DH :: Volume #12

#1175: River female

...... …… When Zheng Yu leaves, azure rain falls again. 郑俞离开时,一场青雨再度落下。 The ice-cold azure rain belt one share thick monster different aura, under dark gradually influencing, these monster qi as if hundred ghosts is travelling by night, recklessly is trampling this precarious god. 冰冷的青雨带着一股子浓浓的妖异气息,在黑暗的熏染下,这些妖气仿佛百鬼夜行,肆意的践踏着这座风雨飘摇的神都。 The rain got bigger and bigger, returned to the stream old town, arrived in that temple Lao Cai, actually saw that suddenly the town old residents are lifting an oil hot lantern, is leading the way in the rain , from afar the time of wants to be a lights large snake is winding in this ancient cities. 雨越下越大,回到了溪老城,抵达了那地庙老街,却忽然看到城镇老居民们正举着一种油火灯笼,在雨中前行着,远远看去的时候就想是一条灯火长蛇正蜿蜒在这古老的城镇。 Zheng Yu heard scolded the sound, heard the imprecations. 郑俞听到了呵斥声,更听到了咒骂声。 This lets some Zheng Yu doubts, when he arrived at that intersection bridge approach, actually saw the townspeople who one crowd is lifting the oil lantern is gathering round a woman, the woman was used a rope that hung all over rune/symbol paper tying up, bundled on a flag wooden pole. 这让郑俞有些疑惑,当他走到了那街口桥边,却看到了一群举着油灯笼的镇民正围着一个女人,那女人被用一种挂满了符纸的绳索给捆绑了起来,捆在了一根旗木柱上。 Zheng Yu looks, actually surprised discovery held person that river female! 郑俞望去,却惊讶的发现被抓住的人正是那位河女! Digs her heart, digs her heart!” Commerce angry scolding. “将她的心挖出来,将她的心挖出来!”一位商贩愤怒的骂道。 Said that our stream old town how some people die one after another, originally suction the soul by this seductress, was too hateful!” “就说我们溪老城怎么接二连三有人死,原来是被这个妖女吸走了魂魄,实在太可恨了!” I see this woman very early in the morning am not a thing, has not thought that unexpectedly is a seductress/evil spirit!” A woman scolded. “我一早就看出这女人不是个东西,没有想到居然是个妖精!”一名妇人骂道。 The river female that emerald-green eye in especially is at this moment obvious, moreover on her flesh also gradually appeared some mark scales that were similar to the flood dragon python, her ear, was at variance with the average man particularly. 河女那双翠绿色的眼睛在此刻格外明显,而且她的肌肤上也逐渐浮现出了一些类似于蛟蟒的纹鳞,尤其是她的耳朵,异于常人。 What had?” Zheng Yu inquired a moment ago that cursing woman. “发生了什么?”郑俞询问起刚才那位咒骂的妇人。 You have not known that this woman is the monster, for these years has hidden in us, attracted does not know that the souls of many men, Zhou eldest child, the meter/rice business's young son, these have not known how greater part of the night missing young fellows, was because drank a night of liquor to her there, the person had/left the matter suddenly.” The women said. “你还不知道啊,这女人是妖啊,这么多年来一直藏在我们当中,吸了不知道多少男人的魂魄,周家老大,米商年少的儿子,还有那些不知怎么大半夜失踪小伙子们,都是因为到了她那里喝夜酒,人就突然间出事情了。”妇人说道。 Who discovered that she is the monster?” Zheng Yu inquired. “谁发现她是妖的?”郑俞询问道。 Sells old slow of meter/rice, he said that this woman brews alcohol so many years, never sees her to buy the meter/rice to oneself, her liquor possibly does with the person blood, drank her liquor, will be misled!” Woman very earnest saying. “卖米的老徐,他说这女人酿酒这么多年,从来不见她向自己买过米,她的酒啊可能是用人血做的,喝了她的酒,就会被蛊惑!”妇人非常认真的说道。 „Is liquor the liquor, didn't the drunk person know?” Zheng Yu said. “酒是不是酒,喝的人不就知道了?”郑俞说道。 We do not understand, in brief she is the monster, is injuring someone, hurries to burn her.” The women then said. “咱也不懂啊,总之她就是妖,在害人啊,赶紧把她烧死。”妇人接着说道。 Zheng Yu frowns, his vision has swept from these excited hot tempered townspeoples, discovered that on each of them contaminated a evil aura! 郑俞皱起了眉头,他目光从这些激动暴躁的镇民身上扫过,发现他们每个人身上都沾染了一股邪气! This evil aura makes them terrified, making them somewhat lose the reason, does not know the disaster like the ancient, the ignorant depending on living person sacrificial offering comforts the angry heaven. 这邪气使得他们惶恐不安,使得他们有些丧失理智,就像古人不知天灾,愚昧的靠着活人祭祀来安抚愤怒的老天。 Mr. slow who especially that sells the meter/rice, his evil aura is heaviest. 尤其是那位卖米的徐老汉,他身上的邪气最重。 The river female eye is red, she saw Zheng Yu in crowd, has several points of desire is looking at Zheng Yu, hoping Zheng Yu can save her. 河女眼睛通红,她看到了人群中的郑俞,带着几分乞求的望着郑俞,希望郑俞能够救她。 But Zheng Yu has not stood to speak for her immediately. 郑俞并没有立刻站出来为她说话。 Several years of perching , the river females have been operating her wineshop like a normal woman, how small to be seen through in one that oneself leave unfortunately. 十几年的栖息,河女一直像一位正常女人一样经营着她的酒铺,怎么就那么不巧在自己离开的一小会被人看穿。 This obviously is not simple was seen through, but is the god of wicked hoping lashes out at oneself once again. 这显然不是简单的被识破,而是恶愿之神又一次对自己发难。 Hong Mo want to contact the person dies!! 洪摩要自己所接触过的人都死!! Hong Mo cannot do to Zhu Minglang and such standard high gods, therefore selects these emaciated people to start specially! 洪摩奈何不了祝明朗和自己这样位格高的神明,于是专门挑身边这些羸弱的人下手! He poisons people's minds, deceives the world, was held the person of handle to by him, whatever he organizes. 他蛊惑人心,愚弄人间,一些被他抓住了把柄的人更不得不任由他摆布。 Since she is the monster, everyone is an average person, is carefully for wonderful, I call people to come her to detain.” Zheng Yu said to these townspeoples. “既然她是妖,各位又是普通人,还是小心为妙,我唤人过来将她关押起来。”郑俞对这些镇民说道。 That is not good, we also wait to make the medicine introduction with her heart, my family husband remains unconscious to the present!” “那可不行,我们还等着拿她的心脏做药引子呢,我家夫君到现在昏迷不醒!” Yes, took her heart, grinds in the herbal medicine together, everyone will not result in the night sore!” “是啊,取了她的心,和草药研磨在一起,大家就不会得夜疮了!” Now kills her!!” “现在就杀了她!!” Killed her!!” “杀了她!!” The evil infection each of them's mood, the most important thing is this mood is also not totally because the evil aura causes, they were suffered by the night are very painful, needs by killing the river female obtains some mind consolation. 邪性感染着他们每个人的情绪,最重要的是这股情绪还并不是完全因为邪气导致的,他们被黑夜折磨得已经痛苦不堪,需要靠杀死河女来得到一些心灵慰藉。 Zheng Yu knows that eliminates their vicious tendencies not to depend on the magic arts, instead needs to persuade the guidance. 郑俞知道消除他们内心的这份戾气并不是靠法术,反而需要劝说引导。 Everyone, listening to me saying that......” Zheng Yu was just about to persuade. “各位,听我说……”郑俞正要劝说。 You have stopped us, is difficult to be inadequate and this river female is one group?” At this moment, that meter/rice business old slow ruthlessly asked. “你一直阻拦我们,难不成和这河女是一伙的?”就在这时,那位米商老徐狠狠的质问道。 The Zheng Yu eye stares at this meter/rice business, on the face of meter/rice business has the black fog that a common person cannot see, but this black fog actually presents the outline of another face, the face of this black fog is laughing to Zheng Yu. 郑俞眼睛盯着这位米商,米商的脸上有一层寻常人看不见的黑雾,而这黑雾却呈现出另外一张脸的轮廓,这张黑雾之脸在冲着郑俞发笑。 Zheng Yu frowns. 郑俞皱起了眉头。 No wonder the mood of townspeoples will be driven, moreover does not make the river females refuse stubbornly to be possible. 难怪镇民们的情绪会这么被带动,而且非让河女死不可。 This meter business by god of Hong Mo wicked hoping taking possession, him mixed to the crowd, and starts instigation recklessly. 这米商被恶愿之神洪摩给附身了,他混入到人群中,并且开始肆意的挑拨。 Right, the young fellow, you are not normal, everyone noticed that the seductress/evil spirit is thinking hurried to kill her, how are you still speaking for her probably?” The woman also raised the question. “对啊,小伙子,你不正常啊,大家看到妖精都是想着赶紧杀了她,你怎么好像还在替她说话呢?”那妇人也提出了质疑。 Not is only the seductress/evil spirit, definitely some fearful magic arts, everyone physical body every embryo, is carefully for wonderful, I am worried about everyone.” Zheng Yu is very clear unable to stand that side the river females visibly. “既是妖精,肯定有一些可怕的法术,大家肉体凡胎的,还是小心为妙,我只是在担心大家。”郑俞很清楚自己是不能明着站在河女那边的。 After all is the seductress. 毕竟是妖女。 No matter she does have the seductress of injuring someone, in night such depressing suffering atmosphere, people earnestly hoped handling the seductress, quite made the people in Lao Cai return peacefully. 不管她是有没有害人的妖女,在黑夜这样压抑煎熬的气氛下,人们都迫切希望将妖女给处置了,好让老街上的人回到安宁。 She, because injures someone, the vitality damages severely, now has no sorcery, everyone hurries digging her heart.” Is said by that meter/rice business that Hong Mo takes possession. “她因为害人,元气大伤,现在已经没有什么妖法了,大家赶紧把她心给刨出来吧。”被洪摩附身的那个米商说道。 Spoke these words, a happy expression of meter/rice commercial provocation and ridicule is gazing at Zheng Yu. 说完这句话,米商用一种挑衅与讥讽的笑意注视着郑俞 This was saying to Zheng Yu probably how I must have a look at you to save her life but actually! 这就好像在对郑俞说,我倒要看看你如何救她性命! „It is not good!! Head of the clan Zhou, the dam of upstream presented the gap, the river water was inundating, the paddies were flooded, possibly our old stream city will also be flooded!” The old person who looks at the counter dam mouth runs over, panting in a senior to the crowd said. “不好啦!!周族长,上游的大坝出现了缺口,河水正漫上来了,田地都被淹了,可能我们老溪城也会被淹!”一名看护坝口的老人跑了过来,气喘吁吁的对人群中一位年长者说道。 That senior wears the cheongsam, he wears obstructs the rain the bamboo hat, he shot a look at one to defend the dam person, ill-humored saying: Opened the sluice gates to turn on the water cannot, did this matter need runs over to say one specially??” 那位年长者穿着长衫,他戴着遮雨的斗笠,他瞥了一眼守坝人,没好气的说道:“开闸放水不就得了,这种事情有必要特意跑过来说一声吗??” But that floodgate, cannot open!” “可那闸,就是打不开啊!” How possibly unable to open, will cause a vigor not, will call a person!” Head of the clan Zhou said. “怎么可能打不开,使点劲不会吗,多叫点人啊!”周族长说道。 Zheng Yu looked at a rainfall intensity. 郑俞看了一眼雨势。 This rainfall intensity is very big, truly very easy high water, but such short time makes the paddies be flooded, some were strange. 这雨势很大,确实很容易水涨,但是这么短时间就让田地被淹,这就有些过于奇怪了。 Dam appearance of the water is important, had a look together in the past.” Zheng Yu said to that head of the clan Zhou. “大坝水势要紧,一起过去看看吧。”郑俞对那位周族长说道。 Yes, had a look in the past.” At this time is said by that meter/rice business Mr. slow who Hong Mo took possession. “是啊,过去看看吧。”这时被洪摩附身的那位米商徐老汉说道。 Zheng Yu swept Mr. slow, hadn't he opposed??? 郑俞扫了一眼徐老汉,他没有反对??? This fellow must be up to mischief!! 这家伙到底要搞什么鬼!!
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