DMWS :: Volume #10

#920: Suggestion

The home station announced that „the eye of confession, that is each Ghost Rider has, is one type can illuminate the will of the people bottom the ability. The eye of confession can make the people of evil feel once the replenishment in innocent person pain, thus fires their innermost feelings by the hell fire.” After the opens the mouth, first what the old man explained was the real eye. When the old man explained real eye, he also said the word that two each one new person Lin Rui they had doubts. 本站公告“忏悔之眼,那是每个恶灵骑士都拥有的,是一种能照进人心底的能力。忏悔之眼可以让罪恶之人感受到曾经加注在无辜者身上的痛苦,从而以地狱火灼烧他们的内心。”开口后,老者最先解释的是真实之眼。而在老者解释真实之眼的时候,他又说出了两个个新的人林锐他们疑惑的词。 „The eye of confession......” hears old man's explanation, Johnny's low voice thinking aloud. “忏悔之眼……”听到老者的解释,强尼小声的自言自语。 Ghost Rider? This is anything, sounds very fiercely the appearance of villain. Hell fire, that is true fire from hell?” Compares in Johnny regarding own situation understood, Lin Rui and Bucky very much ignorant compel, therefore Lin Rui opens the mouth to ask directly. 恶灵骑士?这又是什么,听起来很厉害很反派的样子。还有地狱火,那是真正的来自地狱的火吗?”相比于强尼对于自己情况的一些了解,林锐巴基都是很懵逼的,所以林锐直接开口问道。 Ghost Rider...... They are the hell devil Mephistopheles bounty hunters. In the hell has the malicious ghost to arrive at the world, Mephistopheles will send out his knight to send out, tracks down these malicious ghosts to eliminate them. Once signed the person of contract with Mephistopheles became Ghost Rider, has the hell fire and confession eye of Mephistopheles entrusted with as well as not the body of dying.” Under questioning of Lin Rui, old man looks that Johnny was explaining calmly. 恶灵骑士……他们是地狱恶魔梅塞特斯赏金猎人。当地狱中有恶鬼来到人间,梅塞特斯就会派出他的骑士出动,去追寻这些恶鬼消灭他们。一旦和梅塞特斯签订了契约之人就会成为恶灵骑士,拥有梅塞特斯赋予的地狱火和忏悔之眼以及不死之身。”在林锐的追问下,老者看着强尼语气平静的解释着。 Originally has hell type of thing really? Does that have the heaven?” Heard the old man to the explanation of Ghost Rider, Lin Rui attention instead shifts in another direction. Regarding words that the old man spoke, probably Lin Rui has not suspected believed. “原来真的有地狱这种东西吗?那有天堂吗?”听到老者对恶灵骑士的解释,林锐的关注点反而转移到了另外一个方向上。对于老者说的话,林锐好像没有怀疑的就相信了。 Hears issue that Lin Rui continues. The old men have gawked slightly under. If the hell, the old man definitely is exists very much, although is the possibility that all people imagine is not quite same as Earth. However the heaven, this thing old man was unable to determine that really exists. After all, he also knows that has the fallen angel, has not seen the genuine angel or God. 听到林锐继续的问题。老者稍微愣了下。如果说地狱的话,老者很肯定是存在的,虽然和地球是所有人想象的可能不太一样。但是天堂,这种东西老者还真的不敢确定说存在。毕竟,他也只是知道有堕落天使,没见过真正的天使或者上帝。 Should also be exists, how otherwise do these fallen angels come?” Has pondered slightly , the old man replied earnestly. “应该也是存在的吧,不然那些堕落天使是怎么来的?”稍微思考了下,老者认真的回答到。 „, Is this? You continued.” Hears this reply, the Lin Rui look sparkled then speaks. “哦,是这样吗?你继续说。”听到这个回答,林锐眼神闪了闪接着说到。 The old men do not know where the Lin Rui thought jumped, but his also being disinclined managed him, continued. 老者也不知道林锐的思想又跳跃到了哪里,不过他也懒得管他,也就继续说下去了。 Before had many Ghost Rider, but they have buried along with the times change in the history, last Ghost Rider was 150 years ago, in a Saint every network village. But you, Johnny, is Ghost Rider of new generation.” Looks that listened to Johnny who oneself spoke, the old man to say those words earnestly finally, has determined Johnny's status. “以前有很多恶灵骑士,不过随着时代变迁他们都已经埋藏在历史里了,最后一位恶灵骑士是150年前,在圣凡冈萨的一个村庄。而你,强尼,就是新一代的恶灵骑士。”看着认真听自己说话的强尼,老者终于说出了那句话,将强尼的身份确定了下来。 You is very normal in the daytime, with average person not many differences, but has body of not dying. However to the evening, your incarnation Ghost Rider, will have captured Seiters to give your goal.” After saying Johnny's status, the old man continues to supplement. “在白天你很正常,和普通人没有多少区别,只是拥有一个不死之身。但是到了晚上,你就会化身恶灵骑士,去追捕梅赛特斯交给你的目标。”在说出强尼的身份后,老者继续补充到。 Said Johnny regarding the old man is new generation Ghost Rider the situation, three people on the scene have not shown many surprised expression. Johnny is because already had knew, but Lin Rui does not know probably thinks anything again, Bucky is originally on a calm appearance, peaceful landslide in before is without turning a hair. Therefore, is somewhat awkward facing such situation old man. 对于老者说出强尼就是新一代恶灵骑士的这个情况,在场的三个人都没有露出多少惊讶的表情。强尼是因为早就已经有自我认识了,而林锐好像也不知道再想什么,巴基则是本来就一副冷静的样子,泰山崩于前而面不改色。所以,面对这样的情况老者有些尴尬。 Therefore, what this time you face is what malicious ghost?” After silent a while, alleviated the self- awkward old man to look that asked to Johnny. “所以,这次你面对的是什么样的恶鬼?”在沉默了一会儿后,缓解了自我尴尬的老者看向强尼问道。 Does not know, altogether four, can melt becomes common practice, can hide in the water, has not known, pulled out by my whip. But my goal seems one fellow who called Blackheart, I have not seen his take action.” Hears the issue of old man, after Johnny recalled next, replied. “不知道,一共有四个,有一个能化成风,一个能藏在水里,还有一个不知道,被我一鞭子抽死了。而我的目标似乎是一个叫巫心魔的家伙,我还没见到他出手。”听到老者的问题,强尼回忆了下后回答到。 This time, maintained the calm Bucky facial expression also had had the change. But that old man obviously was also shocked by Johnny's reply, the look becomes especially swift and fierce. As for Lin Rui, his vision is as before tranquil, possibly the train of thought has not returned. 这次,原本一直保持淡定的巴基神情也有了变化。而那位老者也明显被强尼的回答震惊到了,眼神变得格外凌厉。至于林锐,他的目光依旧平静,可能思绪还没有回归。 Blackheart, that is Mesa Tess's son, is a malicious ghost. Other, that is the demon of exile, in the legend is expelled the fallen angel of heaven by Saint angel Michael, they hide in the natural element, is waiting for the judgment day. 巫心魔,那是梅萨特斯的儿子,也是一个恶鬼。其他的,那是放逐之魔,传说中被圣天使米迦勒逐出天堂的堕落天使,他们藏身在自然元素中,等待着世界末日。 „After is surprised, the old man continues popular science about the knowledge of hell and heaven. Regarding Bucky them, these should be the very magics. „ Is fallen angel such? The feeling is more like certain evil little elves, in more legends, the Elf is the incarnation of natural element.” Hears the old man to answer here, Lin Rui that also patrolled a moment ago recovers to open the mouth to say. “惊讶过后,老者继续科普着关于地狱和天堂的知识。对于巴基他们来说,这些应该是非常魔幻的。“堕落天使就是那样的?感觉更像是某些邪恶的小精灵,在更多的传说里,精灵才是自然元素的化身。”听到老者解释道这里,刚才还神游的林锐回过神来开口说道。 Legend are many, including really also has to compile, as for which is real, that must discover by you.” Sees Lin Rui to get back one's composure, the old man smiles was saying. “传说很多,其中有真实的也有编造的,至于哪些是真实的,那就要靠你们自己去发现了。”见林锐已经回过神,老者微笑着说道。 Now what to do should I?” Had understood the general situation of matter, UU reads “那我现在应该怎么办?”已经了解了事情的大概情况,UU看书 Now Johnny only wants to know how to solve the present situation. 强尼现在唯一想知道的就是如何解决现在的情况。 You can treat here, here is sacred place, they cannot come.” Looks at Johnny, the old man has given a suggestion. “你可以待在这里,这里是圣地,他们进不来。”看着强尼,老者给出了一个建议。 Regarding the Ghost Rider destiny, the old man is clear. Therefore, if Johnny wants to shake off Mercedes's control, lives sacred place is the only choice. After all, this is he with personally experiences to confirm. 对于恶灵骑士的命运,老者非常清楚。所以,如果强尼想要摆脱梅赛德斯的控制,长居圣地是唯一的选择。毕竟,这是他是用亲身经历验证过的。 Here treats for a lifetime, is defending this graveyard with you?” Hears old man's suggestion, Johnny frowns to ask. “在这里待一辈子,和你一起守着这片墓园?”听到老者的建议,强尼皱着眉头问道。 Lived these many year super motorcycle in this mortal world as one, Johnny was unable to imagine the later day to be a companion with these tombs completely. Moreover, he must live every day with trepidation, was worried oneself change the body becomes that terrifying Ghost Rider. This day, he thinks not to have the means life. 作为一个在这花花世界活了这么多年的超级机车手,强尼无法想象自己以后的日子全部和这些墓地为伍。而且,他每天还要提心吊胆的生活,担心自己会变身成为那个恐怖的恶灵骑士。这种日子,他想想都是没办法生活的。 old man, you cannot give a reasonable suggestion. For example, how to destroy completely how many malicious ghosts? Helps Johnny give to relieve that contract, has hidden is here useful?” When the old man has not continued to reply, sat has opened the mouth in his opposite Lin Rui. “老头,你就不能给点靠谱的建议。比如说,怎么把那几个恶鬼灭掉?怎么帮助强尼把那个契约给解除,一直躲在这里有什么用?”在老者还没有继续回答的时候,坐在他对面的林锐已经开口了。 Regarding Lin Rui this bystander, Johnny, since is not bad person, but was solved other malicious ghosts by that anything hell devil as a bounty hunter, then the best solution is to certainly help Johnny relieves the control of contract. Naturally, if before relieving the contract Johnny was being controlled, then they should look for the means to help Johnny cope with these malicious ghosts. 对于林锐这个外人来说,强尼既然不是坏人,只是被那什么地狱恶魔作为一个赏金猎人去解决其他的恶鬼,那么最好的解决办法当然是帮助强尼解除契约的控制。当然,如果在解除契约之前强尼还是被控制着,那么他们最好找办法帮助强尼对付那些恶鬼。 If that several malicious ghosts are so simple, I will not make Johnny hide in sacred place. Let alone Blackheart, he is Seiters's son, the strength especially is more formidable, even if Ghost Rider is not his match. As for relieving the contract, I do not know that has any means to achieve this point.” Hears the Lin Rui words, old man helpless replied. “如果那几个恶鬼那么简单的话,我也不会让强尼躲在圣地之中了。更何况还有一个巫心魔,他是梅赛特斯的儿子,实力格外强大,就算是恶灵骑士也不是他的对手。至于解除契约,我不知道有什么办法能做到这一点。”听到林锐的话,老者无奈的回答道。
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