ED :: Volume #23

#2278: Myriad Life Old Monarch

-- loud sound, under the impact of pulse, sees only god palace all of a sudden vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke of ups and downs on sky, that feared that is the powerful defense cannot support the pulse the might. ——”的一声巨响,在脉冲的冲击之下,只见一座沉浮于天空上的神宫一下子灰飞烟灭,那怕是再强大的防御都未能支撑住脉冲的威力。 Under pulse bombardment, after god palace vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke, penetrated after that godly peak instantaneously, the pulse still had not stopped, went in the in the air ancient temple impact on godly peak following one crowd of ups and downs. 在脉冲轰击之下,神宫灰飞烟灭之后,瞬间击穿了其后的一座神峰,脉冲依然未停止,向神峰后面一群沉浮于空中的古老神殿冲击而去。 This crowd of ancient temples are the mist wind around, just like the god palace that the ancient god lives is same, the military might is inviolable, making person observing awe. 这一群古老的神殿乃是雾气缭绕,宛如是古老神祗所居住的神宫一样,威武不可侵犯,让人观之都不由为之敬畏。 When the pulse has not attacked the leaves of this crowd of ancient temple, hears buzz a resonate sound, outside the temple appeared a defense layer upon layer, wants to block the powerful incomparable pulse, but the pulse might was too powerful, hears bang, bang and bang the sound resounds, under the impacts of pulse, this defense layer upon layer was penetrated. 当脉冲还没有冲击到这群古老的神殿之叶,听到“嗡”的一声响起,神殿外面就浮现了一层层的防御,欲挡住强大无匹的脉冲,但是脉冲威力太强大了,听到“砰、砰、砰”的声音响起,在脉冲的一次次冲击之下,这一层层的防御被击穿。 The pulse still castrates continues, pinches the prestige of destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth to go to this crowd of ancient temple impacts. 脉冲依然去势不止,挟着毁天灭地之威向这群古老的神殿冲击而去。 Snort-- when the pulse attacks to the temple goes, cold snort resounds, this cold snort one, resounds through entire Longevity Dao Lineage gently, merely is cold snort, shock and awe trillion creature, that feared that is the group star of space in this cold snort one rustle the vacillation, probably under cold snort will be shaken crashes to be the same. “哼——”就在脉冲向神殿冲击而去的时候,一声冷哼响起,这一声冷哼只是轻轻一哼而已,响彻整个长生道统,仅仅就是一声冷哼,就震慑亿万生灵,那怕是天上的群星在这一声冷哼一下都簌簌动摇,好像一声冷哼之下就会被震得坠落一样。 Bang loud sound, saw when pulse wrecks this crowd of ancient temples on the strategic place, sudden god wall drops from the clouds, keeps off in front of the pulse, Tzzzzzzzzz sound of the intermittent fierce impact is lingering on faintly, under such pulse so overbearing impact, is swaying to be the same just like entire Myriad Life Country, but this god wall still blocked this fearful pulse. “砰”的一声巨响,眼看脉冲就要冲击毁这一群古老的神殿之时,突然一堵神墙从天而降,挡在了脉冲前面,“滋、滋、滋”一阵阵凶猛的冲击之声不绝于耳,在这样的脉冲如此霸道冲击之下,宛如整个万寿国都在摇晃一样,但这堵神墙依然挡住了这可怕的脉冲了。 Finally heard „ziii” a resonate sound, the spark sputtering, all pulse strength that Li Qiye devour(ing) came used up completely, but still has not penetrated that god to stop up. 最后听到“滋”一声响起,星火溅射,李七夜吞噬过来的所有脉冲力量全部都用完了,但是依然没有击穿那堵神堵。 Saw that the pulse consumed finally, does not know that many people relax, especially the Myriad Life Country person was still shaken, the disaster of dropping from the clouds, that was almost scared them, now saw has supported the disaster finally, does not know that many people long implored the one breath. 看到脉冲终于消耗掉了,不知道多少人为之松了一口气,特别是万寿国的人更是惊魂未定,从天而降的灾难,那差点把他们都吓破了胆,现在见终于撑过了灾难,不知道多少人为之长长吁了一口气。 Above Medicine Altar a silence, Li Qiye opened Silver Dragon Giant Armor bare handedly, the fist was battered to death to destroy Silver Dragon Regiment, has deterred many people not to dare the speech, now among the graces, then destroys the Myriad Life Country royal court taking advantage of the pulse most probably, such method, that was too rather overbearing and is too rather crazy fiercely, this simply was much fiercer, is unable to describe him with the expression. 药坛之上一片寂静,李七夜赤手拆了银龙巨甲,拳砸死毁了银龙军团,已经震慑得很多人连说话都不敢了,现在举手投足之间,便借着脉冲把万寿国的王庭毁了大半,这样的手段,那未免太霸道、未免太狂猛了吧,这简直就是凶猛得一塌糊涂,无法用言辞去形容他了。 Should come out, making me experience a little method of weight, otherwise with a little strength with me for the enemy, that was really frail, making me also kill the there's nothing meaning.” Li Qiye crosses the hands behind the back to stand, said superficially. “该出来了吧,让我见识见识有点重量的手段,不然就凭着这么一点力量与我为敌,那实在是太脆弱了,让我杀得也没有什么意思。”李七夜负手而立,轻描淡写地说道。 At this time Li Qiye crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the coat along with the Feng Piao/breeze dance, he stands there, without the heaven frightening aura, does not have the invincible prestige, that is just the casual stand. 此时李七夜负手而立,大衣随风飘舞,他站在那里,没有惊天的气息,没有无敌的声威,那只不过是随便一站而已。 Like this casual stand, everyone looks at his back is absolutely terrified, does not know that many people felt Li Qiye stands there is suppressing everyone's heart, lets everyone scant of breath, making everyone feel that own was even suppressed the raised the head courage not to have by Li Qiye, do not discuss that looked straight ahead the Li Qiye's courage. 就这样的随便一站,所有人看着他的背影都毛骨悚然,不知道多少人感觉李七夜站在那里就是镇压着所有人的心脏,让所有人都呼吸困难,让所有人都感觉自己李七夜镇压得连抬起头来的勇气都没有,更别谈直视李七夜的勇气了。 Overbearing, invincible, unrivaled, these expressions have described him insufficient, in this moment, as if he controlled entire Longevity Dao Lineage, as if he is Longevity Dao Lineage Supreme exist(ence). 霸道,无敌,举世无双,这些言辞已经不足形容他了,在这一刻,似乎他主宰了整个长生道统,似乎他是长生道统至高无上存在 Like being at Mad Court Dao Lineage.” Is Pill King Feng Xiaochen in fierce combat sighs with emotion one. “就像在狂庭道统一样。”就是激战中的丹王风笑尘都不由感慨一声。 At that time when Mad Court Dao Lineage, Li Qiye was also palm rigid entire Mad Court Dao Lineage, now in Longevity Dao Lineage Li Qiye same is palm rigid entire Dao Lineage strength, Feng Xiaochen does not know how Li Qiye achieved, but he was very clear, Longevity Spiritual Master gave Li Qiye the position of Head Disciple, that without doubt was very wise approach. 当时在狂庭道统的时候,李七夜也是掌执着整个狂庭道统,现在在长生道统李七夜也一样是掌执着整个道统力量,风笑尘不知道李七夜是怎么样做到的,但他很清楚,长生真人首席大弟子之位给了李七夜,那无疑是十分明智的做法。 Rolled over-- to roll over-- to roll over-- at this time, kept off that god walls before that crowd of temple raises slowly, the temple appeared in everyone again at present. “轧——————”在这个时候,挡在那群神殿之前的那堵神墙缓缓升起,神殿又再一次出现在了大家的眼前。 Buzz--, after the god wall raises thoroughly, Divine Light continuously shoots up to the sky, such Divine Light continuously brings immortal Divine Attribute, as if such Divine Attribute can undergo the polish of time, can withstand the corrosion of years. “嗡——”的一声,就在神墙彻底升起之后,一缕缕的神光冲天而起,这样的一缕缕的神光带着不朽的神性,似乎这样的神性能经受得起时光的打磨,能承受得了岁月的侵蚀。 After Divine Light shoots up to the sky continuously, Divine Ring raises together, these Divine Ring rotations were restless, seem like evolved the infinite universe, has the vast boundless galaxy in this infinite universe, has hundred quintillion creature. 一缕缕神光冲天而起之后,紧接着一道道神环升起,这一道道的神环轮转不息,似乎是衍化了大千世界,在这大千世界之中有着浩瀚无垠的星河,有着亿亿万生灵 hundred quintillion creature, is the vast boundless galaxy, has a center, in this center is the origin of this infinite universe, is all homes to return. 不论是亿亿万生灵,还是浩瀚无垠的星河,都有着一个中心,在这个中心是这个大千世界的起源,也是一切的归宿。 -- loud sound, the time collection, alternates just like era suddenly, gathered just like billion years in this moment, presented a form in intensely bright. ——”的一声巨响,时光骤集,宛如是一个个时代更迭,宛如千百万年汇聚在了这一刻,在耀眼夺目之中出现了一个身影。 This form big Supreme, when he sits cross-legged there is the same, as if he is a center of infinite universe, is not only trillion creature pays homage to he, the even if vast boundless galaxy is surrounding him, in such a world he is Supreme exist(ence). 这个身影高大无上,当他盘坐在那里一样,似乎他就是一个大千世界的中央,不仅仅是亿万生灵膜拜他,就算是浩瀚无边的星河都环绕着他,在这样的一个世界之中他就是至高无上存在 This is Old Man, the temple slightly frost, he opens an eye time, the illumination world, making innumerable creature shiver. 这是一个老人,鬓微霜,他睁开一双眼睛的时候,烛照世界,让无数生灵都为之颤抖。 Old Ancestor-- sees this Old Man time, the innumerable powerhouses in Myriad Life Country royal court kneel place are, even included important people of some Old Ancestor ranks. 老祖宗——”看到这个老人的时候,万寿国王庭之中的无数强者跪得一地都是,甚至包括了一些老祖级别的大人物 Old Ancestor-- in Medicine Altar Emperor Myriad Life Country excited, kneel and worship on the ground. 老祖宗——”就是远在药坛万寿国皇帝都不由激动不已,跪拜在地上。 Myriad Life Old Monarch!” Sees such exist(ence), Yang Ming wanderer both eyes concentrates, the complexion is also dignified. 万寿老君!”看到这样的存在,阳明散人不由双目一凝,脸色也不由凝重起来。 Myriad Life Old Monarch!” Hears this name, major Dao Lineage representative also pulled out an cold air/Qi, looks at present Old Man, finds it hard to believe. 万寿老君!”听到这个名字,各大道统代表也都不由抽了一口冷气,看着眼前的老人,都觉得不可思议。 Myriad Life Old Monarch He Ganyu-- has Dao Lineage representative murmured to say in a low voice: He, he has not died incessantly, moreover actually also keeps Ten Thousand Lineage World, has not entered Emperor Lineage World. Myriad Life Country, this, this, this is wants many resources to provide.” 万寿老君何乾宇——”有道统代表不由低声昵喃地说道:“他,他不止是没有死,而且竟然还留在万统界,未入帝统界万寿国,这,这,这是要多少资源来供养。” Myriad Life Old Monarch-- hears this name, in Medicine Altar does not know that many Longevity Dao Lineage Old Ancestor frightened the soul to fly, was absolutely terrified, said with amazement: He, he is also alive unexpectedly, but also keeps Ten Thousand Lineage World!” 万寿老君——”听到这个名字,药坛中不知道多少长生道统老祖吓得魂都飞了起来,不由为之毛骨悚然,骇然地说道:“他,他竟然还在世,还留在万统界!” At once, does not know that many people were shocked, even somewhat firmly supports the Longevity Valley Sect powerhouses somewhat to despair, low mumble said: Can be able to block him?” 一时之间,不知道多少人被震撼住了,甚至有些坚定支持长生谷门派强者都有些绝望,低喃地说道:“能挡得住他吗?” Myriad Life Old Monarch, Myriad Life Country Old Ancestor is alive unexpectedly, that was good.” Turns in Myriad Life Country Sect Old Ancestor, immediately is wild with joy. 万寿老君,万寿国老祖宗竟然在世,那再好不过了。”一些投靠于万寿国门派老祖,顿时为之狂喜。 Myriad Life Old Monarch He Ganyu, do not say that is the Longevity Dao Lineage cultivator powerhouse, even if Ten Thousand Lineage World many important people hears this character, heart for it one cold. 万寿老君何乾宇,不要说是长生道统修士强者,就算是万统界的很多大人物听到这个人物,都不由心头为之一凛。 Myriad Life Old Monarch, this once was one of the Myriad Life Country most powerful Old Ancestor, he once was Myriad Life Country treasure longevity True Emperor Master, was an immortality, heard long ago resounded through Ten Thousand Lineage World on the prestige, once treated as an equal to many True Emperor. 万寿老君,这曾经是万寿国最强大的老祖之一,他曾经是万寿国的宝寿真帝师父,是一尊不朽,听说早在很久之前就威名响彻万统界了,曾与很多的真帝平起平坐。 Heaven Ascending True God, that feared that is 9-layer Heaven True God, does not dare saying that with True Emperor strength to resist, even if can strength to resist, that be low True God, but Immortal True God is completely different, such True God that can indeed with True Emperor contending, moreover often is not that low True Emperor. 要知道,登天真神,那怕是九重天真神,都不敢说与真帝力抗,就算是力抗,那都是低位真神,但是不朽真神就完全不一样了,这样的真神那的确是能与真帝抗衡,而且往往不是那种低位的真帝 Myriad Life Old Monarch strength very terrifying, let alone he is treasure longevity True Emperor Master, with such honored status, that feared that is also deterring era in Ten Thousand Lineage World. 万寿老君本身的实力就很恐怖,更何况他还是宝寿真帝师父,凭着这样尊贵的身份,那怕是在万统界也是威慑着一个又一个时代 Many people think that Myriad Life Old Monarch such Immortal existence, should leave Ten Thousand Lineage World, entered Emperor Lineage World. After all, will often leave Ten Thousand Lineage World like True Emperor, entering Emperor Lineage World even is Immortal Lineage World. 很多人都认为万寿老君这样的不朽存在,早就应该离开了万统界,进入了帝统界。毕竟,像真帝往往都会离开万统界,进入帝统界甚至是仙统界 But True God is the certain extent also to walk toward the high place, like Ten Thousand Lineage World True Emperor, if after achieving was immortal, will find the way to enter Emperor Lineage World, rarely achieves immortal True God to keep Ten Thousand Lineage World. 真神达到一定程度也会往高处走,就像万统界真帝,如果达到了不朽之后,都会想办法进入帝统界,很少达到不朽的真神会留在万统界的。 The reason is very simple, in Emperor Lineage World can compared with the Ten Thousand Lineage World longevity, but Immortal Lineage World can compared with the Emperor Lineage World longevity, this also be why reason that True Emperor or True God, have walked upward. Also here True Emperor has a bigger advantage compared with True God, is equivalent to a True Emperor strength compared with Immortal True God truthfully, but , this True Emperor immortal is without a doubt easier than to enter Emperor Lineage World, even there is possibility True Emperor to enter Immortal Lineage World, but Immortal True God just climbed up Emperor Lineage World. 原因很简单,在帝统界能比万统界更长寿,而仙统界能比帝统界更长寿,这也就是为什么不论是真帝还是真神,都会一直往上走的原因。同时在这里真帝真神有着更大的一个优势,就比如实一尊不朽真神与一尊真帝实力相当,但是,毫无疑问,这尊真帝比不朽更容易进入帝统界,甚至有可能这尊真帝已经进入了仙统界了,而不朽真神才刚刚爬上帝统界 This is also True Emperor compared with one of the True God biggest advantages. 这也是真帝真神最大的优势之一。 Myriad Life Old Monarch, without a doubt is a very powerful immortality, he had trained treasure longevity True Emperor, by his such exist(ence), how to enter Emperor Lineage World, after all can live for a long time in Emperor Lineage World, that feared that got up own cover in dust, in Emperor Lineage World also compared with Ten Thousand Lineage World can cover in dust for a long time, blood energy drain is also slower. 万寿老君,毫无疑问是一个十分强大的不朽,他曾经培养过宝寿真帝,以他这样的存在来说,不论怎么样都会进入帝统界,毕竟在帝统界能活得更久,那怕是把自己尘封起来了,在帝统界也是比万统界尘封得更久,血气流失也更慢。 However makes everyone not think that Myriad Life Old Monarch actually kept Myriad Life Country, has not left, has not entered Emperor Lineage World, this is how not easy matter, this is also conceivable Myriad Life Country to provide for such a immortal that is being the need how astonishing resources. 但是让所有人都没有想到的,万寿老君竟然留在了万寿国,并没有离开,更没有进入帝统界,这是多么不容易的事情,这也可以想象万寿国供养着这么一位不朽那是需要多么惊人的资源。 Naturally, Ten Thousand Lineage World, Dao Lineage has one to assume personal command to be very astonishing immortally, but border country actually has an immortality, that is how the terrifying matter! 当然了,在万统界来说,一个道统有着一尊不朽坐镇已经很惊人了,而一个疆国竟然拥有着一尊不朽,那是多么恐怖的事情! Sees Myriad Life Old Monarch, does not know that many people pulled out an cold air/Qi, thorough cold, understands why Myriad Life Country has the guts to have the energy to usurp the throne to seize power, has such a to assume personal command immortally, this is Myriad Life Country biggest background, this is also they challenges the Longevity Valley energy. 看到万寿老君,不知道多少人抽了一口冷气,彻底寒冷,明白为什么万寿国有胆量有底气篡位夺权,拥有着这么一位不朽坐镇,这就是万寿国最大的底蕴,这也是他们挑战长生谷的底气。 If Longevity Valley not immortal, only feared that really cannot block Myriad Life Old Monarch, Myriad Life Country usurps the throne the success ratio of seizing power, that only feared that was most likely.” Sees Myriad Life Old Monarch, had Old Ancestor of aristocratic family to have a shiver. “如果长生谷没有不朽的话,只怕真的是挡不住万寿老君,万寿国篡位夺权的成功率,那只怕是十之八九了。”看到万寿老君,有世家的老祖不由打了一个冷颤。 After all which Immortal True God everyone does not have heard Longevity Valley to assume personal command, although said that Longevity Valley has also had Immortal True God, but only feared that has left Ten Thousand Lineage World, had entered Emperor Lineage World. 毕竟大家都没有听说长生谷有哪一位不朽真神坐镇,虽然说长生谷也出过不朽真神,但只怕早就离开了万统界了,早就进入了帝统界了。 ps: Early this month, invited everyone throws the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket to «Emperor's Domination», thanks. ps:月初了,请大家把月票和推荐票投给《帝霸》,谢谢。
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