EDSG :: Volume #4

#335: Kills one person again

Zhu Sen!” “褚森!” Looks that tall and strong male head by one that Ju Que Heavenly Sword pierces, blue robe old man and the others had been wild with rage, they have not thought that oneself six people simultaneously make a move, not only has not seized Ye Chenfeng, instead had been killed them by him in the thunder clouds. 看着魁梧男子脑袋被巨阙天剑洞穿的一幕,蓝袍老者等人气疯了,他们万万没有想到,自己六人同时出手,不但没有擒住叶晨风,反而被他在雷云中杀了两人。 Blockade thunder clouds, do not run!” “封锁雷云,千万不要跑了!” The blue robe old man of becoming angry out of shame orders to say loudly that wants to lose opportunity heavy injury of weapon using Ye Chenfeng he, seizes him. 恼羞成怒的蓝袍老者大声命令道,想要利用叶晨风失去武器的机会重创他,将他擒住。 Blood demon sword!” “血魔剑!” Encounters the blue robe old man who flies into a rage and other people to attack, Ye Chenfeng took out in universe ring immediately has struck to kill the slaughter blood sword king, the low grade Heavenly Artifact blood demon sword that obtained, resisted four people to attack furiously fierce. 遭到暴跳如雷的蓝袍老者等四人攻击,叶晨风立即在乾坤戒指中取出了击杀屠血剑王,得到的下品天器血魔剑,奋力抵挡四人凶猛的攻击。 The sword glow and blade glow bump into, surge the grating junction engine knock, strings of Mars have spluttered, fierce instead will shake the strength the thick dark cloud to tear a fissure. 剑芒与刀芒相撞,激荡出刺耳的交击声,一串串火星溅射了出来,凶猛的反震力将厚厚的乌云撕裂了道道裂痕。 Asked for advice Ye Chenfeng astonishing striking power, the blue robe old man and other people do not dare to be negligent, puts forth the skills to suppress Ye Chenfeng with joint forces. 领教到叶晨风惊人的攻击力,蓝袍老者等四人不敢再大意,使出浑身解数合力压制叶晨风 Suddenly, sword qi soars to the heavens, the blade broken, war incomparable intensity. 一时间,剑气冲天,刀破虚空,大战无比的激烈。 But in the Ye Chenfeng five people in the thunder clouds fights intensely, one more than hundred meters are long, impregnable ocean-going ship across storm fast drives, when they via thunder clouds, hears demolition sound that in the thunder clouds has resounded. 而就在叶晨风五人在雷云中激烈交手之际,一艘百米多长,固若金汤的海轮穿过暴风雨快速的驶来,当他们途经雷云之下时,听到了雷云中响起的爆破声。 Any sound, some could it be people fight in the thunder clouds!” “什么动静,难道有人在雷云中交手!” Wears white broken flowers fine silks long skirt, the figure is slim, the skin is exquisite like the white snow, the makings simple and elegant such as the quiet lotus outstandingly beautiful female looks tribulation thunder clouds that in the sky shivers fiercely, incomparably surprised asking. 一名身穿白色碎花绫罗长裙,身材修长玲珑,皮肤如白雪般细腻,气质清雅如幽莲般的绝色女子看着天空中剧烈颤抖的劫雷云,无比吃惊的问道。 In continues they who in the thunder clouds fights, moreover their strengths are very strong, not compared with me and ten long olds and weak.” “在雷云中交手的不止两人,而且他们的实力都很强,不比我和十长老弱。” Hair snow white, wears star moon/month Daoist robe, the double pupil glitters the strength of thunder, the crane is sending old man complexion dignified saying of young face. 头发雪白,身穿星月道袍,双眸闪烁着雷霆之力,鹤发童颜的老者脸色凝重的说道。 Real false?” Is somewhat similar to the white skirt female, but on the attractive cheek actually hangs saying that the cunning and unreasonable color young woman is suspecting: „ Six grandfathers, you and ten grandfathers are Level 5 Inverse Beast King expert, I do not believe in this Sea of Chaos edge, will meet this grade of expert. “真的假的?”一名与白裙女子有几分相似,但漂亮的脸蛋上却挂着刁蛮之色的年轻女子怀疑的说道:“六爷爷,你和十爷爷都是五级逆兽王高手,我不信在这混乱之海边缘,会遇到这等高手 Bang......” “嘭……” When speech, form of out-of-control plants to fall together from the thick thunder clouds, pounded in the mighty waves turbulent sea. 说话之际,一道失控的身影从厚厚的雷云中栽落下来,砸进了波涛汹涌的大海中。 Is he, unexpectedly is he!” “是他,竟然是他!” Catches the form face of dropping from the clouds, the white skirt female eyes stare perfectly round, on the fine cheek has revealed the inconceivable color, could not help call out in alarm. 捕捉到从天而降的身影面孔,白裙女子眼睛瞪得滚圆,精致的脸蛋上露出了不可思议之色,情不自禁惊呼了起来。 This white skirt female is not others, was initially in Slaughtering Tower third donation Ye Chenfeng jade slip green skirt female Bai Ziqing. That somewhat cunning and unreasonable female, is his sister, once lost to blue clothes female Bai Yue of hand of Ye Chenfeng. 这名白裙女子不是别人,正是当初在杀戮之塔第三层赠予叶晨风玉简的绿裙女子白子晴。那名有些刁蛮的女子,正是他妹妹,曾败于叶晨风之手的蓝衣女子白月 Elder sister, who is that person?” Bai Yue is blinking the big eye, looks at the Bai Ziqing rude face, curious asking. “姐姐,那人是谁?”白月眨巴着大眼睛,看着白子晴失态的面孔,好奇的问道。 If I have not misread, that person initially defeated your Ye Chenfeng.” Bai Ziqing took a deep breath, represses the shock of innermost feelings, opens the mouth to say. “如果我没有看错,那人就是当初击败你的叶晨风。”白子晴深吸一口气,按捺住内心的震惊,开口说道。 Anything, that person is Ye Chenfeng, he broke through to the Peerless King boundary!” Bai Yue stared in a big way both eyes, calling out in alarm that some cannot believe said. “什么,那人是叶晨风,他突破到绝代王者境界了!”白月瞪大了双眼,有些不敢相信的惊呼道。 „Does Qinger, you know that person?” The crane sends the young face old man to ask in a low voice. “晴儿,你们认识那个人?”鹤发童颜老者低声问道。 Six grandfathers, that person was initially I mentioned to you, innate skill astonishing Ye Chenfeng, has not thought that several months the time has not seen, he broke through to the Peerless King boundary unexpectedly.” Bai Ziqing said. “六爷爷,那个人就是当初我给你提及,天赋惊人的叶晨风,没想到数月时间未见,他竟然突破到绝代王者境界了。”白子晴说道。 Anything......” “什么……” Knew that the Ye Chenfeng status, the crane sent the young face old man to reveal the color of shock similarly, short broke through from Level 3 Profound Beast Ancestor to the boundary of Peerless King several months, this grade of practice speed he heard something never heard of before. 得知叶晨风的身份,鹤发童颜老者同样露出了震惊之色,短短数月从三级玄兽宗突破到绝代王者之境,这等修炼速度他闻所未闻。 Six elders, you look at that several people, probably is the Star Luo Heavenly City person!” “六长老,你看那几个人,好像是星罗天城的人!” When speech, the blue robe old man and other people have broken the thick thunder clouds, the speed pursued extremely quickly, wants at one fell swoop heavy injury Ye Chenfeng, seizes him. 说话之际,蓝袍老者等四人破开了厚厚的雷云,速度极快的追了下来,想要一举重创叶晨风,将他擒住。 Sand does not have the sea, Xie Gusong, how can be they.” “沙无海,谢孤松,怎么会是他们。” The crane sends the young face old man to see the blue robe old man and other people, immediately has recognized them, on the face has revealed a dignified color. 鹤发童颜老者看到蓝袍老者等四人,立即认出了他们,脸上露出了一丝凝重之色。 Bai Ziqing one line of come from Star Luo Continent Rank 7 sacred place Bai Family, but the relations of Bai Family and Star Luo Heavenly City are not harmonious, once had the conflict several times, but two big influence expert meet alone, has the fight frequently. 白子晴一行人来自于星罗大陆七品圣地白家,而白家星罗天城的关系并不融洽,曾数次发生冲突,而两大势力高手单独碰面,也经常发生恶斗。 Six grandfathers, ten grandfathers, this Ye Chenfeng background is not absolutely simple, if when he is most difficult, we help his, perhaps my Bai Family can form the friendly reason with his back influence, resists Star Luo Heavenly City together.” “六爷爷,十爷爷,这叶晨风背景绝对不简单,如果在他最困难的时候,我们帮他一把,也许我白家可以与他背后的势力结成善缘,一同对抗星罗天城。” Bai Ziqing fully realized that the giving opportune help far ratio improves on perfection, proposed in a soft voice. 白子晴深知雪中送炭远比锦上添花好,轻声提议道。 I and six elders, although can resist the sand not to have the sea, Xie Gusong, what to do but remaining two Level 4 Inverse Beast King expert, by your strengths, are not their matches, our make a move, very probably brings the fatal disaster to you rashly.” “我和六长老虽然可以抵挡住沙无海,谢孤松,但剩下两名四级逆兽王高手怎么办,以你们的实力,绝不是他们的对手,我们贸然出手,很可能给你们带来杀身之祸。” It is not tall, some body slightly rickets, but look extremely sharp ten elder serious saying. 个子不高,身子微微有些佝偻,但眼神极其锋利的十长老严肃的说道。 Good, good that ten elders said.” The crane sends the young face old man to nod saying: Although that Ye Chenfeng is worth winning over, but your securities are more important, we observe a meeting again.” “不错,十长老说的不错。”鹤发童颜老者点了点头道:“虽然那叶晨风值得拉拢,但你们的安全更重要,我们再观察一会。” Ye Chenfeng, all finished!” 叶晨风,一切结束了!” heavy injury Ye Chenfeng, pursues the blue robe old man sand in sea to call out one without the sea with joint forces fast, hei crane phantom appears in him behind, within the body hei crane bloodlines were stimulated completely, starts the thunder to strike to Ye Chenfeng. 合力重创叶晨风,快速追进大海中的蓝袍老者沙无海暴吼一声,一只黒鹤虚影出现在他身后,体内黒鹤血脉被完全激发出来,向叶晨风发动雷霆一击。 Enchanted knife skill!” “疯魔刀法!” 18 overlapped in the same place blade glow cuts to break layer upon layer the sea water, the great waves that such as rolling moved tumbled fiercely, irresistible dividing has approached Ye Chenfeng. 18道重叠在一起的刀芒斩破了层层海水,如滚滚而动的浪涛剧烈翻滚,势不可挡的劈向了叶晨风 Saw that Ye Chenfeng must be divided without the enchanted knife skill that the sea uses by the sand, suddenly, the black form kept off before the Ye Chenfeng body together, resisted the enchanted knife skill with his body. 眼看叶晨风就要被沙无海施展的疯魔刀法劈中,突然,一道黑色身影挡在了叶晨风身前,用他的身躯抵挡住了疯魔刀法。 At crucial moment, Ye Chenfeng summoned the sword spirit puppet to resist the sand without to kill strikes, the endless blade glow that the sea displayed blasted out in the sword spirit puppet body surface. 关键时候,叶晨风召唤出剑灵傀儡抵挡住沙无海施展的必杀一击,无尽的刀芒在剑灵傀儡身体表面炸开。 Wrath of God Punishment!” 神罚之怒!” The next quarter, Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, lives in the body injury stably, the ancient cold thick ice, ancient Jizi, black quiet gushed out his body extremely hot, congeals to destroy ball of light once more, shelled did not have sea and the others to the sand. 下一刻,叶晨风深吸一口气,稳定住身体伤势,古寒玄冰,古极紫雷,黑幽极火涌出了他的身体,再次凝结成毁灭光球,轰击向了沙无海等人。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” The slating sound resounds in the mighty waves turbulent sea, just liked the volcanic eruption energy has blasted out the sea level, maneating incomparable did not have the sea four people to shake the powder the sand. 雷鸣般的声音在波涛汹涌的大海中响起,犹如火山爆发般的能量炸开了海平面,凶悍无匹的将沙无海四人震散。 With the aid of the sword spirit puppet defense, resisted the strength of explosion Wrath of God Punishment formed, Ye Chenfeng locks immediately has been away from his recent Level 4 Inverse Beast King, the Golden Peng wing fierce leaf, fast approached to him. 借助剑灵傀儡防御,抵御住神罚之怒形成的爆炸之力,叶晨风立即锁定了距离他最近的一幕四级逆兽王,金鹏羽翼剧烈一扇,快速的向他逼近。 Ruling seven swords, Extreme Cold !” 裁决七剑,寒极!” [Say / Way] of marks three sword turned into the Extreme Cold sword glow, is freezing the chaotic sea water, flowed backwards just like the waterfall, has divided. 三道剑之道纹化成了寒极剑芒,冻结着混乱的海水,宛如瀑布倒流,劈了过去。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Felt that the Extreme Cold sword glow fearfulness, the Level 4 Inverse Beast King innermost feelings of this whole body vitality fierce tumbling tremble, the rapid defense, one layer upon layer defends the soul light to condense before his body. 感觉到寒极剑芒的可怕,这名全身气血剧烈翻滚的四级逆兽王内心一颤,迅速的防御,一层层防御魂光在他身前凝聚。 But floods the Extreme Cold sword glow striking power of [say / way] of marks three sword to be extremely fearful, bloomed is soaring to the heavens the ray to pierce his defense directly, shelled, in his Heavenly Artifact fought on the clothes, fought the clothes bang crack Heavenly Artifact stiffly, the strength of massive Extreme Cold divulged in his body. 但充斥着三道剑之道纹的寒极剑芒攻击力极其可怕,绽放着冲天光芒直接洞穿了他的防御,轰击在他身上的天器战衣上,硬生生将天器战衣轰裂,大量的寒极之力宣泄进了他的身体中。 Ruling seven swords, Devouring Thunder!” 裁决七剑,雷噬!” When he is seriously injured, Ye Chenfeng one after another displayed the Ruling seven swords second type to divide, fearful thunder sword glow unprecedented cutting on the body of his severe wound, a sword has cut the mighty waves turbulent sea him, flew to the midair. 就在他身受重伤之际,叶晨风又接连施展裁决七剑第二式劈了过去,可怕的雷霆剑芒一往无前的斩在了他重伤之躯上,一剑将他斩出了波涛汹涌的大海,飞向了半空中。 This sword of thunder chops the Level 4 Inverse Beast King expert pain in midair is whinned, the strength of thunder wells up crazily has spilled into his body 这名被雷霆之剑劈到半空中的四级逆兽王高手痛苦的哀嚎一声,狂涌的雷霆之力涌进了他的身体中 Bang, cannot withstand the strength of attack thunder, his human body in low grade Heavenly Artifact fights in the clothes to explode, passed away. “嘭”的一声,承受不住雷霆之力攻击,他的肉体在下品天器战衣中爆开,命丧黄泉。
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