The Li Family Lordpersonandthatpalmwomanleft, in the main hall of peardecoration was only left overLi Yunzi, Luo XiaoandZhu Minglang.黎家主人和那位掌家妇人离开了,梨木装饰的大殿内只剩下了黎云姿、罗孝和祝明朗。Luo Xiaoand otherLi Family Lordwalkedhadoneto set outslowly.罗孝等黎家主走了有一会才缓缓起身。Heforwardedseveralsteps, moved towardLi Yunzi.
他向前走了几步,走向了黎云姿。„MissYunzi, the subordinatemanagementis ineffective, makingyoube wronged...... MissYunzinot to needto care about others view, after re-enteringLi Family, Iwill become the Li Familymainstaydiligently, when the time comesIcanwantcompletelyallmeansto makeyour fatherbetrothMissYunzitounder. I...... myLuo Xiao, reallytoMissYunzi a sincerity, I...... the presentsaidthesearesomewhatoffendoffensively, butIwill cometo showtoyouwith practical action,MissYunzi, pleasegivemesometime.”Luo Xiaois speakingthese words, appearssomestutter and anxiety.
“云姿小姐,属下办事不力,让您受了委屈……云姿小姐不用在意他人看法,重回黎家之后,我会更加努力成为黎家的中流砥柱,到时候我会想尽一切办法让令尊将云姿小姐许配给属下。我……我罗孝,是真的对云姿小姐一片真心,我……现在说这些是有些唐突冒犯,不过我会用实际行动来向您证明,云姿小姐,请给我一些时间。”罗孝说着这番话,显得有些结巴和紧张。Zhu Minglanginside, opened the mouth.祝明朗在旁边,张大了嘴巴。Oneself are so transparent!!
自己真得有那么透明吗!!No matterthisLuo Xiaohowat heartabnormal, heas ifseems likewholeheartedtoLi Yunzi, moreoverhealsochose the besttimeto vindicatetoLi Yunzi,indicatedsincerelyhewill beonewill not care about the Li Yunzipastman.
不管这个罗孝怎么个心里变态,他似乎对黎云姿似乎是真心实意的,而且他也选择了最合适的时机向黎云姿表白,诚恳的表明他是一个根本不会在意黎云姿的过去的男人。Li Yunzihas not replied, cannot see this timemood.黎云姿没有应答,也看不出她此时的情绪。„MissYunzidoes not useanxiously the answer, so long asunderstands that a Luo Xiaopieceloyalwithunreasoning passion, MissYunzishouldbe tired, Zhu Minglangyoumake the servantlead the young ladyto go backto rest, Igo tofamily/homemasterthereto receive an order.”Luo Xiaosaid.
“云姿小姐不用急着答复,只要明白罗孝一片忠心与痴情,云姿小姐应该累了,祝明朗你让下人带小姐回去休息吧,我去家主人那里领命。”罗孝说道。Luo Xiaoalsounderstood that Li Yunzihas not walkedfrom the shadow, needsto give the Li Yunzitime.罗孝也懂得黎云姿还没有从阴影中走出来,需要给黎云姿时间。„Good, ahead of timewishesMr.Luo the futurescenery.”Zhu Minglangis perfunctoryto say.
“好,提前祝愿罗先生前程似景。”祝明朗敷衍道。Luo Xiaosatisfiednod, thought that Zhu Minglang is also a sensiblelittle brother.罗孝满意的点了点头,觉得祝明朗还算是一个懂事的小弟。Finallysomedo not abandonmoves out of the wayfromLi Yunzi the vision, the Luo Xiaostridewalkstowardhead of household'ssovereigninstitute, fromstartsat this moment, hisLuo Xiaostepstrulyascends the road of cloud!
The power, the wealth, the woman, hewill have!!
权力,财富,女人,他都将拥有!!„Practicesscarlet, but alsoremembers before , humiliatesourthesepeople, hehe, theycannot thinkabsolutelywewill come backby the fine goldgold/metalfire dragon and Dragon Herderstatus!”On the Luo Xiaofaceis hanging the smile, cannot beartouchon the fingerthatredagate ring.
The ringglossis unusual, during the circulationcanseedragonshadowreappearingslowly.
戒指光泽奇特,流转之中可以看见一头龙影慢慢的浮现。Impulsiveis not wiseinWutu!
在芜土没有冲动是明智的!Oneselfobtainwill be only more, moreoverLi Yunzifinallyown!
自己得到的只会更多,而且黎云姿最终还是自己的!Insuchmatter, feared that wasfewstatushonoredpersonis willingto marryher, as the matter stands, so long as displayedsplendidlyunderLi Family Lord, making the head of householdmarryto give itselfLi Yunziis notimpossible!
发生了那样的事情,怕是没有几个身份尊贵的人愿意娶她了,这样一来,只要自己在黎家主麾下表现得出色,让家主将黎云姿下嫁给自己不是不可能的!Mustknow that Luo Xiaoin the pastinLi Familywas a guarding the familyretinue, the status as base and lowas the extreme!
要知道罗孝过去在黎家不过是一个看家护院的仆从,身份卑微到极点!Nowwas entirely different!
……Pearmain hall
梨木大殿Zhu Minglangarrives atseat of honorthere, picks upfragrant who thatpalmwomanleft behind, thengaveLi Yunzi.祝明朗走到主座那里,拾起了那个掌家妇人留下的香帕,然后递给了黎云姿。„Stillis bleeding, words saying that a moment agothatperson, is your father?”Zhu Minglangsaid.
“还在流血呢,话说刚才那人,是你的父亲吗?”祝明朗道。Li Yunzihas not abraded the mouth, on the contraryiswhenZhu Minglanghas not paid attention, herdrop of tearsfellslowly, became the tearssilk on hercheeks.黎云姿没有去擦伤口,反倒是在祝明朗没有注意的时候,她一滴泪缓缓的滑落了下来,成了她脸颊上的泪丝。Li Yunzido not haveto thinkoneselfendured is so long, in the enddid not have, wheneveryoneleft.黎云姿自己也没有想到自己忍了这么久,到头来还是没有等到所有人都离开。Whyreducestothismalebasicpsychologyprotectionat presentcontinually?
为什么对眼前这男子连基本的心理防备都减少了?Nearby, Zhu Minglangdoes not knowhowsuddenlyshouldcomforther.
一旁,祝明朗一时间也不知该怎么安慰她。Ifshetears well upbut actuallygood, sheends upmerelyisdrop of tears, withoutpain, notsad, on the contraryonetypealreadyfirm and resolute that all thesewithstand.
要是她泪如泉涌倒还好,偏偏她落得仅仅是一滴泪,没有痛苦,也没有悲伤,反倒是给人一种已经将这一切承受下来的坚毅。Thisbeautiful womanlooks atpersononeto love dearlyfirm and resolute.
只是,这份美人坚毅看得人一阵心疼。Sheis a victim, actuallybecame the criminal in peopleeyes, gotinoneselfhomewith great difficulty, obtained is actually suchrailing.
The words that as if the blood relationshipcancut off, the Li Family Lordpersonwill also dowithout hesitation.
Is thisLi Yunzifrom afarreturn the institute of taking shelter?
这就是黎云姿千里迢迢归来的容身之所吗?„Ifirstholdyouto go backto rest, do not thinkso many.”Zhu Minglangis maintaining the formality, holdsLi Yunzito walktoward the main halloutside.
……Arrived the Li Yunzigarden, Zhu Minglangreallykept them out.
到了黎云姿的庭院,祝明朗果然是被拒之门外了。Zhu Minglang can also understand,after alloneselfcomfortsherisnothinguse, oneselfarethatchief criminal.祝明朗也能够理解,毕竟自己安慰她是没有任何用处的,自己就是那个罪魁祸首。Insuchhigh and lowhasinotherworld, Li Yunzikilledoneselfgave vent to indignationZhu Minglangnot to find itstrange.
在这样一个尊卑有别的世界里,黎云姿把自己杀了泄愤祝明朗也不觉得奇怪。Actually which one presentshouldgo?
倒是自己现在该去哪啊?Bewilderedwas turnedAncestral Dragon City State......
莫名其妙的被拐到了祖龙城邦……Does not have the status, twodo not have the land, threedo not have the house, fourdo not have the wealth, can'talsobeg for foodon the avenue?
一没身份,二没土地,三没住宅,四没钱财,总不能又在大街上要饭?Well, why do oneselfwantto say?
咦,自己为什么要说又呢?Has not begged for food!!
就没有要过饭!!Li Yunzihas not vented angeroneself, butshedoes not wantto see itselfmostlyagain.黎云姿没有迁怒过自己,但她多半也不想再见到自己了。In factLi YunziturnedAncestral Dragon City Stateoneselfalsorescued a oneselflife, at that timeLuo Xiaowas the planalsoextinguishessmallMulberry Towntogether.
事实上黎云姿把自己拐来祖龙城邦也算是救了自己一命,当时罗孝是打算将小桑镇也一起灭了的。since came, then settle it, looks to be ableto supportownplacefirstto hitnear the labor, best to plant the mulberry tree, the competitive eatingsmallBai Qiestimatewill awakedid not have the milkto drinkwill make.
既来之则安之,找个能养活自己的地方先打打临工吧,最好是能种桑树的,大胃王小白岂估计睡醒了没奶喝会闹的。Bai Qi, namely the name of smallice worm.白岂,即小冰虫的名字。MentionedsmallBai Qi, ithadmanyday of not to drillto ventilate, rare did verylying downinownSpirit Domain, the preparationhibernate?
说起小白岂,它有很多天没有自己钻出来透气了,很难得的躺在自己的灵域里,预备冬眠?Zhu Minglangcloses the eyegently, examinesownSpirit Domain.祝明朗轻轻闭上眼睛,查看自己的灵域。„Strange, howmany an icecocoon......”
“奇怪,怎么多了一个冰蛹……”SearchestowardownSpirit Domain , the Zhu Minglangsurpriseddiscoverysmallice wormactuallydoes not know when wrapsitwith the icesilk that oneselfspat, turned into a gianticecocoon.
Was thiswants the butterflyto change?
这是要蝶变了吗?But before it, is the dragon the Blue Dragon of rank, had not heard the lifeform of Blue Dragonbloodlinedoes havethisability?
可它以前是龙将级别的苍龙啊,没听说过苍龙血统的生物有这能力啊?Ices the cocoonnot to close uptemporarilycompletely, the uppermostalsohas a hole.
冰蛹暂时没有完全合拢,最上面还有一个窟窿。Bythishole, Zhu Minglangsawinsidesituation.
透过这个窟窿,祝明朗看到了里面的情况。Thislooked,hewas actually icedcocooninsideworldshocking!
The worldunexpectedlysoprodigious skill in cocoon!
The icesilk of thesepackageouter layers, interweavein an extremelyprecisewayininside, nocomplicatedfeeling, insteadformsonetypeslightlyby the powderto the entireperfectart.
那些包裹外层的冰丝,在里面以一种极其精密的方式交织,丝毫没有一点繁乱之感,反而形成一种由散至整的完美艺术。Butwhatembellishmentin the nests of thesefrostsilkis a grain of anothergrain of icesparkling stone, resemblesrarewhitediamond/drillto be equally bright, resembleseverywherewhiteXinginlength and breadthendless night, ordereddistributioninthissmalllittle world, dreamlike.
A smallfrostsilk, on the silkalsohas a longancientsilkmark.
一根小小的霜丝,丝上也有一段长长的古老丝纹。In a grain of smallicesparkling stone, is more like holding an inconceivableworld.
一粒小小的冰莹内,更像是容纳着一个不可思议的天地。All theseallcrowded aroundfinallyon a smallholy spirit, thathad gradually grown the wing, the physiquealsobecameexquisiteincomparablesmallBai Qi!
The nuclear of placecocoon, smallBai Qiis drowsy, itsgentleextensionthatdoes not have the longentirewing, a pair of beautifulnimble and resourcefulpupilis gazing atvery muchdiligentlyis arriving atZhu Minglang in Spirit Domain.
蛹之核处,小白岂昏昏欲睡,它轻柔的伸展着那没有长全的翅膀,一双美丽的灵动眸子正很努力的注视着来到灵域中的祝明朗。But the little fellow was too trapped/sleepy.
可小家伙实在太困了。Itdangledfinally the view.
它最后还是垂下了眼帘。Suddenly, thesefrostsilkstartto dance in the air, theseicesparkling stonesstartto sparkle, assmallBai Qigoes offagain, the world in thisicecocoonstarts the crazyrevolution, haswhattinybudinice-breaking, has the microscopicice flowerto bloom, haswhatlifesnowtreeto unfold the blade-tip of camouflageworld, the tinymyriad thingswere createdhere......
一时间,那些霜丝开始飞舞,那些冰莹开始闪耀,随着小白岂再度睡去,这个冰蛹内的世界开始疯狂的运转,有什么渺小之芽在破冰,有微观冰花在绽放,有什么生命雪树在铺开遮蔽天地的叶冠,细小的万物在这里被创造……As ifexperiencedepoch-makingly, experienced the vicissitudes!
仿佛经历了开天辟地,经历了沧海桑田!Meanwhile, thatholefrom inside to outsidegushed outfrostsilkfilling, iced the cocoonto close upcompletely.
与此同时,那个窟窿被由内而外涌出的霜丝给填补了,冰蛹完全合拢。Zhu Minglangcannot seeinsideanysituationagain.祝明朗再也看不到里面的任何情况。Ices the cocoonto lookaveragelyfromoutsidenotwonderful, butinsidethatmadeoneshock the dark bluebillowsmicrocosmactuallyto be able hardly be removedin the Zhu Minglangmind!!
冰蛹从外面看平平无奇,但里面那个令人震撼至极的沧澜小世界却在祝明朗脑海里挥之不去!!If the queenis common, deep sleepinsmallBai Qi of thatfrostdark bluebillowsworld, actually is also what?
如女王一般,沉睡在那片冰霜沧澜世界的小白岂,又究竟是什么?Thisprobablywas the fifthyear that Zhu Minglangroamed about.
这大概是祝明朗流浪的第五个年头了。Bai Qioncewas a Blue Dragon.白岂曾是一条苍龙。Zhu MinglangfewToshirotime is a powerhouse, is Dragon Herder, received attention, was hounded.祝明朗还是少年郎的时候便是一名强者,便是牧龙师,被人们瞩目,被人们追捧。ButinZhu Minglangthinkin the future when will havemagnificentyears, Bai Qifrom a Blue Dragondegeneration of haughtyoutstanding heroes, forin a lifeis tiniest the emaciatedsmallice worm.
一夜之间……ArrivedpresentZhu Minglanghad not forgotten that twined the whitefrostsilk of halfcity!!!
The gianticecocoonBlue DragonBai Qibinding, overspreadhalfcity, bigholywhitearrivejust likesnowspiritgod.
The picture that thisshocksmaintained the entirenight.
这震撼的画面维持了整整一夜。Butfinallyallwhite silkmeltin the dawn, the Blue Dragonstayed behinddoes not have the body of least bitlifeindication, as the frostsilkmeltedin the sunlightfor the watertogether, the smallice worms, almostdid not only have any mentalsmallice worm, slowlycrawled......
但最终所有的白丝在晨光中融化,苍龙留下了已经没有半点生命征兆的躯壳,随着霜丝一起在阳光中融为水,唯有一只小冰虫,几乎没有了什么心智的小冰虫,缓缓的爬出……Zhu Minglangstandsonthatice-coldcity, looks that thissmallice worm that crawlsfrom the Ice City, howhe of youngstercanbelieve!祝明朗站在那冰冷的城池上,看着这从冰城中爬出来的小冰虫,还是少年的他又怎么能够相信!
The whiteBlue Dragondegeneratedunexpectedly!
白苍龙竟然退化了!RisingfewToshiroalsodegenerates into a huge crowdsandsince then, started the journey of oneselfendlessvagrant.
如日中天的少年郎也从此沦为人海一粒沙,开始了自己漫漫的流浪之旅。Crossedso manyyears, the youngstercooked down the youth, the hearthad the great wild goosewayalsoto grind tomixedto eatto wait for death.
过了这么多年,少年熬成了青年,心有鸿途也磨成了混吃等死。Walkedmanyplaces, does not remember.
The actuallysmallice worm, thisoldyouthhas been taking good care, unknowinglybecamefetters, with the family memberdescribed that is not overrated.
倒是小冰虫,这位老青年一直悉心照料着,不知不觉成了一种羁绊,用亲人来形容也不为过。For many years, smallBai Qiis maintaining the condition of smallice worm, has not changed.
多年来,小白岂维持着小冰虫的状态,没有丝毫变化。Butthistime, itis actually transforming!!
The glance, Zhu Minglangsaw the smallBai Qihalfappearancea moment agoin a hurry, had the lightwing, had the exquisitefigureoutline, had the slendertail......
刚才匆匆一瞥,祝明朗看到了小白岂半化形的样子,有了薄薄的翅膀,有了优美的身形轮廓,有了纤细的尾巴……Itas ifhassomebutterflydragonholy spiritgently beautifulnimble and resourceful, hasoriginally the physique of whiteBlue Dragonprobably!
它似乎具备着某种蝶龙圣灵的柔美灵动,也好像具备原本白苍龙的体态!Butwhatis without a doubt, thesewill beitwill soon melt the indication of dragon!!!
而毋庸置疑的是,这些都是它即将化龙的征兆!!!Ices the cocoon, isitsDragon Gate.
The brokencocoon, itwill return to the dragonposition!!!
破蛹而出,它将回归龙位!!!At this moment, the innermost feelings of Zhu Minglangthatalmostdead situationboilsuddenly!!
The whiteBlue Dragonmustreturn!!
白苍龙要回归了!!Matter that recentlyexperienced, tradingto doisanyheart the icy cold people have longed, reason thatdoes not dareto have the behavior, nothing butwill becannot seeownfuture......
最近经历的事情,换做是任何一个心已冰凉的人都会有所渴望,之所以不敢有所为,无非是自己都见不着自己的未来……Bai Qireturns, thatwas entirely different!!白岂回归,那就截然不同了!!
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