ED :: Volume #23

#2221: Span

Everyone looks at this frog is in a daze at once at present, everyone does not know that actually this frog is what kind of origin. 一时之间所有人都看着眼前这只蛤蟆发呆,大家都不知道这只蛤蟆究竟是怎么样的一个来历。 Belch hit a satisfied burp appearance in this time Myriad Heavenly Cauldron, the appearance that its this puts on airs makes many people want to punch its ruthlessly, here all Fire Source Lotus had sole possession by it, the appearance that under punches, does not know that many people were mad result in the tooth to be itchy. “嗝”在这个时候万炉神打了一个饱嗝的模样,它这装腔作势的模样让很多人都很想狠狠地揍它一顿,这里所有的火源之莲都被它独吞了,还是一副欠揍的模样,不知道多少人被气得牙痒痒的。 Fire Source Lotus in this Lotus Pond is how, enough their these famed elder(s) Old Ancestor and talent of Large Sect aristocratic family enjoys, now has sole possession by a small frog, this made everyone on the scene suppress a lot of air/Qi, their many one after another looked angrily at Li Qiye. 莲池之中的火源之莲是何其之多,足够他们这些名宿老祖大教世家的天才享用,现在却被一只小小的蛤蟆独吞了,这让在场的所有人都憋了一肚子的气,他们不少人都纷纷怒视李七夜 In this moment they understand that Li Qiye the meaning of that words, Li Qiye must monopolize all Fire Source Lotus in Lotus Pond a moment ago, this is not his own has sole possession, but gave his frog to monopolize. 在这一刻他们才明白李七夜刚才那一席话的意思,李七夜要独占莲池之中的所有火源之莲,这并非是他自己独吞,而是给了他这只蛤蟆独享了。 This is so many Old Ancestor treatments is inferior to a frog simply, always in the will of the people one wants to have the resentment, hates to get up facing this frog at heart at present, Li Qiye also hated together. 这简直就是那么多老祖的待遇都不如一只蛤蟆,每多人心里面一想都不由有怨气,心里面对眼前这只蛤蟆都不由恨了起来了,连带李七夜也一同恨上了。 Li Qiye and Young Master Hui Chun in this for the enemy, many famed elder(s) Old Ancestor on the scene toward the heart, after all this are not grievances between Li Qiye and Young Master Hui Chun, they do not want to mix. 在此之间李七夜回春公子为敌,在场的不少名宿老祖都不往心里面去,毕竟这是李七夜回春公子之间的恩怨,他们不想掺合于其中。 But now the Li Qiye's frog robs Fire Source Lotus that should be them to enjoy all of a sudden, when this dares made all famed elder(s) Old Ancestor not be feeling well all of a sudden, they hated Li Qiye to hate, many famed elder(s) Old Ancestor looked to the Li Qiye's vision all of a sudden becomes not that friendly, even in some people of eyes spouted the anger. 但现在李七夜的蛤蟆一下子抢走了该属于他们所享用的火源之莲,这敢时让所有名宿老祖一下子不爽了,他们连恨李七夜都恨上了,不少名宿老祖望向李七夜的目光一下子变得不是那么的友善,甚至有人眼中喷出了怒火。 If there is at this time to Li Qiye begins, only feared that at present these Old Ancestor many people on the scene are glad to step on several feet toward Li Qiye on, was taken away the Fire Source Lotus resentment by the report. 如果说此时有对李七夜动手的话,只怕眼前在场的这些老祖不少人乐意往李七夜身上踩上几脚的,以报被夺去火源之莲的怨气。 Naturally many cultivator powerhouses beside the mountain valley is also dark, Young Master Hui Chun they block Lotus Pond, their these famed elder(s) Old Ancestor and aristocratic family juniors monopolize Lotus Pond Fire Source Lotus, this lets not know that has in many cultivator powerhouse hearts to have the resentment, but does not have what they. 当然在山谷之外也有不少修士强者暗爽的,回春公子他们封锁莲池,他们这些名宿老祖、世家子弟独占莲池火源之莲,这让不知道有多少修士强者心里面有怨气,只不过没有奈得何他们而已。 Now Li Qiye's frog has sole possession of all lotus fire, robs Fire Source Lotus that famed elder(s) Old Ancestor and aristocratic family juniors should enjoy, this lets in the cultivator powerhouse heart that does not have the share much had/left a resentment, heart inside felt specially happy. 现在李七夜的一只蛤蟆一口就独吞了所有的莲火,抢走了名宿老祖、世家子弟应该享用的火源之莲,这让不少没份的修士强者心里面出了一口怨气,心里面觉得特别的舒畅。 surnamed Li, rather went too far, were you regard the world person not to have the thing?” At this time Young Master Hui Chun is angry, shouted severely. 姓李的,未免太过份了吧,你是视天下人无物吗?”此时回春公子为之大怒,厉喝道。 You said right.” Li Qiye looked that is disinclined to look at Young Master Hui Chun one, said at will: Among Whole World, several people can enter my discernment, at least is not you, since does not enter my discernment, how to need regards you for the character.” “你说对了。”李七夜看都懒得看回春公子一眼,随意地说道:“举世之间,又有几人能入我法眼,至少不是你们,既然不入我法眼,又何需视你们为人物。” The looking disdainfully crazy tyrant, thinks nobody exists but oneself, this saying said that was the Young Master Hui Chun complexion is very incessantly ugly, continually many famed elder(s) Old Ancestor complexion on the scene very ugly/difficult to look at. 睥睨狂霸,目无余子,这话一说出来,不止是回春公子脸色十分难看,连在场的不少名宿老祖都脸色十分的难看。 „Does surnamed Li, dare a take action war!” The Young Master Hui Chun complexion was difficult to see the extreme, sank to shout: I must think you to have the big skill but actually!” 姓李的,敢不敢出手一战!”回春公子脸色难看到了极点,沉喝道:“我倒要看一看你有多大的本事!” how to need Young Master take action, my take action foot!” Wu Bingning cold vision observes the situation, cold shoulder smiles, said: Even I cannot be victorious, then dares to challenge Young Master, overreaches oneself.” 何需公子出手,我出手足矣!”武冰凝冷眸环视,冷晒一笑,说道:“连我都打不过,便敢挑战公子,不自量力。” Wu Bingning this saying said that immediately made Young Master Hui Chun be at a loss for words, the complexion became flushed all of a sudden. 武冰凝这话一说出来,顿时让回春公子语塞,脸色一下子涨红。 even if famed elder(s) Old Ancestor and aristocratic family juniors on the scene, was said by Wu Bingning such one sentence equally is unable to take a stand, Wu Bingning these words saying, who wants to challenge Li Qiye, that first passed this pass/test. 就算是在场的名宿老祖、世家子弟,也一样被武冰凝这样的一句话说得无法表态,武冰凝这句话一说出来,谁想挑战李七夜,那就得先过她这一关了。 Everyone on the scene, famed elder(s) Old Ancestor, is the aristocratic family disciple, did not think that Wu Bingning this saying to be extremely arrogant, she indeed had the qualifications saying that such words, relied on her strength, can challenge any people in three big Young Master fully. 在场的所有人,不论是名宿老祖,还是世家弟子,都不觉得武冰凝这话狂妄,她的确是有资格说这样的话,凭她个人的实力,足可以挑战三大公子中的任何一个人。 Also, depending on her once along with allied armies thorough Mad Court Dao Lineage this score, can make young one generation blush with shame fully, person who famed elder(s) of Third Young Master or older generation, dares truly along with the allied armies thorough Mad Court Dao Lineage combat how many? The young generation of talent, is older generation famed elder(s), they somewhat from pitying life, they do not want to bury the bone in Mad Court Dao Lineage. 再说了,凭她曾经随联军深入狂庭道统这一份战绩,就足可以让年轻一辈汗颜,不论是三公子还是老一辈的名宿,真正敢随联军深入狂庭道统作战的人又有多少?不论是年轻一辈天才,还是老一辈名宿,他们多多少少都会自惜生命,他们可不想埋骨于狂庭道统 Wu Bingning that but has boundless prospects actually dares to go on an expedition along with the allied armies resolutely, the only this courage and self-confident can many to be overshadowed before her fully. 但前途无量的武冰凝却敢毅然随联军征战,单凭这一份的勇气和自信就足可以让很多人在她面前黯然失色。 Li Qiye is disinclined to pay attention to Young Master Hui Chun they, but lifts conveniently, bang loud sound, in this in an instant, all magma instantaneous spouts of Lotus Pond, just like entire Lotus Pond blasts out is the same. 李七夜都懒得去理会回春公子他们,只是随手一抬,“轰”的一声巨响,就在这刹那之间,莲池的所有岩浆瞬间喷涌而起,宛如是整个莲池炸开一样。 Drawing back this sudden, has a scare everyone, immediately has Old Ancestor to loudly shout, in an instant withdrew from this mountain valley. “退”这突然发生的一幕,把所有人都吓了一大跳,立即有老祖大喝一声,刹那之间就退出了这座山谷。 Young Master Hui Chun also withdrew from this mountain valley with the people at the maximum speed, so many magma instantaneous spouts, once were submerged, only feared that the big skill has the possibility body to be melted, The Land of Fire Source the great strength of magma, this is the matter that everyone knows. 回春公子也随着众人以最快的速度退出了这座山谷,如此多的岩浆瞬间喷涌而起,一旦被淹没的话,只怕再大的本事都有可能身体被融化,火源之地岩浆之强大,这是大家都知道的事情。 Bang loud sound, all magma instantaneous spouts in Lotus Pond, moreover is the direct injection continues, probably the volcano must erupt to be the same, the underground deep place has the incessant magma eruption to be crazily same. “轰”的一声巨响,莲池之中的所有岩浆都瞬间喷涌而起,而且是直喷不止,好像是火山要爆发一样,地下深处有着滔滔不绝的岩浆疯狂地喷发一样。 When such magma incomparably erupts crazily, just like heard Tzzzzzzzzz sound, probably this terrifying magma melts sky, as if magma might terrifying of deep place, as if can melt world all. 当这样的岩浆疯狂无比地喷发而起的时候,宛如是听到了“滋、滋、滋”的声音,好像这恐怖岩浆天空都融化掉,似乎更深处的岩浆威力就更加恐怖,仿佛是可以融化世间的一切。 Such, making many people look absolutely terrifiedly, so terrifying magma sprinkles generally on the body of own, only feared that will burn down the own body in the shortest time friendly, even that feared that is only then point magma sprinkles on the body of own, may in be melted to burn big hole in an instant. 这样的一幕,让很多人看得都不由毛骨悚然,如此恐怖岩浆一般是泼在自己的身上,只怕会在最短的时间把自己身体融烧掉,甚至那怕是只有一点的岩浆泼在自己的身上,都有可能在刹那之间被融烧出一个大洞来。 When all magma spouts, wrapped instantaneously all of a sudden a Li Qiye and Li Qiye liangs person, their two people were wrapped instantaneously watertight by terrifying magma, this can melt their magma to sprinkle instantaneously on their bodies, as if must extinguish their thorough burning. 当所有的岩浆喷涌而起的时候,瞬间把李七夜个人一下子包裹住了,他们两个人瞬间被恐怖岩浆包裹得水泄不通,这可以融化他们的岩浆瞬间泼在了他们的身上,似乎要把他们两个人彻底的焚灭。 When this all magma spurt sprinkles to come, on Li Qiye instantaneously emitted flames, this flames is also wrapping his whole body in this in an instant, when such flames is wrapping his whole body, magma sprinkles, could not injure him slightly. 就在这所有的岩浆喷泼而来的时候,李七夜身上瞬间冒出了焰火,这焰火也在这刹那之间包裹着他的全身,当这样的焰火包裹着他的全身的时候,岩浆泼来,根本就伤不了他丝毫。 Meanwhile the Wu Bingning under foot emitted flowers unexpectedly, this flowers are jumping flame that ices coldly, this iced the coldly flame to cover the Wu Bingning whole body instantaneously, after this iced the coldly flame covered her whole body, when magma sprinkles on her, heard Tzzzzzzzzz the sound resounded, magma that this sprinkled cooled unexpectedly all of a sudden. 与此同时武冰凝脚下竟然冒出了一只花朵,这只花朵跳跃着冰冷冷的火焰,这冰冷冷的火焰瞬间覆盖了武冰凝全身,这冰冷冷的火焰覆盖了她全身之后,当岩浆泼在她身上的时候,听到“滋、滋、滋”的声音响起,这泼来的岩浆竟然是一下子冷却了。 Saw that all magma package slightly the gap not to have a Li Qiye and Li Qiye liangs person instantaneously, was wrapped watertight, this made all people dumbfounded, everyone does not know that what they are making? 看到所有的岩浆瞬间把李七夜个人都包裹得丝毫间隙都没有,被包裹得水泄不通,这让所有的人都傻眼了,大家都不知道他们在做什么? „Is this must commit suicide?” Some famed elder(s) are scared, muttered said. “这是要自杀吗?”有名宿都傻了眼,不由喃喃地说道。 In magma, when the magma spout comes, a Li Qiye big hand brace, the flame between his palms in the beats, hears Tzzzzzzzzz the sound resounds, originally magma is the cream, but under the Li Qiye's palm brace grasps, these magma melted unexpectedly probably was the same. 岩浆之中,在岩浆喷涌而来的时候,李七夜大手一撑,他手掌间的火焰在跳动间,听到“滋、滋、滋”的声音响起,本来岩浆都已经是浆液了,但在李七夜的手掌撑握之下,这些岩浆竟然好像是融化了一样。 Within the short time, such magma melts big hole at present unexpectedly, but looks by big hole, is not outside world, is not The Land of Fire Source, as if there is another world, is billowing hot, heads on. 在短短的时间之内,眼前这样的岩浆竟然融开了一个大洞,但是透过大洞望去,不是外面的世界,不是火源之地,似乎那里是另外一个世间,热浪滚滚,扑面而来。 Li Qiye big hand held down Wu Bingning small head, hears shouting a resonate sound, his flames falls in torrents, covers to ice the Ice-Fire flame that the Wu Bingning under foot flowers welled up coldly, Li Qiye that beat flames covers the whole body of Wu Bingning in this in an instant. 李七夜大手按住了武冰凝螓首,听到“呼”的一声响起,他身上的焰火倾泻而下,覆盖了武冰凝脚下花朵所涌出来的冷冰冰火焰,李七夜那跳动的焰火在这刹那之间就笼罩住了武冰凝的全身。 "Go" in this in an instant, Li Qiye brings Wu Bingning to pass through big hole that in magma was melted, spanned into another world in electrical spark light. “走”就在这刹那之间,李七夜带着武冰凝穿过了岩浆中被融开的大洞,在石火电光之间跨越入了另外一个世界。 crash a resonate sound, when Li Qiye brings Wu Bingning was spanning another world, but all incessant spouts magma crashes all of a sudden, all flows swiftly to lean, also fell Lotus Pond, magma rippled, Li Qiye had vanished with Wu Bingning, probably what matter has not happened to be the same. 哗啦”的一声响起,当李七夜带着武冰凝跨越了另外一个世界的时候,所有滔滔不绝喷涌而起的岩浆一下子坠落,全部都泻倾而下,又落回了莲池,岩浆荡漾,李七夜武冰凝已经消失了,好像是什么事情都没有发生一样。 Person?” Sees magma to ripple, a Li Qiye and Li Qiye liangs person disappeared, has the aristocratic family disciples to say surprised: could it be that were they melted fire the ash?” “人呢?”看到岩浆荡漾,李七夜个人都消失了,有世家弟子不由吃惊地说道:“难道他们都被融烧成灰了?” Without is so simple.” Having cultivation is deep, the experience broad famed elder(s) Old Ancestor manner is dignified, muttered said: This inside has profound principles “没那么简单。”有道行深、见识广的名宿老祖神态凝重,不由喃喃地说道:“这里面有玄机 Has what profound principles as for this inside, they could not say, in fact the The Land of Fire Source hidden had the secret that too they did not know, otherwise in the past Medicine Immortal will not entrain from the different space The Land of Fire Source, its mosaic above the Longevity Valley Dao Lineage territory. 至于这里面有什么玄机,他们也说不出来,事实上火源之地隐藏有太多他们所不知道的秘密了,否则的话当年药仙就不会把火源之地从异空间拽下来,把它嵌镶在了长生谷道统的疆土之上了。 Saw Fire Source Lotus not to have, many people dispersed, some people remained outside are waiting, but very for a long time in the past, Li Qiye and Wu Bingning have not appeared, they have to leave. 火源之莲都没有了,很多人都散了,也有人留在外面等待着,但很久过去,李七夜武冰凝都没有出现,他们也只好是离开了。 Young Master Hui Chun also waited to be very long outside, his complexion was very finally ugly, having a lot of anger to leave. 回春公子也在外面等了很久,最终他脸色十分难看,带着一肚子怒火离开了。 Young Master Hui Chun a lot of anger, that was not only Li Qiye killed Wu Lian, hit his slap on the face in the presence of everyone, the one who made in the Young Master Hui Chun heart have to clench jaws to be impulsive was because envied, the person who in his heart admired, actually has the inexplicable relations with Li Qiye, especially Wu Bingning was affectionate and mild-mannered to Li Qiye that type, this was makes the Young Master Hui Chun furnace fire anger fever, heart inside have the hatred of clenching jaws. 回春公子一肚子怒火,那不仅仅是李七夜杀了吴炼,当众打他耳光,更让回春公子心里面有咬牙切齿冲动的是因为嫉妒,他心里面所爱慕的人,竟然与李七夜有着莫名的关系,特别是武冰凝李七夜那种亲昵、柔顺,这更是让回春公子炉火怒烧,心里面有着咬牙切齿的恨意。 When Young Master Hui Chun leaves, both eyes reveals fearful killing intent, in his heart pledged secretly, one day, he will make Li Qiye die in the own hand. 回春公子离开的时候,双目露出可怕的杀机,他心里面暗暗发誓,总有一天,他会让李七夜死在自己手中。 No matter this surnamed Li what origin has, so long as dares with his Young Master Hui Chun for the enemy, not to have the good end. 不管这个姓李的有什么样的来历,只要敢与他回春公子为敌,都不会有好下场的。 What this surnamed Li is what origin, he and Martial Goddess relations are not ordinary.” Even famed elder(s) Old Ancestor when departure guesses in the heart. “这个姓李的是什么来历,他与女武神的关系不一般呀。”在离开之时甚至连名宿老祖都不由在心里面猜。 After all, can obtain the man of Wu Bingning favor, absolutely is the origin not simple person, but everyone does not know that actually this Li Qiye is the where to come experience. 毕竟,能得到武冰凝青睐的男人,绝对是来历不简单的人,但大家都不知道这个李七夜究竟是何来历。 In many young generation of cultivator hearts not only envies and envies, can obtain the favor of Martial Goddess, this has the lucky in love matter. 不少年轻一辈的修士心里面既羡慕又嫉妒,能得到女武神的青睐,这是多么有艳福的事情。
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