DMWS :: Volume #4

#360: Fight in Golden Gate Bridge 7

pū pū! 噗噗噗! After Lin Rui erupts thoroughly, remaining three Winter Soldier quickly were also given to solve by him, is the severe wound strikes the corona. However, the robot and machine that beast at this time these nobody stopped has encircled. The eye of each robot emits the red ray, is coordinating their all over the body cool-colored metal torso, looks like infiltrates the person, looks like the end matter is the same. Naturally, Marvel World did not have an end matter saying. 林锐彻底爆发后,剩下的三个冬日战士也很快就被他给解决了,都是重伤击晕。不过,这时候那些没人阻拦的机器人和机器兽已经围了过来。每个机器人的眼睛都冒出红色的光芒,配合着它们那通体冷色的金属躯干,看起来非常渗人,就像是终结者一样。当然,漫威世界没有终结者一说。 Shout! 呼! These many robots that where Hydra comes? Moreover in New Jersey that base fiercest is also alpha squad, now Hydra revealed before strength that , has no way to compare! Before , what has been hiding? Also or was Hydra what happened!?” The eye sweeps the robot that these have encircled slowly, Lin Rui is pondering at heart fast. 九头蛇到底哪里来的这么多机器人?而且之前在新泽西那个基地里最厉害的也不过就是阿尔法小队而已,现在九头蛇显露出来的实力和之前根本没法比啊!难道之前还一直在隐藏什么吗?又或者是九头蛇内部发生了什么事情!?”眼睛扫过那些慢慢围过来的机器人,林锐心里在快速的思考着。 Lin Rui also had recently the investigation of S.H.I.E.L.D. regarding the understanding of Hydra according to previous life some movie plots, but the performance of Hydra times broke Lin Rui now to its inherent impression. 林锐对于九头蛇的了解也只是根据前世的一些电影情节还有最近神盾局的调查,但是现在九头蛇的表现已经一次次的打破林锐对它的固有印象了。 However, Lin Rui has actually neglected a very important matter, that is Marvel World has revolved to do Infinity Stone of matter. First what exposes in Earth is Space Infinity Stone, is more than 60 years ago Hydra continuously in thing of seeking, and at that time Hydra can that also be because obtained from Space Infinity Stone has surmounted the modern technology much. Naturally, Space Infinity Stone has other name in Earth, is called magic cube. 不过,林锐却忽略了一个非常重要的事情,那就是漫威世界一直围绕着来搞事情的无限宝石。最先在地球暴露的是空间无限宝石,也是60多年前九头蛇一直在寻找的东西,并且当时九头蛇能够那么强也是因为从空间无限宝石上得到了不少超越现代的技术。当然,空间无限宝石在地球有个另外的名字,叫作魔方 Therefore, if Space Infinity Stone is not being hidden by S.H.I.E.L.D. now, but still in Hydra? From today's Hydra take action way, that stable space gate, gathers round Lin Rui these robots, Space Infinity Stone has the possibility in Hydra. 所以,如果现在空间无限宝石不是被神盾局藏着,而是依然在九头蛇手里呢?从今天九头蛇出手的方式,那个稳定的空间门,还有围着林锐的这些机器人,空间无限宝石九头蛇手里是非常有可能的。 This is also Lin Rui, when familiar feeling that notes that space gate in the mind to have, because he to Space Infinity Stone or is some magic cube memories, but has not actually thought in that direction. However, if Space Infinity Stone really in Hydra, or in Red Skull, then in Hydra the final card in a hand may unable to imagine. After all, these many years passed by, Hydra can obtain anything everyone to be unforeseen from Space Infinity Stone. 这也是林锐在注意到那个空间门的时候脑海中出现的熟悉感,因为他对空间无限宝石或者是魔方有些记忆,但是却一直都没有往那个方向想。不过,如果空间无限宝石真的在九头蛇,或者说是在红骷髅手里的话,那么九头蛇手里最后的底牌可就无法想象了。毕竟,这么多年过去了,九头蛇能从空间无限宝石上得到什么谁都无法预料。 However, present Lin Rui must solve the present matter first. After passing this time crisis, Lin Rui should be able to think where does not suit, when the time comes chatted with Nick knows that which Space Infinity Stone or was magic cube. 不过,现在的林锐还是要先解决了眼前的事情。在度过了这次的危机之后,林锐应该就能想起来哪里不对劲了,到时候和尼克聊一聊就知道空间无限宝石或者说是魔方到底在哪了。 Humming sound! 嗡嗡! In Lin Rui stands when was pondering same place Hydra exposes where today these technologies come, these robot and in the machine carcasses sends out one fast sufficiently to be able sound. Then, each robot and machine beast plunged Mirage Knight. 就在林锐站在原地思考着九头蛇今天暴露出来这些技术到底是哪里来的时候,那些机器人和机器兽体内发出了一阵快速充能的声音。接着,每个机器人和机器兽已经扑向了幻影骑士 ! 咻咻咻! Bang! Rumble ~ 砰!轰隆隆~ However, has not waited for these robots to rush to the Lin Rui front, threw from the midair dozens flames suddenly, charging into Lin Rui these robots covers completely in inside, turbulent firepower directly these robots blocking. 不过,还没等那些机器人冲到林锐的面前,从半空忽然有几十道火光就扑了下来,把冲向林锐的那些机器人全部覆盖在里面,汹涌的火力直接把那些机器人给拦住了。 It is not surprised regarding firepower support Lin Rui that presents from the midair, because he received the communication a moment ago, is not Tony, but came from Spiderman and Harry. Finally, in has almost discarded in the situation of flight slide, Spiderman, Dark Knight, Deadpool, as well as Jack rushed finally. 对于从半空出现的火力支援林锐一点都不惊讶,因为他刚才已经收到了通信,不是托尼的,而是来自蜘蛛侠哈利的。终于,在差点报废了飞行滑板的情况下,蜘蛛侠,黑夜骑士,死侍,以及杰克终于赶到了。 From League of Defender four Vigilante crash in relates Lin Rui by Hydra after the special way influence region, also when he was besieged by the robot first has supported. It seems like that communication separated affected the inside and outside relations, can relate in this region. 来自守护者联盟的四位街头英雄一冲进被九头蛇用特殊方式影响的区域内后就联系上了林锐,也在他被机器人围攻的时候第一时间支援了过来。看来那种通讯隔断是影响了内外的联系,在这片区域内还是可以联系到的。 Whistling! 呼呼! After a round intense firepower attack, two person's shadows fell from the Lin Rui place above, finally dexterous falling side Lin Rui, is Spiderman Peter and Deadpool Wade. Compares in the driving flight slide fight, these two like near body fight, this can be better to play their roles. As for Jack and Harry, they are more suitable to drive the flight slide support. 在一轮猛烈的火力打击过后,两个人影从林锐的上方落了下来,最后轻巧的落在林锐身边,是蜘蛛侠彼得死侍韦德。相比于驾驶飞行滑板战斗,这两位还是更喜欢实打实的近身战斗,这样才能更好发挥他们的作用。至于杰克哈利,他们更适合驾驶飞行滑板支援。 Mirage Knight! We came! You are all right!?” After falling to the ground, Spiderman Peter hastily toward Lin Rui excited shouting. 幻影骑士!我们来了!你没事吧!?”落到地面后,蜘蛛侠彼得连忙朝林锐激动的喊道。 As a few knows the person who Mirage Knight real status, Peter and Harry worried Lin Rui situation, after all this Hydra is to Lin Rui parental take action. But in the midair drove Harry of flight slide also to fly behind reached the Rui Ke sorcerer(s) position, Lin Rui father Lin Hai is protected by him in inside. 作为少数几个知道幻影骑士真实身份的人,彼得哈利更加担心林锐的情况,毕竟这次九头蛇是对林锐的父母出手。而半空中驾驶着飞行滑板的哈利也已经飞到了后面达瑞克法师的位置,林锐的父亲林海就被他保护在里面。 I am all right, they are also all right.” Hears the Peter words, Lin Rui nodded to reply, as for their Peter that Lin Rui said knows certainly is. “我没事,他们也没事。”听到彼得的话,林锐点了点头回答到,至于林锐说的他们彼得当然知道是谁。 Em, that is good!” Knows that Lin Rui and Lin Rui parents are all right, Peter also felt relieved. “恩,那就好!”知道林锐林锐的父母都没事,彼得也放心下来了。 If the Lin Rui parents have an accident, Peter does not know what matter own this friend will make. After all, now no one knows in Mirage Knight some any things, most understood that Lin Rui Peter, Harry also has in Tony not clear Lin Rui that mysterious thing to have any might. However, since can make Lin Rui obtain the present strength, wants to come also enough fierce. 如果林锐的父母出事的话,彼得不知道自己这位朋友会做出什么样的事情。毕竟,现在谁也不知道幻影骑士手里有些什么东西,就连最了解林锐彼得,哈利还有托尼都不清楚林锐手里那个神秘的东西到底有什么威力。不过,既然能让林锐获得现在的实力,想来也足够的厉害。 When Spiderman and Lin Rui speak, Deadpool has also pulled out the specially-made pistol, the complexion stern is facing front the fire by the place that covers. 就在蜘蛛侠林锐说着话的时候,死侍也已经掏出了自己特制的手枪,脸色严峻的面对着前面被炮火覆盖的地方。 They had not been solved probably ~ stared at the front mist and dust to look for two seconds, Deadpool calm speaking. “它们好像没有被解决啊~”盯着前方的烟尘看了两秒,死侍语气平静的说到。 Because is not familiar with express own care to the friend, Deadpool fell to the ground completely has placed on the front enemy the attention. Although they on the missile arms of one breath had launched flight slide a moment ago completely, but these robots are not obviously simple, like this was not necessarily solved. Really, in that was covered by explosion, Deadpool induced an intermittent sound. 因为不习惯对朋友表达自己的关心,死侍一落地就已经把注意力全部放在了前方的敌人身上。虽然他们刚才一口气把飞行滑板上的导弹武器全部发射了出来,但是那些机器人显然不简单,未必就这样被解决了。果然,在那被爆炸烟雾笼罩里,死侍感应到了一阵阵的动静。 Scratches ~ 擦擦擦~ Then, in Lin Rui, Peter and in Wade dignified look, almost perfect robots from smog. Besides the body somewhat by the black of flame ignition, on them almost did not have other injuries. However, perhaps somewhat was ended the robot pours in behind now has not appeared. However, these robots that at least now to/clashes are complete. 接着,在林锐,彼得韦德凝重的眼神中,一个个几乎完好无损的机器人从烟雾中走了出来。除了身上有些被火焰灼烧的黑色外,它们身上几乎没有其他的伤害。不过,或许有些被终结了的机器人现在倒在后面没有出现。但是,至少现在冲出来的这些机器人还是完好的。 It seems like is a tough battle! Mirage Knight, how do you annoy them?” Although Deadpool knows the person who this time must deal with is Hydra, but this sudden robot may stem from his expectation completely, therefore has such one to ask. “看来是一场硬仗啊!幻影骑士,你是怎么惹到它们的?”虽然死侍知道这次要对付的人是九头蛇,但是这突然出现的机器人可完全出乎他的预料,所以才有这样一问。 Actually, besides Peter, Harry and Tony three people, other people knows that Hydra take action attacked the common people suddenly, UU has read 其实,除了彼得,哈利托尼三人外,其他人只是知道九头蛇突然出手袭击了平民,UU看书 Does not know that these common people and Mirage Knight have any relations. Even if they have thought possibly of anything, when Lin Rui has not said anything they will not ask, but thinks that this is a sudden counter-attack of Hydra. 并不知道那些平民和幻影骑士有什么关系。就算他们心里可能想到了什么,但是在林锐没有多说什么的时候他们也不会多问,只是认为这是一次九头蛇的突然反击。 Moreover, this Hydra take action somewhat is truly strange. Attacks Aunt Lin Rui that side Mary team in secret, is here suddenly by space fluctuation influence the appearance of region as well as that space gate, had demonstrated Hydra this motion is not ordinary. Therefore, participated in the person in this matter to not being involved in the average person in this matter excessively to pay attention. 而且,这次九头蛇出手确实有些古怪。不论是袭击林锐妈妈玛丽那边暗中的队伍,还是这边突然被空间波动影响的区域以及那个空间门的出现,都显示了九头蛇这次行动的不一般。所以,参与到这件事情里的人也就不会对被卷入这件事情里的普通人过多的注意了。 „It is not I annoys them, rather, they annoyed me!” Facing the question of Deadpool, Lin Rui look ice-cold reply. “不是我惹到它们,而是,它们惹到了我!”面对死侍的疑问,林锐眼神冰冷的回答到。 Brush! 刷! After replying the Deadpool Wade words, Lin Rui directly flushed, welcomed the robot team that threw once more on own initiative. 在回答完死侍韦德的话后,林锐已经直接冲了出去,主动迎上了再次扑过来的机器人队伍。 Brush! 刷! In Lin Rui, Spiderman also followed. 林锐的身后,蜘蛛侠也跟了出去。 Heh! Waits for me!” Saw that Mirage Knight and Spiderman flushed, after Deadpool grasps the pistol to shout one, flushed. “嘿!等等我!”看到幻影骑士蜘蛛侠都冲了出去,死侍握着手枪大喊一声后也冲了出去。
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