DMWS :: Volume #3

#240: Works loose the preparation of failure and Lin Rui

„!!!” Under the curtain of night, in the ruined church of New York remote suburb, depressing shouting passed on suddenly. “呃!!啊啊啊!”夜幕下,纽约偏僻郊区的一座破败教堂里,一阵压抑的嘶吼忽然传了出来。 Cast off the Lin Rui pursuit Peter to return to this church under the control of Venom once more, but, just conceals entered the garret in church, controlled Peter regained consciousness own consciousness, was whooshing while made an effort to pull Venom. 甩开林锐追击的彼得毒液的控制下再次回到了这座教堂,不过,刚藏进教堂的阁楼,被控制的彼得就苏醒了自己的意识,一边嘶吼着一边用力扯着身上的毒液 Scoffs! 嗤啦! I will not make you control me again!! Rolls to me!!” Puts forth tears fully is mounting in Venom, Peter is roaring. “我不会再让你控制我了!!给我滚!!”使出全力撕扯着黏在身上的毒液,彼得怒吼着。 Although fought he to be controlled by Venom a moment ago, but subconscious. Looks like is having a dream to be the same, although you some consciousness, but the body is uncontrolled, Peter can only look helplessly oneself have injured the teammate, moreover at that time he did not have the slight feeling of guilty. 虽然刚才的战斗他一直被毒液所控制着,但是潜意识还是在的。就像是在做梦一样,你虽然有一些意识的,但是身体却不受控制,彼得只能眼睁睁的看着自己伤害了队友,而且当时他还没有丝毫的罪恶感。 But after returning to this church, Venom as if also injury evil of one fights, the control to Peter was not that strong, made him break out of the influence to resume the normal consciousness. However, wants pulling in Venom the parasitic is not that simple matter. Although Peter has put forth fully, but also pulls some tentacles, is unable to strip from the body the Venom main body. 而在回到这个教堂后,一场战斗下来的毒液似乎也受了点伤害,对彼得的控制不是那么强了,才让他摆脱了影响恢复了正常的意识。但是,想要把寄生在身上的毒液给扯下来不是那么简单的事情。尽管彼得已经使出全力了,但是也不过只是扯出一些触手而已,根本无法把毒液主体从身上剥离开。 The Venom choice host also has request, as the lifeform of partner living body, the host is more formidable, then Venom will be also more formidable, this is a bidirectional function. But Spiderman regarding Venom is a best host, it not such giving up easily. 毒液选择寄主也是有要求的,作为伴生体的生物,寄主越强大,那么毒液也会越强大,这是一个双向的作用。而蜘蛛侠对于毒液来说则是一个最佳的寄主,它不会这么轻易的放弃的。 Therefore, how regardless of Peter makes an effort, angrily roars, the Venom always tight stuck fast does not leave on him. Moreover, it also unceasingly splits take action to wrap the head of Peter, releases own information to control Peter continually. 所以,无论彼得怎么使劲,怎么怒吼,毒液总是紧紧粘在他身上不离开。而且,它还不断分裂出出手包裹住彼得的脑袋,持续释放自己的信息来控制彼得 Then, wants to get rid of Venom Peter and does not want to give up Venom of host disputing continually. However, looks at the change of this contest, finally will possibly come to an end by the Venom victory. 就这样,想要摆脱毒液彼得和不想放弃寄主的毒液持续的较量着。但是,看这场较量的变化,最后很可能还是会以毒液的胜出告终。 „!” In the mind that strange consciousness impact made Peter be miserable beyond description, was tearing Venom on head blind faces forward to hit. “啊啊啊!”脑海中那一诡异的意识冲击让彼得苦不堪言,撕扯着脑袋上的毒液盲目的朝前一头撞了过去。 When! 当! Buzz humming sound ~ 嗡嗡嗡~ But the direction that Peter to/clashes just hangs in the garret central bell, was wrapped his one of the head to hit by Venom. Then, this has not made a sound for a long time the bell has a loud sound that works as. Sound waves have transmitted from clock wall fast, has swept near at hand Peter instantaneously. 彼得一头冲出去的方向刚好有一口吊在阁楼中央的大钟,被毒液包裹了脑袋的他一头就撞了上去。接着,这口许久没响过的大钟发出当的一声巨响。一道道声波从钟壁上快速传递了出去,瞬间就扫过了近在咫尺的彼得 Sisi! Sisi Sisi!” It looks like the hedgehog that has a fit of bad temper is the same, when these sound waves transmit the Peter body, Venom is unable to control itself unexpectedly again, splits the innumerable tentacles toward to blast out instantaneously in all directions is swaying from side to side. “斯斯!斯斯斯斯!”就像是炸毛的刺猬一样,在那些声波传递到彼得身上时,毒液竟然无法再控制自己,瞬间分裂出无数的触手朝四处炸开扭动着。 Under the influence of that special sound wave, Peter has revealed some faces and bodies from the Venom package finally once more. 在那特殊声波的影响下,彼得终于再次从毒液的包裹中露出了脸和一部分身体。 „!!” Roaring, Peter difficultly toward the displacement in position of front bell in the past. “呃!啊啊啊!”怒吼着,彼得艰难的朝着前方大钟的位置移动过去。 Has guessed that from Venom response Peter its weakness, certainly is the sound wave, the sound wave of certain frequency can make Venom be weaken the control to the body, this is Peter gets rid of its good opportunity! 从身上毒液的反应彼得已经猜出来它的弱点了,一定是声波,一定频率的声波能让毒液减弱对身体的控制,这是彼得摆脱它的好机会! However, how Venom will make Peter succeed, although came under a moment ago the influence of sound wave, but Venom completely did not lose the action, rapidly was restoring, while split tentacle sticking stubbornly on the ground, making Peter difficult. 不过,毒液怎么会让彼得成功,虽然受到刚才声波的影响,但是毒液也不是完全丧失了行动力,一边快速恢复着,一边分裂出触手死死的黏在地上,让彼得寸步难行。 No! I will not make you control me again!!” By both legs that the Venom main body wraps by being stranded stubbornly on the ground, Peter not willingly is roaring. “不!我不会再让你控制我了!!”被毒液主体包裹的双腿被死死的困在地上,彼得不甘心的怒吼着。 Ka-ka! 卡卡卡! The whole body muscle ties tight, the skeleton has made creak the sound, but Peter is away from the front bell to have dozens centimeters distance! But at this time, Venom also restored was similar. 全身肌肉紧绷,骨骼都发出了咯吱咯吱的声音,但是彼得还是距离前面的大钟有几十公分的距离!而这时候,毒液也已经恢复的差不多了。 Brushes! 刷刷刷! Finally, Peter cannot sound the bell once more, a Venom package that layer upon layer the fierce face was thrown again. The sound that was wrapped Peter that angrily roars by Venom to weaken again gradually, finally vanished in this unmanned worn-out church. 最终,彼得还是没能再次敲响大钟,狰狞的面孔再次被扑过来的毒液一层层的包裹住了。被毒液再次包裹的彼得怒吼的声音渐渐减弱,最终消失在了这无人问津的破旧教堂内。 ...... …… The weather gradually shone, has bustled about evening's Tony and Lin Rui finally has also completed to all experiments of Venom split. 天色渐亮,忙碌了一晚上的托尼林锐也终于完成了对毒液分体的所有实验。 ! Although such selects sample being insufficient to make me do a more detailed research, “呼!虽然这么点样品不足以让我做更详细的研究, However the good and evil has also determined its some weakness. Thus, retrieved Spiderman to have confidence. ” Somewhat exhausted by the chair, Tony catches the eye to look that spoke to opposite Mirage Knight. After the continual experiment that one does not rest in the evening, Tony and Lin Rui had found the Venom weakness, this aspect has depended upon the memory of Lin Rui to original plot. From the experimental result, the sound wave of certain frequency has to weaken the effect regarding Venom, as if can suppress it the control to the body. But over 1000 degrees high temperature can kill Venom. Although the ultra-low temperature cannot kill Venom, actually can also reduce its activeness. 但是好歹也确定了它的一些弱点。这样,救回蜘蛛侠就更有把握了。”有些疲惫的靠在椅子上,托尼抬眼看向对面的幻影骑士说到。经过一晚上不休息的连续实验,托尼林锐找到了毒液的弱点,这方面还是依靠了林锐对原剧情的记忆。从实验结果来看,一定频率的声波对于毒液有削弱效果,似乎能压制它对身体的控制。而超过1000度的高温则是可以杀死毒液。超低温虽然不能杀死毒液,却也能够降低它的活性。 Em, must make the best use of the time to make several special frequencies the pingers.” Stood nodded in Tony opposite Lin Rui. Also luckily in the Venom weakness and movie the difference is not big, otherwise Lin Rui was really also at a loss. “恩,现在就要抓紧时间制造几个特殊频率的声波发射器了。”站在托尼对面的林锐点了点头回了一句。也幸亏毒液的弱点和电影中差别不大,不然林锐还真的束手无策了。 This gave J.A.R.V.I.S to be good, a pinger of simple fixed frequency, did not need us to begin. Under your rest, a evening's energetic high degree of concentration, even if you are fierce, for a long time will not rest will have problems.” Saw the appearance that on a Lin Rui parahippus must begin, Tony beckoned with the hand to speak. “这个交给贾维斯就行了,一个简单固定频率的声波发射器而已,不需要我们动手的。你还是休息下吧,一晚上都精神高度集中,就算你厉害,长时间不休息也是会出问题的。”看到林锐一副马上就要动手的样子,托尼摆了摆手说到。 Tony was very exhausted, although he was also worried about Peter, but could not find the person not to have the means at this time. As for Mirage Knight, Tony has also displayed certain care. 托尼已经很疲惫了,虽然他对彼得也很担心,但是这时候找不到人也没办法。至于幻影骑士,托尼也表现了一定的关心。 I am all right, but one has not rested in the evening. UU reads “我没事,只是一晚上没休息而已。UU看书 Shook the head, Lin Rui expressed oneself are all right. Although the injury on body did not have, but at this time the Peter situation was most intense, Lin Rui could not attend to itself. ”摇了摇头,林锐表示自己没事。虽然身体上的伤势还没好的,但是这时候彼得的情况才是最紧张的,林锐也顾不得自己了。 You know in heart well.” Looked that Lin Rui persists in not resting, Tony also no longer persuaded, stood to walk toward outside from the chair, he was needs the rest. “你心里有数就好。”看林锐坚持不休息,托尼也不再劝说了,从椅子上站起来就朝外面走去了,他是需要休息下了。 Was right, after we retrieve Spiderman, how do you plan to process this Venom?” Prepared Tony that goes upstairs to sleep to remember anything suddenly, turns head to ask toward Lin Rui. “对了,我们救回蜘蛛侠后你打算怎么处理这个毒液?”本来准备上楼去睡觉的托尼忽然又想起了什么,回头朝林锐问道。 Em? Do you have other ideas?” Original Lin Rui prepares the direct reaction thoroughly to eliminate, but Tony asked that these words clearly have other meanings, therefore also asked one. “恩?你有其他想法?”本来林锐准备直接回答彻底消灭的,但是托尼问这句话显然有其他的意思,所以又反问了一句。 Right, this vitality tenacious parasites extraterrestrial living thing has high research value. Moreover, I want to try to be able very much to control it.” Also has not concealed the meaning of Lin Rui, Tony natural said own plan. “没错,这种生命力顽强的寄生类外星生物具有很高的研究价值。而且,我很想试试能不能控制住它。”也没有隐瞒林锐的意思,托尼大大方方的把自己的打算说了出来。 Obviously, the Venom tenacious vitality, the life characteristics of parasitic, as well as to the large scale strengthening of host strength are the thing that Tony is interested in very much. After all, this is on Earth no thing. Moreover, if can control Venom to use for oneself, then this is a very fierce weapon, is not inferior to the Tony Iron Man clothes in certain degrees. 显然,毒液的顽强生命力,寄生的生活特性,以及对宿主实力的大幅度强化都是托尼很感兴趣的东西。毕竟,这可是地球上没有的东西。而且,如果真的能够控制毒液为自己所用,那么这将是一个非常厉害的武器,在某些程度上不亚于托尼钢铁战衣。 If there is an opportunity to control it, I will keep its life to you.” Lin Rui also knows that a controllable Venom value is much big, therefore had pondered slightly under complied. “如果有机会控制它的话,我会给你留它一条命的。”林锐也知道一个可控的毒液价值多大,所以稍微思考了下就答应了下来。 Relax, I also meet take action, this fellow will certainly be controlled by us.” Tony very confident speaking. “放心,我也会出手的,这家伙必将被我们控制住。”托尼非常有信心的说到。 Hopes.” Lin Rui also can only such expect, after all they have completed to should do. “但愿吧。”林锐也只能这么期望了,毕竟他们已经做好了一切该做的。 However, the matter really according to the development that they do think? The Lin Rui restless feeling even more was at heart intense, what had to be neglected by him? 不过,事情真的会按照他们所想的发展吗?林锐心里不安的感觉越发的强烈了,到底有什么被他忽略了?
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