DH :: Volume #12

#1183: In picture god beast

...... …… On the temple long street, the lights are still brightly lit, the silk and colored drawing on pottery make this color bright ancient length say/way more romantic, people well-dressed look in the long say/way, on the face is hanging the smile. 神庙冗长的街道上,灯火依旧通明,丝绸与彩绘让这条本就色彩鲜艳的古老长道变得更加浪漫,人们穿戴整齐的在长道中观览,脸上挂着笑容。 Regarding all that another level has, they had not detected slightly, is only as usual tranquil. 对于另外一个层面所发生的一切,他们丝毫未察觉,只是像往常一样宁静。 Nan Lingsha static standing and waiting for a long time in the picking star pavilion in temple, such as in the nighttime sky the most magnificent stars, her front as before gigantic such as the picture of long table, the scene in picture actually and present auspicious has the natural difference, in her picture the gunsmoke rose from all directions, rivers of blood, everywhere thunder punishment and hot tribulation interweaves the Armageddon scenario! 南玲纱静静的伫立在神庙的摘星阁上,亦如夜空中最为瑰丽的星辰,她的面前依旧有一幅硕大如长案的画,画中的景象却与眼前的祥和一幕有着天然之别,她的画里硝烟四起、血流成河,漫天的雷罚与火劫交织成了末日景象! All in picture fluctuation slowly, inside scenery is destroying, inside tide of people is slaughtering, Nan Lingsha is overlooking all in picture, in a pair of ice-cold double pupil, showed the arrogance of gods. 画里的一切都在慢慢的变幻,里面的景色在销毁,里面的人潮在厮杀,南玲纱俯瞰着画中的一切,一双冰冷的双眸中,透出了神明的高傲。 The world of mortals is completely controlling. 凡间尽在掌控。 ...... …… Time one minute/share one second of past. 时间一分一秒的过去。 Finally, in that picture two flushed, they at first in the picture look like the small black ink point, when but they erupt vault of heaven in oneself supernatural power toward picture flies, the picture scroll fiercely shivered, the surrounding air same exuded the inconceivable ripples like the ripple...... 终于,那幅画中有两人冲了出来,它们起初在画里的时候就像是小小的墨点,但当他们爆发出自己的神力向着画里的苍穹飞时,画卷剧烈的颤抖了起来,周围的空气如水纹一样泛起了不可思议的涟漪…… In the ripples, Kui arhat and female Asura killed, these two strengths achieved the god Monarch rank obviously. 涟漪中,魁罗汉与女修罗杀了出来,这两人的实力显然是达到了神君级别。 Two people whole bodies blood red, the anger changed into the blood red arrogance to burn in their whole bodies fiercely. 两人全身血红,怒火化为了血红色的气焰在他们的周身剧烈的燃烧着。 Except for them, others kept in that picture forever, they only want to rip the fragment this picture immortal now, otherwise is unable to eliminate hate of their heart!! 除了他们,其余的人永远留在了那张画里,他们现在只想将这画仙撕成碎片,否则无法消除他们心头之恨!! Now, I must have a look at you also to have what ability but actually!!” Kui arhat started to walk the step, approaches toward Nan Lingsha step by step. “现在,我倒要看看你还有什么能耐!!”魁罗汉迈开了步子,一步一步朝着南玲纱逼近。 The Nan Lingsha paint brush has done, her front scattered the innumerable abandoned drawing papers. 南玲纱的画笔已经干了,她的面前散落了无数张废弃的画纸。 She broke by biting oneself finger, own blood bubble on the paint brush, and painted by the blood, immediately the special drawing paper danced in the air everywhere, they back and forth in the Nan Lingsha surface forward flight, but Nan Lingsha also painted on these all drawing papers. 她咬破了自己的手指,将自己的血液滴在了画笔上,并以血作画,顿时满地特殊的画纸飞舞了起来,它们来回在南玲纱的面前飞过,而南玲纱也同时在这些所有的画纸上作画。 On these drawing papers had a thing, probably by seal in picture, but Nan Lingsha does not draw, merely most important above supplement! 这些画纸上原本就有一物,像是被封印在了画中,而南玲纱也并非是重新描画,仅仅是在上面补充上最重要的一笔! An ancient Blue Dragon, by the Nan Lingsha point in a blood red eye. 一只古老的苍龙,被南玲纱点上了一双血红色的眼睛。 In an instant, the dragon lived in the picture, it ran out of the wall with murals, made threatening gestures, uses own body like the mountain range equally horizontally in Kui arhat and Nan Lingsha front. 刹那间,龙在画中活了过来,它冲出了画壁,张牙舞爪,用自己的身躯如山峦一样横在了魁罗汉与南玲纱的面前。 An honored rosy cloud phoenix, was traced to put on stage make-up the feather of crown by Nan Lingsha. 一只尊贵的霞凰,被南玲纱描上了彩冠之羽。 The rosy cloud fire fills the air, the rosy cloud phoenix revives, it opened that magnificent and expensive beautiful wing, cold proud hovering in the Nan Lingsha above, is similar to is the soul of Nan Lingsha main body has the hole, serves as contrast this Nan Lingsha is insufferably arrogant. 霞火弥漫,霞凰苏醒了过来,它张开了那华贵美丽的翅膀,冷傲的悬停在南玲纱的上方,就如同是南玲纱本体的灵魂出窍,将这位南玲纱衬托得更加不可一世。 Kui arhat and female Asura complexion ugly several points. 魁罗汉与女修罗脸色难看了几分。 This thinks that worked loose the picture boundary of opposite party, whatever this picture immortal they organized, who would have guessed that the magical powers of this picture immortal so, can make in the picture the thing receive work unexpectedly! 本以为挣脱了对方的画境,这画仙就任由他们摆布了,哪知道这画仙的神通如此了得,竟可以让画中之物直接活过来! Lives then to consider as finished, the Blue Dragon and rosy cloud phoenix that but they can the clear feeling this live had the strength of immemorial, the strength will not be absolutely inferior in them! 活过来便算了,可他们能够清晰的感受到这活过来的苍龙与霞凰具备了太古之力,实力绝对不会逊色于他们! In the picture can the thing have so cultivates is?? 画中之物也可以有这般修为?? Kui arhat and female Asura know, they not the escape route, must fight to the last drop of blood at this time with this picture immortal! 魁罗汉与女修罗知道,他们此时并无退路了,必须与这位画仙血战到底! Kui arhat charged into that Blue Dragon, relies on the crazy strength to fight it. 魁罗汉冲向了那头苍龙,凭借着自己狂蛮之力与之搏斗。 Female Asura trod to that rosy cloud phoenix, she had ten arms, each arm transformed an ancient almighty troops, in her opinion this sorcery had certainly the flaw, not possible to compare with the true rosy cloud phoenix, therefore wanted with it battle, quick this rosy cloud phoenix will become the ink!! 女修罗则踏向了那只霞凰,她拥有十臂,每一臂都幻化出了一种古老的神兵,在她看来这种妖法一定是有破绽的,不可能与真正的霞凰相比,所以只要与之厮杀,很快这霞凰就会变为墨水!! However female Asura and Kui arhats underestimated the Nan Lingsha strength. 然而女修罗与魁罗汉都低估了南玲纱实力。 She these two god beast strengths that uses the magic arts to call are not inferior in the main body, Nan Lingsha initially when drew and bestows on soul these two god beasts is to also risk neck, moreover in embellishment instead lived one, this words were her own god blood. 她用法术唤出的这两只神兽战力丝毫不逊色于本体,南玲纱当初在描画与赋魂这两只神兽的时候也是冒着生命危险,而且点缀上的反生一笔,这笔墨更是她自己的神血。 Kui arhat and female Asura spell to go all-out, finally also perishes together with these two god beasts. 魁罗汉与女修罗拼尽全力,最终也只是与这两只神兽同归于尽罢了。 Without suffering and battle of experience picture boundary, two people can take in this picture the god beast, did to them to lose massive supernatural powers in the picture boundary! 若是没有经历画境的折磨与厮杀,两人都可以拿下这画中神兽,奈何他们已经在画境中损耗了大量的神力! You also left refuse stubbornly far!” Kui arhat is exhausted, the meaning of but still not having submitted. “你也离死不远了!”魁罗汉精疲力竭,但仍旧没有屈服的意思。 Nan Lingsha optional wields, replaces the sword splendor by the pen wind, forcefully the head of Kui arhat cutting! 南玲纱随意的一挥,以笔风代替剑辉,硬生生的将魁罗汉的脑袋给斩了下来! Nearby, female Asura sees this, is wanting to beg for mercy, but Nan Lingsha gives the opportunity that she spoke not to have continually. 一旁,女修罗看到这一幕,正想要求饶,但南玲纱连给她说话的机会都没有。 A line that from in the air lets fall, such as in python same winding female Asura's nape of the neck, as Nan Lingsha numerous raises to, the female Asura entire body was hung, the neck was forced to break directly! 一个从空中垂落下来的墨线,如蟒一样缠绕上了女修罗的脖颈,随着南玲纱重重的向上一提,女修罗整个身体被吊挂了起来,颈部直接被勒断! One after another, the people of some Heaven's Pivot god spaces escaped from the fearful picture boundary purgatory, these also included Flower Goddess and magnificent honors. 陆陆续续,一些天枢神宇的人从可怕的画境炼狱中逃了出来,这其中还包括了花神与华崇。 Two people behind, with one group of remnants. 两人的身后,跟着一群残兵败将。 However goes out of the picture boundary, the picture that they see is two big god Monarch Kui arhat and female Asura is executed impressively, when their vision look again to wearing veil Nan Lingsha, a terrifying feeling looks like flesh of a poisonous snake on them to hover every inchs, and must drill into their throats to enter the bottom of one's heart!! 然而一走出画境,他们看到的画面赫然是两大神君魁罗汉与女修罗被处死,当他们的目光再望向戴着面纱的南玲纱时,一种恐怖感就像是一条毒蛇在他们身上每一寸肌肤游动,并要钻入到他们的喉咙进入肺腑!! They retreat backward, does not dare to tread again forward half step. 他们向后退去,不敢再向前踏出半步。 When wants initially meets this artist in Huacheng for the first time, the strength that she shows may not have now so to be likely fearful!! 想当初在花城第一次遇见这位画师时,她展现出来的实力可没有像现在这么可怕!! But when they draw back backward, several forms appeared in the temple quadrangle simultaneously. 但就在他们向后退时,几道身影同时出现在了神庙中庭内。 They had not appeared before, has not entered to the picture boundary, even they are when Kui arhat and female Asura died, they come. 他们之前一直都未出现,也未进入到画境,甚至他们是等到魁罗汉与女修罗死去了,他们才现身。 „, Side Li Yunzi also has such a powerful artist.” The person of speech is a female, she is grasping sword of the asparagus fern cold frost. “没有想到,黎云姿身边还有一位这么强大的画师。”说话的人是一名女子,她手持着一柄文竹寒霜之剑。 „Are you?” Nan Lingsha has not seen this person. “你是?”南玲纱没有见过此人。 Nangong sword immortal Xi Ji.” The females said. “南宫剑仙奚纪。”女子说道。 Nangong sword immortal, why a not morning point comes, perhaps these two do not use.” magnificent honors says. “南宫剑仙,为何不早一点现身啊,兴许这两位不用死的。”华崇开口说道。 They , if not die, how to know now what we place is her picture boundary?” Nangong sword immortal Xi Ji actually smiled at this time. “他们若不死,如何知道我们现在身处的是不是她的画境呢?”南宫剑仙奚纪此时却笑了起来。 magnificent honored and Flower Goddess was shocked, immediately felt Nangong sword immortal smile some such as the ice coldly equally piercing. 华崇和花神都愣住了,顿时觉得南宫剑仙这笑容有些如冰寒一样刺骨。 „A arrange/cloth such picture boundary, calls in two pictures the god beast, the supernatural power has also squandered, has to acknowledge, you were I have seen the extremely powerful gods, pitifully equally was only difficult to escape dies! The words that does not struggle, can make you die happily!” Nangong sword immortal Xi Ji said. “布这样一个画境,又唤出两头画中神兽,想必法力也已经耗干了吧,不得不承认,你是我见过极其强大的神明了,只可惜一样难逃一死!不挣扎的话,可以让你死得痛快一点!”南宫剑仙奚纪说道。 The side of Nangong sword immortal, one wears the dark imperial robe holds the sword man, the man wears the thin bamboo strip hat, the body is lending evil however aura, under the long night, making this person look like a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ice cave, close to gives people an extremely dangerous feeling. 南宫剑仙的身旁,还有一位穿着暗龙袍的持剑男子,男子戴着竹篾帽,身上散发着一股邪然气息,永夜之下,使得这个人就像是一个万丈冰窟,靠近就给人一种极度危险的感觉。
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