DH :: Volume #7

#688: Blood night orchid

Left a Nan Yusuo letter/believes, making her wield Ancestral Dragon City State. 留给了南雨娑一份信,让她来执掌祖龙城邦 Found Ming Ji, Zhu Minglang, Li Xinghua and Mi Rong then planned to go out of town at the same night. 找到了明季,祝明朗黎星画宓容便打算连夜出城了。 But when they plan to go to certainly the range city-state, Mi Rong a few words made Zhu Minglang have a headache immediately. 可就在他们打算前往绝岭城邦的时候,宓容一句话让祝明朗立刻头疼了起来。 Night empress outside, she easily will perhaps not leave, so long as we go out of Ancestral Dragon City State, feared that is ripped a smashing by her.” “夜娘娘在外面,她恐怕不会轻易离开,我们只要一走出祖龙城邦,怕是会被她撕个粉碎。” Today matter of are too really many, Zhu Minglang almost forgot outside the demoness sovereign is also squatting himself...... 今天发生的事情实在太多了,祝明朗都差点忘记了外头还有一个女鬼皇在蹲守自己…… If this runs, the life did not have directly. 这要是跑出去,命直接就没了。 But they cannot wait till during the daytime again, because dark vortex also only then night will form, dawn Zhu Minglang is unable to pass this special space vortex fast rushing extremely courtyard sovereigns! 可他们不能等到白天再出发,因为暗漩也只有夜里会形成,天一亮祝明朗就无法通过这个特殊的空间漩涡快速的赶往极庭皇都了! Right, can the small hand of night empress still in Nüwa dragon that we use this leading away the night empress?” Zhu Minglang said. “对了,夜娘娘的小手还在女娲龙那,我们可以利用这个将夜娘娘给引开?”祝明朗说道。 Un, happen to we must rush to certainly range city-state, we make people throw her broken hand south, then we leave toward north.” Mi Rong also approves this means. “嗯,正好我们还要赶往绝岭城邦一趟,我们让人将她的断手扔到南面,然后我们朝着北面离开。”宓容也认同这个办法。 So long as can lead away a night of empress, then hides their these living person smells of the aid of the breath of Heaven Slaughtering Dragon mourning dragon, the night empress even responded, finally was still very difficult to trace them. 只要能够引开了夜娘娘,然后借助天煞龙身上的丧龙之息来掩藏他们这些活人身上的气味,夜娘娘即便反应过来了,最后也很难追踪到他们。 ...... …… The luring the enemy out of his stronghod tactic is very successful, the night empress brought back her slender element well satisfied, the terrifying cold wind that on the plain that blew seemed also temperate. 调虎离山战术很成功,夜娘娘心满意足的拿回了她纤纤素手,平原上那刮起的恐怖阴风也仿佛温和了许多。 Zhu Minglang several people also successfully left Ancestral Dragon City State, the Heaven Slaughtering Dragon present speed had compared were quick before several times, does not need to spend the too much time then to arrive in north certainly the range. 祝明朗几人也成功离开了祖龙城邦,天煞龙如今的速度已经比以前快了几倍,不需要花太多的时间便抵达了北绝岭。 Explained the situation with Sheng Que continent leader Hong Geng, this body also entangles the hesitation that the leader of gauze has no. 圣阙大陆的领袖宏耿说明了情况,这位身体还缠着纱布的领袖并没有任何的犹豫。 He indicated oneself physical condition, by the words of strength, common summit king level is unable to contend with him, the time that but he can fight will be quite limited, battles the long wound to split. 他表明了自己的身体状况,论实力的话,寻常的巅位王级根本无法与他抗衡,但他可以战斗的时间会比较有限,激战过久伤口会全部裂开。 Took this sovereign king, Ming Ji found a recent dark vortex near the northern range certainly, several people entered intersection of netherworld again, fearful and apprehensive is seeking for the class/flow and space class/flow of time. 带上了这位皇王,明季在北绝岭附近找到了一个最近的暗漩,几人再一次进入到了阴间的十字路口,胆战心惊的找寻着时间之流与空间之流。 Is together the class/flow of time, do we want to ride?” Ming Ji inquired. “是一道时间之流,我们要乘上去吗?”明季询问道。 Differently what does this have with the class/flow of space?” Zhu Minglang asked. “这与空间之流有什么不同吗?”祝明朗问道。 Essence, although is different, the effect of but achieving is consistent. The class/flow of space is to look like a special road, shuttles back and forth from a place to another place, but time class/flow words, was equal to extending the time, we walked here for several days, outside possibly only passed burning a joss stick time.” Ming Ji answered. “本质虽然不同,但达到的效果是一致的。空间之流是像一条特殊的甬道,从一个地方穿梭到另一个地方,而时间之流的话,就等于是延长了外界的时间,我们在这里行走好几天,外面可能只过去了一炷香时间。”明季解释道。 Looked for other dark vortex again possibly without enough time, this.” Zhu Minglang said. “重新再找别的暗漩可能来不及了,就这个吧。”祝明朗说道。 Good!” “好!” The situation in class/flow and antiquity vestige time had some similar, the time was the disorder, but if can grasp this time the class/flow rule, then can use it to handle a lot. 时间之流与上古遗迹的情况有一些相似,时间是紊乱的,但如果能够掌握好这时间之流的规律,便可以利用它做很多事情。 This was also equal to giving Li Xinghua enough time to deduce, can obtain in -depth foresight information. 这样也等于给了黎星画更充足的时间去推演,可以得到更深层的预见信息。 ...... …… Wanders in the class/flow of time, this is a long process, the exchange of Li Xinghua and Mi Rong is quite truly frequent. 在时间之流中漂流,这确实是一个漫长的过程,黎星画宓容的交流比较频繁。 One is to predict the master, one is the stargazing master, Li Xinghua as far as possible some fortune-telling clues displaying, quite makes Mi Rong deduce the specific time of all tiny things for her. 一个是预言师,一位是观星师,黎星画尽可能的将一些命理线索给罗列出来,好让宓容为她推演出所有细小事情的具体时间。 The bird wolf god is gods, the matter of Li Xinghua foresight will have many variables eventually, but there is a stargazing master to rectify some information for her the words, she can over the next several days something grasping of as far as possible. 雀狼神终究是一位神明,黎星画预见的事情会存在很多的变数,但有观星师为她矫正一些信息的话,她可以将未来几天发生的一些事情都尽可能的掌握。 Star draws the elder sister, my some are not quite clear, like you prediction master, since can see the future, that also saw certainly the bird wolf god attains of jade blood sword, locked the jade blood sword to be good directly, why also that laborious seeking fortune-telling clue?” Mi Rong was somewhat curious, cannot bear ask one. “星画姐姐,我有些不太明白,像你这样的预言师既然可以看到未来,那一定也看到了雀狼神拿到玉血剑的那一幕,直接锁定玉血剑就好了,为什么还那么辛苦的找寻命理线索?”宓容有些好奇,忍不住问了一句。 Although the Profound Spear Divine Country enlightened emperor also predicts the master, but Mi Rong rarely has the opportunity to contact the genuine profound and abstruse principles of prediction, rare can be acquainted here, naturally has the issue about prediction. 玄戈神国的圣君虽然也是预言师,但宓容很少有机会接触到预言师的真正玄机,难得在这里能够相识,自然有很多关于预言师的问题。 Prediction master is not multipurpose, an event from occurrence to finishing, is just like a huge design, predicted the master obtains forever is the incomplete fragments, even possibly is the seemingly irrelevant thing......” Li Xinghua patient answered to Mi Rong. “预言师并不是万能的,一个事件从发生到结束,就好比是一幅巨大的图案,预言师得到的永远都是残缺的碎片,甚至可能是看上去毫不相关的东西……”黎星画耐心的给宓容解释道。 Bamboo shadow that out of the window rocks. 窗外晃动的竹影。 The cobblestone under mountain stream. 溪水下的鹅卵石。 But in a hurry back. 一个匆匆而过的背影。 Bird that day drops. 日落下的飞鸟。 Pours a corpse in pool of blood...... 倒在血泊中的一具尸体…… These are not related pictures in broken bits, but in contains the trends of many events, if could not find a reasonable fortune-telling clue to pass through them, they are some meaningless things. 这些都是毫无相关的细碎画面,可里面却蕴藏着许多事件的走向,假如找不到一个合理的命理线索将它们贯穿起来,它们就是一些毫无意义的东西。 For example Li Xinghua saw one pile several months ago in the sand of city corner/horn. 就比如说黎星画在几个月前就看到了一堆在城角的沙子。 This pile of sand could not represent anything, it was possibly used to patch the turret, but if there is a more sufficient fortune-telling clue, can know in advance ahead of time Ancestral Dragon City State will fall into to the wind-drift sand crisis. 这堆沙子代表不了什么,它可能是用来修补塔楼的,但如果有更充足的命理线索,就可以提前预知祖龙城邦将陷入到流沙危机中。 Although predicted that the master can consume own spirit strength, conducts the concrete application foresight to a matter, thus collects many design fragment, but this process quite consumes the spirit, needs to rest very long time to use one time. 尽管预言师可以耗费自己的灵力,对一件事进行更具体化的预见,从而收集到更多的“图案碎片”,但这个过程是相当耗费精神的,需要休息很长的时间才能够使用一次。 Therefore without can continue to something uses foresight, needs to look for the fortune-telling clue. 因此在不能继续对某个事情使用“预见”的时候,就需要去找寻命理线索。 If something can through looking for the clue obviously get the answer, does not need to waste the precious spirit strength to use foresees. 而且假如一些事情明明可以通过找寻线索来得到答案,也没有必要浪费宝贵的灵力去使用“预见”了。 Enters has very big advantage to the class/flow of this time. 进入到这时间之流中还是有很大好处的。 Like this was equal to that Li Xinghua had the time to make the deduction not saying that but can also use foresight ability a time. 这样等于黎星画有时间去做推演不说,还能够多使用一次预见能力。 The matter vein passed through times these looked for the fortune-telling clue, is actually very clear, a foresight that this came out can perhaps play the effect. 整件事脉络经过了这几次找寻命理线索,其实已经很清晰了,这多出来的一次预见没准能够起到奇效。 ...... …… In the class/flow of time, not only Li Xinghua can see more things, experienced several fights Zhu Minglang also happen to rest, from the beginning the sovereign king Hong Geng injury also in healing bit by bit, left certainly the range city-state the time is better. 在时间之流中,不仅仅黎星画可以看到更多事情,经历了几场战斗的祝明朗也正好可以歇息,皇王宏耿伤势也在一点一点的愈合,比一开始离开绝岭城邦的时候好很多。 „The class/flow of this time is quite rare, our luck is good, from extremely the east side of courtyard to sovereigns neighbor, sufficient time rest.” Ming Ji said. “这时间之流是比较少见的,我们运气还算不错,既从极庭的东面到了皇都附近,还有了充足的时间休息。”明季说道。 Since entered the dark vortex previous time, Ming Ji now is getting more and more curious to the dark vortex, longs for unearthing these unknown secrets more and more, perhaps people grasped these things, was insufficient to fear these femininity of nighttime. 自从上一次进入到了暗漩,明季现在对暗漩越来越好奇,越来越渴望挖掘那些不为人知的秘密了,兴许人们掌握了这些东西,就不至于惧怕黑夜里的那些阴物。 Zhu Minglang this will not have the time to study these things, left the dark vortex, Zhu Minglang discovered the position that they were at left the imperial palace is not far, raised the head can see that one after another grand palace...... 祝明朗这会倒没有时间去研究这些东西,离开了暗漩,祝明朗发现他们所在的位置离皇宫并不远,一抬头就可以看见那一座一座宏伟的宫殿…… „Can this dark vortex the botanical garden behind imperial palace, that imperial palace also encounter the invasion of thing of darkness unexpectedly?” “这暗漩竟然就在皇宫后面的园林,那皇宫岂不是也要遭到黑暗之物的侵扰?” The imperial palace turns over to brilliantly illuminated brilliantly illuminated, but the entire imperial palace by a cold cream common moonlight covering, under the pale cold moon/month, strange forms is loafing in palace his majesty, is looking for these live people greedily...... 皇宫灯火通明归灯火通明,但整个皇宫都被一层冷霜一般的月光给笼罩着,苍白的冷月之下,一个个诡异的身影在宫阙下游荡着,正贪婪的找寻着那些活人…… No blessing, this night imperial palace also had no distinction with the ghost town, Zhu Minglang even saw several nights had a nightmare to eat a palace guard, the blood flowed from the eaves slowly. 没有任何的庇佑,这夜里的皇宫也与鬼城没有什么分别,祝明朗甚至看到了几只夜魇正在分食一名宫廷侍卫,鲜血从屋檐上缓缓的流淌了下来。 The window gate shuts tightly, the lights could not prevent the hunting revelries of these gloomy thing again well-illuminated. 窗门紧闭,灯火再通明也阻挡不了这些阴暗之物的狩猎狂欢。 It seems like the royalty also has no means to these night travellors. 看来皇族对这些夜行者也没有什么办法。 We arrive in drop Shuicheng as soon as possible.” Zhu Minglang said. “我们还是尽快到滴水城吧。”祝明朗说道。 Young master, waits.” The Li Xinghua vision is actually gazing at that blood dripping eaves at this time, although on the face has several points to pity with reluctantly, she was still staring there. “公子,等一等。”黎星画目光此时却注视着那血淋漓的屋檐,尽管脸上带着几分怜悯与无奈,她仍旧盯着那里。 Several long capillaries slid from the eaves, dropped in the flower garden on the flower petal of bunch of night orchids, rapid these night orchids dyeing bright red color, seemed like under the moon/month frost of coldly incomparably beautiful evil different! 几条长长的血丝从屋檐上滑了下来,滴落在了花圃中一束束夜兰花的花瓣上,迅速的将这几朵夜兰给染成了鲜红之色,在冷冷的月霜下看上去无比妖艳邪异! However this, is familiar regarding Li Xinghua, she foresees to have been in the sleep more than once! 然而这一幕,对于黎星画来说却非常熟悉,她不止一次在睡梦中预见到过! The matter of many future meets flooding into of disorder to the Li Xinghua sleep, when these do not know are, the foresight picture where has do not lose the spirit strength. 很多将来发生的事情会无序的涌入到黎星画的睡梦中,这些不知是什么时间,什么地方发生的预见画面是不损耗灵力的。 She only saw the night orchid of drop blood, actually does not know that this blood red night orchid is because above the eaves had a guard killing by the night demon, if this is happening at this moment, that means another matter also tonight. 她只看到了滴血的夜兰花,却不知道这血红色的夜兰花是因为屋檐之上有一个侍卫被夜魔给杀死了,假如这一幕在此时此刻发生的话,那意味着另外一件事也在今晚。 Young master, we to concubine pavilion.” Li Xinghua said. “公子,我们到皇妃阁。”黎星画说道。 Concubine pavilion?” “皇妃阁?” Extremely the courtyard only then a concubine, that wishes the concubine. 极庭只有一位皇妃,那就是祝皇妃。 If wished the gate with wishing the concubine is inseparable, many people think that wishes the gate to have the present position, wish the concubine to support Zhu Tianguan, favored including the present sovereign king. 假如祝门与祝皇妃密不可分,很多人都认为祝门之所以有现在的地位,正是祝皇妃在支持着祝天官,包括如今的皇王也有所偏袒。 Zhu Minglang about these things knew that is not many, Zhu Tianguan always did not say with any about wishing the matter of concubine. 祝明朗对这些事情了解不是很多,祝天官也从来不和自己说任何关于祝皇妃的事情。 Concubine pavilion Zhu Minglang has gone actually several times, they avoided these night of demons, flew to that pitch-dark stretch of concubine pavilion. 皇妃阁祝明朗倒是去过几次,他们避开了那些夜魔,飞向了那黑漆漆一片的皇妃阁。 Just stepped into nearby the garden to concubine pavilion, Zhu Minglang smelled thick smell of blood. 只是,刚踏入到皇妃阁附近的庭院,祝明朗就嗅到了一股浓浓的血腥味。 At first Zhu Minglang thinks the concubine pavilion also encountered the invasions of these night travellors, but quick Zhu Minglang noticed that here has the dragon has wreaked havoc the trace, but the guards of these concubines as if also by dragon beast killing! 起初祝明朗以为皇妃阁也遭到了那些夜行者的侵扰,可很快祝明朗就留意到这里有龙肆虐过的痕迹,而那些皇妃的侍卫似乎也都是被龙兽给杀死的! In the concubine pavilion a deathly stillness piece, walks every time much one step toward inside, can see the corpse. 皇妃阁内死寂一片,每往里面多走一步,都能够看见尸体。 To bedroom palace that wished the concubine, Zhu Minglang saw a living person. 一直到了祝皇妃的寝殿,祝明朗才看到了一个活人。 This person sits on a chair, in the jet black resting palace, is passing one share fearful aura alone from top to bottom! 这个人就坐在一张椅子上,独自在漆黑一片的寝宫中,浑身上下透着一股子可怕的气息! His under foot, well-dressed female corpses, if also that had been dyed by the blood the night orchid is the same, is actually passing beautifully bright red that infiltrates the person! 他的脚下,有一具衣着华丽的女尸,亦如那被血染过的夜兰花一样,美丽却透着渗人的鲜红! The Zhu Minglang partition window looked at one...... 祝明朗隔窗望了一眼…… From the profile, Zhu Minglang recognized this female corpse, wish the concubine! 从侧脸上,祝明朗认出了这具女尸,正是祝皇妃! But sits on that chair, in person who in the darkness did not say a word, unexpectedly was extremely courtyard sovereign king Zhao Yuan!! 而坐在那椅子上,在黑暗中一言不发的人,竟是极庭皇王赵辕!! Sovereign king Zhao Yuan killed concubine pavilion everyone, including wishing concubine??? 皇王赵辕杀了皇妃阁所有人,包括祝皇妃??? Sovereign king Zhao Yuan this was falls insanely!! 皇王赵辕这是疯掉了吗!!
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