DMWS :: Volume #13

#1224: Finished?

Strikes facing the Thor thunder, partly knelt Loki on Bifrost pulled out own dagger silently. The Odin scepter by Thor and Mirage Knight they robbed in this month of fight, but that has not affected many Loki battle efficiencies. 面对托尔的雷霆一击,半跪在彩虹桥上的洛基默默地掏出了自己的匕首。奥丁权杖早在这一个月的战斗中被托尔幻影骑士他们抢走了,不过那并没有影响多少洛基的战斗力。 Loki own dagger is also the divine tool level, will not fall to Mjölnir leeward. For hiding sneak attack, one is used in the positive/direct storm. Although the rank is the same, but such forcefully keeps off the Thor hammer with a dagger, Loki is impossible to block. 洛基自己的匕首也是神器级别,对上妙尔尼尔也不会落入下风。只是,一个是用于隐蔽偷袭,一个是用于正面强攻。虽然等级一样,但是这么硬生生的用一把匕首去挡托尔的锤子,洛基还是不可能挡住的。 Bang! 嘭! Therefore, in a loud sound, Thor the hammer has not pounded Loki, but pounding ruthlessly on Bifrost. As for Loki, that moment that after Thor crashes is rapid moves to a distance, then in Thor pounds ruthlessly in Bifrost bullies the body to go in instantaneously, in hand dagger ruthlessly held toward the Thor chest. 所以,在一声巨响中,托尔的这一锤并没有砸到洛基,而是狠狠的砸在彩虹桥上。至于洛基,在托尔坠落下来的那一刻迅速后移一段距离,然后在托尔狠狠砸在彩虹桥的时候又瞬间欺身进去,手中匕首狠狠的朝着托尔胸口捅了过去。 Naturally, Thor has the protection regarding the Loki cheap trick early, although blocks with the hammer without enough time, but Thor is sideways to avoid this sneak attack. Then, fell the hammer in Bifrost to draw out to take advantage of opportunity to sweep toward Loki fiercely. 当然,托尔对于洛基的小把戏早有防备,虽然来不及用锤子挡住,但是托尔一个侧身就已经避开这次偷袭。接着,陷进彩虹桥里的锤子猛地拔出顺势朝洛基扫了过去。 Bang, Loki was pounded to fly again, then numerous falling on Bifrost. Loki slid a distance on Bifrost, until approaching the Bifrost end stopped. 嘭的一声,洛基再次被砸飞,然后重重的摔在彩虹桥上。洛基彩虹桥上滑行了一段距离,直到靠近了彩虹桥的尽头才停下。 At this time, in Loki behind is the Bifrost control hub, but headed by Mirage Knight the Superhero team from Earth is blocking there. By the Loki present condition, he is impossible to break through to start the Bifrost transmission to leave. 此时,在洛基的身后就是彩虹桥的控制枢纽,但是以幻影骑士为首的来自地球的超级英雄队伍正拦在那里。以洛基现在的状态,他是不可能突围过去启动彩虹桥传送离开的。 But in Loki in Bifrost under is the end of Asgard endless sea, does not know where from came the sea water that to crash toward the under boundless universe here, formed a 90 degrees super waterfall. The translucent sea water under turbulent surging, does not know that on the high waterfall really falls nine days of shocks like Milky Way. 而在洛基所在彩虹桥的下方则是阿斯加德无尽之海的尽头,不知道从哪来的海水在这里朝着下方无垠的宇宙坠落,形成了一个九十度的超级瀑布。透亮的海水在下方汹涌的激荡,不知道多高的瀑布上真的如同银河落九天般的震撼。 First has Thor to carry the hammer to walk step by step, latter has Mirage Knight they to stop up the final escape route, this time Loki awaited to punish really not other choices besides the surrender probably. Loki that crawls from the ground is actually only simple head crooked the helmet tears off to abandon conveniently. After the foot rolled several next, the helmet that is representing the Loki arrogant status crashes to the endless sea, as finally the sea water falls to the boundless universe. 前有托尔拎着锤子一步步走过来,后有幻影骑士他们堵着最后的退路,此时的洛基好像除了投降听候发落外真的没有其他的选择了。只是,从地上爬起来的洛基却只是简单的把头上已经歪了的头盔给随手扯掉扔下。在脚边滚了几下后,那个代表着洛基高傲身份的头盔就这么坠落到无尽大海里,最后随着海水掉落到无垠宇宙中。 Looks at the Loki movement, Thor hasn't spoken again, rigorously but nearness step by step, Loki attitude always indicates very was clear. This time, looks in the female sovereign Frigga face, Thor will leave behind a Loki poor life. 看着洛基的动作,托尔并没有再说什么话,只是一步步的靠近,洛基一直以来的态度严谨表明的非常清楚了。这次,看在母皇弗丽嘉的面子上,托尔会留下洛基一条小命的。 ! 滋啦啦! Under supporting of gorgeous ray on Bifrost, thunder that the Thor body stimulates seem like intense. But the imposing manner in Loki of Thor relativity, before this time not having, that type and Thor compares favorably with. Besides the dagger in hand, Loki magic long gown also has many damages. This time he besides the aristocrat arrogant tranquil expression that maintaining that is coming all along, in fact has no card in a hand. 彩虹桥上绚丽光芒的承托下,托尔身上激发出来的一道道雷霆看起来更加的强烈。而于托尔相对比的洛基,此时却已经没了之前那种和托尔媲美的气势了。除了手中的匕首外,洛基身上的魔法长袍也已经有了不少的损坏。此时的他除了保持着那一贯来的贵族高傲平静的表情外,实际上已经没什么底牌了。 Mirage Knight...... arrived at this, why hasn't Loki surrendered?” When the two brothers in front arrive at last finally, stands in Mirage Knight Spiderman Peter low voice asked in his ear. 幻影骑士……都到这一步了,洛基为什么还不投降?”就在前方的两兄弟终于走到最后一步的时候,站在幻影骑士身旁的蜘蛛侠彼得小声的在他耳边问道。 This time should Thor seeks help Earth Superhero alliance of Asgard help has Spiderman, before this is also Lin Rui , under the fluctuation that complies with must lead him to experience the Asgard scenery. Also truly makes Peter broaden the outlook in the Asgard such long experience, lets the Peter fast growth with the multiple fights of Loki. Matter has developed at present this, Peter thought that Loki was also the time gives up. 这次应托尔的求助来阿斯加德帮忙的地球超级英雄联盟其中就有蜘蛛侠,这也是林锐之前答应的波动要带他来见识下阿斯加德的风光。在阿斯加德这么久的经历也确实让彼得大开眼界,和洛基的多次战斗也让彼得快速成长。只是,事情已经发展到了眼前这一幕,彼得觉得洛基也是时候放弃了。 „The goal of everyone is different, perhaps this to you are the hopeless situation. However, regarding Loki, perhaps also the degree that is far from giving up.” Is sighing silently at heart, Lin Rui replied two simply. “每个人的目标都是不一样的,或许这对你来说已经是绝境了。但是,对于洛基来说,或许还远远没有到放弃的程度。”默默地在心里叹了口气,林锐简单的回答了两句。 Yes?...... But, I feel......, if Loki always does not make some small scheme to come the pit person on one's own side, kept off the Asgard king completely is also enough by his ability and wisdom and strength. At least, he in the intelligence quotient can crush Thor.” “是么?……不过,我觉得吧……如果洛基不是总弄些小计谋来坑自己人的话,以他的才智和实力来挡阿斯加德的王也完全足够了。至少,他在智商上还是能碾压托尔的。” „!......” “嘘!……” The Peter words just said, his Jack put out a hand to prevent him from continue say. Their this times are help Thor bring order out of chaos, does not come to the enemy or is the seizing power expression admiration. Although this month of they thought that Loki is very splendid in various aspects, but this is the Asgard internal affairs, after they stand the team, completes itself should doing was good. 彼得的话刚说完,他身旁的杰克就伸手阻止了他继续说下去。他们这次是过来帮托尔拨乱反正的,可不是来对敌人或者是夺权者表达敬佩的。虽然这一个月的时间他们都觉得洛基在各方面都很出色,但是这是阿斯加德的内部事务,他们站好队之后做好自己该做的就好了。 Knows......” understands oneself should not say these at this time, after Peter whispered low voice, no longer talked too much. “知道了……”明白自己这时候不该说这些,彼得小声嘀咕了一句后就不再多嘴了。 When Peter shuts up, front Thor has also arrived at the Loki front, the farce that this Loki seizes power as if can end in the next quarter. Everyone from Earth earnest is staring at the present two people, but in the Lin Rui eye were many other person of no rays. 彼得闭嘴的时候,前方的托尔也已经走到了洛基的面前,这次洛基夺权的闹剧似乎在下一刻就能结束了。来自地球的每个人都在认真的盯着眼前的两人,而林锐眼中却是多了些其他人没有的光芒。 Loki! All finished!” 洛基!一切都结束了!” Rumble! 轰隆隆! Silver Mjölnir carries everywhere thunder toward Loki, when under hood, but Loki front Bifrost bridge floor also emerges out of thin air giant flowers. Facing Thor finally strikes, the giant flowers that Loki makes opened the flower petal to swallow that everywhere thunder. However, swallows the flowers of so many thunder to explode to break to pieces in the next quarter, many thunder of consumption have not continued not to have Loki of other methods to rumble toward under the past. 银色的妙尔尼尔携着漫天的雷霆朝着洛基当头罩下,而洛基面前的彩虹桥桥面也凭空出现一朵巨大的花朵。面对托尔的最后一击,洛基制造出来的巨型花朵张开花瓣将那漫天雷霆吞了进去。不过,吞下那么多雷霆的花朵在下一刻就爆碎开,并没有多少消耗的雷霆继续朝着下方没有其他手段的洛基轰了过去。 Bang! 嘭! This time, Loki has not avoided, withstood Thor this to strike forcefully. Feels the whole body by the strength of God of Thunder is flooding the pain, Loki is suppressed that blood in chest not to spit. Continues to look up Thor that at present as if has victory in the hand, Loki exuded a bitterness and astringency at heart. 这次,洛基没有躲避,硬生生的承受了托尔这一击。感受着浑身被雷神之力充斥着的痛感,洛基强忍着没有把胸口里的那口血吐出来。继续抬起头看着眼前似乎已经胜券在握的托尔,洛基心里泛起了一丝的苦涩。 Brush! 刷! Then, Loki lifted in only that dagger to fling toward Thor hand in hand. Without a doubt, this flagrant attack kept off directly by Thor. Has not controlled that dagger to fly back to the hand, Loki stands in same place seems to be waiting for attack of again Thor. 接着,洛基一抬手把手里唯一的那柄匕首朝着托尔甩了过去。毫无疑问,这种明目张胆的攻击直接被托尔挡下。并没有控制那柄匕首飞回自己手里,洛基站在原地似乎等待着托尔的再一次攻击。 Finally, Thor arrived in front of Loki, and once they when is cheerful and lively together is face-to-face same. This time, Thor from the eye of Loki had not actually seen that once that type laughed heartily with the happiness that practical joke makes into. 终于,托尔走到了洛基面前,就和曾经他们在一起有说有笑时的面对面一样。只是这次,托尔却没有从洛基的眼睛里看到曾经那种欢笑和恶作剧打成的高兴。 Bang! 嘭! Also is a hammer has wielded, Thor very angry revealing to disdain the expression Loki to pound again but actually. The past experience told Thor, so long as Loki has not lost the opposition force thoroughly, he might play you. This Loki has not actually played Thor, after the ground rolled several, Loki has no resistance fell from the Bifrost edge. 又是一锤子挥过,托尔很是愤怒的把露出不屑表情的洛基再次砸倒。以往的经验告诉托尔,只要洛基没有彻底失去反抗力量,他都有可能在耍你。只是,这次洛基却没有耍托尔,在地上滚了几圈后,洛基并没有什么反抗的从彩虹桥的边缘掉落了下去。 Noticed Loki really to fall, the Thor complexion changed had thrown. Remembers the home station website, Www.biquxu.Com, will facilitate will read next time, and hundred degrees celsius will input 注意到洛基真的掉落了下去,托尔脸色一变已经扑了过去。记住本站网址,Www.biquxu.Com,方便下次阅读,或且百度输入“ ”, Can enter the home station ”,就能进入本站
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