EDSG :: Volume #16

#1516: Mirror

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Deduces after the Devouring God Brain nearly three days of time, Ye Chenfeng grasped the attack counter-attack and forms of defensive action of Heaven and Earth star seal finally. 经过噬神脑近三天时间推演,叶晨风终于掌握了天地星印的攻击回击和攻击方式。 Heaven and Earth star seal!” 天地星印!” Ye Chenfeng has opened the double pupil suddenly, deduces the pinnacle three big Spirit Level Dao Chart, collects in the double palms of fast knot seal, congealed as if to contain the big hand imprint of Heaven and Earth stars, the bombardment has approached the lake surface of distant place. 叶晨风突然睁开了双眸,将三大灵级道图推演到极致,汇集在快速结印的双掌之间,凝结成了一枚仿佛蕴含天地星辰的大手印,轰击向了远处的湖面。 Bang!” “轰!” The Heaven and Earth star seal bang falls, Heaven and Earth for it rebellion, the fearful star seal made a surrounding area dozens li (0.5km) lake present a huge vacuum region, the fearful strength was destroying all lives. 天地星印轰落,天地为之暴动,可怕的星印让方圆数十里的湖泊出现了一座巨大的真空区域,可怕的力量摧毁着一切生命。 Good good, three days of time, you grasped the charm of Heaven and Earth star seal, plays about 30% might, you are very outstanding.” The old sound resounds once more: I fulfill the commitment now, sends you to the next space, in that space, you will obtain a bigger challenge, if you can challenge successfully, you will obtain the advantage of imagination.” “不错不错,三天时间,你就掌握了天地星印的神韵,发挥三成左右的威力,你真的很出色。”苍老的声音再次响起:“我现在履行承诺,送你去下一个空间,在那个空间中,你将得到更大的挑战,如果你能挑战成功,你将得到想象不到的好处。” Then, the Ye Chenfeng top of the head presented one round transmission light, the strength of massive transmission divulge in light, has embezzled Ye Chenfeng, transmitted in him another space. 说完,叶晨风头顶出现了一轮传送光阵,大量的传送之力在光阵中宣泄出来,吞没了叶晨风,将他传送到了另一个空间中。 Mirror, how this space presented a mirror!” “镜子,这个空间怎么出现了一个镜子!” When Ye Chenfeng present dazzling white light vanishes, he discovered that he appears in an independent space, but in this space except for the smooth mirror, does not have the otherness at the same time again. 叶晨风眼前的刺目白光消失时,他发现自己出现在一个独立的空间中,而这个空间中除了一面光滑的镜子,再无他物。 What does this mirror have specially?” “这镜子有什么特别呢?” Ye Chenfeng stared has met this smoothness, could not see any special mirror, walked slowly. 叶晨风凝视了一会这面光滑,看不出任何特别的镜子,缓缓地走了过去。 When he extends the right hand, when moves this smooth mirror, strange soul halos appear in the mirror, has spilled into the Ye Chenfeng soul sea. 当他伸出右手,触碰到这面光滑的镜子时,一道道奇异的灵魂光晕在镜子中浮现出来,涌进了叶晨风的魂海中。 Then, in the Ye Chenfeng soul sea gushed out the massive information, allowing him to understand the actual situation of this mirror. 接着,叶晨风魂海中涌出了大量的信息,让他了解到这面镜子的虚实。 Tertiary Saint light boundary, contains the tertiary mirror image, I can through the mirror images of challenge different rank, obtain the different rewards.” “三重圣光境,蕴含三重镜像,我可以通过挑战不同等级的镜像,得到不同的奖励。” „The challenge difficulty of this tertiary Saint boundary rather a little was too only high, the strength of single layer mirror image is higher than me a boundary, but the strength of tertiary mirror image was higher than enough three boundaries me, achieved the 3-Star [say / way] Venerable, moreover when test, I can only use the treasure of this life, other treasures are unable to borrow!” “不过这三重圣光境的挑战难度未免有点太高了,一重镜像的实力就比我高一个境界,而三重镜像的实力比我高了足足三个境界,达到了三星道尊,而且考验时,我只能动用本命之宝,其他宝物都无法借用!” Understood that the test way of tertiary Saint light boundary, Ye Chenfeng has cannot help but revealed a dignified color. 了解到三重圣光境的考验方式,叶晨风不由得露出了一丝凝重之色。 Although by his current strength, defeats the single layer mirror image sufficiently, challenges the 2-layer mirror image, but wants to resist the tertiary mirror image, the difficulty was too big, displays Life Soul Technique fearfully, the limit combustion life, has possibility full power to wrestle! 虽然以他目前的实力,足以击败一重镜像,挑战二重镜像,但想要对抗三重镜像,难度太大了,可怕施展命魂术,极限燃烧寿元,才有可能全力一搏! First has a look to defeat the single layer mirror image, can obtain anything to reward!” “先看看击败一重镜像,能得到什么奖励吧!” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, decides to challenge the single layer mirror image first, probes the mirror image the might and test difficulty. 叶晨风深吸一口气,决定先挑战一重镜像,试探镜像的威力和考验难度。 I challenge the single layer mirror image!” “我挑战一重镜像!” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, has conveyed the information to the tertiary Saint light boundary, one step steps forward, entered in the Saint light boundary directly. 叶晨风深吸一口气,向三重圣光境中传达了信息,一步跨出,直接走进了圣光境中。 The next quarter, Ye Chenfeng discovered one appeared in an independent space, in this space, stood and waited for a long time to wear the black Daoist robe, bringing the copper color mask, the whole body to flood the explosive muscle, gigantic fist surface flow electric current man. 下一刻,叶晨风发现自己出现在了一个独立的空间中,在这个空间内,伫立着一名身穿黑色道袍,带着铜色面具,全身充斥着爆炸性肌肉,硕大的拳头表面流动着道道电流的男子。 Defeats me, has been rewarded, failure, death!” “击败我,得到奖励,失败,死!” The copper surface man has made such as the stuffy Thunder Ban voice, shakes the Ye Chenfeng eardrum micro drum. 铜面男子发出了如闷雷般的声音,震得叶晨风耳膜微鼓。 Good, come!” “好,来吧!” Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, has burnt instantaneously Primordial Chaos Blood, own strength promotion to the boundary of 1-Star [say / way] Venerable, summoned the blood of this life stiffly the first Heavenly Sword embryo, divided rapid sword glow like lightning, the attack has approached the copper surface man. 叶晨风深吸一口气,瞬间燃烧了鸿蒙之血,硬生生将自身的实力提升到一星道尊之境,召唤出了本命之血先天剑胎,劈出了一道迅如闪电般的剑芒,攻击向了铜面男子。 A Ye Chenfeng sword punctures, in the copper surface man body erupts heaven-shaking to move the place the strength, he wields the thunder light bright fist, a fist moved forward to meet somebody, crushes the sword glow that punctured, stroked on the first Heavenly Sword embryo, the fearful strength compelled to draw back Ye Chenfeng stiffly. 叶晨风一剑刺来,铜面男子身体中爆发出惊天动地的力量,他挥动雷光熠熠的拳头,一拳迎了上去,粉碎了刺来的剑芒,击打在了先天剑胎上,可怕的力量硬生生将叶晨风逼退了回去。 Big strength!” “好大的力量!” Combustion Primordial Chaos Blood, the Ye Chenfeng human body strength has surmounted 1 billion jin (0.5 kg) strength, but meets the approaching enemy the copper surface man directly, Ye Chenfeng discovered that his strength is not weak in oneself, perhaps has also surmounted 1 billion jin (0.5 kg), somewhat is slightly surprised. 燃烧鸿蒙之血,叶晨风肉体力量超越了1000000000斤之力,但正面迎击铜面男子,叶晨风发现他的的力量并不弱于自己,恐怕也超越了1000000000斤,微微有些吃惊。 After a fist, in the copper surface man double fist has resounded the deafening thunderous sound, he rumbles unceasingly the might terror fist glow, is shelling Ye Chenfeng, wants by the formidable strength, the body of bang broken Ye Chenfeng. 一拳过后,铜面男子双拳中响起了震耳欲聋的雷鸣声,他不断地轰出一记记威力恐怖的拳芒,轰击着叶晨风,想要凭借强大的力量,轰碎叶晨风的身体。 Good, we compare, whose human body is stronger!” “好,那我们就比比,谁的肉体更强!” Ye Chenfeng little met with his strength suitable match, drew out the heart of trying to outdo others, received the first Heavenly Sword embryo, stimulating five big hole hole strengths, the eruption strongest strength to meet the approaching enemy directly. 叶晨风很少遇见与他力量相当的对手,起了好胜之心,收起了先天剑胎,激发了五大穴窍力量,爆发最强的力量正面迎击。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Two people of fists hit unceasingly in together, each hit, can erupt the destruction strength, vibrated the space in tertiary Saint light boundary to present shivering. 二人的拳头不断地撞击在一起,每一次撞击,都能爆发出毁灭般的力量,震动着三重圣光境中的空间出现了颤抖。 Two people to hit quickly quickly, battles by the strong war the time of having burnt a joss stick, no one can how anyone, nobody flinches. 二人以快打快,以强战强的激战了一炷香的时间,谁都未能奈何谁,更没有人退缩。 At this time, Ye Chenfeng decisively changed incurs, the under foot virtual light dodged, treadons sword step suddenly amplifying ten times of speeds, fends Thunder light fist glow that the copper surface man has rumbled, circled him. 这时,叶晨风果断变招,脚下虚光一闪,脚踏剑步突然振幅了十倍速度,闪避开了铜面男子轰来的雷光拳芒,绕到了他的身后。 Had a premonition that behind presented the danger, the copper surface man instinct reverse body has rumbled two fists, the bombardment has approached Ye Chenfeng. 预感到身后出现了危险,铜面男子本能的扭转身体轰出了两拳,轰击向了叶晨风 Speed remnant shade!” “速度残影!” When copper surface man discovered that when Thunder light the fist glow bang that oneself rumble puts on the Ye Chenfeng body, wish of instinct fends. 当铜面男子发现,自己轰出的雷光拳芒轰穿叶晨风身体时,本能的想要闪避。 But at this time, in the Ye Chenfeng brain Soul Power erupted, has formed the formidable dizziness strength, rumbled his soul sea. 但这时,叶晨风脑中灵魂力爆发,形成了强大的眩晕力,轰进了他的魂海。 Although the effect of dizziness technique on copper surface man is minimal, but made his reversal of stress present a stagnation, was seized the opportunity by Ye Chenfeng, rumbled continuously more than ten fists, has blocked his all dodging spaces, shelled on his body, rumbled to fly him. 虽然眩晕术对铜面男子的影响微乎其微,但还是让他的反应力出现了一丝停滞,被叶晨风抓住了机会,连续轰出了十余拳,封死了他所有的闪躲空间,轰击在了他的身体上,将他轰飞了出去。 Profound deep said extremely!” “玄冥极道!” Strikes the flying copper surface man, Ye Chenfeng follows up a victory with hot pursuit, he treadons the sword step approaches the copper surface man at the same time, four big Spirit Level Dao Chart appear his body, evolved the strength of might enormous side [say / way], shelled near at hand on the copper surface man body, aggravated his body injury. 击飞铜面男子,叶晨风乘胜追击,他脚踏剑步逼近铜面男子的同时,四大灵级道图浮现出他的身体,演化成了威力极大的极道之力,近在咫尺轰击在了铜面男子身体上,加重了他的身体伤势。 Bang!” “嘭!” The copper surface man strong body of such as the mountain general hit on the hard space wall, the huge impact has made his body present a out-of-control. 铜面男子强壮的身体如山岳一般撞击在了坚硬的空间壁上,巨大的撞击力让他身体出现了一丝失控。 Holds this rare opportunity, Ye Chenfeng deduces the pinnacle Dao Intent, puts forth the skills fierce attack, is attacking his body unceasingly. 抓住这难得的机会,叶晨风道意推演到极致,使出浑身解数凶猛的攻击,不断地攻击着他的身体。 Withstands the tidal offensive, the body injury of copper surface man is aggravating unceasingly, but his counter-attack also becomes pale and weak, is unable to compel to draw back Ye Chenfeng. 承受着潮水般的攻势,铜面男子的身体伤势不断地加重,而他的反击也变得苍白无力,根本无法将叶晨风逼退。 With the lapse of time, the body injury of copper surface man is getting more and more serious, the strong body surface presented a fissure. 随着时间的推移,铜面男子的身体伤势越来越重,强壮的身体表面出现了道道裂痕。 Was good, can finish fighting!” “好了,可以结束战斗了!” Felt that the copper surface man is the spent force, Ye Chenfeng summons treasure of Primordial Chaos Divine Wood this life, grasped Primordial Chaos Divine Wood to brush to his strong body, pulled out the right arm of his dripping with blood stiffly breaks to pieces. 感觉到铜面男子已经是强弩之末,叶晨风召唤出了本命之宝混沌神木,手持混沌神木抽打向了他强壮的身体,硬生生将他鲜血淋漓的右臂抽碎了。 Then, the first Heavenly Sword embryo and silver Sword Soul fusion in one, turned into has wiped the cold brightness, punctured his defense, pierced his head. 接着,先天剑胎与白银剑魂融合在了一起,化成了一抹寒光,刺破了他的防御,将他脑袋刺穿了。 Bang!” “嘭!” The head explosion of copper surface man, his huge body crushes immediately, a blood red crystal stone, a handle seal the red long sword of formidable ban was flying to shoot. 铜面男子的脑袋爆炸,他庞大的身躯立即粉碎,一颗血红色的晶石,一柄封印着强大禁制的红色长剑飞射了出来。 Junior, congratulates you through the single layer test, rewarded Top Grade to quench body stone blood voxel stone and low grade True Spirit Saint eclipse date Saint sword!” “小辈,恭喜你通过一重考验,奖励极品淬体石血体元石和下品真灵圣器蚀日圣剑!” At this time, the vigorous sound resounded together, blood voxel stone and eclipse date Saint sword floated slowly to Ye Chenfeng, but he was also transmitted left in the tertiary Saint light boundary. 这时,一道浑厚的声音响起,血体元石和蚀日圣剑缓缓地漂浮向了叶晨风,而他也被传送离开了三重圣光境中。
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