ED :: Volume #18

#1752: Penalty

Li Qiye pressed Shen Xiaoshan above the both legs, said with a smile: You know where was wrong?” 李七夜沈晓珊压在了双腿之上,笑吟吟地说道:“你知道错在哪里了吗?” At this time the Shen Xiaoshan powder face feels hot, the face soon was red the trickling rouge, her whole body was numb, has the feeling of being able saying that the heart must fly to get up to be the same. 此时沈晓珊粉脸发烫,脸庞红得都快要滴下胭脂了,她全身酥酥麻麻,有着说不出来的感觉,芳心都要飞了起来一样。 I, I, I know.” The courage that Shen Xiaoshan spoke continually loudly did not have, the sound such as the mosquito accepted general, her tiny sound that gentle, supple such as spring water. “我,我,我知道。”沈晓珊连大声说话的勇气都没有,声音如蚊纳一般,她细小的声音是那么的轻柔,柔如春水。 Since you know that mentioned listens, was actually wrong where?” Li Qiye said with a smile. “既然你知道,那说来听听,究竟是错在哪里了?”李七夜笑吟吟地说道。 Shen Xiaoshan lies above his both legs, suddenly head noisy general, intermittent scalding hot raids, making her whole body be incapable weakly, her gentle and charming sound quick drop water leakage came, is shy results in cannot restrain, supple such as spring water, said gently: I, I, I should not ridicule you, I, I, I am not that meaning, yes, is my mistake.” 沈晓珊趴在他的双腿之上,一时间脑袋乱哄哄的一般,一阵阵的灼热袭来,让她浑身酥软无力,她那娇柔的声音都快滴出水来了,娇羞得不可抑止,柔如春水,轻轻地说道:“我,我,我不该讥笑你,我,我,我不是那个意思的,是,是我的错。” This was Shen Xiaoshan three spiritual souls and seven body souls flew, in this so long as in an instant Li Qiye were not angry, making her be what her to want. 此是沈晓珊三魂七魄都飞了起来,在这刹那之间只要李七夜不生气,让她做什么她都愿意。 Knows can change mistakenly, good greatest, the person but who, does the wrong thing must subject to a penalty.” Li Qiye said with a smile. “知错能改,善莫大焉,不过,做错事的人可是要受罚的。”李七夜笑吟吟地说道。 What's wrong, how to punish Shen Xiaoshan to shame cannot restrain, said gently, but her words have not said, fragrant buttocks one burning. “怎么,怎么罚”沈晓珊羞得不可抑止,轻轻地说道,但她话还没有说完,香臀就一阵火辣辣的。 bang, bang, bang......” in this time Li Qiye palm of the hand palm of the hand pulled out, in her curled upwards above perfectly round fragrant buttocks, moreover this palm of the hand palm of the hand, Li Qiye did not have under the hand/subordinate to be forgiving, pulling out of this palm of the hand palm of the hand must the fragrant buttocks of Shen Xiaoshan be burning. 啪、啪、啪……”在这个时候李七夜一巴掌一巴掌地抽在了她那浑圆翘挺的香臀之上,而且这一巴掌一巴掌的,李七夜可是没有手下留情,这一巴掌一巴掌的抽得沈晓珊的香臀火辣辣的。 Ah!” was brushed by Li Qiye one, Shen Xiaoshan ate the pain to call one, but does not dare to call loudly, is biting the lip, the grievance well uped at once, the tears spun in the eye. 啊”李七夜一阵抽打,沈晓珊不由吃痛叫了一声,但又不敢叫得大声,不由咬着嘴唇,一时之间委屈的情绪涌上心头,泪水在眼中打转。 She never by such grievance, had not been hit like this, today like this is bullied like this, her actually wish sentiment peaceful, at once nose acid. 她从来没有受过这样的委屈,也没有被人这样打过,今天这样被人这样欺负,她却心愿情宁,一时之间鼻子都不由酸酸的。 After brushes, Li Qiye then took back big hand, at this time he is caressing her fragrant buttocks lightly, said lightly: This is only one warns that's all.” 一阵抽打之后,李七夜这才收回了大手,此时他轻抚着她的香臀,淡淡地说道:“这只是一个警告而己。” When Li Qiye's big hand is caressing the fragrant buttocks of own lightly Shen Xiaoshan soul flew all of a sudden, that thick big hand leads the rough callus, although is away from the clothes, but callus , on her tender and delicate flesh rubs suo the scalding hot feeling irons in her pit of the stomach. 李七夜的大手轻抚着自己的香臀之时沈晓珊魂儿一下子飞了起来,那粗大的大手带着粗糙的老茧,虽然是隔着衣裳,但是那老茧在她娇嫩的肌肤上磨挲着的时候灼热的感觉直熨于她的心窝儿。 When this rough big hand is stroking gently the fragrant buttocks Shen Xiaoshan forgot the pain to hurt in an instant, the numb feeling filled the air in her whole body, in this she felt in an instant whole body weak was about to change to a beach spring the water, the whole person was weak the paralysis above the Li Qiye's both legs, must change to a beach spring the water to flow just like own is the same. 当这粗糙的大手摩挲着香臀之时沈晓珊刹那之间忘了刚才的痛疼,酥麻的感觉弥漫于她的全身,在这刹那之间她感觉全身酥软的快化作了一滩春水,整个人酥软得瘫在了李七夜的双腿之上,宛如自己要化作一滩春水流淌一样。 Li Qiye rubbed a Shen Xiaoshan that to be hit the burning fragrant buttocks lightly, this rubbing gently pinched, let Shen Xiaoshan uh-huh tender intimate one, like the kitten, this made her is shy probably not have immediately calmly, closely is nipping white teeth, did not dare snort/hum the sound, but Li Qiye rubbed the feeling of pinching to make her heart fly, just like in a situation above the cloud general, moved fast, forgot all in world. 李七夜轻揉了一把沈晓珊那被打得火辣辣的香臀,这轻轻的揉捏,让沈晓珊不由“嗯哼”的娇昵一声,像小猫一样,这顿时让她娇羞得无地从容,紧紧地咬着贝齿,不敢哼出声音来,但李七夜揉捏的感觉让她芳心儿飞了起来,宛如是处身于云彩之上一般,飘飘忽忽,忘记了世间的一切。 At this moment, Li Qiye's big hand like charged, the electricity results in Shen Xiaoshan whole person god soul but actually, a person went in infatuated. 此时此刻,李七夜的大手就像带电一样,电得沈晓珊整个人都神魂魄倒,一个人都被痴迷进去了。 Now is painful?” After Li Qiye rubs to pinch one, said lightly. “现在还痛吗?”李七夜揉捏一番之后,淡淡地说道。 Words of Li Qiye this concern let Shen Xiaoshan is soul flew incessantly, the whole person felt that on such as soaked in the honeybee, was sweeter much unable to melt, she was dizzy at once. 李七夜这关怀的话儿让沈晓珊不止是魂儿飞了起来,整个人感觉就如泡在了蜜蜂之中,甜得快化不开了,一时之间她晕晕乎乎。 No, no, is not painful.” The Shen Xiaoshan sound such as mosquito, to her are at this moment unimportant, point that was just wronged was considered as anything. “不,不,不痛了。”沈晓珊声音如蚊纳,此时此刻一切对于她来说都不重要了,刚刚受到的一点委屈算得了什么。 Finally Li Qiye said lightly with a smile: Ok, I did not punish you, got up.” 最终李七夜淡淡地笑着说道:“好了,我也不罚你了,起来吧。” Li Qiye this saying makes Shen Xiaoshan shame does not have calmly, powder face is burning, she standing body, after standing with great difficulty, she is lowering small head, the tip of the toe of looks at own, does not dare to look at Li Qiye one. 李七夜这话让沈晓珊羞得无地从容,粉脸儿火辣辣的,好不容易她才站直身子,站起来之后,她低着螓首,看着自己的脚尖,不敢多看李七夜一眼。 Sits down.” Li Qiye looked at Shen Xiaoshan one, told slowly said. “坐下吧。”李七夜看了沈晓珊一眼,缓缓地吩咐地说道。 Shen Xiaoshan always follows, sat side Li Qiye. Li Qiye sits in good, he is still swallows Primal Chaos Qi, to accept Highest Beginning Strength, said slowly: Now you defend Dao Heart, gets rid of the distracting thoughts, spatial deep not thinks. When a person obtains in a big way satisfies is easiest to enter the most spatial bright condition.” 沈晓珊言听计从,在李七夜身边坐下来了。李七夜坐在好里,他依然是吞混沌之气、纳太初之力,徐徐地说道:“现在你守道心,摒杂念,空冥无思。要知道,当一个人得到最大满足之时是最容易进入最空明的状态。” Hears Li Qiye this, if has referred, Shen Xiaoshan the powder face is crimson immediately, but she cannot think at this time, busy obeys the Li Qiye's words, defends Dao Heart, gets rid of the distracting thoughts, spatial deep not thinks. 听到李七夜这若有所指的话,沈晓珊顿时粉脸绯红,但此时她不敢多想,忙是听从李七夜的话,守道心,摒杂念,空冥无思。 From the beginning is a little difficult regarding Shen Xiaoshan, but why does not know, she sits side Li Qiye, to Li Qiye such near, is smelling the Li Qiye unique son aura, this has not disrupted her state of mind unexpectedly, has not pulled out her heartstrings unexpectedly. 一开始对于沈晓珊来说还有点困难,但不知道为什么,她坐在李七夜身边,离李七夜如此之近,嗅着李七夜独一无二的男儿气息,这竟然没有扰乱她的心绪,竟然没有拔动她的心弦。 In Li Qiye that has under the breath of rhythm, she entered the spatial bright condition unexpectedly slowly, under the Li Qiye unique rhythm, she caters to Li Qiye's to shout unexpectedly attracts, within the short time, she entered the spatial bright not unlicensed condition, she felt at once own to world rhythm that near, as if she closely draws close to this in the world in an instant is the same. 李七夜那十分有节奏的呼吸之下,她竟然是慢慢地进入了空明状态,在李七夜独一无二的节奏之下,她竟然迎合着李七夜的一呼一吸,在短短的时间之内,她进入了空明无照的状态,一时之间她感觉自己离天地节奏是那么的近,似乎在这刹那之间她就紧紧地贴近于天地一样。 This Shen Xiaoshan since cultivate has never had feeling, this is the first time that she understood the so mysterious feeling. 沈晓珊自从修道以来从来没有过的感受,这是她第一次领略到如此玄妙的感觉。 cultivate, walks what say/way, finally is the same, swallows Primal Chaos Qi, accepts Highest Beginning Strength. Regarding cultivator, true basically was not lies in you practiced how invincible Emperor Tech­nique, was not lay in you practiced how Wushuang/matchless cuts down a day of law, but actually was lies in your Dao Foundation tamps firm, did not have firm Dao Foundation, were all Emperor Tech­nique that just castle in the air that's all......”? When Shen Xiaoshan enters the spatial bright condition Li Qiye slowly for her teaching, this is also Shen Xiaoshan waits for her reward. 修道,不论是走什么道,最终都是一样,吞混沌之气,纳太初之力。对于一个修士来说,真正的基本不是在于你修练了多么无敌的帝术,不是在于你修练了多么无双的伐天之法,而是在于你的道基究竟得有多坚固,没有坚固的道基,一切帝术那只不过是空中楼阁而己……”?当沈晓珊进入空明状态之时李七夜缓缓为她授道,这也算是沈晓珊待候她的一个酬劳。 Among Whole World, merit law are innumerable, Cultivation Technique is as numerous as the hairs of an ox, naturally Emperor Tech­nique is to make the world yearn. But if by Grand Dao tampered, and not necessarily is Emperor Tech­nique is best, but the Emperor Tech­nique might is bigger than other Cultivation Technique . Moreover the practice speed is faster, Dao Principle that involves is also exquisiter! But above endless Grand Dao, most can seem precious is actually not Emperor Tech­nique.” 举世之间,心法无数,功法更是多如牛毛,当然帝术更是让世人向往。但若论大道夯实,并不见得是帝术为最佳,只不过帝术威力远比其他功法要大,而且修练速度更快,所涉及的道义也更精妙!但在漫漫的大道之上,最能显得弥足珍贵的却不是帝术。” Li Qiye so teaches rarely earnestly, this is also Li Qiye bestows a Shen Xiaoshan chance. 李七夜难得如此认真讲课,这也算是李七夜赐给沈晓珊一个机缘。 Today discusses Cultivation Technique, Deity, Demon and Celestial 3 Clans does not discuss in us, today only discusses Hundred Clans.” Li Qiye said slowly: In 13 Continents, if Cultivation Technique of most suitable Hundred Clans practice, that is consideredMyriad Law Secret Art that creates by Immortal Emperor Wan Gu ’, this merit law it can aid Hundred Clans and ten thousand blood, which race regardless of you are, what kind of Bloodline no matter you are, practices this merit law to suit......” “今日论功法,神、魔、天三族不在我们探讨之列,今日只谈百族。”李七夜徐徐地说道:“在十三洲之中如果说最适合百族修练的功法,那当是由万骨仙帝所创的’万法诀’,此心法它能济百族、兼万血,不论你是哪一个种族,不管你是怎么样的血统,修练此心法都适合……” „...... This merit law steadily not wonderful, practices like the plain boiled water, insipid, but is because this steady not wonderful, it can let your Dao Foundation continuously by tampered, by after later period, this merit law might can show truly, therefore this merit law thinks big accomplishment, can experience earlier the long time suffering......”? At this time Li Qiye tells, is Shen Xiaoshan tells the world Three Great Secret Art mystery and practical. “……此心法平稳无奇,修练起来如白开水,索然无味,但是就是因为这平稳无奇,它能让你的道基一直被夯实,到了后期之后此心法的威力才能真正彰显,所以此心法大成,必须经历前期漫长时间煎熬……”?此时李七夜娓娓道来,为沈晓珊讲述天下三大诀的奥妙与实用。 „...... Was natural, wants to show its might in the later period truly, must practice the Immortal Emperor Wan Gu copyrightMyriad Law Secret Art ’, rather than revisedMyriad Law Secret Art that must change beyond all recognition ’, some idiots think the natural talent to be intelligent, can change this merit law practice speed, can think simplifies the mystery of this merit law, changes to change beyond all recognition technique of the Peerless well......” “……当然了,在后期想真正彰显它的威力,必须修练万骨仙帝版权的’万法诀’,而非是被人修改得面目全非的’万法诀’,一些蠢货自认为天资聪明,能改变此心法的修练速度,能自认为简化此心法的玄妙,把好好的一门绝世之术改得面目全非……” At this time Li Qiye tells, is giving the Shen Xiaoshan lecture incessantly Myriad Law Secret Art some origins, for the Shen Xiaoshan lecture Myriad Law Secret Art mystery. 此时李七夜娓娓道来,不止是在给沈晓珊讲“万法诀”的一些来历,更是为沈晓珊讲“万法诀”的奥妙。 It can be said that Myriad Law Secret Art who can start, even no one teaches you, so long as you are literate can bring to look then can practice. 可以说“万法诀”谁都可以入手,甚至没有人教你,你只要识字都可以拿来一看然后就可以修练。 It can be said that past Immortal Emperor Wan Gu has developed to translate simply Myriad Law Secret Art light white. 可以说当年的万骨仙帝已经把“万法诀”演译到最简单浅白了。 Myriad Law Secret Art is who can start to practice incessantly, moreover 100 the methods of practices are different, 100 understanding are different, will then practice 100 different result / to bear fruit. 万法诀”不止是谁都可以入手修练,而且一百种修练的方法不一样,一百种的理解不一样,那么将会修练出一百种不同的结果 No matter what kind of comprehension, no matter what kind of practice, Myriad Law Secret Art accidentally discharges the become a devil probability to be very low after practice is very low, who even since Eternal has rarely met heard to practice Myriad Law Secret Art to accidentally discharge become a devil, naturally that must be Immortal Emperor Wan Gu version Myriad Law Secret Art. 不管是怎么样的领悟,不管是怎么样的修练,在修练“万法诀”之后走火入魔的机率很低很低,甚至万古以来很少会听说过有谁修练“万法诀”而走火入魔的,当然那必须是万骨仙帝版本的“万法诀”。 However in some people of people later generation joined Myriad Law Secret Art the comprehension and attainment of own, even modified Myriad Law Secret Art, then makes the later generation is spreading Myriad Law Secret Art change beyond all recognition, what Immortal Emperor Wan Gu version spreads is few. 不过在后世之人有人把自己的领悟和心得加入了“万法诀”之中,甚至是改动了“万法诀”,如此一来使得后世流传着的“万法诀”是面目全非,万骨仙帝版本流传下来的是寥寥无几。 Considers, what kind of character Immortal Emperor Wan Gu is, he is Ghost Race first Immortal Emperor, he besides carrying beside Nine Worlds Heaven's Will, he in carrying of Tenth World after long practice Tenth World Eight Heaven's Will. 试想一下,万骨仙帝是何许人物,他乃是鬼族第一位仙帝,他本身除了承载九界天命之外,他在第十界经过漫长修练之后又承载第十界八条天命 It can be said that he developed the Nine Worlds Heaven's Will compatible Tenth World Heaven's Will person, he was also in Nine Worlds Immortal Emperor first can compatible the Tenth World Eight Heaven's Will person. 可以说他是开拓了九界天命兼容第十界天命的人,他也是九界仙帝中第一位能兼容了第十界八条天命的人。 Even once some people of life cultivation that appraises his Immortal Emperor Wan Gu can be on par in Flame Emperor! 甚至曾有人评价他万骨仙帝的一生道行可以比肩于炎帝 He creates Myriad Law Secret Art, although is simple incomparable, but this inside contains his countless painstaking care, what a pity the people of later generation actually cannot understand that Immortal Emperor Wan Gu pains, revision must change beyond all recognition Myriad Law Secret Art. 他创出来的“万法诀”虽然是简单无比,但是这里面包含着他无数的心血,可惜后世之人却不能理解万骨仙帝的一番苦心,把“万法诀”修改得面目全非。 Although said that Three Great Secret Art is 13 Continents spreads broadest merit law, but this many are lowborn loose cultivator or the mortal are practicing, after most cultivator have certain family background, that feared that is small sect small school, will not choose to practice Three Great Secret Art. 虽然说三大诀乃是十三洲流传最广的心法,但是这多数是出身卑微的散修或是凡人在修练,多数修士有一定出身之后,那怕是小门小派,都不会选择去修练三大诀 The reason is very simple, like such that Li Qiye said that Three Great Secret Art steadily not wonderful, practiced simply like the clear water, when practiced Grand Dao unable to go to the [comprehend/comprehension] Grand Dao mystery probably. 原因很简单,就像李七夜所说的那样,三大诀平稳无奇,修练起来浅显如白水,在修练大道的时候好像根本无法去参悟大道的奥妙。 Regarding cultivator, cultivate for what? Naturally is grasps the Grand Dao mystery, ascended to extremely, invincible in the world. 对于修士来说,修道是为了什么?当然是掌握大道的奥妙,登临绝顶,无敌于世 When practices Three Great Secret Art steady not wonderful, like the clear water, this lets a little select the family property small sect small school is not willing simply to make direct disciple practice.( To be continued.) 所以当修练三大诀的时候平稳无奇,浅显如白水,这让有点点家底的小门小派都不愿意让门下弟子去修练。(未完待续。)
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