DH :: Volume #16

#1510: The life fights

segment Hongwu some do not dare to believe looks at this. 段红舞有些不敢置信的看着这一幕。 The oneself present strange man is the master of netherworld! 难道自己眼前的陌生男子是阴间的主人! Why otherwise the yama dragon takes orders in him! 不然阎王龙为何听命于他! He is eradicates these soul flag masters from the beginning! 他从一开始就是来铲除这些魂旗师的! I believe in ancient Gong to have advocate to the unknown strength like you with the curious person, but I also believe the process that overwhelming majorities have humane when seeing the system flag flees immediately, far away from soul flag master. Disappears own conscience as for these, officially becomes the soul flag master, their names also along the emergence of Yingtian punishment in my execution list!!” Zhu Minglang said to segment Hongwu. “我相信古宫中有很多像你一样对未知力量崇尚与好奇的人,但我也相信绝大多数心存人性者在见到过制旗的过程时都会立刻逃离,远离魂旗师。至于那些泯灭掉自己的良知,正式成为魂旗师的,他们的名字也将顺应天刑的出现在我的处决名单中!!”祝明朗对段红舞说道。 segment Hongwu only thought that the back sends coolly, she does not even dare to look straight ahead the eye of Zhu Minglang. 段红舞只觉得脊背发凉,她甚至不敢直视祝明朗的眼睛。 She cannot believe that if oneself trod one step, or has not obtained having no intention of opposite party to bless, oneself will end up the same fate!! 她不敢相信,若是自己多踏出了一步,亦或者没有得到对方的无意庇佑,自己会落得一样的下场!! ...... …… When Zhu Minglang sentences with the yama dragon harvesting soul, the sly things actually took advantage that lets one's thoughts wander to flee here. 祝明朗处刑与阎王龙收割灵魂之时,有一个狡猾的东西却趁乱想要逃离此处。 It is the ghost tuo Great Emperor. 它就是鬼陀大帝。 The ghost tuo Great Emperor discovered that the yama dragon does not come to oneself, therefore immediately sneaking off secretly. 鬼陀大帝发现阎王龙并不是冲着自己来的,于是马上偷偷的溜走。 Has suddenly disorder netherworld undercurrent, looks like under the place hole river, so long as while can shuttle back and forth several netherworld mountain ranges in the extreme time. 有一时间紊乱的阴间暗流,就像是地底下的窟河,只要乘上就可以在极端的时间里穿梭好几座阴间山脉。 The ghost tuo Great Emperor obtains the thing that oneself wanted, makes a getaway immediately. 鬼陀大帝得到了自己想要的东西,立马逃之夭夭。 Just, ten thousand ghost ksitigarbha dragons have actually been staring at it, in instantly, the ksitigarbha dragon that the ghost tuo Great Emperor leaves then pursued. 只不过,万煞地藏龙却一直盯着它,在鬼陀大帝离开的刹那,地藏龙便追了上去。 The ghost tuo Great Emperor flies into a rage, it turned the head to put out a netherworld incantation, incantation probably was sincere the incomparable thunder thorn chain, whipped on the body of ksitigarbha dragon. 鬼陀大帝暴跳如雷,它转头吐出了一种阴间雷咒,雷咒像是厚重无比的雷霆棘链,鞭挞在地藏龙的身上。 When the ghost tuo Great Emperor discovered pursues merely when only then ksitigarbha dragon, the ghost tuo Great Emperor unshackled, exudes the sharp laughter, while whips to attack the ksitigarbha dragon with incantation! 当鬼陀大帝发现追逐过来的仅仅只有地藏龙时,鬼陀大帝更放开了手脚,一边发出尖锐的笑声,一边用雷咒鞭挞攻击着地藏龙! The ksitigarbha dragon was once stranded in imprisoning the Longjing tea, these days it experienced suffering similarly the misery. 地藏龙曾经就被困在囚龙井中,那些日子它同样受尽了苦难。 If it has not been separated to imprison the Longjing tea, with these by the ghost tuo Great Emperor pitiful dragon soul who then its destiny trading will be given soul flag is the same! 若它没有脱离囚龙井,那么它的命运就会和那些被鬼陀大帝“贩卖”给魂旗师的悲惨龙魂一样! The itself/Ben is an old enemy, in addition sees these to imprison the bitter experience of dragon, naturally wells up the chest cavity angrily! 本就是宿敌,再加上看到那些囚龙的遭遇,愤怒自然涌上胸腔! The ksitigarbha dragon opened the mouth, put out fatal black light dragon breath! 地藏龙张开了口,吐出了致命黑光龙息! The ghost tuo Great Emperor is quite flexible, it essentially only then a face, the motion time its surroundings will also present the overlapped shadow flame, these shadow flame become the shield of ghost tuo Great Emperor, keeping the ksitigarbha dragon from catching its true position. 鬼陀大帝相当灵活,它本质上只有一张脸,移动时候它的周围还会出现重重叠叠的影焰,这些影焰成为了鬼陀大帝的掩护,让地藏龙无法捕捉到它真正的位置。 Put out dozens black light dragon breath continually, but does not have the wound to this ghost tuo Great Emperor finally! 一连吐出了数十道黑光龙息,但最终都没有伤到这鬼陀大帝! The ghost tuo Great Emperor starts around the ksitigarbha dragon, its velocity anomaly quick, shadow flame continually a flame band, later fierce tightening, buckle stubbornly on the neck of ksitigarbha dragon! 鬼陀大帝开始绕着地藏龙,它速度异常的快,影焰连成了一道焰箍,随后猛的紧锁,死死的扣在了地藏龙的脖子上! The ksitigarbha dragon only felt that the neck extremely, the body banned the band to pound with this shadow flame suddenly heavily to nine quiet rivers, and also in unceasing sank downward. 地藏龙只感觉颈部忽然间沉重万分,身体更是随着这影焰禁箍而砸向了九幽河中,并且还在不断的往下沉。 The ghost tuo Great Emperor shot a look at a beforehand tomb palace specially, wants to determine that Zhu Minglang and made its frightened yama dragon whether with. 鬼陀大帝特意瞥了一眼自己之前的陵殿,想要确定祝明朗和令它恐惧的阎王龙是否跟过来。 The ksitigarbha dragon kills it, will become the Yin territory ksitigarbha dragon, is almost in the position that is equal to with the yama dragon, altogether governs the nether world. 地藏龙将它杀死,将成为阴域地藏龙,与阎王龙几乎处在等同的地位上,共治阴曹地府。 Similarly, if it gives to kill the ksitigarbha dragon, then the ghost tuo Great Emperor will also be promoted to Fengtu Great Emperor, the sovereigns of ten thousand ghost, have the opportunity to dominate above the yama and ksitigarbha! 同样的,假如它把地藏龙给杀死,那么鬼陀大帝也会晋升为酆都大帝,万鬼之皇,有机会凌驾于阎王与地藏之上! Is placed has two choices in front of it! 摆在它面前有两个选择! Now flees from here, can save the life. 现在就逃离这里,可以保住自己性命。 The adventure tries, has not rushed while the reinforcement of opposite party, will also be at the ksitigarbha dragon of growth stage doing, is so dormant and cultivates again for several years, met it to be insufficient like the present to run away with the yama dragon again! 冒险一试,趁着对方的增援没有赶到,将还处在成长阶段的地藏龙给做掉,如此再蛰伏与修炼几年,再与阎王龙相遇它就不至于像现在这样逃窜了! Looked at one quite a while not to work loose the ksitigarbha dragon of shadow flame band incantation, the ghost tuo Great Emperor could not have resisted like this perfect chance eventually! 看了一眼半天都没有挣脱开自己影焰箍咒的地藏龙,鬼陀大帝终究还是没有抵挡得住这样的完美机缘! This is the heaven gracious gift gives own opportunity! 这是上天恩赐给自己的机会! Must grasp! 一定要把握住! In the riches and honor danger asked! 富贵险中求! Wrestles!! 搏一搏!! The ghost tuo Great Emperor clenches teeth, a fierce face plants into to nine profound deep pools, must fight a battle to force a quick decision, kills the ksitigarbha dragon! 鬼陀大帝一咬牙,猛的一脸栽入到九幽深潭中,要速战速决,弄死地藏龙! Nine quiet deep water places, the ksitigarbha dragon unceasing submersion, after its neck was bind rounded, the strength of its making an effort whole body is unable heavy contending with this shadow flame tight band. 九幽深水处,地藏龙不断的下沉,它的颈部被箍住后,它使劲全身的力气都无法与这影焰紧箍的沉重抗衡。 At this time, the above of ksitigarbha dragon presented an evil shadow, dark mass of dead air/Qi even exaggerated the black nine quiet water. 此时,地藏龙的上方出现了一道邪影,乌压压的一片死气甚至将九幽水都渲染成了黑色。 Is the ghost tuo Great Emperor! 是鬼陀大帝! It does not have greedy of depressing innermost feelings eventually. 它终究没有压抑内心的贪婪。 The ksitigarbha dragon truly cannot work loose this shadow flame tight band, but its feather scale can have one's wish to fluctuate, it a moment ago went all out struggles in the water, nothing but was displayed not being able to swim by oneself, misleading the ghost tuo Great Emperor into thinking oneself are the drowning weak condition! 地藏龙确实挣脱不開這影焰緊箍,可它身上的羽鳞是可以随心所欲变幻的,刚才它拼命的在水中挣扎,无非是让自己表现得不会水性,让鬼陀大帝误以为自己处在溺水虚弱状态! As soon as swallows the bait to the ghost tuo Great Emperor, on ksitigarbha dragon all scale feathers turned into the incomparably smooth quiet scale, they with cold nine quiet water contacts at the same time, will absorb Yin moist energies in nine quiet water, and makes the body of ksitigarbha dragon such as the Sichuan dragon like that to be flexible! 一等到鬼陀大帝上钩,地藏龙身上的所有的鳞羽变成了无比光滑的幽鳞,它们与寒冷的九幽水接触的同时,会吸收九幽水中的阴潮能量,并讓地藏龙的身体变得如川龙那般灵活! The ghost tuo Great Emperor transformed several thousand similar ancient armor ugly face, each face started swallowing in gulps! 鬼陀大帝幻化出了数千张同样的古代盔甲鬼脸,每张脸都开始大口大口的吞噬! The ksitigarbha dragon raises own tail immediately, wipes the pale deep light to glow from the dragon corner/horn place of ksitigarbha dragon, later following its back rapid transmission tail pistil position! 地藏龙立刻提起了自己的尾巴,一抹苍白冥光从地藏龙的龙角处焕发,随后顺着它的脊背迅速的传递到尾蕊位置! The ksitigarbha deep lamp erupted the daytime day glow, the dim nine quiet deep pools mapped to no warm feeling probably evil Yang, the lamp splendor melted the surrounding these ancient armor ugly faces completely, and pierced the eyeball of ghost tuo Great Emperor ruthlessly! 地藏冥灯爆发出了白昼天芒,昏暗的九幽潭像是映入到一枚无暖意的邪阳,灯辉将周围那些古代盔甲鬼脸全部融化,并狠狠的刺穿了鬼陀大帝的眼球! The eyeball of ghost tuo Great Emperor vanished, in its eye socket overflowed the black blood. 鬼陀大帝的眼球消失了,它的眼眶中溢出了黑色的血来。 It at this moment is more terrifying, opening of its whole piece face violent anger, will crack from the interior probably, a resentful fire overflows in its armor, its whole piece face was also covered by the resentful fire gradually, finally turned into a resentful fire ghost emperor! 此刻的它更加恐怖,它整张脸暴怒的张开,像是会从内部崩裂,一股怨火在它的盔甲内溢出,它的整张脸也渐渐被怨火笼罩,最终变成了一张怨火鬼帝! Its mouth gathered, puts out complained about the mountain one after another, these complaint mountain numerous pressures in the body of ksitigarbha dragon. 它的嘴一张一合,吐出了一座又一座怨山,这些怨念山重重的压在地藏龙的身躯上。 The neck was tightened is bind rounding the ksitigarbha dragon body ruthlessly after suppressing, was also hard to move again. 颈部本就被紧箍着的地藏龙身躯被狠狠的压住之后,便再也难以动弹了。 Its ksitigarbha deep lamp is hard to raise, is unable to absorb the deep glow that it wants to the outside world. 它的地藏冥灯难以提起,更无法向外界吸收它想要的冥芒。 The ghost tuo Great Emperor exuded the sharp cry, its greedy flies the front of ksitigarbha dragon, the wicked embryo that probably in the famine died, saw raw meat living creature reckless eats the food. 鬼陀大帝发出了尖锐的叫声,它贪婪的飞到地藏龙的面前,像是饥荒中死去的恶胎所化,看到生肉活物都会不顾一切的上去啃食。 The ksitigarbha dragon is unable to move, but it can operate oneself scale as before! 地藏龙无法动弹,但它依旧可以操纵自己身上的鳞! The smooth quiet scale transforms in the flash, presenting to be hard and close, the ghost tuo Great Emperor just opened the mouth to bite, finally was pierced own lip by the reverse scale of needle dragon! 光滑的幽鳞在一瞬间转变,呈现出了坚硬与细密,鬼陀大帝刚张开口要咬,结果被龙之逆鳞针刺穿了自己的嘴唇! The ghost tuo Great Emperor violent anger, it puts out these incantations to whip the ksitigarbha dragon again! 鬼陀大帝暴怒,它再一次吐出那些雷咒去鞭挞地藏龙! The ksitigarbha dragon is trying to pull out own wing separates out the complaint mountain, at this time it endures this incantation to whip, finally left-wing pulling out to! 地藏龙正在试图将自己的翅膀抽离出怨念山,此时它忍受着这种雷咒鞭挞,终于将左翼给抽离了出来! The left wing opens, the above star mark released the innumerable dying deep beams immediately, these dying deep beam hit on the face of ghost tuo Great Emperor, hit the pain to wail it! 左翼张开,上面的星纹顿时释放出了无数死冥射线,这些死冥射线打在了鬼陀大帝的脸上,将它打得痛苦哀嚎!
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