DH :: Volume #14

#1350: Bullies my Junior Sister?

Prior to departure, the Vega immortal gave back to a Zhu Minglang interesting Buddhist musical instrument, is called cloud Lingdi. 临行前,织女星仙还给了祝明朗一件有意思的法器,叫做云灵笛。 According to the specific melody blows, leaping Unzen in sky from will gather spirit in all directions, the principle and fog sea immortal bridge of south forehead is similar, time that can big economical hurry along. 按照特定的旋律去吹,天空中的腾云仙灵就会从四面八方聚过来,原理与南天庭的雾海仙桥相似,可以大大的节省赶路的时间。 The day mark valley is very remote, without this cloud Lingdi words, Zhu Minglang, even if controls the small gluttony to mount the clouds and ride the mist still needs to arrive moon/month. 天痕谷还挺遥远的,没有这云灵笛的话,祝明朗即便驾驭着小饕餮腾云驾雾也需要个把月时间才能够抵达。 Had this cloud Lingdi, Zhu Minglang only spent seven days of time to cross high night/lodge, arrived in the honored day comparison by the place of eastern Xinjiang. 有了这云灵笛,祝明朗只花了七天时间就横穿了亢宿,抵达了位于钧天比较靠东疆的地方。 Came to here, Zhu Minglang knows that the original day mark valley is not fixed. 来了这里,祝明朗才知道原来天痕谷并非是固定的。 It is one will have the specific fissure that the space drifts, moreover possibly simultaneously appears in several places, the entrances of these day mark valleys even possibly are separated by several days to be wild. 它是一个会产生空间漂移的特定裂痕,而且可能同时出现在好几个地方,这几个天痕谷的入口甚至可能相隔好几个天野。 In other words, this is a very strange shuttle fissure, time probably in several months to several years, and disappearance in some day of no indication. 也就是说,这是一种非常奇异的穿梭裂痕,持续的时间大概在几个月到几年不等,并且会在某一天毫无征兆的消失。 The day mark valley that at this time presents has continued to have about a year in the honored day eastern Xinjiang Qingcheng , Ji Yuan was so wild they to arrive at the honored day through this day mark valley from the white and shiny day six months ago wildly. 此时出现的天痕谷已经在钧天的东疆庆城持续了有一年左右了,如此算起来,半年前纪远野他们应当就是通过这个天痕谷从颢天之野来到钧天的。 The eastern Xinjiang Qingcheng is just the crab apple tree divine land very common border small city, is not bountiful, is not poor, because of appearance of day mark valley, making this small city become also to want the lively and lively place compared with the gods. 原本东疆庆城只不过是棠神州非常不起眼的边境小城池,不算富饶,也不算贫穷,但因为天痕谷的横空出世,让这座小城池一跃成为了比神都还要繁华与热闹的地方。 Almost all cultivators will take this Qingcheng as a relay, then travels between in the day of mark valley repeatedly, carries over from there some thin having mystical powers capitals that only then wild can deliver in other days, get rich by foul means. 几乎所有修行者都会以这庆城为一个中转,然后多次往返天痕谷内,从那里带出一些只有在其他天野才会产出的稀有灵资,大发横财。 Because the day mark valley becomes the Heaven corridor that several days wild between exchanges, here naturally is primarily the trade, even if at the beginning of the day mark valley appears it is an empty mountain valley, quick will also be repaired and dispersed the immortal by the innumerable powder, to send building greatly incomparably luxuriously prosperous. 因为天痕谷成为了几个天野之间互通的天界走廊,这里自然以贸易为主,哪怕天痕谷出现之初它是一个空荡荡的山谷,很快也会被无数散修、散仙、大派给筑造得无比奢华繁盛。 Zhu Minglang found palace Yuexia in Qingcheng. 祝明朗是在庆城找到了宫月霞。 Palace Yuexia is injured, her right hand arm has a wound, when must be sneak attacked then avoids urgently creates. 宫月霞受了伤,她右手臂有一道伤口,应当是被偷袭然后紧急躲避时造成的。 What person such big courage, dares to begin to you?” Zhu Minglang angry say/way. “什么人这么大的胆子,敢对你动手?”祝明朗愤怒道。 The good and evil is to live together young Junior Sister, particularly in palace Yuexia that martial-looking makings with Li Yunzi also some similar, Zhu Minglang may be unable to allow the young Junior Sister to be bullied! 好歹是生活在一起的小师妹,尤其是宫月霞那股英武气质上与黎云姿还有些许相似,祝明朗可容不得自己小师妹被欺负! „Some petty people of revealing only part of the truth, do not need to pay attention, how does the master only make your one person come actually?” Palace Yuexia said. “一些藏头露尾的鼠辈,不必理会,倒是师父怎么只让你一个人前来?”宫月霞说道。 Junior Sister, your words showed to the Senior Brother that little does not trust.” Zhu Minglang said. “师妹,你这句话透出了对师兄的那么一点点不信任啊。”祝明朗说道。 Palace Yuexia told Zhu Minglang with a tranquil and calm look, you said right. 宫月霞用一个平静且镇定的眼神告诉祝明朗,你说对了。 Zhu Minglang felt an awkwardness of faint trace, but is striking one's chest to show to make fellow apprentice's imposing manner saying: You could rest assured that this account Senior Brother definitely asks to you, who you told me to bully by all means your are.” 祝明朗感觉到了一丝丝的尴尬,只是拍着胸脯彰显出做师兄的气势道:“你放心,这笔账师兄肯定给你讨回来,你只管告诉我欺负你的是何人。” We must first recover something.” Palace Yuexia said. “我们得先去追回一些东西。”宫月霞说道。 What thing?” “什么东西?” Whole wide world ancient Jianling.” Palace Yuexia said. “八荒古剑灵。”宫月霞说道。 Zhu Minglang had words on the tip of the tongue, he displayed for several points to have doubts, inquired that palace Yuexia said: Is master elder sister wants?” 祝明朗话到嘴边顿了一下,他表现出了几分疑惑,询问宫月霞道:“是师父姐姐要的?” Un, the master bought whole wide world ancient Jianling from some outstandingly able person there, but delivers the sword person to be actually detained in the day mark valley, I am took the sword, finally suddenly runs out of one group of people to come, will deliver the sword person to give to take, gave to injure...... me to say me oneself status also raised the master, the opposite party was not serious.” Palace Yuexia said. “嗯,师父从一些奇人那里买了八荒古剑灵,但送剑人却被滞留在天痕谷中,我本是去拿剑,结果忽然冲出一群人来,将送剑人给拿下,将我给打伤……我说了自己身份也提了师父,对方根本不当一回事。”宫月霞说道。 Other days wild?” Zhu Minglang inquired. “其他天野的?”祝明朗询问道。 Mostly yes, moreover should has the gratitude and grudges with the master or the southern forehead.” Palace Yuexia nods. “多半是,而且应该和师父或者南天庭有恩怨的。”宫月霞点了点头。 Walks, meets again meets them.” Zhu Minglang said. “走,再会一会他们。”祝明朗说道。 ...... …… Day mark valley not in land, but in expansive sky. 天痕谷并不是在大地上,而是在长空中。 Above the expansive sky presented a scarlet opening, looks like the backdrop to be given to rip open by what first ancestor day demon there, this picture looks up to the person on horizon to shock regarding the land in extremely. 长空之上出现了一道猩红的裂口,就像是天幕在那里被什么始祖天魔给撕开,这画面对于大地上仰望到天际上的人来说极为震撼。 Repairs for has not achieved certain boundary, but also is unable to fly into to this day mark valley. 修为没有达到一定境界,还无法飞入到这天痕谷里。 Therefore on this day the mark valley limited every cultivated/repaired with the mortal. 所以这天痕谷是限制了凡修与凡人的。 When Zhu Minglang and palace Yuexia flies into to the day mark valley again, the surrounding sky densely and numerously is completely person and the dragon, some powder immortals had not as if found the appropriate stall in the day mark valley, was the cloud outside day of mark valley in the air sets up a day of booth simply, calling that but also the supplementary went all out. 祝明朗与宫月霞再次飞入到天痕谷时,周围的天空密密麻麻全部都是人和龙,有些散仙似乎在天痕谷中没有找到合适的摊位,干脆就是天痕谷外的云空中摆起了天摊,还附带卖力的吆喝。 In brief the world of immortal god cannot avoid the smoke and fire aura, cannot avoid the worldly wisdom. 总之仙神的世界也是免不了烟火气息,免不了人情世故的。 Penetrates to the day mark valley, very intense sky wave autokinetic effect transmits, this feeling vanished fortunately quickly. 穿入到天痕谷中,很强烈的空间波动感传来,还好这种感觉很快就消失了。 „Is this thing, the dark vortex updated version?” Zhu Minglang pondered this issue came. “这东西,是不是暗漩的升级版呢?”祝明朗不禁思考起了这个问题来。 Is a bit like, enters to feeling, is similar to drilling into the dark vortex, moreover intersection of netherworld is also the rural fair of netherworld ghost thing, similarly anything sells. 有点像,进入到其中的感觉,类似于钻入到暗漩,而且阴间的十字路口也是阴间鬼物们的集市,同样什么东西都卖。 Netherworld intersection is the rural fair of ghost thing, that mark valley of this day should be the temple fair of deities. 阴间十字路口是鬼物们的集市,那这天痕谷应该就是神仙们的庙会了。 Inside is really lively, in Yunyan valley that in reflects curvingly, a world of diminished version such as a Shanghetu presented that more flies upward, more is close to the smoke and fire of immortal, when arrives in some specific altitude, the gravity was the high-rising turn over however, the flight turned into crash, but this crash also caused to reflect the day mark valley that turned into one so-called land valley. 里面果然非常热闹,在一条弯弯曲曲倒映的云岩谷中,一个缩小版的人间如一幅上河图般呈现了出来,越往上飞,就越接近仙人的烟火,当抵达某个特定的高度时,重力更是兀然的翻转了过来,飞行变成了坠落,而这种坠落也使得倒映的天痕谷变成了一块所谓的“陆地谷”。 From the beginning Zhu Minglang also some do not adapt, dizzy dizzy. 一开始祝明朗还有些不适应,头昏目眩的。 But one side as the gods, times was the godship so high gods, Zhu Minglang goes to vomit 2-3 to be used to it merely completely. 但作为神明,还是神格如此高的神明,祝明朗仅仅去一旁呕吐了2-3次就完全习惯了。 In nearby palace Yuexia phoenix eye flashes through exclusion of such faint trace, but the good intention drank a spirit spring water to Zhu Minglang, making Zhu Minglang adjust. 一旁的宫月霞丹凤眼中闪过那么一丝丝的嫌弃,但还是好心给祝明朗喝了一种灵泉水,让祝明朗调整了过来。 I am all right, I am all right, we meet these bully your person!” Zhu Minglang said. “我没事,我没事,我们去会一会那些欺负你的人!”祝明朗说道。 ...... …… Looked to hit valley pavilion, shortly after this pavilion obviously just built, built the masters about ten days to construct some artistic high towers through some tenon and mortise magic arts, therefore here can splendid not be seemingly unusual, under the valley deep place, a piece served as contrast such as the Dragon King crystal palace general palace in Yunyan, there mostly was the master of this day mark valley. 找打了一谷阁,这阁明显是刚搭建不久,筑师们通过一些榫卯法术可以在十天左右的时间就建造出一些美观的高阁,所以这里可以看上去富丽堂皇也不稀奇,在谷的深处,还有一片在云岩衬托下如龙王水晶宫一般的宫殿,那里多半是这天痕谷的主人。 Can have a business pavilion in the day mark valley, some that definitely also backgrounds. 能在天痕谷中有一商阁,那肯定也是有一些背景的。 Zhu Minglang discovered that this business pavilion is primarily buying and selling the almighty troops, becomes several big swords that arrange in order to have the function of deterrent. 祝明朗发现这商阁是以买卖神兵为主,成列出来的几柄大剑就有威慑的作用。 Almighty troops pavilion?” “神兵阁?” Zhu Minglang looks at these three large characters, immediately is lost in thought. 祝明朗看着这三个大字,顿时陷入了沉思。 Difficult to be inadequate is similar wishes gate such casting master school to oneself?? 难不成是类似于自己祝门那样的铸师门派?? Nine days 49 divine lands, really have such gods sect. 九天四十九神州,想必也确实有这样的神明宗派。 Lao Fanqing the effective person comes out.” Zhu Minglang walked, saying of coming straight to the point. “劳烦请管事的人出来。”祝明朗走了进去,开门见山的说道。 I am here manager, what matter does the little brother have?” The female who wears the jade burial suit walks, smiling asking. “我就是这里管事的,小兄弟有何事?”一名穿着玉衣的女子走来,笑盈盈的问道。
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