DH :: Volume #16

#1504: Mixes in

Soul flag ancient Gong understands the use will of the people. 魂旗古宫非常懂得利用人心。 They said benevolence, some unceasing bestowment petty profits. 他们将仁义道德挂在嘴边,同时也不断的施舍一些蝇头小利。 Provides the free residence, provides delicious food, night will have the liquor water, a group of a group of young cultivator gathers, it may be said that has a common goal, was elaborating own aspiration, fervent is telling, if after becoming space Star God, how to benefit for the world. 提供免费的居所,提供美味的食物,夜里还会有酒水,一大群一大群年轻的修行者聚集在一起,可谓志同道合,阐述着自己的抱负,也慷慨激昂的讲述着自己若成为天上星神之后,将怎样为天下造福。 Everyone starts to speak freely in such atmosphere, but the cultivators who each wanders around, by the person supercilious look as if found the true ownership! 每个人在这样的气氛下都开始畅所欲言,而每一个四处流浪、受人白眼的修行者都仿佛找到了自己真正的归属! Here does not have the prejudice, without discrimination, so long as is willing to join them, is the same side, is utterly devoted. 这里没有偏见,没有歧视,只要愿意加入他们,就是同门,就是肝胆相照。 Eradicates the ancient gateway, establishment own sect, and in the current political situation that in this has consolidated opens their stretch of the world! 破除古老的门户,创立属于自己的教派,并在这已经稳固的时局中开辟出他们自己一片天地! When Zhu Minglang treats ten days later in this ancient Gong specially, Zhu Minglang understands how Ji Yuanye uses the will of the people, how also to be expanded by own influence, was proliferated wildly for nine days by own follower! 祝明朗特意在这古宫中待十天之后,祝明朗明白了纪远野是如何利用人心,又如何让自己的势力壮大,让自己的信徒遍布九天之野的! He is equal to longing for everyone transformed the opportunity to donate each elegant unsuccessful person, making them see the hope. 他等于是将每一个人都渴望蜕变机遇赠予了每一个郁郁不得志的人,让他们看到希望。 This hope is real, because these grasped the person of technique of soul flag, they truly became powerful, was in the important position in the entire northern heavens, more and more people know that their sect, and more and more people joined to them, that frantic faith same spread like the seasonal contagious disease in many people...... 偏偏这份希望是真实的,因为那些掌握了魂旗之术的人,他们确实变得强大了起来,在整个玄天都占据了重要的位置,越来越多人知道他们的教派,并越来越多人加入到他们之中来,那份狂热的信念在诸多人身上如瘟病一样传开…… The supporters and vanguards are continuous, the most important thing is even some great people of northern heavens also start for the soul flag master platform, appear here ancient palace repeatedly, this made more and more people believe the ability of their Immortal Duke Ji, believes that he was the northern heavens palm day same level! 拥护者、捍卫者络绎不绝,最重要的是连玄天的一些大人物也开始为魂旗师站台,频频出现在这座古宫之中,这让越来越多人更相信了他们纪仙公的能耐,也坚信他是与玄天掌天者同一个层次的! Easily will not accept the disciple overwhelming majorities to tall God, will not teach any method, but actually teaches all comers without discrimination here, insignificant cultivator, the become famous god reveres, obtaining should have the respect. 绝大多数至高神都不会轻易收徒,更不会传授任何的法门,可在这里却是有教无类,无论是微不足道的修行者,还是已经成名的神尊,都得到了该有的尊重。 Zhu Minglang rubs in this Forbidden City eats to rub drinks, wants to ask anything, they inform truthfully, wants to make anything also no one to stop, a school is auspicious and equal, making people even think that this is the cultivator should have the appearance that everyone was respected, only needs the faith to strengthen and make the effort, will receive the return in this soul flag sect! 祝明朗可谓是在这故宫中蹭吃蹭喝,想问什么,他们都是如实告知,想做什么也没有人会阻拦,一派祥和与平等,让人甚至觉得这才是修行者该有的样子,每一个人都得到了尊重,只需要信念坚定和付出努力,就会在这个魂旗教派中获得回报! Zhu Minglang was very clear, has too many cultivators because of seeing such representation astrayed. 祝明朗很清楚,有太多的修行者是因为看到了这样的表象而误入其中。 Reason that observes here , because Zhu Minglang must give to comb the core figures of entire soul flag sect. 之所以在这里观察,是因为祝明朗必须将整个魂旗教派的核心人物都给梳理出来。 Cannot let these artificial calamity world again, moreover cannot bleed off any absolutely, because any soul flag masters can stage a comeback, they even can become Ji Yuanye of next time! 不能再让这些人为祸世间了,而且绝对不能放走任何一个,因为任何一个魂旗师都可以东山再起,他们甚至可以成为下一个时代的纪远野! „, Our land Xianshi has a matter to need everyone to assist, does not know that which excel at the Yin technique, or has Yin dragon, can join to this Buddhist ceremony in time.” The man who wears the red Daoist robe said. “诸位,我们陆仙师有一件事需要大家鼎力相助的,不知有哪些擅长阴术,或者拥有阴龙者,可以加入到这一次的法事中。”一名穿着红道袍的男子说道。 In order to obtains recognizes, these young cultivators display very enthusiastically. 为了能够得到更多赏识,这些年轻的修行者们表现得非常踊跃。 Has to do with the netherworld?? 和阴间打交道?? Zhu Minglang is somewhat curious, actually this Ji Yuanye big disciple land period of five days must make anything. 祝明朗有些好奇,这位纪远野的大门徒陆候究竟要做什么。 I have a dead agilisaurus.” Zhu Minglang stood up the body, said to that red Daoist robe say/way. “我有一只死灵龙。”祝明朗站起了身,对那位红道袍道者说道。 What cultivates is?” “什么修为?” Star shining god.” Zhu Minglang said. “星耀神主。”祝明朗说道。 Such remarks, vision falling of people on the body of Zhu Minglang, Zhu Minglang mixed up with this group of fellow daoist male servants recently, most of them think that Zhu Minglang is one comes to here to drift along, has not actually thought that Zhu Minglang unexpectedly is the god level. 此话一出,众人的目光不由的落在了祝明朗的身上,最近祝明朗都是与这群道友厮混在一起,他们多数以为祝明朗是一个来这里混日子的,却不曾想祝明朗居然是神主级的。 Especially several females, regarded the Zhu Minglang look to be different. 尤其是几位女子,看待祝明朗的眼神都不一样了。 That is very good, tomorrow night when waning, your range palace.” Red robe say/way said. “那很好啊,明夜月亏时,你岭宫来。”红袍道者说道。 Spoke these words, red robe say/way the place that goes to the next fellow daoist to gather, and continues to look for the capable person different gentlemen in these people. 说完这句话,红袍道者又前往了下一处道友聚集的地方,并继续找寻这些人中的能人异士。 Cannot look, vermilion brother unexpectedly is god!” “看不出来啊,朱兄竟是一位神者!” Yes, yes, these days considered only to have a friendly chat over a cup of wine, the deep understanding, really has not lost the respect to lose the respect.” “是啊,是啊,这些日子只顾把酒言欢,未曾深入了解,真是失敬失敬。” vermilion fellow daoist, we can be intimate in the future.” Female smiling saying of an demon cultivates. “朱道友,咱们日后可以多亲近亲近呀。”一位魔修的女子笑盈盈的说道。 Zhu Minglang with a smile ambiguous past. 祝明朗笑着含糊了過去。 In fact, the group of people who Zhu Minglang becomes friends with, actually is also comes to here to mix to eat to mix to drink, they have oneself ability, did not plan that discards own cultivating to join to the soul flag sect, chart lives it up and looks at freshly. 事實上,祝明朗结交的这群人,其实也都是来这裡混吃混喝的,他们都有自己的本领,也根本不打算舍弃自己的修为去加入到魂旗教派中,图个热闹和看个新鲜罢了。 World really has many chances, but there is a chance of many widely dissemination often is a trap, the sober person may visit to look, but will not easily become confused absolutely, they often have oneself judgment. 世间确实有很多机缘,但有许多广为传播的机缘往往就是陷阱,清醒的人或许会踏足进来看一看,但绝对不会轻易被冲昏头脑,他们往往有自己的判断。 The sober person, the nature and sober person huddles together, but the frantic person naturally can also with the frantic person gather together. 清醒的人,自然和清醒的人扎堆,而狂热的人自然也会和狂热的人聚在一起。 The fellow daoist of these all sorts of people Zhu Minglang knows, is most probably sober, in fact Ji Yuanye proselytizing does not strike root in the hearts of the people, the cultivator is completely not a fool, knows that must bare the representation to see most real one. 祝明朗认识的这些个三教九流的道友,大半是清醒的,事实上纪远野的传道也不是那么深入人心,修行者并不全部都是傻子,知道要剥开表象看到最真实的一幕。 Zhu Minglang somewhat is actually curious. 倒是祝明朗有些好奇。 Ji Yuanye largest disciple land Hou is up to mischief. 纪远野的第一大门徒陆侯又在搞什么鬼。 Why can gather these to grasp the person of technique of netherworld? 为何要聚集那些掌握着阴间之术的人? Long-drawn-out “悠” Small Bai Qi is a drowsy appearance, sobered such a small meeting, narrowed own eye, matter of complete surroundings to the appearance that was not interested. 白岂还是一副昏昏欲睡的样子,清醒了那么一小会,又眯上了自己的眼睛,完全一副对周围发生的事情不感兴趣的样子。 However, can look, it also enjoys this type to be lazy and easy and comfortable very much, only needs the nest on the shoulder of Zhu Minglang. 不过,看得出来,它也很享受这种慵懒与安逸,只需要窝在祝明朗的肩膀上。 Zhu Minglang is stroking its feather. 祝明朗抚摸着它的羽绒。 Understood at a glance that you are not suitable to treat here.” At this time, that demon cultivated/repaired the female to say to Zhu Minglang. “一看就知道你不适合待在这里。”这时,那位魔修女子对祝明朗说道。 Why?” Zhu Minglang asked. “为何?”祝明朗问道。 „When you favor to drown this Bailong appearance, it is estimated that will envy including the woman, you are in Dragon Herder the most typical dragon slave.” That demon cultivates the female to say. “你宠溺这只小白龙时的样子,估计连女人都会羡慕,你就是牧龙师中最典型的龙奴。”那位魔修女子说道。 Had heard the cat slave, has not listened to dragon Nu...... 听说过猫奴,没听过龙奴的…… But Zhu Minglang also thought that the demon cultivated/repaired the female to say no problem. 祝明朗也觉得魔修女子说得没什么毛病。 Actually, coming here person also to have much is like you, has the unique affection to the dragon, regards as own family member and friend, hoping them do not come under the surrounding person's influence, makes to make itself regret the lifetime matter.” The demon nun child heaved a deep sigh. “其实,来这里的人也有不少和你一样的,都是对龙有着独特的喜爱,视作自己的亲人、朋友,但愿他们不要受到周圍人的影响,做出让自己后悔一生的事情。”魔修女子长叹一声。 Zhu Minglang gawked staring, has not thought that this being beautifully attired demon cultivated/repaired the female instead to see through the essence of soul flag. 祝明朗愣了愣,没有想到这位花枝招展的魔修女子反而看穿了魂旗师的本质。 Yes, I also think sometimes does not understand...... well doesn't cultivate the behavior well?” Zhu Minglang said. “是啊,有的时候我也想不明白……好好的做人不好吗?”祝明朗道。 Actually, these iron core the person who must initiate, they are also sober. 其实,那些铁了心要入教的人,他们自己也是清醒的。 Is more careful, tomorrow night definitely is not the good assignment.” The demon cultivated/repaired the female well-meaning reminder Zhu Minglang. “小心一些,明夜肯定不是什么好差事。”魔修女子善意的提醒了祝明朗一句。 ...... ……
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