DH :: Volume #12

#1181: God campaign

Spirit Sword Dragon float in the Zhu Tianguan front, is actually not willing to depart. 剑灵龙悬浮在祝天官的面前,却不愿意离去。 It is like Fu Chong idea, even if were sieged, must kill! 它和傅崇想法一样,即便被围困了,也要杀出去! Like eye of the pair of Heaven, is staring at us, now we must do does not go to a counter-attack of cavity anger, but must minimize the loss of this rout, walks, I cast the master as one, can do has completed.” Zhu Tianguan was saying to Spirit Sword Dragon, was also saying to Fu Chong. “就像有一双上苍之眼,凝视着我们,我们现在要做的不是去一腔怒火的反击,而是要将这一次溃败的损失降到最低,走吧,我作为一名铸师,能做的已经完成了。”祝天官在对剑灵龙说,也在对傅崇说。 Gate lord, actually we how defeat, I do not think clearly, I do not think clearly.” Fu Chong eyes red say/way. “门主,我们究竟是怎么败的,我想不明白,我想不明白。”傅崇眼睛通红道。 Our enemies not only only have Hua Qiu.” Zhu Tianguan said. “我们的敌人不仅仅只有华仇。”祝天官说道。 ~ ~ Spirit Sword Dragon as before float in front of Zhu Tianguan, planned that protects him to leave here. “咻~~”剑灵龙依旧悬浮在祝天官面前,打算保护他离开这里。 Clever, looks Zhu Minglang, you cannot display the complete strength in my side, I am only one cast the master, completed me should the matter of doing not to have the use, but you were different, you and Zhu Minglang can change all these.” Zhu Tianguan said. “乖,去找祝明朗,你在我身边发挥不出自己全部的实力,我只是一名铸师,做完我该做的事就没有用处了,但你不一样,你和祝明朗可以改变这一切。”祝天官说道。 Said these, Zhu Tianguan then turns around to walk toward that thick stone door. 说完这些,祝天官便转身朝着那座厚厚的石门走去。 That is shutting tightly, not other exit|to speak, but Zhu Tianguan knows oneself did not have the road to escape, he knows himself, once fell into the hand of enemy, was not only difficult to return alive, but also possibly became hostage who threatened Zhu Minglang. 那门是紧闭着的,并没有另外的出口,但祝天官知道自己没有路可逃了,他知道自己一旦落入到敌人的手上,不仅仅难生还,还可能成为威胁祝明朗的人质。 Zhu Tianguan is always very curious, was actually suppressed in inside thing is what. 一直以来祝天官都很好奇,被镇压在里面的东西究竟为何物。 Now, he can witness finally, although Zhu Tianguan knows that steps into this inside stone door, oneself can live possibly is smaller, before inside spirit evil spirit is sending out one , before , has never met cruel aura!! 现在,他终于可以目睹了,尽管祝天官知道踏入这个石门内,自己能活下来的可能更小,里面的器灵凶神散发着一股前自己以前从未遇到过的残暴气息!! Makes me have a look at your true colors.” “让我看看你的真面目。” Zhu Tianguan stepped into that stone door finally, heavy/thick stone door seems like the sand makes unexpectedly, the Zhu Tianguan mortal body can fall. 祝天官终于踏入了那石门中,厚重的石门竟像是沙子做的一样,祝天官的肉身可以陷进去。 However Spirit Sword Dragon wants with going, actually receives the tremendous strength instead to shake immediately, Spirit Sword Dragon that at the same time just promoted felt a fearful deterrent force, lets it somewhat was afraid inside seal unexpectedly thing!! 然而剑灵龙想要跟进去,却立刻受到了巨大的力量反震,与此同时刚刚晋升的剑灵龙感受到了一股可怕的威慑力,让它竟然有些害怕里面封印着的东西!! Spirit Sword Dragon knows that the stay does not have the significance here. 剑灵龙知道逗留在这里毫无意义。 It flies immediately toward the hollow cave mansion above, in jet black such as the nighttime of black ink, Spirit Sword Dragon, if wipes the monster different scarlet meteor, is going toward the vault of heaven farthest end fire. 它立刻朝着中空洞府之上飞去,在漆黑如墨的黑夜里,剑灵龙如果一抹妖异的赤红流星,正朝天穹的最远端射去。 Meanwhile, giant gold/metal clouds appear, they almost defend Spirit Sword Dragon that is flying in the sky. 与此同时,一朵朵巨大的金云浮现,他们几乎在天空中守着飞出来的剑灵龙 Person in cave mansion!” “人在洞府里面!” Snort, he is unable to escape even with wings!” “哼,他插翅难飞!” Takes him, must live!” A tall and powerfully built part of great bear arhat said. “拿下他,要活的!”一名身材魁梧的天罡罗汉说道。 „A blade cultivates, is flushing descends the mountain!” “还有一名刀修,在冲下山!” This does also need to keep the living witness?” An evil different having hair dishevelled man asked with a smile. “这个也需要留活口吗?”一名邪异的披头散发男子笑着问道。 Does not use.” “不用。” ...... …… The blood-color thick fog has been filling ancient forest, rapid is close in the direction of white holy city. 血色的浓雾正在弥漫过古林,迅速的朝着白圣城的方向接近。 In the thick fog tall and strong forms are swaying, even if they tread one step still to send out fierce trembling. 浓雾里一个又一个魁梧的身影攒动着,他们即便只是踏出一步也可以发出剧烈的震颤。 The defense long wall of white holy city just fixed, as this sudden blood fog arrives, the quick reliable defense was demolished one after another, in the blood red thick fog is seeming to be 1 million mighty armies, the place visited tramples flat all. 白圣城的防御长墙刚刚修好,随着这突如其来的血雾到来,很快一道又一道牢固的防御被摧垮,血红色的浓雾之中似有着百万雄师,所过之处无不踏平。 It is difficult to defend. 很难防守。 The white holy city was easily broken through. 白圣城被轻易的冲破了。 Lots of Asura soldiers broke in the gods, they killed along that long red clouds rainbow main road to the god center, and irresistible killed in the direction of temple. 大量的修罗战士们冲入到了神都之中,他们沿着那长长的霞虹大道一路杀向了神都的中央,并势不可挡的朝着神庙的方向杀去。 Lots of army protect are using the main road both sides tall buildings as the defense, the resident had been disbanded a more remote place, but the god liveliest region will also degenerate into the most intense fearful battlefield, each ancestors' god army day will launch to slaughter dragon round/ball here!! 大量的军卫在利用大道两侧的高楼作为防御,居民已经被遣散到了更偏僻的地方,而神都最繁华的地带也将沦为最为激烈可怕的战场,各个族裔的神军天将龙团将在这里展开厮杀!! The blood-color thick fog comprised of Asura clan. 血色浓雾是由修罗氏族组成的。 The people of Asura god clan killed eventually, the vanguard who as this campaign, they are extremely really supernaturally brave intrepidly, they looked like once profound ancient giant, had the inexhaustible energy in the antiquity battlefield. 修罗神氏族的人终究还是杀了过来,作为这一次战役的先锋,他们实在太过神勇强悍,他们就像是曾经的玄古巨人,在上古战场中拥有无穷无尽的能量。 The gods protected the casualty to be extremely serious, wear the guard corpse of shallow gold/metal armor to overspread everywhere, rivers of blood, before these ancient soldiers of Asura clan, the ordinary member and army are completely the praying mantis arm, when car(riage), by steamroll ruthlessly. 神卫死伤极其惨重,身穿着浅金盔甲的守卫尸体铺满了满地,血流成河,在修罗氏族的这些古老战士面前,普通的修士与军将完全就是螳臂当车,被狠狠的碾压。 The abatement Asura clan, the profound dagger-axe god sky of also has gold/metal cloud one after another, above these gold/metal clouds Heaven's Pivot god space quantity hugest military forces- gold/metal Zun monk! 除却修罗氏族,玄戈神都的上空还有一团一团金云,这些金云之上正是天枢神宇数量最为庞大的武装势力-金尊武僧! gold/metal Zun the monk's in the gold/metal cloud, their magical powers is powerful, and is flooding the fearful ruination. 金尊武僧在金云上施法,他们的神通强大且充斥着可怕的毁灭性。 Can slightly with only then the wyvern god camp that they contend, this is the god who comprised of strong big dragon beast and powerful sergeant protected elite, innumerable strong wyvern covers in the profound dagger-axe god sky. 能够稍稍与他们抗衡的就只有飞龙神营,这是由强大龙兽与强大军士组成的神卫精锐,无数强壮的飞龙笼罩在了玄戈神都的上空。 They emit dragon flame, the scarlet fire such as burns day of big wave, but gold/metal Zun the monks actually had a thought the Buddhist doctrine in abundance, can see that the innumerable bronze inscription composed a magnificent god bell glass, protects these gold/metal Zun monks in inside. 它们喷吐出龙炎,赤红之火如焚天之涛,而金尊武僧们却纷纷念起了佛法,可以看到无数金文组成了一个壮观的神钟罩,将这些金尊武僧们保护在里面。 Quick, locates in an profound dagger-axe god jade pagoda, appeared unexpectedly a giant cassock, that cassock blocked the sky, looked like side Chicai a day. 很快,在玄戈神都的一座玉塔处,竟浮现出了一个巨大的袈裟,那袈裟遮天蔽日,就像是一方赤彩的天。 The innumerable ascetic people fall from this Arabia cassock baseless, they almost wear the gray hempen garments, suddenly jade Chuguchak just like person rain, the dense and numerous ascetic people arrived in profound Ge Shencheng, and disappeared all black armor god health/guard by the potential of thunder! 无数的苦行僧从这天方袈裟中凭空落下,他们几乎都穿着灰色的麻衣,一时间玉塔城处犹如一场人雨,密密麻麻的苦行僧降临在了玄戈神城内,并以雷霆之势泯灭掉了所有黑铠神卫! The black armor god health/guard is the powerful elite god army that to wish and Female Monarch god protects to build together, by wishing the gate is provided the most excellent armor, in the powerhouse of one in a hundred cream of the crop by the god health/guard is competent again. 黑铠神卫是祝门与女君神卫共同打造出的强大精锐神军,由祝门提供最精良的铠甲,再由神卫中百里挑一的强者来胜任。 The black armor god protects altogether only has 4000 people, well-equipped, cultivates for excellent, absolutely is well-trained and loyal. 黑铠神卫一共只有四千人,装备精良、修为上乘、训练有素、绝对忠诚。 But in the black armor god health/guard starts to counter-attack of Asura clan, ascetic person arrives baseless to this excellent god protects fatally strikes. 可就在黑铠神卫发动对修罗氏族的反扑时,苦行僧的凭空降临给这支精良神卫致命一击。 Meanwhile, had not eliminated various profound dagger-axe god government offices of belief faction completely, killed massive clan forces, these influences not only had the profound dagger-axe god native place, many have turned to the Heaven's Pivot Hua Qiu patriarchal clan. 与此同时,本就没有完全肃清信仰派系的玄戈神都各府,都杀出了大量宗族势力,这些势力不仅仅有玄戈神都本土的,还有许多早已经投靠了天枢华仇的宗族。 These god every patriarchal clans do not know when ambushed in the profound dagger-axe gods, was waiting for Heaven's Pivot god Yu Gonglai, they happen to collaborated from outside with the inside! 这些神凡宗族不知何时潜伏在了玄戈神都,就等着天枢神宇攻来,他们正好里应外合! The situation is fast changing! 局势瞬息万变! Before midnight, profound Ge God also covered entirely the Female Monarch god health/guard, can feel the entire gods to be strict seems like a gods restricted area. 上半夜,玄戈神都还布满了女君神卫,可以感受到整个神都严密得像是一个神明禁地。 May to after midnight, the defense line be crushed, the garrison troops by the slaughter, the Tibetan army were raided, the entire profound dagger-axe gods can see only has the flag of Heaven's Pivot god space army! 可到了下半夜,防线被粉碎,守军被屠,藏军被袭,整个玄戈神都能看到的就只有天枢神宇大军的旗帜! Just like a mud city, by sudden mighty current melting easily! 宛若是一座泥城,被突如其来的洪流轻易的融化! The gods who gives loyalty to Hua Qiu innumerably also come in abundance, they saw that the resister kills, god child and god god. 无数效忠华仇的神明也纷纷现身,他们见到抵抗者就杀,无论是神子、神将还是神主。 The gods slaughter in the profound dagger-axe god sky, nighttime sky from time to time such as fierce Yang in the sky general bright, such as the bottom of abyss equally is from time to time jet black, various types shock magic arts to collide in together, is more like the stars heavenly body to rupture. 神明在玄戈神都的上空厮杀,夜空时而如烈阳当空一般明亮,时而又如深渊之底一样漆黑,各种震撼至极的法术碰撞在一起,更像是星辰天体在爆裂。
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