DSED :: Volume #3

#298: Clearly passes the military spirit

Popular recommendation: In sea level platform. 热门推荐:海面的平台上。 A sword flies Kane. 克蕾雅一剑将凯恩噼飞。 By Kane that flies, fell fell a distance above of platform, later the large character lay down above. 被噼飞的凯恩,掉落在平台的上面滑落了一段距离,随后大字躺在上面。 Looks at the boundless sky. 看着无垠的天空。 How long here has trained? 在这里已经训练多久了呀? Did not have the concept of time quickly, the daytime in sky controlled at night, wants to shine shines, thought black black. 快没有时间的概念了,天空中的白天夜晚随人操控,想亮就亮,想黑就黑。 Practiced to lie down tired rests, hungry conveniently one move is food, bored fought with all might with the teammates mutually. 练习累了躺下就睡,饿了随手一招就是食物,无聊了就与队友们相互拼杀。 Enrichment? That may be too substantial. 充实吗?那可太充实了。 Is the effect of training big? Big is not good. 训练的效果大吗?大的不行。 Looks has been able the entire journey to maintain spirit, she completely has soon mastered this skill. 看着已经能够全程保持幽灵化的克蕾雅,她已经快要完全将这个技能掌握了。 Before Kane once cloned the graciousness to exchange with. 之前凯恩曾与艾克隆恩交流过。 Properly speaking, like this non-stop the skill that switches over by oneself between the living creature and dead souls, should not be the present stage silver rank can grasp. 按理来说,这样让自己在活物与死灵之间不停切换的技能,应该不是现阶段银色级别能够掌握的。 Perhaps is detected that meaning of Kane, cloned the graciousness he knew all says the suspicion and information that to the Kane hear. 或许是察觉到了凯恩的意思,艾克隆恩将他知道的猜想与信息全都说给了凯恩听。 After with the contrast of information, Kane roughly understood, Skill Rune is a medium, its bringing ability through the medium, the information and experience that in addition above supplements, enabling the person to grasp fast. 经过和信息的对比,凯恩大致了解了,技能石是一种媒介,其自带能力通过媒介,加上上面所附带的信息与经验,使人能够快速掌握。 But they use this type of medium, can make their fast learned master such skill, naturally Skill Rune will also dissolve the body. 而克蕾雅他们使用这种媒介,能够使他们快速学会掌握这样的技能,当然技能石也会随之溶进身体。 How as for looking at them, turns on their information fences that this skill grasps, examines Skill Rune in their skill square. 至于看他们对这技能掌握的如何,就是打开他们的信息栏,查看它们技能格上的技能石 That Skill Rune in skill square on for example, had turned into the empty shadow of undulating at this time, looks at some mold lakes is not unclear, this is soon melting in this Skill Rune on behalf of her the body completely. 就比如克蕾雅此时技能格上的那块技能石,已经变成了澹澹的虚影,看得都有些模湖不清,这代表着她快要完全将这块技能石融进身体里了。 Kane can certainly take now it, but before , the effort that makes was in vain. 凯恩现在当然能够将其取出来,不过克蕾雅之前所做出的努力就白费了。 But skill that learns on Skill Rune to print to carve, seemed like duplicates own within the body it directly completely, therefore Skill Rune can be retained. 而凯学会技能石上所印刻的技能,似乎是直接将其完全复制进了自己的体内,所以技能石能够被保留下来。 Hasn't gotten up? What is thinking?” Walks, receives own weapon, later sat in Kane side. “还不起来?在想什么呢?”克蕾雅走过来,将自己的武器收好,随后坐在了凯恩的旁边。 How long did we train here? Did not have the time concept quickly.” “我们在这里训练了多久呢?都快没有时间概念了。” Is listening to the Kane issue, helpless shrugging, not only a Kane person, they also had no time concept. 听着凯恩的问题,克蕾雅无奈的耸耸肩,不只是凯恩一个人,他们也都没有什么时间概念了。 Altogether is in the May 25 days.” “一共是5月零25天。” At this time Youyou slips into front of them to say. 此时悠悠滑到他们面前说道。 After Kane each of them comes under attack, Youyou and cotton candy were transmitted. 凯恩他们每个人都挨了一顿打后,悠悠和棉花糖就被传送了进来。 „, So was long.” “啊,原来都这么久了吗。” While two people spoke, a person's shadow has flown from their heads, pounded in the platform in not far away. 正当两人说话的时候,一个人影从他们的头上飞过,砸在了不远处的平台上。 Lombe's dirty lying down in pit. 隆贝灰头土脸的躺在坑里。 These days continuously is trained by Medsker and Lombe. 这段时间一直是由梅兹克和隆贝对练。 Lombe the going standard that requests only to keep keeps off Medsker's attack, cannot have the behavior of hitting back, keep off and receive till can the complete standard. 隆贝被要求只能不停的去格挡梅兹克的攻击,不能有还手的行为,直到能够全部格挡并接下为止。 However after because Medsker undergoes has cloned the training of graciousness, now the impact of each fist may not crack a joke. 不过由于梅兹克经受过艾克隆恩的训练后,现在每一拳的冲击可都不是开玩笑的。 In addition in this charm consumes, will quickly restore, each fist strengthens with the charm skill. 再加上这里面魔力消耗完后会迅速恢复,每一拳都是用魔力技巧加强。 The entire 8 fists, the strength is also big, having the fist speed is also quick, Lombe cannot receive each time completely, must be intimate several fists. 整整八个拳头,力量又大,出拳速度又快,隆贝每次都不能完全接下,总要挨上几拳。 Afterward will be found the opportunity by Medsker, heavy blows fly to the hammer. 随后就会被梅兹克找到机会,一个重拳给锤飞。 Was hammered to fly is because Lombe has not used any skill equipment addition, on two small circle shields by arm keeps off in square purely. 被锤飞是因为隆贝没有使用任何的技能装备加成,纯靠手臂上的两个小圆盾在格挡。 Kane walked Lombe from the pit lira, the pothole of later being pounded rapidly restored the original design. 凯恩走过去将隆贝从坑里拉了出来,随后被砸出的坑洞快速恢复成原样。 Ok, the present was the time of respective training.” “好了,现在是各自训练的时间了。” Clones the graciousness suddenly to appear in the sky, they shouts toward following Kane. 艾克隆恩突然出现在天空上,朝着下面的凯恩他们喊道。 Heard the shout, Kane they separates respectively, found one to be far away the position to start the training that practiced every day to need to complete. 听到喊声,凯恩他们各自分开,找到一个相距较远的位置开始练习自己每日需要完成的训练。 Kane arrived by oneself once cushioning, sat cross-legged to sit down, closes the eye. 凯恩来到自己曾经的软垫旁边,盘腿坐下,闭上眼睛。 This is his individual training. 这就是他的个人训练。 But such individual training, 而这样的个人训练, Before is, clones the graciousness to give his skill information part. After like this closes the eye sat cross-legged to contemplate for about two hours, Kane opens the eye. 就是之前艾克隆恩交给他的那个技能信息其中的一部分。就这样闭上眼睛盘腿冥想了大约两个小时后,凯恩睁开眼睛。 Afterward his front presented a stuffed dummy, in the hand presented a launcher, to the direction of stuffed dummy, is firing the bullet crazily. 随后他的面前出现了一个假人,手上出现一台发射器,对着假人的方向,疯狂的发射着子弹。 On these bullets only adhered to stick cohere an ability, where that is this time skill Gerry Understanding chain blows. 这些子弹上只附着了一个能力,那就是此时安在技能格里的【会心连击】。 The charm in within the body starts to consume, the effect of before contemplating started to appear, each use understanding chain blows Kane can conduct a deeper understanding of him, better grasping. 体内的魔力开始消耗着,之前冥想的效果开始出现,每一次使用会心连击凯恩都能对他进行更深的了解,更好的掌握。 Suddenly Kane stopped the movement in hand. 突然凯恩停下了手中的动作。 Opening Book of Ventures, Understanding chain blows Takes down from own skill square. 打开【冒险之书】,将【会心连击】从自己的技能格上取了下来。 Closed the eye, deeply inspires, holds up the launcher in own hand, has been continue dig out the trigger to front the badly-damaged stuffed dummy. 闭上了眼睛,深吸一口气,举起自己的手中的发射器,对着面前已经残破不堪的假人继续抠动着扳机。 Afterward a charm erupts, the stuffed dummy was exploded to crush finally. 随后一阵魔力爆发,假人终于被炸得粉碎开来。 Became! 成了! Can cause what effect very simple as for this skill, that is to make Kane be able to study the skill in his skill square fast. 至于这技能能造成什么效果很简单,那就是让凯恩能够快速学习他技能格上的技能。 Kane 凯恩 Machinist 【机械师】 Rank: Silver 12 【等级:银色12】 Feat of arms: seal gold/metal spearplay 【武技:印金枪术】 Demon technique:】 【魔技:】 Eagle-Eye, Esteeming martial arts intuition, Understanding chain blows 鹰眼】、【尚武直觉】、【会心连击】 Technique:】 【技艺:】 Physical construction( High-level): Understands and masters many mechanical knowledge, to some core physical construction thoroughly cooked in heart, can conduct various invention and creations according to this core physical construction technology. 【机械构造】(高级):理解并掌握多种机械知识,对某种核心机械构造烂熟于心,能够根据此种核心机械构造技术而进行各种发明创造。 Spirit clearly passes military: To reaching, to military, to practicing, through some time unusual contemplation, causes the following learning capability, understood the ability, clear(ly) becomes aware the ability large scale promotion. 【灵明通武】:至臻、至武、至练,通过一段时间的奇特冥想,使接下来的学习能力,理解能力,明悟能力大幅度提升。 Only if you completely grasp it, otherwise can only to pass on one. 除非你将其完全掌握,否则只能以一传一。 ( Naturally you can still your sensibility, as well as give others knowledge that contemplates unusually, but effect compares original to miss on many.) (当然你依然能够将你的感悟,以及把奇特冥想的知识交给别人,只是效果相比原版要差上许多。) Bloodlines: Does not have 【血脉:无】 Skill standard: Slightly 【技能格:略】 Original Skill: Fabrication 本源技能:凭空捏造】 Can see from this panel, once Kane only learned a skill, that is Eagle-Eye. But after this period of time training, grasped the esteeming martial arts intuition and understanding chain blows directly. 从这面板上能够看出,曾经凯恩只学会了一个技能,那就是鹰眼。但经过这段时间的训练,直接就掌握了尚武直觉与会心连击。 But that new technique, clearly passes the military spirit, before is clones the graciousness, laughs wildly gives the Kane ability, enabling him at the extremely quick speed, completely masters the skill. 而那新的技艺,灵明通武,就是艾克隆恩之前狂笑间交给凯恩的能力,使得他能够以极快的速度,完全掌握技能。 After 2-3 months of practice, Kane learned this technique, after he learns this technique and conducts to contemplate, masters the skill the speed significantly to be promoted. 经过2-3个月的练习,凯恩才学会了这种技艺,当他学会这种技艺并进行冥想后,掌握技能的速度就被大幅度提升了。 But the simple version of this technique was also cloned the graciousness to give by them, because to pass on characteristics, causing them to master the skill the effect on compare Kane to be lower, because clones the graciousness not to completely grasp this technique. 而此技艺的简易版也被艾克隆恩交给了克蕾雅他们所有人,不过因为以一传一的特性,导致他们掌握技能的效果相比凯恩要低下许多,因为艾克隆恩也没有完全掌握这个技艺。 But learns this technique, and after experiencing the effect that this technique brings, Kane knows that truly such as cloned the graciousness to say. 而学会这项技艺,并体验到这技艺带来的效果后,凯恩就知道确实如艾克隆恩所说。 He truly needs to thank the meet of destiny, because cloned the graciousness to pass on a way to give him this technique. 他确实需要感谢命运的相遇,就因为艾克隆恩将这项技艺以一传一的方式交给了他。
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