DH :: Volume #6

#568: The life turns over to me

Therefore the sky battlefield was divided into three. 于是天空战场被分为了三层。 In the highest place, Aegean Luan Green Phoenix Dragon such as the dragon sovereign hangs in the throne generally this solitary one, arrogant is greeting this to the challenge of high territorial airspace, and disappears them one by one. 一层在最高处,苍鸾青凰龙如龙皇一般孤悬于王座,高傲的迎接着这至高领空的挑战,并逐一将它们泯灭。 Second in the midair, is these is allowed to bridge over the high Lichuan wyvern by the dark green luan Azure Dragon, they occupied the high place under blessing of Aegean Luan Green Phoenix Dragon, can recklessly will conduct the high spot to attack to the low altitude phoenix and city-state great range. 第二层在半空,是那些被苍鸾青龙允许跨过高度的离川飞龙,它们在苍鸾青凰龙的庇佑下占据了高处,可以肆意的对低空神鸟与城邦巨岭将进行高点打击。 Third in the low altitude, is the fight of cultivator and phoenix army who dragon beast, can fly slaughters, above the building of range city-state, namely cannot touch under the cloud certainly, has not contacted the ground. 第三层在低空,是龙兽、会飞行的修行者与神鸟大军的搏斗厮杀,处在在绝岭城邦的建筑物之上,即触碰不到云下,也没有接触地面。 In battle as for ground, is more frigid, in a short time cannot see the victory and defeat. 至于地面中的厮杀,更为惨烈,短时间内也看不出胜负。 Zhu Minglang by passing through that low altitude boy execution ground, the range city-state cultivator who certainly actually several did not keep eyes open, they saw Zhu Minglang after the city the direction flew, is not naturally willing to allow to pass. 祝明朗由穿过了那低空厮杀场,倒是有几个不长眼的绝岭城邦修行者,他们看到祝明朗往城后方向飞行,自然是不愿意放行。 The blood splashes at the scene, several city-state cultivators pour in the pool of blood, they had not died completely, but is actually the blood stream continues. 血溅当场,几个城邦修行者倒在血泊中,他们还没有完全断气,但却是血流不止。 And a sergeant has not transformed for the great range with enough time is then cut to kill, he is tilting the head looks at oneself companion, but that companion is also astonished. 其中一名军士都还没有来得及幻化为巨岭将便被斩杀了,他歪着头看着自己的同伴,而那位同伴同样一脸愕然。 Said...... him with you master from that Azure Dragon.” “都和你说了……他是从那头青龙的主人。” Quick, several people breathed. 很快,几人就咽气了。 Although the battlefield life and death is very difficult about, the behavior that but courts death like can avoid avoiding. 尽管战场生死很难自己左右,但像这样找死的行为还是能避免就避免。 ...... …… Zhu Minglang flies after the city direction, there is standing erect many such as the high pavilion common statue. 祝明朗朝着后城方向飞去,那里矗立着许多如高楼阁一般的雕像。 On these statues, the actually several person's shadows, Zhu Minglang surveyed with the spirit knowledge, discovered that cultivating of these people is not low, obviously some range city-state many powerhouses have not surfaced certainly. 那些雕像上,倒是有几个人影,祝明朗用灵识探测了一番,发现这些人的修为都不低,显然绝岭城邦还有很多强者没有浮出水面。 Their person's shadow sways, actually does not act to Zhu Minglang, should have other what instruction. 他们人影攒动,却不对祝明朗出手,应该是有别的什么指令。 Zhu Minglang has not paid attention to them, like the large-scale campaign, even if there are three Dragon King, Zhu Minglang still can only preserve limited few people as far as possible. 祝明朗也没有理会他们,像这样大规模的战役,即便拥有三龙王,祝明朗也只能够尽可能的保全有限的一部分人。 On an extremely high statue, wears a man of pitch-black cape to stand there, he is sending out one type such as the crow cry common laughter. 一座极高的雕像上,身穿着一件乌黑斗篷的男子立在那里,他正发出一种如乌鸦叫声一般的笑声。 His arm, is the talons. 他的手臂,为钩爪。 In his eye socket does not have the pupil, the surroundings are the scar of distortion, probably was hacked both eyes. 他的眼眶中没有瞳孔,周围是扭曲的疤,像是被人剐了双目。 He seems anything to see general, such uses strange fearful expression staring that surprise attack team. 只是他好像什么都可以看见一般,就那样用诡异可怕的表情“盯”着那支奇袭队伍。 At this time, the surprise attack team by the demon crow officers to surrounding, these demon crow officers had more than 4000 people, as if has waited for their arrivals to be the same here, although the surprise attack team has circled very big, was caught one by these people. 此时,奇袭队伍被魔鸦将士给包围,这些魔鸦将士有四千多人,仿佛早就在此处等待他们的到来一般,尽管奇袭队伍已经绕了很大一圈,还是被这些人逮了一个正着。 So-called big influence, is comprised of your ordinary people, cultivating for is not high, the magical powers are base and low, dragon beast not reveres, making me cope with you, is really a senseless matter, I should in city wall, personally command that attractive eye of Lichuan digging!” Four hero Peng Huxie is smiling. “所谓的大势力,便是由你们这些凡夫俗子组成,修为不高,神通卑微,龙兽无尊,让我来对付你们,真是一件无趣的事情啊,我本应该在城墙处,亲自将离川的统帅那双漂亮的眼睛给挖下来!”四雄之一彭虎邪笑着。 He does not have the eye obviously, is actually taking a look at the people. 他明明没有眼睛,却在打量着众人。 He attracted the nose layer on layer/heavily, finally vision locked including Nan Lingsha and on some purple wonderful bamboo female cultivators. 他重重的吸了吸鼻子,最后“目光”锁定在了包括南玲纱、紫妙竹一些女修行者身上。 „Is perfect body fragrance, certainly the peerless beautiful woman?” Peng tiger was saying these disgusting words simultaneously, the hand of that talons is digging front person. “完美的体香,一定是绝世美人吧?”彭虎在说着这些令人恶心的话语同时,那钩爪之手正将面前的人刨开。 That is purple sect forest Dragon Herder, his purple dragon in the under foot of statue, had opened up the stomach, but he was also given to catch by four male Peng tiger, was broken open the abdomen under glare of the public eye. 那是紫宗林的一名牧龙师,他的紫龙在雕像的脚下,已经被开膛破肚,而他本人也被四雄彭虎给擒住,在众目睽睽之下被破开了腹部。 The slow death, will certainly bear the huge pain, Peng tiger seems the person who enjoys to suffer and slaughter, is more like a savage tiger leopard to play the lamb young rabbit. 缓慢的死亡,必将承受巨大的痛苦,彭虎仿佛就是一个享受折磨与杀戮的人,更像是一只凶残的虎豹在玩耍着羔羊幼兔。 The demon crow officers are besieging the surprise attack team, but on the side of Peng tiger conducts mental torture to the people, once for a while strange making a move, in some talented people team killing. 魔鸦将士在围攻着奇袭队伍,而彭虎一边对众人进行精神折磨,又时不时的诡异出手,将队伍中一些实力不俗的人给杀死。 North the purple sect forest king swims several times to capture the ringleader first, doing to these demon crow officers is not the ordinary person, he and his purple dragon are hard to get rid of these demon gentlemen. 紫宗林的王北游几次想要擒贼先擒王,奈何那些魔鸦将士也非等闲之辈,他与他的紫龙难以摆脱这些魔士。 Namyung, the woman is south.” Du Yangshuang pupil suddenly sharp. “南雄,那女人是南氏的。”杜旸双眸突然锐利了起来。 South Lichuan, that design killed our special envoys, then lets Nan Lingsha that your Du fourth son of died a tragic death?” Namyung Peng tiger brought back the corners of the mouth, somewhat accidental/surprised say/way. 离川南氏吗,那个设计杀死了我们特使,然后又让你们杜家第四的儿子惨死的南玲纱?”南雄彭虎勾起了嘴角,有些意外的道。 Snort, is this cheap person, she and Li Yunzi plays with us, set up all dark sentry posts in Ancestral Dragon City State gives to kill, otherwise Lichuan is our it's in the bag, with the aid of the west cliff and nihility fog , the dog of courtyard do not want to step into here to fight for with us extremely!” Du Yang angry incomparable say/way. “哼,就是这贱人,她与黎云姿玩弄我们,把原本设立在祖龙城邦中的所有暗哨都给杀死了,不然离川已经是我们囊中之物,借助西崖与虚无之雾,极庭的狗根本就别想踏入这里跟我们争抢!”杜旸恼怒无比的道。 Du Yang sect Gong master. 杜旸正是宗宫的主人。 Pu Shiming after wishing the snow mark sect Gong destroyed completely, he returned to certainly the range city-state. 蒲世明与祝雪痕将宗宫灭掉了之后,他逃回了绝岭城邦。 sect Gong four hero sets up, actually imitates certainly the range city-state. 宗宫的四雄设立,其实就是效仿绝岭城邦的。 The range city-state had certainly double checks, four male, eight old, 16 games Kui, sect Gong also imitated them at that time, but sect Gong eight Laosi male double checked is unable to place on a par with the range city-state certainly, particularly after receiving favor . 绝岭城邦有双刹、四雄、八老、16战魁,宗宫当时也效仿他们,只是宗宫的八老四雄双刹是无法与绝岭城邦相提并论的,尤其是受到了恩典之后。 Such being the case, her beautiful eyeball turns over to me, remaining is your.” Namyung Peng Huxiao. “既然如此,她美丽的眼珠子归我,剩下的都是你的。”南雄彭虎笑了起来。 Hears these words, Du Yang also smiled. 听到这句话,杜旸也笑了起来。 Although was short of the eye, truly somewhat destroys this beautiful appearance, but also is well attractive in her other places enough. 虽然少了眼睛,确实有些破坏这美丽的容颜,但好在她其他地方也足够诱人。 The rumor, Nan Lingsha and are Li Yunzi the twins sisters? 传言,南玲纱黎云姿是双胞姐妹? That held her,...... 那抓住了她,岂不是…… The smile on Du Yang face gradually made widely known, in the brain thinks. 杜旸脸上的笑容逐渐张扬了起来,脑子里更是浮想联翩。 After favor, his Du Yang also today we are no longer as we have been! 恩典之后,他杜旸也今非昔比了! Before then, you two lives turn over to me.” Suddenly, a sound no indication of man from transmits behind. “在此之前,你们两个的命归我。”突然,一个男子的声音毫无征兆的从身后传来。 This master of sound, nearly was very very near to them, what is terrifying is they suddenly had not detected. 这声音的主人,离他们很近很近了,恐怖的是他们两人竟然都没有察觉。 Du Yang has turned head, saw one to tread the sword, the expression has several points at ease, but that eye is actually sending out the vigilant swift and fierce brilliance, as if killed them is the easy matter! 杜旸扭过头去,望见了一个踏着剑,表情带着几分闲散,但那双眼睛却散发着令人警觉的凌厉光辉,仿佛杀死他们两个是轻而易举的事情! „The person who in this mainland can take my life although is also not infrequent, but you have not been by far.” Namyung Peng tiger showed several points of being interested expression. “这块大陆上能取我性命的人虽然也不在少数,但你还远远算不上。”南雄彭虎露出了几分感兴趣的表情来。 Judged from the aura, the opposite party is one is not inferior in own powerhouse. 从气息来判断,对方是一个不逊色于自己的强者。 Who are you???” Du Yang eyes must stare at Zhu Minglang stubbornly. “你是何人???”杜旸眼睛死死得盯着祝明朗 Your son called Du Cheng ? Zhu Minglang opens the mouth to ask. “你儿子可是叫杜成?”祝明朗开口问道。 Du Yang had not replied. 杜旸没有回答。 You wrongly accused Nan Lingsha, your son Du to become was butchered by me, you looked at this clothes, familiar?” Zhu Minglang is saying, specially the clothes of own phantom shining. “你错怪南玲纱了,你儿子杜成是被我宰的,你看这件衣裳,熟悉吗?”祝明朗说着,特意将自己的魅影之衣给亮了出来。 The Du Yang whole piece face all of a sudden changed, the anger looks like one group of flame, the skin place on his face ignites, burns red red! 杜旸整张脸一下子就变了,怒意就像是一团火焰,在他脸上的皮肤处燃起,烧得通红通红! The clothes of phantom. 魅影之衣。 This clothes robe Zhu Minglang four little lord Du to become there to dig up from the sect palace. 这件衣袍正是祝明朗从宗宫四少主杜成那里扒下来的。 Said how this sect Gong will have such treasure, probably wished the gate unable to build this type of clothes robe that continually had such unusual ability, originally was behind also has the background! 就说这宗宫怎么会有如此宝物,好像连祝门都无法打造出这种拥有这样奇特能力的衣袍,原来是背后还有来头啊!
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