DSED :: Volume #3

#300: 8 arm boxing champion

Loves the net, the extraction skill, explores the dungeon 恋网,抽取技能,探索地牢 The sunny sky starts to change. 晴朗的天空开始改变。 The giant platform of float on water surface disrupts, turns into the dark cloud to sweep across in the surroundings, later fluctuates upwardly. 漂浮在水面上的巨大平台重新碎裂,化成乌云在周围席卷,随后向上浮动。 Kane they can obviously feel the thing of under foot is rising, with intense flash, they returned to once that stage again. 凯恩他们能够明显感觉到脚下的东西在上升,随着一件强烈的闪光过后,他们再次回到了曾经的那座高台上。 The weak resembles that in the broad platforms reaches to the sky, is similar here never to break is excessively same. 宽阔的平台中间高耸入云的凋像,就彷佛这里从未破碎过一样。 Clones the graciousness to stand under the weak resembles, had turned into the empty shadow, is waiting for Kane they. 艾克隆恩站在凋像下,已经重新变成了虚影,等待着凯恩他们。 Can be studied by own lifetime obtained, transmitted when the death to the next generation, but also really made one feel gratified.” “能够让自己的毕生所学所得,在死亡时传递给下一代,还真是令人觉得欣慰呀。” In his words, Kane they walked slowly. 在他的话语中,凯恩他们慢慢走了过去。 Powerful such as you, will move toward withering away?” “强大如你,也会走向消亡吗?” Is listening to the Kane words, cloned the graciousness to look up to the nighttime sky, sigh slightly: I also not to the degree of not withering away, I had died, now exists is a soul.” 听着凯恩的话,艾克隆恩抬头望向了夜空,微微的叹息道:“我还没有强到不会消亡的程度,还有我已经死了,现在存在的不过是一丝灵魂罢了。” Afterward he waves, breaks Kane the words that wanted to continue: Good, asking you to come not to say these, but conducted the final inheritance.” 随后他挥了挥手,打断到凯恩他们想要继续说的话:“好啦,叫你们来不是说这些的,而是进行最后的传承的。” Ok, started to accept the inheritance.” “好了,开始接受传承吧。” Said that his front presented a table, above chocked up all kinds of equipment and magic objects, light/only looked that the semblance the gloss knows is not the low goods. 说完他的面前出现了一张桌子,上面摆满了各式各样的装备和魔法物品,光看外表的光泽就知道不是什么低等的货色。 Ok, was according to the beforehand old rule, the little fellow you first came.” “好了,还是按照之前的老规矩,小家伙你先来。” Finally accepts the order of inheritance is still exactly the same as the order that accepts him to inspect earliest. 最后接受传承的顺序依然跟最早接受他考察的顺序一模一样。 After hearing clones shouting of graciousness, Li groups of immediately flash the wing to fly, stands before him, the body is supporting straightly, does not know that also thinks recruit who she must accept the examination. 听到艾克隆恩的呼喊后,莉路路立马扑闪着翅膀飞了过去,站在他面前,身体挺着笔直,不知道还以为她是要接受检验的新兵呢。 Sees the appearance of little fellow, Eck Long'an cannot bear put out a hand to want the point her head, however the illusory palm puts on directly from her body, somewhat took back the hand awkwardly. 看见小家伙的样子,艾克隆安忍不住伸手去想要点点她的脑袋,然而虚幻的手掌直接从她的身体里穿着过去,有些尴尬的收回了手。 Kane they look at this, a jamming feeling well ups. 凯恩他们都看着这一幕,一种堵塞感涌上心头。 „, Although your magic I look does not understand very much, but the magic needs to study after all.” “咳咳,虽然你的魔法我看的不是很懂,但魔法毕竟都是需要去学习的。” Said that he took up two goods from front magic object pile, the demon model calligraphy and that inlaid completely various diamonds were built the swagger stick that became by the red crystal all over the body, is wrapping silver Watanabe besides two does not have any decoration. 说完他从面前的魔法物品堆里拿起了两件物品,一本镶满了各种各样钻石的魔法书和一根通体由红色水晶打造而成的短杖,除了两头包裹着银色的渡边外没有任何的装饰。 Quenaud Doune's demon model calligraphy 【萨克诺杜恩的魔法书】 Information records carrier 【信息记载体】 Luster: Gold 【色泽:黄金】 Attribute: Will never wear 【属性:永不磨损】 Introduced: The magic founder in some world, Quenaud Doune's lifetime studies obtained attains the books that the record becomes, the books besides will never wear, does not have any special place, in which knowledge exceeds the myriad things.】 【介绍:某个世界的魔法开创者,萨克诺杜恩的毕生所学所得所获记载而成的书籍,书籍本身除了永不磨损外,没有任何特别之处,其中的知识胜过万物。】 Sparkle in the star of night 【闪耀于夜之星】 Law stick 【法杖】 Luster: Gold 【色泽:黄金】 Attribute:】 【属性:】 Strengthened magic 【强化魔法】 Skill: Energy dynamic change 【技能:能量动态变化】 Introduced: Is built by an entire ten thousand condition stone, specially for the law stick that various strange energy magics make.】 【介绍:由一整块的万态之石打造而成,专为各种奇异能量魔法而制造出来的法杖。】 Took up these two goods to give Li path path. In the demon model calligraphy she turned two next, is admitted the space to equip, but the law stick in hand starts to follow her fairy tale magic to change. 拿起这两件物品递给了莉路路。魔法书被她翻了两下后放进了空间装备里,而手中的法杖则开始跟随她的童话魔法而发生着改变。 Finally turned had one to grip tall and slender, a female celestial stick of top of the head Iridescent five pointed star. 最后变成了有一根细长握把,头顶一颗彩色五角星的仙女棒。 Thanks, Li groups of unusual liking.” “谢谢,莉路路非常的喜欢。” Looks at the Li path path happy appearance, clones the graciousness to smile, later waves. 看着莉路路开心的模样,艾克隆恩笑了笑,随后挥挥手。 Li path path was aware flew back to the team, but Medsker also walked voluntarily. 莉路路自觉得飞回了队伍,而梅兹克也非常自觉的走了上来。 Although you are a pharmacist, is auxiliary position in your team, but no one had said the pharmacist cannot hit near body attack, hopes you can well practices the pinnacle your kungfu skill, after all these two things do not delay.” “虽然你是个药剂师,也是你们队伍里的辅助位置,但是没人说过药剂师不能打近身攻击的,希望你能好好的把你的拳脚功夫练到极致,毕竟这两件事情互不耽误。” Clones the graciousness to be a pity Medsker's Original Skill, regarding an esteeming martial arts person, special hope such skill should not be buried, well uses it. 艾克隆恩还是非常可惜梅兹克的本源技能,对于一位尚武之人来说,特别希望这样的技能不要被埋没掉,好好的对它进行使用。 He took up golden red cotton tape from front goods pile, later condensed a radiant round bead in the hand. 他从面前的物品堆里拿起了一根金红色的布带,随后在手上凝聚出了一颗璀璨的圆珠。 Fist strength 【拳力】 Cotton tape 【布带】 Luster: Golden color 【色泽:金色】 Attribute:】 【属性:】 Shakes the fist fast 【快速挥拳】 fists and feet hits hard 【拳脚重击】 Skill:】 【技能:】 Gets angry hold 【怒盛】 Half hits cow 【隔山打牛】 After the cotton tape gives Medsker, Medsker backhandedly it ties up on the shoulder of oneself right upper arm. 将布带交给梅兹克后,梅兹克反手将它绑在了自己右上臂的肩膀上。 Afterward Eck Rowen the hand, that radiant round bead was pressing to Medsker forehead. 随后艾克罗恩将手中的,那颗璀璨的圆珠对着梅兹克的眉心摁了下去。 Medsker closes the eye, later four gather ten, the body had the orange red arrogance. 梅兹克闭上眼睛,随后四手合十,身上出现了橙红色的气焰。 Thinks, Kane opens Book of Ventures, selected Medsker's condition column, really his condition column had had the huge change. 想了想,凯恩打开冒险之书,点开了梅兹克的状态栏,果然他的状态栏已经发生了巨大的改变。 Medsker 【梅兹克】 Pharmacist. Master boxer 【药剂师.拳师】 Rank: Silver 12 【等级:银色12】 Feat of arms:】 【武技:】 Air/Qi anger fist 【气怒拳】 Kungfu skill 【拳脚功夫】 Demon technique:】 【魔技:】 Subtle control 【精微操控】 Finger flexible 【手指灵活】 Eagle-Eye 鹰眼 Technique:】 【技艺:】 Gold metallurgy technology- medicament 【炼金技术-药剂】 Medical service- flesh lifeform 【医疗-血肉生物】 Herbal medicine identification 【草药辨识】 Classical Chinese literature thoroughly understands- Saint armor article 【古文通晓-圣甲文】 Spirit clearly passes military 【灵明通武】 Bloodlines: Does not have 【血脉:无】 Skill standard: Strengthens medicine 【技能格:强化药】 Original Skill: Charm spot 本源技能:魔力部位】 Were directly many a occupation, and presented two types with the martial skill that this occupation coordinates. 直接就多了一种职业,并出现了两种与本职业相配合的武技。 Before these two martial skills, has not appeared in his condition column, used the inheritance bead to appear, explained that these were the things that were supplemented by the inheritance clan. 这两种武技之前并没有出现在他的状态栏里,使用了传承珠才出现的,说明这些都是由传承族附带的东西。 It is not these that Medsker learned/studied before are not good, before learned/studied how to have caught up, how to knock out the fist, as well as various skills. 并不是梅兹克之前学习的那些不行,之前学习的一直是如何发力,如何出拳,以及各种技巧。 Now eight arm boxing champions belonged are. 现在八臂拳王了属于是。 Clones the effect that the graciousness in the words and inheritance show from, the inheritance bead should be the person of some strength rank can own attains obtained, condenses gives weakly in a bead in own person. But weakly in own person the thing that learns on this to obtain. 从艾克隆恩的话语以及传承中展现出来的效果,传承珠应该就是某种实力等级的人能够将自己的所获所得,凝聚在一颗珠子里交给弱于自己的人。而弱于自己的人将学会这上面所获得的东西。 Also obtains own inheritance. 也就是获得自己的传承。 Fast passing on the torch, omits the middle part. 快速的薪火相传,省去中间的部分吗。 Alternative being enlightened. 另类的醍醐灌顶。 Front Medsker has been continuing that condition, crossed for about an hour to open the eye. 前方的梅兹克一直持续着那种状态,过了大约一个小时才重新睁开了眼睛。 His build also had the change in the process, compares the beforehand emaciated condition to want strong, can see the increase of his strength and physique from the semblance. 他的体型也在过程中出现了变化,相比之前瘦弱的状态要健硕许多,能够从外表看出他力量和体质的提升。 It seems like inheritance bead and these effects that not only just thought that but also has the pointedness to strengthen the ability of body. 看来传承珠并不只是自己刚刚想的那些效果,还有着针对性强化身体的能力。 This is completely comprehensive strengthened goods. 这完全就是一种全面的强化物品。
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