皆没有退路。”有长生道统大教老祖看到这样的一幕,不由为之毛骨悚然。 For these usurps the throne to seize power time, the Myriad Life Country high and low disciple with the concerted strength, jointly became one piece ten million/countless unexpectedly, they are willing with the own border country common life or death, this is how terrifying unity strength, this is how the terrifying concentrate strength. 为了这一次篡位夺权,万寿国上下千万弟子竟然同心齐力,联合成了一片,他们愿意与自己疆国共同存亡,这是多么恐怖的团结力量,这是多么恐怖凝集力。 Yà Yà Yà praised in the Myriad Life Country high and low disciple with the concerted strength ten million/countless, opened the border country situation time, an intermittent serious sound resounded. 轧轧轧”就在万寿国上下千万弟子同心齐力颂经,开启疆国大势的时候,一阵阵沉重的声音响起。 At this time saw only sits well Myriad Life Old Monarch above upper air raised a giant incomparable round wheel slowly, this circle round of ten points strange, was ordinary like Moroccan Tian Lun(Heavenly Wheel), seems like to be the same in the waterfront waterwheel. 此时只见端坐于高空之上的万寿老君缓缓地提起了一个巨大无匹的圆轮,这个圆轮十分的奇怪,就像摩天轮一般,又像是架在江边的水车一样。 The entire giant wheel by the emperor gold/metal the casting, each one spoke expands outward, but outside the wheel hub was to connect one piece of Emperor one piece of the gold/metal, these emperor gold/metal were undergoes the True Emperor casting and temperance, what terrifying was the entire giant wheel besets with by True Stone, was best True Stone, so many True Stone, this only feared that was Myriad Life Country exhausted many national strengths. 整个巨轮由帝金所铸造,每一条轮幅都向外扩张,而在轮毂外更是驳接一块一块帝金,这些帝金都是经过真帝的铸造和锤炼,更为恐怖的是整个巨轮都镶有真石,都是最好的真石,如此多的真石,这只怕是万寿国耗尽了不少的国力。 Emperor gold/metal, this is Emperor Lineage World unique emperor gold/metal sees such a giant wheel is by the emperor gold/metal casting, above Medicine Altar has Dao Lineage representative to look at this emperor gold/metal the origin, pulled out an cold air/Qi. “帝金,这是帝统界所特有的帝金”看到这样的一个巨轮乃由帝金铸造,药坛之上有道统代表看出来这帝金的来历,不由抽了一口冷气。 Sees so the giant wheel completely with Emperor Lineage World the unique emperor gold/metal the casting, this makes the Yang Ming wanderer vision concentrate, the Emperor Lineage World emperor gold/metal, in Ten Thousand Lineage World do not say that is Sect inheritance, even if Dao Lineage thinks is not easy, although said Dao Lineage like Yang Ming Cult also to have such emperor gold/metal. 看到如此巨轮完全是用帝统界所特有的帝金所铸造,这让阳明散人都不由目光一凝,帝统界的帝金,在万统界不要说是一个门派传承,就算是一个道统想得之也不易,虽然说像阳明教这样的道统也拥有这样的帝金。 However Myriad Life Country strength did not have to be able to save so many emperor gold/metal powerful the situation, if Myriad Life Country does not have this national strength to save so many emperor gold/metal, then this means that behind some people supported Myriad Life Country, such that such as Myriad Life Old Monarch said that this is not only their Myriad Life Country wants to usurp the throne to seize power is so simple. 但是万寿国力量还没强大到能积攒如此多帝金的地步,如果万寿国没有这个国力积攒如此多的帝金,那么这就意味着这背后有人支援万寿国了,就如万寿老君所说的那样,这已经不仅仅是他们万寿国想篡位夺权那么简单了。 Yà Yà Yà this time, this giant wheel is rotating slowly, as the rotation is getting quicker and quicker, this giant wheel sent out a ray continuously unexpectedly, but this ray made person observing in the heart beat, because such ray like the ray that the dark(ness) gem flashed is the same, as if this was coming from dark(ness) strength. 轧轧轧”就在这个时候,这只巨轮缓缓地转动起来,随着转动越来越快,这只巨轮竟然散发出了一缕缕的光芒,但这光芒让人观之都不由心里面跳动了一下,因为这样的光芒如同是黑暗宝石所闪动的光芒一样,似乎这是来自于黑暗力量 Bang, bang and bang resounded sound of the intermittent thundering in this moment entire Myriad Life Country, was opened in this time entire Myriad Life Country situation, entire Myriad Life Country filled boundless endless strength all of a sudden, entire Myriad Life Country seems like by this Vast Ocean general strength is submerged is the same. “轰、轰、轰”在这一刻整个万寿国响起了一阵阵轰鸣之声,在此时整个万寿国的大势被开启,整个万寿国一下子充满了磅礴无尽的力量,整个万寿国就好像是被这种汪洋大海一般的力量所淹没一样。 Even is lightning is thunderous in the Myriad Life Country sky, entire Myriad Life Country had changed to the strength sea, once as if any foreign enemy steps into Myriad Life Country, will be twisted the meat sauce by this terrifying strength all of a sudden. 甚至在万寿国的上空是闪电雷鸣,整个万寿国已经是化作了力量的海洋,似乎任何外敌一旦踏入万寿国,都会被这恐怖力量一下子绞成肉酱。 Buzz a resonate sound, in this in an instant, when that giant wheel changed to the enough quick speed, the giant wheel just like must vanish to transform is the same, the space shivers, all black ray suddenly concentrate in the center of giant wheel, heard bo a resonate sound, the entire space collapsed, became enlightened black hole. “嗡”的一声响起,就在这刹那之间,当那只巨轮转到了足够快的速度之时,巨轮宛如要消失幻化一样,空间颤抖,所有的黑色光芒骤然凝集在了巨轮的中央,听到“啵”的一声响起,整个空间坍塌,开成了一个黑洞。 Reappeared runes in this moment giant wheel, this runes is the same like the strip of wheel hub, with the giant wheel rotation, to heaven defying strength rotate entire dark(ness) to revolve extremely. 在这一刻巨轮浮现了符文,这符文如同轮毂的幅条一样,随着巨轮转动,以极为逆天力量转动着整个黑暗旋转。 Bang in the strength of instantaneous spout this time Myriad Life Country whole nation, entire Myriad Life Country situation strength charged into this giant wheel central dark(ness) like the flood instantaneously. “轰”就在这个时候万寿国举国之力瞬间喷涌而起,整个万寿国的大势力量瞬间像洪水一样冲向了这个巨轮中央的黑暗 crash and crash the sound of galloping is lingering on faintly, black hole devour(ing) in this moment ten thousand border country this huge ships this looked like Myriad Life Country situation strength that the flood gallops to come. 哗啦哗啦”的奔腾之声不绝于耳,就在这一刻万疆国这个巨轮中的黑洞吞噬了这像洪水奔腾而来的万寿国大势力量 After this black hole devour(ing) Myriad Life Country the strength of whole nation, the black hole becomes more and more greatly, moreover with the rotation of wheel hub, the black hole also revolves, moreover is the revolutions is quicker, finally the entire dark(ness) spin day change of scene, has formed most terrifying devour(ing) space. 随着这个黑洞吞噬万寿国的举国之力后,黑洞变得越来越大,而且随着轮毂的转动,黑洞也旋转起来,而且是越转越快,最后整个黑暗旋天转地,已经形成了最恐怖吞噬空间。 „” a resonate sound, finally entire Myriad Life Country strength by this terrifying did not have after the black hole devour(ing). “蓬”的一声响起,最后整个万寿国力量都被这个恐怖无经的黑洞所吞噬了。 In this moment, inconceivable matter happened, seeing only this black hole revolutions is quicker, as also it is getting bigger and bigger, it actually just like wanting the devour(ing) world is the same, it is pulling entire Longevity Dao Lineage unexpectedly. 在这一刻,不可思议的事情发生了,只见这个黑洞越转越快,也随着它越来越大,它竟然宛如要吞噬天地一样,它竟然拉扯着整个长生道统 Bang, bang and bang......” in this in an instant, entire Longevity Dao Lineage came under the influence, entire Longevity Dao Lineage sways. “轰、轰、轰……”在这刹那之间,整个长生道统都受到了影响,整个长生道统都摇晃起来。 This made everyone pale all of a sudden, must know that entire Longevity Dao Lineage was female offers a sacrifice to refine by Medicine Immortal, has First Ancestor strength to guard, but was pulled on the verge of collapse in this moment entire Longevity Dao Lineage, that was how the terrifying matter, this is shaking entire Longevity Dao Lineage Dao Foundation simply. 这一下子让所有人都脸色发白了,要知道整个长生道统乃是由药仙女所祭炼而成,有着始祖力量镇守,但在这一刻整个长生道统都被拉扯得摇摇欲坠,那是多么恐怖的事情,这简直就是撼动着整个长生道统道基 Buzz, buzz and buzz appeared the ray in this time Longevity Dao Lineage, especially Myriad Life Country surrounding dao earth is the ray shoots up to the sky, this is Dao Lineage defense strength. “嗡、嗡、嗡”在此时长生道统浮现了光芒,特别是万寿国周围的道土更是光芒冲天而起,这是一个道统的防御力量 ps: „The Xiao Residence regiment will do a character list in the public number, such as the Immortal Emperor ranking, such as the female role ranking, asking everyone to pay attention. ps:将会在公众号“萧府军团”搞一个人物榜单,如仙帝排行榜、如女角色排行榜,请大家关注。
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