DSED :: Volume #3

#290: Paper tigers

Popular recommendation: Wu Lake!” 热门推荐:“芜湖!” Lombe's voice in far that very on the wilderness disseminates. 隆贝的声音在荒原上传播的很远。 The demon power automobile that black steel builds, is speeding away on the wilderness, the strong power brings the billowing mist and dust. 一辆黑色钢铁打造的魔动力汽车,正在荒原上疾驰着,强劲的动力带起滚滚烟尘。 Drives in the position, Youyou is stopping to stand in the middle, the throwing screen of map is projected in the air, entire demon power automobile that by it is constructed by Kane, is being driven by it. 驾驶位上,悠悠正停立在中间,地图的投屏被它投影到了空中,整个由凯恩构造起来的魔动力汽车,也是由它在驾驶。 Has the prototype dungeon of Youyou technique of manufacture to preserve in the files tuart management of mechanical association. 拥有悠悠制造技术的原型地牢在机械协会的档桉管理拥有留存。 Therefore Kane replaces the technology that the connection line and control of function own certain structures the Youyou original world had, this can facilitate Youyou to control. 所以凯恩将自己的某些构造物的连接线路和操控功能替换成了悠悠原世界所拥有的技术,这样才能方便悠悠来操控。 Naturally, this also facilitates Kane to be loaf. 当然了,这样也方便凯恩偷懒。 This speeds away, only spent most of the day time, they reached oneself destination, that place dark swamp. 就这样一路疾驰,只花费了大半天的时间,他们就到达了自己的目的地,那处幽暗沼泽。 „Was front the place that we must go to?” Looks at front that overgrowing with heather, but also has moisture slightly, the swampy ground that the cover woods camouflage, Lombe asked. “前面就是我们要去的地方了吗?”看着前方那灌木丛生,还有着微微湿气,茂密树林所遮蔽的沼泽地,隆贝问道。 According to the demonstration on map, should be this place, compares to tally with the description, should not come to the wrong place.” “根据地图上的显示,应该就是这个地方,跟描述也比较符合,应该没有来错地方。” Kane read map in a hand to say. 凯恩又重新看了一遍手中的地图如此说道。 Is reading the map in hand, in the brain of Kane, suddenly appeared the strange idea. 看着手中的地图,凯恩的脑中,突然浮现出了奇怪的想法。 The float in the cotton candy of their top of the head, has said. 将一直漂浮在他们头顶的棉花糖,叫了下来。 „Can cotton candy, the biggest build carry us by you now is completely conducting the long-range flight?” “棉花糖,以你现在最大的体型能够将我们全部载着进行长途飞行吗?” Listened to the Kane words, the cotton candy to shake the body. 听着凯恩的话,棉花糖晃了晃身子。 Serge “哔叽” Ok?, That was laborious you.” “可以吗?,那就辛苦你了。” Walks to ask from Kane at this time: What's wrong? What matter did you think of?” 克蕾雅此时从凯恩旁边走过来问道:“怎么了?你又想到什么事情了吗?” Kane referred to the cotton candy before own body, then reminded. 凯恩指了指自己的身前的棉花糖,然后提醒到。 Cotton candy can fly, moreover can carry us to conduct the long-range flight.” “棉花糖会飞,而且能够载着我们所有人进行长途飞行。” Hears the Kane words, is then suddenly enlighted, the right hand making a fist hammer in the palm of left hand, said: Right!, How not to have just thought.” 听到凯恩的话,克蕾雅这才恍然大悟,右手握拳锤在左手的手心上,说道:“对呀!,怎么刚刚没有想到呢。” Had the cotton candy, all of them can conduct the long-range flight. 有了棉花糖在,他们所有人就可以进行长途飞行。 So-called beheading six generals at six passes, the checkpoint rushes one after another, fights with all might again the words of that Evil Dragon, too wasted the time. 所谓的过五关斩六将,一道一道关卡闯过去,再去拼杀那条恶龙的话,就太浪费时间了。 They can definitely toward the lair straight line of Evil Dragon fly from the sky, could not require day of they to reach own destination. 他们完全可以从天空中朝着恶龙的巢穴直线飞过去,要不了一天的时间他们就能到达自己的目的地。 Suddenly Lombe felt probably anything, ran up to the front of team instantaneously, body also turned into 5 meters gray giant directly, the shield that in the arm also increases, opened the iron wall shield to guard. 突然隆贝像是感觉到了什么,瞬间跑到队伍的面前,身型也直接变成了五米的灰色巨人,手臂中随之变大的盾牌,张开了铁壁盾防。 A fireball of burning hot, crashes from the sky, pounded on Lombe's shield. 一颗炙热的火球,从天空中坠落而下,砸在了隆贝的盾牌上。 The intense wind pressure is swaying Kane they, a build several-meter dark-red big dragon, opens the giant dragon wing to appear before them. 强烈的风压吹拂着凯恩他们,一只体型长达十几米的暗红色巨龙,张开着巨大的龙翼出现在他们面前。 In the huge body can see his muscle, very strong, above proliferated the close scale, head two fierce corners, breaks from the middle. 巨大的身躯上能够看出他的肌肉,十分的健硕,上面遍布了细密的鳞片,头上两只狰狞的犄角,其中一根从中间断裂。 Just wants to use the evil way entry law, finally finally boss delivered directly. 刚想用邪道通关法,结果最终boss直接送上门来了。 He is opening the orange yellow vertical child, is staring below Kane they: Heard that has a god child to crusade against me, hehe, who making me come to see is!” 他睁着橙黄色的竖童,盯着下方的凯恩他们:“听说有一位神子要来讨伐我,呵呵,让我来看一看是谁呀!” Roar!” He raises the long nape of the neck, is being one roars to the sky. “吼!”他扬起长长的脖颈,对着天空就是一阵吼叫。 Makes me have a look, is who! Dares with my Afu Beverst, the eternal disaster is an enemy!” “让我看看,是谁!胆敢与我阿福贝福斯特,永恒天灾为敌!” Afterward he toward Kane their positions, smelled smelling with the nose, suddenly is later tranquil, said: „, I do not seem to smell the has god aura, it seems like my small and weak volume was by you are deceived, was really the pitiful ants.” 随后他朝着凯恩他们的位置,用鼻子嗅了嗅,随后突然平静下来,说道:“哦,我好像并没有闻到有神的气息,看来我那弱小的卷属被你们欺骗了,真是可悲的蝼蚁。” I am also thinking, if the really god child, my collects also to be many a rare specimen, really pitifully.” “我还想着,如果真有一位神子,那我的收藏库里又会多一件不可多得的标本,真是可惜。” Listens to the sky that big dragon to talk incessantly to keep saying there, Lombe's head searches from the shield, was saying to the big dragon direct taunt of space. 听着天空中那头巨龙在那里唠唠叨叨说个不停,隆贝的脑袋从盾牌中探出来,对着天上的巨龙直接嘲讽道。 What did you compel to talk on endlessly there say? If you really do not fear, “你在那里逼逼叨叨的说个什么呢?你要是真不怕的话, You should steady sitting in the lair in your countryside, wait for our arrival now, rather than like the present impatient, hurried coming confirmation. ” What did you say? You meant that I did fear?” 你现在就应该稳稳的坐在你那乡下的巢穴里,等待着我们的到来,而不是像现在这样心急得不行,匆忙的过来验证。”“你说什么?你的意思是说我怕了吗?” I had not said that was yourself says.” “我可没说啊,是你自己说的。” Your this damn ants.” The Evil Dragon howled angrily, later flashed the wing directly to clash, using the great claw in hand to make an effort to grasp toward Lombe. “你这该死的蝼蚁。”恶龙愤怒的吼叫了一声,随后扑闪着翅膀直接冲了下来,用着手中的巨爪就朝着隆贝用力抓来。 On the way of that however in he flies, his behind in the air, presented innumerable tiny, is glittering the five pointed star of rainbow colored light glow, hits toward his back at the extremely quick speed. 然而就在他飞下来的途中,他身后的空中,出现了无数颗细小的,闪烁着彩虹色光芒的五角星,以极快的速度朝着他的后背撞来。 Also without wields with enough time own dragon claw, hitting is pounding by behind star to the ground. 还没来得及挥一下自己的龙爪,就被身后的星星给撞击着砸向了地面。 These stars have the unusual function besides the strength, each star pounds after his conducts the back, the star point of descent position, these dragon scales can change into the slip of paper to fall gently, reveals to hide in the following skin. 这些星星除了力量外还有着奇特的功能,每一颗星星砸在他的后背上,星星的落点位置,那些龙鳞都会化为纸片飘落而下,露出隐藏在下面的皮肤。 What did you make to me?” Feels the scale is vanishing panic-stricken not necessarily the Evil Dragon, the sound like one screams the chicken. “你们对我做了什么?”感受着自己鳞片消失不见得恶龙,声音惊恐的就像一只尖叫鸡一样。 On him, when he also in the panic-stricken scream inspects the unusual condition that oneself have, his end has 4 blue palms to press above. 就他在他还在惊恐尖叫检查自身出现的奇特状况时,他的尾部已经有四只蓝色的手掌正按在上面。 Kane all of them saw Medsker's Original Skill, stopped the movement in oneself hand, how they want the effect that has a look at the skill of this gold level to create. 凯恩他们所有人都看见了梅兹克的本源技能,都停下了自己手中的动作,他们都想要看看这黄金级的技能造成的效果到底如何。 The Evil Dragon in the condition that oneself have also felt strange why they have not launched the attack panic-stricken in Kane, can only stand in vigilantly same place, they are confronting with Kane. 恶龙惊恐于自身发生的状况也奇怪于凯恩他们为何没有发动攻击,只能警惕的站在原地,与凯恩他们对峙着。 However in the meantime, he felt any thing in own body was extracted, seems like own blood. 然而就在此时,他感觉到自己的身体里的什么东西被抽取了出去,似乎是自身的血液。 He tries to transfer the charm in body to prevent occurrence of this situation, however does not have the use. 他试图调动身体里的魔力去阻止这一情况的发生,然而毫无用途。 The strong semblance started some atrophies, the bright scale, becomes secretly is suddenly peaceful, the fierce dragon child also becomes somewhat soulless. 原本健硕的外表开始有些萎缩,鲜亮的鳞片,突然就变得暗澹起来,狰狞的龙童也变得有些无神。 His entire semblance just like old was suddenly same, stiff, machinery also had fatal weak. 他整个外表犹如突然苍老了一样,僵硬、机械还有致命的虚弱。 He opens oneself mouth, uses somewhat to do mute voice panic-stricken asking: You made anything to me.” 他张开自己的嘴巴,用着有些干哑的嗓音惊恐的问道:“你们对我做了什么。” He felt the fatal threat, flashed the wing to leave. 他感受到了致命的威胁,扑闪着翅膀想要离开。 However more than ten white spider's silks, fly to shoot toward him, his wing from root entire tying up, just like to tie up the cockerel to be the same. 然而十几道白色的蛛丝,朝着他飞射过来,将他的翅膀从根部整个的捆住,犹如绑公鸡一样。 Makes his wing unable to move, tumbles in the ground. 使得他的翅膀动弹不得,重新跌倒在地面。 At this time, Medsker is looking own palm that group, just like the blood same energy group, this is the treatment energy by that big dragon within the body 30 blood being made. 此时,梅兹克正看着自己掌心那一团,犹如血液一样的能量团,这就是由那条巨龙体内30的血液制造出来的治疗能量。 Is feeling energy group in the hand, was divided into five it, later apportioned itself and teammates. 感受着自己手中的能量团,将它分成了五股,随后分给了自己和队友们。 Kane they have not been injured, but after this energy , after spilling into the body, still strengthened the body to them. 凯恩他们并没有受伤,但这股能量后涌进身体后,依然给他们强化了身体。 Unexpectedly also supplementary overflow effect. 居然还附带溢出效果。
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