DH :: Volume #1

#5: I can raise you

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Small Mulberry Town 桑镇 Cold wind dreary, the mulberry leaf of ice autumn will end up full Yuan in night rain from now on, one major part spread ripples in the roof, increased several points of wet refined to this crude small room. 冷风萧瑟,冰秋的桑叶在一场夜雨过后落得满院,还有一大部分在屋顶铺成了涟漪叶瓦,给这个简陋的小屋子增添了几分湿漉漉的雅致。 The mulberry leaf fell, the silkworm business is equal to entering the cold winter ahead of time, these days generally is Zhu Minglang starts to be the vagrant the time. 桑叶落了,蚕商就等于提前进入凛冬,这段时间一般是祝明朗开始做无业游民的时候。 Wears a bamboo hat, throws over rain clothes, Zhu Minglang is sweeping clear the fallen leaf that the rainwater is beating in the courtyard, he of lowering the head sees a pair of straight slender jade suddenly fully leisurely. 戴着一个斗笠,披着一件蓑衣,祝明朗在院子里清扫着雨水打烂的落叶,低着头的他突然看见一双笔直修长的玉足款款而来。 Zhu Minglang looks up her. 祝明朗抬起头看她。 She is cold as ice and frost, aloofs, in the pupil of beautiful as amber passes some are killing intent. 她冷若冰霜,拒人于千里之外,美丽似琥珀的眸子里透着些许杀意。 Today's she does not have usually in delicacy, did not have in the past gentle, her body is coiling around a potential, after that has experienced the war baptism, truly has a person imposing manner of! 今天的她没有平日里的柔弱,更没有往常的平和,她的身上盘绕着一股势,那是真正经历过战争洗礼后才存在一个人身上的气势! It seems like her ability restored some, naturally compared the sum-difference to be far with original her, Zhu Minglang has listened to related to her powerful hearsay. 看来她能力恢复了些许,当然和原本的她相比和差远了,祝明朗听过很多有关她的强大传闻。 „Do you want to take revenge?” Zhu Minglang opens the mouth to ask. “你要复仇了?”祝明朗开口问道。 Such remarks, in the Martial Goddess sleeve has the innumerable silver silk to depart, they are hard, the rapid gathering a silver thread sword, hung on the Zhu Minglang nape of the neck. 此话一出,女武神的袖中有无数银色的丝飞出,它们坚硬无比,迅速的汇聚成了一柄银丝剑,悬在了祝明朗的脖颈上。 „Am I first?” The Zhu Minglang forced smile said. “我是第一个?”祝明朗苦笑道。 The sword has slid, Martial Goddess lifted passing over gently and swiftly, on the neck of Zhu Minglang leaves immediately wiped the bloodstain. 剑滑过,女武神身轻如燕的掠过,祝明朗的脖子上立刻多出了一抹血痕。 Zhu Minglang is motionless, waits for own head to tumble on the ground. 祝明朗一动也不动,等待着自己的脑袋滚落在地上。 But that is a mark, broke some skins. 但那不过就是浅浅的一道痕,破了一些皮。 Doesn't kill itself? 不杀自己? Zhu Minglang is covering the neck, has turned the head to look back that Martial Goddess selects beautiful high. 祝明朗捂着自己脖子,转过头去看着女武神婀娜高挑的背影。 He has not thanked Martial Goddess the graciousness of not killing, if after all she really cruel and merciless did not need to put out a hand at that time to pull oneself in the dungeon. 他没有感谢女武神的不杀之恩,毕竟她若真的心狠手辣当时在地牢就不用伸出手拉自己了。 I really speak the brand mark in you, becomes your shame for a lifetime?” Zhu Minglang opens the mouth to ask. “我真的会烙印在你心里,成为你一辈子的耻辱吗?”祝明朗开口问道。 These, can always hear about the story of Martial Goddess and tramp on , in space palace, in underground smelly Shuinigou, huge status dropping variance actually tangled up in the same place, this is a how explosive topic, believes soon, the person outside Eternal City will also know this news. 这几日,总能够听到关于女武神与流浪汉的故事,一个在天上宫殿,一个在地下的臭水泥沟中,巨大的身份落差却缠绵在一起,这是一个多么劲爆的话题,相信用不了多久,永城之外的人也会知道这个消息。 Martial Goddess had not replied, continues to walk outward, this time she not like couple days ago Qiaozhuang, but revealed own appearance/portrait directly, simple and thin and pale actually still peerless grace and talent. 女武神没有回答,继续往外走去,这一次她没有像前几天那样乔庄,而是直接露出了自己的真容,朴素、憔悴却依然风华绝代。 Actually......” Zhu Minglang looks that she gradually disappears, swallows back to the words of mouth. “其实……”祝明朗看着她逐渐消失,到嘴边的话又咽了回去。 Zhu Minglang also understands. 祝明朗也懂。 Oneself are not the Martial Goddess shame, the present status lowly is. 自己并不是女武神的耻辱,如今的身份卑贱才是。 ...... …… She walked, the Zhu Minglang mood somewhat complex, picked a piece of full big mulberry leaf to place on the palm subconsciously, small ice worm immediately cheerful ball from his shoulder to mulberry leaf on. 她走了,祝明朗心情有些复杂,下意识的摘了一片饱满的大桑叶放在手掌心上,小冰虫马上欢快的从他肩上弹到了桑叶上。 „Couldn't we go back in the past the earthshaking day again?” Zhu Minglang holds this small ice worm careless asking. “我们是不是再也回不去当年叱咤风云的日子了?”祝明朗捧着这只小冰虫漫不经心的问道。 So many years, why Zhu Minglang had not ravelled a White Dragon well to be able one night to entangle completely the silk as before, again overnight rapid degeneration of huge body in silk, finally degenerates such only to know that gnaws the mulberry leaf the little fellow. 这么多年了,祝明朗依旧没有弄明白好好的一头白龙为什么会一夜之间缠满了蚕丝,又再一夜之间庞大的身躯在蚕丝中迅速的退化,最后退化成这么一个只知道啃桑叶的小家伙。 The small ice worm turns a deaf ear , the former claw that two almost cannot see lifted the mulberry leaf slightly, carried one to be bigger several times of rice bowls than him like a baby, sand rustle the start gnawed. 小冰虫充耳不闻,两只几乎看不见的前爪稍稍抬起了桑叶,就像一个小娃娃端着一只比他大了好几倍的饭碗,“沙沙沙”的开始啃了起来。 It is swaying from side to side the puffy body, exudes that joyful chewing sound, finished eating also the big eye to satisfy incomparably is flashing. 它扭动着肥嘟嘟的身子,发出那快乐的嘴嚼声,吃完还大眼睛满足无比的扑闪着。 Saw little fellow tender gruff appearance, Zhu Minglang smiled, could not bear poked its big stomach intestinal fat with another private seal. 看到小家伙这幅娇憨的样子,祝明朗不由笑了起来,忍不住用另一只手戳了戳它的大肚腩。 The little fellows do not know ashamed, immediately turning inside out belly, whatever Zhu Minglang gives him to massage, sends out un chirp enjoyment tune. 小家伙也是一点都不知道羞耻,马上翻过来肚皮,任由祝明朗给他按摩,发出“嗯唧唧”的享受腔调。 Ordinary also good, without the pressure, does not need to worry, others have not needed us to be responsible for......” “平凡也挺好的,没有压力,不用烦恼,人家还不用咱负责……” Shakes the head, Zhu Minglang continues to clean up an own side small courtyard, next year must in some back side of the mountain many big mulberry trees, the capacity for food of little fellow be getting bigger and bigger, oneself were not diligent, the small ice worm that was bound by a common destiny continually cannot raise. 摇了摇头,祝明朗继续清理着自己的一方小院子,来年还得在后山多种一些大桑树,小家伙的饭量越来越大了,自己不勤快点,连相依为命的小冰虫都养不起了。 Words said that but also without arriving at noon, a little to be how hot?” How long Zhu Minglang has not cleaned, gradually thought that the cold air was given to scatter by anything. “话说,还没到中午,怎么有点热啊?”祝明朗还没有打扫多久,逐渐觉得冷空气被什么给驱散了。 Wiped light/only to part the thick fog scarlet, does not know when exaggerated this small Mulberry Town, nearby grove does not know when was reflected equally is red gorgeously like the maplewood. 一抹抹赤光拨开了浓密的云雾,不知什么时候渲染了这小小的桑镇,就连附近的林子也不知道什么时候被映得如枫林一样通红艳丽。 Zhu Minglang raised the head, looks at the day. 祝明朗抬起头来,看着天。 In the morning has not crossed, how so exaggerating rosy-colored clouds at dawn? 早晨不是已经过了吗,怎么还有如此夸张的朝霞? This red cloud hanging down seems true|really roaring flame, the short time make the length and breadth the blue sky unexpectedly incomparably gorgeous! 这火烧云一朵朵倒垂似真正的烈焰,短短时间竟让广袤的青空变得无比绚丽! Creaks “嘎吱” Has not waited for Zhu Minglang to understand spatial phenomenon when of this day came from where, the wooden door was shoved open suddenly, just walked soon Martial Goddess look to tread in a hurry. 未等祝明朗想明白这天空异象从何而来时,木门突然被推开了,刚走不久的女武神神色匆匆的踏了进来。 Zhu Minglang eye one bright...... 祝明朗眼睛不由一亮…… She came back. 她回来了。 Actually oneself can also plant the wintersweet, this winter Zhu Minglang can diligently, so long as she is willing with the plain food, not to shut out in the future fully this is the silkworm excrement flavor hut institute, un, I can raise you. 其实自己还会种腊梅,这个冬天祝明朗可以更勤快一点,只要她愿意和自己粗茶淡饭,将来也不嫌弃这满是蚕粪味道的小屋院,恩,我可以养你啊。 Doesn't take revenge good?” Zhu Minglang showed the smile, the words arrived most near, did not wait for him to open the mouth. “不复仇了行不行?”祝明朗露出了笑容,话都到了最边上了,可不等他开口。 „The Martial Goddess look is serious, language fast extremely quick saying: „ You act in my clan the person.” 女武神神色严肃,语速极快的说道:“你扮演我的族里人。” Zhu Minglang did not have yes what's the matter, front gate again by vigorous shoving open, a man who imposing appearance is wearing the azure clothes scarlet mark walks. 祝明朗还没有明白怎么回事,院门再一次被大力的推开,一名身穿着青衣赤纹的英伟男子走来。 Although the clothing and semblance are passing several points of uncommonness, but most made his incomparably pale complexion that one cared, probably the body is dyeing what stubborn illness, simply did not have blood-color of normal person. 虽然着装和外表都透着几分不凡,但最令人在意的还是他那无比苍白的脸色,像是身上染着什么顽疾,根本没有一点正常人的血色。 His appearance that sickness fragile feeling, the cold arrogant command will of the people have not instead been awestruck to fear. 偏偏他这幅样子没有那种病弱不经风的感觉,反而寒冷孤傲的令人心生畏惧。 Zhu Minglang looked at the sky endless hot rosy cloud, looks at the scarlet pupil light that this person of double pupil pasted once for a while, then understood anything quickly. 祝明朗看了看天空无尽的火霞,又看了一眼此人双眸时不时流转出的赤红瞳光,很快便明白了些什么。 Herd dragon people. 牧龙人。 Moreover is very strong!! 而且很强!! You said person who must start off together, is he?” Luo Xiao opens the mouth to ask, the vision is the swift and fierce gaze Zhu Minglang. “您说要一起上路的人,便是他么?”罗孝开口问道,目光更是凌厉的注视着祝明朗 He first comes one step, had reported my present situation to clan, I let the trace that he sweeps clear me to stop over here, tomorrow will return to Ancestral Dragon City State.” Martial Goddess said. “他先来一步,已经向族里禀告了我现在的情况,我让他在这里清扫我逗留的痕迹,明日回祖龙城邦。”女武神说道。 Luo Xiao walks, starts to carefully examine Zhu Minglang, he has the facial expression of several points of question entirely not to believe words that seriously obviously Martial Goddess spoke. 罗孝走来,开始审视祝明朗,他严肃带着几分质疑的神情显然并不完全相信女武神说的话。 Female Monarch.” Zhu Minglang toward Martial Goddess good a traditional Chinese salute, say/way of being without turning a hair, clan made the subordinate lead you to go back, but perhaps permits had the stranger peer, your status was honored, so solemn beautiful, the subordinate suggested do not believe the person of unknown origin.” 女君。”祝明朗女武神行了一个抱拳礼,面不改色的道,“族里令属下带您回去,可没准许有陌生人同行啊,您身份尊贵,又如此端庄美丽,属下还是建议您不要相信来历不明的人。” Any of unknown origin, I am in the clan...... in the clan......” the Luo Xiao words told only half, actually does not know how to say. “什么来历不明,我本是族内……族内……”罗孝话说到一半,却不知怎么说下去。 „Before Luo Xiao, is the aide in my father institute, now is herd dragon, is not of unknown origin who you said.” Martial Goddess said. 罗孝以前是我父亲院内的侍从,现在更是牧龙者,不是你说的来历不明者。”女武神说道。 „, That is also the consanguineous juniors, since this starts off together , can take care.” Appearance that Zhu Minglang then complies with reluctantly. “哦,那也算是同族子弟,既然这样就一起上路吧,相互之间也可以有个照应。”祝明朗这才一副勉强答应的样子。 First to must question that own person has the question, quick-witted is passing mischievously some! 先对要质疑自己的人产生质疑,机智中透着些许顽皮! Zhu Minglang cannot bear sigh itself, performing skill now as much as ever! 祝明朗忍不住感叹自己,演技不减当年呐!
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