DH :: Volume #14

#1320: ancient martial fights Divine Dragon

In fact before Zhu Minglang, had to see picks the sentiment and this female peer named Qin firmiana skillfully. 事实上祝明朗之前也有看到巧采情与这位叫做秦梧的女子同行。 Picks the sentiment not to gather round itself to transfer skillfully day in day out, let alone oneself plants into to the place of town/subdues beast, where will come to operate the personal connection like Chen Yihui like that and understands the worldly wisdom, will pick the sentiment unable like oneself to rely on the enough hard strength skillfully to earn the respect of same side, therefore she also needs to stand in line, needs to follow some prestigious quite high in disciples to work. 巧采情也不是一天到晚都围着自己转的,何况自己一头栽入到镇兽之地中,哪来会像陈逸辉那般经营人脉和懂得人情世故,巧采情又无法像自己这样凭借着足够硬的实力得到同门的尊重,所以她也需要站队,需要跟着一些名望比较高的内门弟子做事情。 This Qin Wu was in the disciple the quite strong girl student. 这个秦梧算是内门弟子里比较强的女弟子了。 Was included the echelon. 是被列入到地者梯队的。 Zhu Minglang thinks from the beginning this Qin Wu will compare to look after picks the sentiment skillfully, but Qin Wu picked the sentiment to treat as a young maidservant and young personal servant evidently skillfully. 祝明朗一开始以为这秦梧会比较照顾巧采情,但看样子秦梧是把巧采情当做一个小侍女、小跟班了。 It seems like that picked the sentiment also to hold skillfully, the good and evil she helped oneself that big busy. 看来,巧采情也得扶一把,好歹她帮了自己那么大的忙。 Qin Wu the tone was quite strong, confessed after several, left. 秦梧语气比较强硬,交代了几句之后离开了。 The Zhu Minglang god knows is very powerful, even if away from the distance, he can still roughly hear their talks. 祝明朗神识很强大,即便隔着有一段距离,他也能够大致听到他们的谈话。 After Qin Wu was wanted to flatter to run the rain , the immortal of island is obviously long, can say that is picking under the help of sentiment skillfully, after Qin Wu already by that rain , the island immortal long had recognized, therefore Qin Wu even this were lower than the position in the following year, because still after has the special skill in this aspect by that rain , the island immortal long received to be in direct line. 秦梧显然是想要讨好掌管雨后岛的仙长,可以说在巧采情的帮助下,秦梧已经被那位雨后岛仙长有所赏识了,所以秦梧即便这一次年比名次低一些,也会因为拥有这方面的特长被那位雨后岛仙长收为嫡传。 But in fact, Qin Wu after the rain the rule and geomancy of island know nothing, is depends on completely picks the sentiment to help her observe skillfully. 但事实上,秦梧对雨后岛的规律与风水一窍不通,全部都是靠着巧采情在帮她观测。 Others are using you, skillful Junior Sister, but must keep a mind.” Song Hao very easily saw this point, when picked the time that the sentiment walked skillfully, he could not bear remind one. “人家在利用你呢,巧师妹,可要留一个心眼啊。”宋浩很轻易的就看出了这一点,等到巧采情走过来的时候,他忍不住提醒了一句。 I know, but I settle down in the blue sky island, is not kisses/intimate not depends, very easy by to bully, in the half year Qin Wu was also gives me to protect much, sought some quite easy assignment for me, to me was also the attendance.” Picks the sentiment to say skillfully. “我知道,只是我在碧落岛安家,也算是无亲无靠的,很容易挨一些欺负,这半年来秦梧还算是给了我不少保护,也为我谋了一些比较轻松的差事,对我还算是照顾的。”巧采情说道。 On the other hand, your is also intelligent, although our southern foreheads the overall atmosphere is quite honest, the immortal long also severely punishes the person of wind of non- element, but secretly manipulates strategically is not truly good to deal with, looks for some backers, knows some prestigious friends, is truly good.” Song Hao nods. “话说回来,你这样也是聪明的,我们南天庭虽然整体风气比较正派,仙长们也严厉惩罚不素之风的人,但暗地里的一些勾心斗角确实不好应付,找一些靠山,结识一些有威望的朋友,确实是好的。”宋浩点了点头。 Zhu Minglang many did not say anything. 祝明朗对此也不好多说什么。 After all oneself present could not give to pick sentiment anything to help skillfully. 毕竟自己现在也给不了巧采情什么帮助。 But becomes in direct line, that condition will be quite many. 但成为了嫡传,那状况就会好很多了。 The position of being in direct line disciple is higher than the interior door, is higher than the deacon, even the majorities supervise want the ritual to respect three points, after all the back is south one immortal of forehead is long. 嫡传弟子的地位高于内门,高于执事,甚至多数派监都要礼敬三分,毕竟背后是一位南天庭的仙长。 My there also one having no need ten thousand years sublimate, then I let whinny deliver to you, oneself strength is increased is also essential.” Zhu Minglang to picks the sentiment to say skillfully. “我那里还有一份用不着的万年凝华,回头我让萧萧给你送过去,自己实力提升起来也是关键的。”祝明朗对巧采情说道。 This may not be applicable, ten thousand years sublimate very precious......” pick the sentiment quickly to shake the head skillfully. “这可使不得,万年凝华很贵重的……”巧采情急急忙忙摇头。 All right.” Zhu Minglang said. “没事的。”祝明朗说道。 After the young maidservant whinny had the bud of dragon vein, had turned into a small immortal garden the Zhu Minglang small back garden, can transplant some wild god root spirit grass, but after nourishing that the dragon vein gathers, six months cultivated for three ten thousand years to sublimate. 小侍女萧萧拥有了龙脉之芽后,已经将祝明朗的小后花园变成了一座小仙园,可以移栽一些野生的神根灵草,而经过龙脉之聚的滋养后,六个月就培育出三株万年凝华了。 The Zhu Minglang three dragons god Monarch had gotten, only if 30,000 years and 50,000 years sublimates, otherwise has no too big use, therefore these ten thousand years sublimate can definitely do a favor. 祝明朗三条龙都已经神君打上了,除非是三万年、五万年凝华,不然都没有什么太大的用处,所以这万年凝华完全可以做人情。 A persuasion, lets pick the sentiment to agree that skillfully accepts for ten thousand years to sublimate. 一番劝说,才让巧采情同意收下万年凝华。 That thanked the Junior Brother, in the future will have what need Senior Sister to help, opened the mouth although.” Picks the sentiment to say skillfully. “那谢谢师弟了,往后有什么需要师姐帮忙的,尽管开口。”巧采情说道。 Naturally has.” Zhu Minglang smiles. “自然是有的。”祝明朗笑了笑。 After the rain, island! 雨后岛! That is the present gluttony dragon most delicious grain ration! 那可是如今饕餮龙最美味的口粮! After Zhu Minglang is very clear in this Nanshan sea also has certainly very rare rain Xiandao, can the small gluttony fly upwards to the god of moon/month shining, perhaps must look picks sentiment the minute/share after deciding the hole skillfully! 祝明朗很清楚这南山海中一定还有非常稀有的雨后仙岛,小饕餮能不能飞升到月耀之神,没准还得看巧采情的分经定穴了! ...... …… Year compared with, the struggle of being in direct line. 年比将至,嫡传之争。 Zhu Minglang also prepared sufficient. 祝明朗也算是做好了充足的准备。 After all is the ratio between interior doors fights, every has south many member of forehead to surround, is long including some elders and immortals, they can also wait and see once for a while. 毕竟是内门之间的比斗,每一场都有诸多南天庭的成员在围观,包括一些长者与仙长,他们也时不时会来观望。 But these in the disciple the reputation was very big, simultaneously long was recognized by the immortal early, will naturally bring in many surrounding. 而那些在内门弟子中本就名声很大,同时又早早被仙长们赏识的,自然就会引来更多的围观了。 Zhu Minglang the first competition of first day, came many people compared with the examination place inside and outside unexpectedly. 祝明朗第一天的第一场比试,居然比试场内外就来了不少人。 The luck somewhat seems to be bad, in first disciple is known. 运气似乎有些差,遇到的第一位内门弟子就是小有名气的。 Chong Wanglong, hits well, the spent time long are not related, yes?” Zhu Minglang said to Chong Wanglong. “崇亡龙,好好打,花的时间长一点没关系,明白吗?”祝明朗对崇亡龙说道。 Goes on stage, the opposite party called an ancient dragon squad directly! 一上场,对方就直接唤出了一支古龙小分队来! One group of carnivorous ancient dragon, body strong body strong and tall and strong fierce, what is most exaggerating was their heads seems like adds a border gold/metal Zuanyin the crystal to be the same, the heavy/thick skull helmet an ancient corner/horn fought the feeling of dragon! 一群食肉古龙,身强体壮、魁梧凶猛,最为夸张的是它们的头颅都像是被镶上了金钻银晶一般,厚重的头骨盔给人一种古代角斗龙的感觉! Only then does a dragon take acts?” Male somewhat contemptuous asking that similarly wears gold and silver. “就只有一只龙拿得出手?”同样穿金戴银的男子有些轻蔑的问道。 Enough.” The Zhu Minglang hear the opposite party looked down upon own tone, saying unrestrained/no trace of politeness. “一只就够了。”祝明朗听出了对方瞧不起自己的语气,也毫不客气的说道。 My dragon, likes eating the meat.” Money man said. “我的龙,爱吃肉的。”金银男子说道。 Then, one group of gold and silver helmet ancient Longqun on enormous and powerful flushed, its each ancient dragon are verve intrepid, just like ancient war-god that is wearing golden armor. 说吧,一群金银盔古龙群就浩浩荡荡的冲了上来,它的每一只古龙都强悍刚猛,宛若是一个个身披着金甲的古战神。 The most important thing is, these ancient war Divine Dragon are also skilled in some ancient resort to violence techniques, is seemingly crude and wild, has the methodicalness in the combat process, has to fight the skill! 最重要的是,这些古战神龙还精通着一些古武斗术,看似鲁莽而狂野,在战斗过程中却是有章法,更有古战技巧! ancient dragon meets the martial arts!! 古龙会武术!! Zhu Minglang suspected that these ancient dragon are trains since childhood in ancient Wushen a clan, various fight shapes that they use let their muscles, but the wild form shows for several points to be elegant and nimble and resourceful unexpectedly! 祝明朗怀疑这些古龙是从小在一个古武神凡者氏族中培养起来的,它们使用的各种战斗形态让它们肌肉而狂暴的身影竟彰显出几分飘逸与灵动! No wonder some so many people surround. 难怪有这么多人来围观。 Disciple really somewhat skill that this wears gold and silver! 这穿金戴银的弟子真有几分本事! Was good these days came in suffering beating mercilessly of southern forehead town/subdues beast because of Chong Wanglong. 好在崇亡龙这些日子来一直在挨南天庭镇兽的毒打。 Most can exercise the actual combat by beating mercilessly, the fight experience of south forehead town/subdues beast exceptionally rich, it can be said that what scene hasn't seen? 最能够锻炼实战的就是挨毒打,南天庭镇兽的战斗经验异常的丰富,可以说是什么场面没有见过的? Sometimes to play stronger lesson fights the effect, Zhu Minglang will even make punishment day cauldron dragon to come help temper Chong Wanglong and nine dragons, the punishment day cauldron dragon can suppress own cultivating is, defeats them with the skill purely...... 有的时候为了起到更强的训战效果,祝明朗甚至会让刑天鼎龙来帮忙锤炼崇亡龙和九尾龙,刑天鼎龙可以压制住自己的修为,纯粹用技巧来打败它们…… In the past, nine dragons and Chong Wanglong two added that even if cultivated/repaired to have the advantage, their enemy not too small gluttony, their two have been able to fight dozens rounds with the small gluttony now! 过去,九尾龙和崇亡龙两个加起来,哪怕修为占据优势,它们都敌不过小饕餮,如今它们两个已经可以和小饕餮斗上几十个回合了! Do not look that is only anti- lives in dozens rounds. 别看只是抗住几十个回合。 In fact the combat capability of small gluttony is most intrepid, if punishment day cauldron dragon own cultivating to suppress to the Star God Dragon King level boundary, not necessarily is the opponent of small gluttony. 事实上小饕餮的战斗能力才是最强悍的,刑天鼎龙若是将自己的修为压制到星神龙王级境的话,也未必是小饕餮的对手。 Small gluttony the energy of fight seems to be inherent, this point and small Bai Qi are very similar, as if experienced does not know that many worlds the samsara, the technique of fight has carved in the bone. 小饕餮的战斗之能仿佛是与生俱来的,这一点和小白岂挺相似的,仿佛经历了不知多少世的轮回,战斗的技艺已经刻在了骨子里。 Chong Wanglong is not too difficult facing these martial arts ancient dragon, the issue a little are many in the opposite party dragon number. 崇亡龙面对这些武功古龙还不算太艰难,问题是在对方龙数有点多。
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