„Divine Demon Candle Dragon, howhewill appearinBattle Soul Continent, was suppressedbywhom!”
“神魔烛龙,他怎么会出现在斗魂大陆,又是被谁镇压了!”According to the information of Devouring God Braintransmission, Candle Dragonwas a goddemonclanabsoluteKing, the boundaryhas achieved the boundary of god of journeys, was more terrifying than the northerndeepLord, Ye Chenfengis unable to imagine, suchterrifyingexistence, unexpectedlywas suppressedinBattle Soul Continent.
据噬神脑传达的信息,烛龙是神魔一族绝对的王者,境界达到了道神之境,比北冥之主还要恐怖,叶晨风无法想象,这么一个恐怖的存在,竟然被人镇压在了斗魂大陆。„Is could it bethisSupreme Onedoes?”
“难道这还是太一干的?”Thinks that Battle Soul Continenthas the strengthto suppressCandle Dragon, oneishis fatherYe Wuji, anotherisSupreme One, Ye Chenfengguessed that thisDivine Demon Candle Dragonmost likelyis the Supreme Onesuppression.
想到斗魂大陆有实力镇压烛龙的,一个是他父亲叶无极,另一个就是太一,叶晨风猜测这神魔烛龙十有八九是太一镇压的。„ThisSupreme Onestrengthstrong!”
“这太一的实力到底有多强!”Can the great person of Divine Demon Candle Dragonsuppression, Ye Chenfeng unable to imagine, hisstrengthtyrannicalwhat kinddegree.
In the Ye Chenfengfusionabout the Divine Demon Candle Dragonmassiveinformation, 108blackchainssuddenlyfluctuated, spreadhas letpersoneardrumblasting open the sound.
The nextquarter, Divine Demon Candle Dragonhas openedboth eyessuddenly, lookedtoYe Chenfeng.
下一刻,神魔烛龙突然睁开了双眼,望向了叶晨风。Althoughfrom afarlooked atYe Chenfengone, buthisfearfulpupillightmakesYe Chenfenghaveonetypeby the feeling that the bloodlightpierces, the breathinstantaneouslybecomesdifficult.
虽然只是远远地看了叶晨风一眼,但他可怕的眸光却让叶晨风有一种被血光洞穿的感觉,呼吸瞬间变得困难。„Humanity, howyouenterhere!”
“人类,你是怎么进入到这里的!”Looks atYe Chenfengfrom afar, Divine Demon Candle Dragonhas made the vigoroussoundsuddenly, shakes the Ye Chenfengsoulplayto tremble, uncomfortable.
“我是来救你的!”Ye Chenfengtook a deep breath, controls the soul that Devouring God Brainsuppressesto shiver, the loudresponsesaid.叶晨风深吸一口气,控制噬神脑镇压住颤抖的灵魂,大声回应道。„Ha, savesme?”Divine Demon Candle Dragonas ifheard in worldmost laughablejoke, saidloudly: „Regardless and yourmotiveisanything, butyouwere too weak, locks the demonchain unable to break out, savesme.”
“哈哈哈,救我?”神魔烛龙仿佛听到了世间最可笑的笑话,大声说道:“且不论你的动机是什么,但你太弱了,一根锁魔链都劈不开,怎么救我。”„IfIdo havethis?”
The Ye Chenfengregardmoves, tookfromUniverse Realm the heart of goddemon.叶晨风心意一动,将神魔的心脏从乾坤境中拿了出来。„Heart, myheart!”
“心脏,我的心脏!”Divine Demon Candle Dragonwas too fearful, topreventhimgets out of trouble, causes the ruinousdisastertoBattle Soul Continent, hissource of strengthhearthad been poached, makinghimbe stranded here innumerableyears.神魔烛龙太可怕了,为了防止他脱困,给斗魂大陆造成毁灭性的灾难,他的力量之源心脏被人挖走了,使得他一直困在了这里无数岁月。„Good, this is really yourheart, ifIgive back to you heart, youhaveseveraltenthsassuranceto get out of troubleto leavehere!”Ye Chenfengnoddedto say.
“不错,这真是你的心脏,如果我将心脏还给你,你有几成把握脱困离开这里!”叶晨风点了点头道。„Humanity, saidyourrealgoal! Iknow that youwill not rescuein vainmy.”Divine Demon Candle Dragonis staring atownheartstubbornly, the soundsuch as the stuffydrumis resounding.
“人类,说出你真实的目的吧!我知道你不会白白救我的。”神魔烛龙死死地盯着自己的心脏,声音如闷鼓般响亮。„Ihave now encounteredbigproblem, needsyourhelp.”Ye Chenfengsaid.
“我现在遇到了大麻烦,需要你的帮助。”叶晨风说道。„Sois simple?”Divine Demon Candle Dragonfelt that Ye Chenfenghas not spoken the truth.
“就这么简单?”神魔烛龙感觉叶晨风没有说实话。„Un, sois simple!”Ye Chenfengnoddedto say.
“嗯,就这么简单!”叶晨风点了点头道。„Good, so long aschases downyouris not the god of journeys, Ihelpyousolvetroublesome!”Divine Demon Candle Dragontoneextremely arrogantsaying: „Now, yougiveme the heart, remembersdo not movetheselockdemonchains, perhapsotherwisebyyourstrength, will be locked the demonchainto kill.”
“好!”Caughtin the Divine Demon Candle Dragoneyeto showhas wipeddensely, Ye Chenfengguessed correctlyonehelpedhimto get out of trouble, henot onlywill not help himself, will also have killed itselfimmediately, but the Candle Dragonhearthad the darkhand that Ye Wujileft behind, Ye Chenfengwas not worriedthatwas withstanding the fearfulpressure, inlockedin the demonchainto fly, approachedmountainCandle Dragon.
捕捉到神魔烛龙眼睛中透出了一抹森然,叶晨风猜到自己助他脱困,他不但不会帮自己,还会在第一时间杀了自己,不过烛龙心脏有叶无极留下的暗手,叶晨风并不担心,承受着可怕的威压,在一条条锁魔链中飞行,靠近了山岳般的烛龙。„Was good, throws the hearttome!”Candle Dragonvisionburning hotlooks that in the pastby the heart that the personpoachedforcefully, the order of stuffyroarsaid.
“好!”Ye Chenfengtook a deep breath, threw the Candle Dragonhearttohim.叶晨风深吸一口气,将烛龙心脏扔给了他。„!”
When heart of slowbeatmoves the Candle Dragonbody, heaven-shakingmove the place the howlingto resoundinhisbody.
This sound, shatteredYe Chenfengto endurecompared with the mortal body of high-gradeSaintdirectly, rumbledto flyhimdirectly.
这股声音之强,直接震裂了叶晨风堪比上品圣器的肉身,直接将他轰飞了出去。Ifwere notYe Chenfenghid in Universe Realmpromptly, thisroarwanted the Ye Chenfengpoor lifesufficiently.
如果不是叶晨风及时躲进了乾坤境中,这一吼足以要了叶晨风的小命。„Strong, was too strong!”
“强,太强了!”Falling of Ye Chenfeng heavilyinUniverse Realm, the entirebodyhas covered entirely the bloodstain, recalled that just, hehas a lingering fear.叶晨风重重的摔在了乾坤境中,整个身体布满了血痕,回想到刚刚的一幕,他心有余悸。Heis not really ableto imagine, the Candle Dragonfusionheart, after getting out of trouble, the strengthwill rise suddenlyto the what kinddegree, perhaps a lookcanstriketo kill itself.
他实在无法想象,烛龙融合心脏,脱困之后,实力会暴涨到何等程度,恐怕一个眼神都能击杀自己。ButifhecansubdueCandle Dragon, heinHeaven Territorycanhorizontally, even ifarrived atVoid God, healsohas the strength of self-preservation.
The terrifyingsoundroarto wreak havocHeaven and Earth, becauseCandle Dragonwas locked the demonchainto live in the bodyby108, when fuses the heart, stillencountered not the smallresistance, tobe separated from, Divine Demon Candle Dragoncrazydragginglocks the demonchain, led the entirespaceto cover entirely the fissure.
恐怖的声啸肆虐天地,由于烛龙被108根锁魔链锁住了身体,融合心脏时,依然受到了不小的阻力,为了脱离,神魔烛龙疯狂的扯拽锁魔链,带动着整个空间布满了裂痕。At this time, suppressed the deadruinsthreetowndaytabletsto spend the dark clouds of fiercetumbling, was havingdestruction the strength of suppression, shelledmaliciouslytoDivine Demon Candle Dragon, notto the opportunity that hegot out of trouble.
这时,镇压死墟的三块镇天碑破出了剧烈翻滚的黑云,带着毁灭的镇压之力,狠狠地轰击向了神魔烛龙,不给他脱困的机会。„Hateful, youhave suppressedthis Godthese manyyears, is could it beinsufficient?”
“可恶,你镇压了本神这么多年,难道还不够吗?”Encountersthreetowndaytabletsto attack, the Divine Demon Candle Dragonmountainbodypresented a fissureimmediately, the tide that the strength of fearfulsuppressionsuch asbursts a dike, has spilled into hisbody, carries on the suppression of deepleveltohim.
遭到三块镇天碑攻击,神魔烛龙山岳般的身躯立即出现了道道裂痕,可怕的镇压之力如决堤的潮水,涌进了他的身体中,对他进行深层次的镇压。Howevertook advantage ofamong the universes the most formidablehuman body, the goddemonwithstands the attacks of threetowndaytablets, struggled freestifflyhas tied upto tie the lockdemonchain of hisboth arms, held backinownheart the bodydirectly.
不过依仗宇宙间最强大的肉体,神魔承受住了三块镇天碑的攻击,硬生生挣断了缚束他双臂的锁魔链,将自己的心脏直接按压进了身体中。„Whois, iswholooked forhisheart!”
When Divine Demon Candle Dragonfusionheart, the oldsoundresoundsinthreetowndaytabletstogether, threetowndaytabletscongeal the suppression of strongestmightto tieseal, full powersuppressCandle Dragon.神魔烛龙融合心脏时,一道苍老的声音在三块镇天碑中响起,三块镇天碑凝结成最强威力的镇压结印,全力镇压烛龙。„Thissound, Supreme One, thissoundisSupreme One!”
“这声音,太一,这声音是太一的!”Ye Chenfenghas seenSupreme Onephantomin the life-forbidden zone, is familiar withhissound, hearsin the towndaytabletto resound the Supreme Onesound, hedeterminedcompletelythatsuppressesDivine Demon Candle DragonSupreme One.叶晨风在生命禁区见过太一虚影,熟悉他的声音,听到镇天碑中响起太一的声音,他完全确定,镇压神魔烛龙的正是太一。„If the Divine Demon Candle Dragonfusionheart, is unable to work loose the Supreme Oneseniortohissuppression, thattroubled!”
“如果神魔烛龙融合心脏,无法挣脱太一前辈对他的镇压,那就麻烦了!”AlthoughYe Chenfeng the strengthis good, sweeps away the centralworldsufficiently, butin front ofDivine Demon Candle DragonandSupreme One, helike the baby, cannot add onanybusy, Divine Demon Candle Dragon , if unable to get out of trouble, thatreallytroubled.叶晨风虽然实力不错,足以横扫中央世界,但在神魔烛龙和太一面前,他就如婴儿,根本帮不上任何的忙,神魔烛龙如果无法脱困,那就真的麻烦了。„Bang!”
The suppression that threetowndaytabletsformtiessealto be getting stronger and stronger, the lockdemonchains of vibrationsalsosuch aslivegeneral, is attacking the body of Divine Demon Candle Dragon, is sufferinghiswill.
三块镇天碑形成的镇压结印越来越强,一条条抖动的锁魔链也如活过来一般,攻击着神魔烛龙的身体,折磨着他的意志。Slowly, fused the Divine Demon Candle Dragoncounter-resisting force of heartto be getting more and more weak, the blood that in the bodyflowed, turned into the bloodstreamdirectly, flowed.
慢慢的,融合了心脏的神魔烛龙反抗力越来越弱,身体中流淌出的鲜血,直接化成了血溪,汩汩而流。„What to do, Divine Demon Candle Dragonis unable to get out of troublebyownstrengthprobablyreally!”
“怎么办,神魔烛龙好像真的无法凭借自身的力量脱困!”Feels the strength that Divine Demon Candle Dragonis eruptingto be getting more and more weak, Ye Chenfengis burning with impatience, ifCandle Dragonis unable to get out of trouble, hisallplanswill fail, hemaybe ablebyazureHeaven Clangreatly in dire straitshere.
In Ye Chenfengworriessecretly, Divine Demon Candle Dragondamagesin the seriousbodyto eruptheaven-shakingto move the placesuddenly the strength, crushed more than tento lock the demonchaininstantaneously.
就在叶晨风暗自担忧时,神魔烛龙损伤严重的身体中突然爆发出惊天动地的力量,瞬间粉碎了十多根锁魔链。„Humanity, fasthelpsmeresistthesethreetowndaytablets, so long asyoustrive fortenbreathstome the time, this Godcanget out of trouble!”
“人类,速速帮我抵御这三块镇天碑,只要你给我争取十息的时间,本神就能脱困!”Criticaltime, Divine Demon Candle Dragontochaoticvoidshoutsloudly.
危急时刻,神魔烛龙冲着混乱的虚空大声喊道。Hears the Divine Demon Candle Dragonseeking helpsound, hidesYe ChenfenginUniverse Realmto be entirely still, heis clear, thatand other fights of progression, oneselfhelpblindly, can only work as the cannon fodder.
听到神魔烛龙求助声,躲藏在乾坤境中的叶晨风纹丝不动,他清楚,那等级数的战斗,自己盲目的帮忙,只能当炮灰。At this time, heallhopes, pins, inhis fatherkeptin the darkhand in Candle Dragonheart, buthecando, only thenwaited.
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