DH :: Volume #12

#1177: Whose life is heavy

Everyone, everyone, I am the Yin spirit master, listening to me saying that several...... you could not open the strobe, was because the ghost is pushing the floodgate! The strength of person, how possibly pushes excessively cleverly!” At this moment, a black clothes always said that he said to the people loudly. “各位,各位,我是阴灵师,听我说几句……你们打不开闸门,是因为鬼在推闸!人的力气,怎么可能推得过鬼!”就在这时,一名黑衣老道走来,他高声对众人说道。 Ghost, ghost!!” “鬼,鬼!!” As soon as the people listen, in abundance in great surprise, moreover some people look down that brake shaft immediately, discovered that the there truly row is not their footprints, this footprint some are small, the footprint of child. 众人一听,纷纷大惊,而且有人立刻低头去看那闸轴,发现那里确实有一排不属于他们这些人的脚印,这脚印有些还很小,小孩子的脚印。 The issue is their here where has the child!! 问题是他们这里哪有小孩啊!! Frogmen!! 水鬼!! Really has the frogman!! 真有水鬼!! Grandmaster, saves us quickly!” “大师,快救救我们吧!” This way, we must be drown to death!!” “再这样下去,我们都要被淹死了!!” We do not dare to go out, goes out to be massacred by the night demon, the Grandmaster saves us!” The people in old stream city said. “我们不敢出去啊,出去又会被夜魔杀掉,大师救救我们!”老溪城的人说道。 That old say/way truly is the Yin spirit master, he and Zheng Yu same can see that four households of Qingshui ghosts clearly! 那老道确实是阴灵师,他和郑俞一样可以清楚的看到那四户青水鬼! This old say/way even comes up to exchange with the Qingshui ghosts. 这位老道甚至上去与青水鬼交流。 As the saying goes, the injustice has in having main. The ghosts also pursue this criterion. Their deaths, because of the error of rain, the rain master rained that year secretly, causing your Ba Village to receive Hong, but then defending dam person has to open full Zha, full Zha was drown to death their four households of people...... this matter, should your old people remember?” Yin spirit Priest master said. “俗话说得好,冤有头在有主。鬼也奉行这个准则。他们的死,是因为雨师的过失,那年雨师私自降雨,导致你们坝村受了洪,而当时的守坝人不得不开启满闸,满闸淹死了他们四户人……这件事,你们年长的人应该记得吧?”阴灵师老道长说道。 Remembers, remembers, is the Bai four households of people......” head of the clan Zhou said. “记得,记得,是白姓四户人……”周老族长说道。 That offended the superstitious rain master and that defends the daughter under dam life, is that female monster that you just stressed that she is a river **** the spirit Daoist priest points at the river females to say. “那个触犯了天条的雨师和那个守坝人生下的女儿,就是你们刚刚抓起来的那个女妖,她是河****灵道长指着河女说道。 Said that she is not the good thing!!” The woman calls immediately. “就说她不是什么好东西!!”那妇人立刻叫了起来。 Injustice has a debt to have main, her mother and father killed them, so long as you killed this river female, offers a sacrifice to the heart before the Bai person grave, after they melt the heart was resentful, naturally can depart, will not obstruct you to open the sluice gates again.” Yin spirit Priest master said. “冤有头债有主,她母亲和父亲害死了他们,所以只要你们将这个河女杀了,将心脏祭在白家人坟前,它们化去了心怨后,自然会离去,也不会再阻扰你们开闸。”阴灵师道长说道。 Really???” Head of the clan Zhou quickly asked. “真的可以吗???”周族长急急忙忙问道。 Absolutely true!” Yin spirit Priest master said. “千真万确!”阴灵师道长说道。 Zheng Yu is listening to these words, he is unable to prevent Yin spirit Priest master to say these , because this Yin spirit Priest master said is the fact. 郑俞听着这番话,他之所以无法阻止阴灵师道长说这些,是因为这位阴灵师道长说得是事实。 Must melt resentment of that winding frogman on dam, only then seeks for the source of ghosts and gods hate. 要化去那缠绕在水闸上的水鬼之怨,就只有找寻鬼神怨恨的源头。 Either the Qingshui ghosts the people in entire old stream city will be drown to death, either the river females offer sacrifice to heaven! 要么青水鬼将整个老溪城的人淹死,要么河女祭天! But all these, are Hong Mo calm the mind are the second largest ritual of Zheng Yu preparation, he deceives the world, controls the gods, he understood how to launch a psychological attack like the ghost demon, making a disposition firm person gradually collapse! 而这一切,就是洪摩静心为郑俞准备的第二份大礼,他愚弄人间,操控神明,他更懂得如何像鬼魔一样攻心,让一个心性坚定的人逐渐崩溃! Beats a person, not necessarily hits to lie him on the ground, stepping on ruthlessly on his face, or a blade his result, suffers people are repeatedly in its wound salting, and tramples his faith ruthlessly, his in dire straits in own inner world, just like in the hell accepts the soul torture to be the same! 击垮一个人,未必是将他打趴在地上,狠狠的踩在他脸上,亦或者一刀将他结果,更折磨人的就是一遍一遍的在其伤口撒盐,并狠狠的践踏他的信念,将他困死在自己的精神世界里,犹如地狱中接受灵魂拷打一般! Elderly man trusts you, holds you to look after the daughter of his cautious protection, does not hesitate itself dead also to trade my god name for you, but how do you want to repay him?? Looks helplessly his daughter dies!!” Is walked by Mr. slow who Hong Mo takes possession, the smile has started some distortions!! “老人家多信任你啊,将他小心翼翼守护的女儿托你照料,更不惜自己去死也要为你换来我的神名,可你要如何报答他呢??眼睁睁的看着他的女儿去死吗!!”被洪摩附身的徐老汉走来,笑容已经开始有些扭曲了!! A snap ring a point. 一环扣着一环。 Zheng Yu can feel the strength of this Hong Mo fearful deceiving at this moment! 郑俞此刻能够感受到这个洪摩可怕的愚弄之力! Makes a choice again, is to make your kind teacher's daughter die, makes the person in this entire mountain city be buried along with the dead.” Hong Mo is speaking these words, suddenly changed into one group of black mist, fierce soars from that meter/rice business Mr. Xu's body. “再做一次抉择吧,是让你的恩师之女死,还是让这全山城的人陪葬。”洪摩说着这番话,忽然间化为了一团黑色的雾气,猛的从那位米商徐老汉的身上腾飞而起。 The fog of huge black ghost becomes in soaring exceptionally fearful, just like a black evil dragon to be just about to fly upwards. 庞大的黑煞之雾在腾空的时候变得异常可怕,犹如一条黑色的邪龙正要飞升。 The fog of black ghost bangs into the clouds, spreads toward this entire old stream city in suddenly, changed to a giant fog cover, stream old town covering in inside. 黑煞之雾撞入到云霄之中,又忽然朝着这整个老溪城中扩散,化作了一个巨大的雾罩,将溪老城给笼罩在里面。 Meanwhile, that several Qingshui ghosts who obstructed the villagers to drain water seems like the unsurpassed supernatural power is been also same, they became more terrifying, their back fog shades were even big can half mountain to the camouflage, no longer was that ordinary life, but was true one generation of ghost kings!! 与此同时,那几位阻扰村民排水的青水鬼也像是得到了无上的法力一样,它们变得更加恐怖,它们背后的雾影甚至大得可以将半座山给遮蔽,不再是那种普普通通的孤魂野鬼,而是真正的一代鬼王!! Their supernatural powers become incomparably terrifying, but they want this entire stream old town is artificial they to be buried along with the dead holds to read is also getting more and more powerful, the entire dam by such black strength covering, just like congealed on the black hate to crystallize on the dike one after another, freezes the entire dike, causes the water of unceasing rise azure rain, even more is in flood. 它们的法力变得无比恐怖,而它们要这整个溪老城的人为它们陪葬的执念也越来越强大,整个大坝都被这样的黑色力量给覆盖了,宛若是在堤坝上凝结上了一块一块黑色的怨恨结晶,冻结住了整座堤坝,使得青雨之水不断的上涨,越发泛滥。 The street and house start to be soaked by the rainwater, the low-lying peasant households and people are bare-handed hold the valuable thing the high place toward old stream city to escape. 街道、房屋开始被雨水浸泡,低洼的农户、民众更是徒手抱着值钱的东西就往老溪城的高处逃。 They want to escape in the profound dagger-axe god Xiashan city direction, but actually the discovery giant black dense fog covers them in inside, walks in the stream old town fortunately, so long as tries to leave, the infinite ghost will build a wall! 他们想要往玄戈神都的霞山城方向逃,但却发现巨大的黑色迷雾将他们笼罩在里面,在溪老城里面行走还好,只要试图想要离开,就会无限鬼打墙! They cannot go out of this city, that four households of people the evil spirit the supernatural power was powerful, now some Hong Mo support in the back, they have turned into the azure ghost king! 他们走不出这座城,那四户人所化的厉鬼本就法力强大,如今又有洪摩在背后扶持,它们已经变成青鬼王! The Zheng Yu god fire had certain exorcisming effect, but the so huge azure rain is actually to the enormous suppression of his supernatural power. 郑俞的神火原本是具备一定的驱魔作用的,但如此庞大的青雨却是对他神力的极大压制。 Let alone all these roots lie in the causes and effects hates, if cannot untie this causes and effects shackles, these people will really be drown to death while still alive! 何况这一切的根源在于因果怨恨,如果不能够解开这因果枷锁,这些人真的会被活活淹死! Also waits for anything, digs her heart, gives to the river immortal ghost!!” Head of the clan Zhou no longer hesitated immediately. “还等什么啊,将她的心挖出来,献给河仙鬼啊!!”周族长当下不再犹豫了。 He took a sickle from side, the rusty sickle cut toward the river females who are unable to revolt against immediately. 他从旁边拿了一把镰刀,锈迹斑斑的镰刀当下朝着无法反抗的河女砍了过去。 The appearance of head of the clan Zhou was quite cut-throat, retreated in fear the surrounding person, but no one will also prevent him, because everyone wanted to maintain a livelihood. 周族长的模样相当凶狠,吓退了周围的人,但也没有人会去阻止他,因为大家都想要活命。 Waits, everyone, please listen to me to say several.” In the meantime, a young female holds the black umbrella to come, she advised against head of the clan Zhou. “等一等,各位,请听我说几句。”就在此时,一位年轻的女子撑着黑伞而来,她劝阻了周族长。 What this also waits, wants everyone to be drown to death difficultly inadequately??” That Yin spirit senior Daoist priest said. “这还等什么,难不成要大家都被淹死??”那位阴灵老道长说道。 She is the river is female, but everyone has thought that what will her death bring?” The black umbrella female then said. “她是河女不错,但大家有没有想过,她的死会带来什么?”黑伞女子接着说道。 Naturally can eliminate the hates of these Qingshui ghosts, we can go out of town to the platoon the water, the injustice has a debt to have main, so long as killed her, we will not have the matter, yes, Daoist priest!” Head of the clan Zhou said. “当然是可以消除那些青水鬼的怨恨,我们就可以将积水给排出城了,冤有头债有主,只要杀了她,我们就不会有事了,是吧,道长!”周族长说道。 The Daoist priest nods, his very assured these water azure ghosts to taking revenge. 道长点了点头,他非常笃定那些水青鬼就是冲着复仇来的。 Right, killed her to eliminate the hate of Qingshui ghost. But everyone do not forget her is also the monster, everyone has not to know, the river female resentful soul may be more fearful than this endless heavy rain, her death, can make the Qingshui ghosts leave, but after she dies the anger, can embezzle everyone thoroughly, the opportunity when the time comes everyone possibly flees continually does not have.” The black umbrella female continues saying that her words are tranquil, the attitude is firm, is stating a fact. “没错,杀了她可以消除青水鬼的怨恨。可大家别忘了她也是妖,大家有所不知,河女的怨魂可比这一场无休止的大雨还可怕,她的死,是可以让青水鬼离开,但她死后的愤怒,更可以将所有人彻底吞没,到时候大家可能连逃离的机会都没有。”黑伞女子继续说道,她的话语平静,态度坚定,在陈述着一个事实。
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