DH :: Volume #12

#1173: River female

On...... Exalted Immortal.” Nearby, after that female shop owner worshipped the old drunkard temple god, walked toward Zheng Yu here. “上……上仙。”一旁,那位女店家祭拜完了老酒鬼庙神之后,朝着郑俞这里走了过来。 Zheng Yu is examining the jade tablet held by officials during imperial audience in hand, he looked up this seductress. 郑俞正在查看手中的玉笏,他抬头看了一眼这位妖女。 This is the old temple god keeps my, he told me, if he had what mishap, then gave a student it, I think that he said the student to be you.” The shop owner seductress said. “这是老庙神留在我这的,他告诉我,若他有什么不测,便将它交给一位书生,我想他说得书生应该是您。”店家妖女说道。 The female shop owner has a pair of emerald green eye pupil, this is the typical monster god descendant, because unifies half monster half person of birth with the person clan, such monster clan dwells like the normal person in the folk, but because the monster bloodlines make them once in a while to injure someone to maintain own human appearance. 女店家有一双翠色的眼眸,这是典型的妖神后裔,由于和人族结合而诞生的半妖半人,这样的妖族多数像正常人一样栖息在民间,但由于妖的血脉使得他们每隔一段时间不得不害人来维持自己的人类模样。 Zheng Yu received a letter/believes that this female shop owner handed over. 郑俞接过了这女店家递来的一封信。 Opened inside content, the Zheng Yu letter/believed content touching. 翻开了里面的内容,郑俞不由被信的内容给触动了。 The old temple god knows the destiny, he has had a premonition oneself time of death, even guessed that oneself will die some in fearful incantation technique, but the old temple god has not chosen to evade as before. 老庙神知天命,他已经预感到自己死期将至了,甚至猜测到自己会死于某种可怕的咒术,但老庙神依旧没有选择逃避。 The Zheng Yu innermost feelings are very complex, he knows that was harmed the old temple god, otherwise he should have many years of lifespan. 郑俞内心无比复杂,他知道是自己害了老庙神,否则他应该还有好些年的阳寿。 The old temple god treated the death is very confident. 只是老庙神对待死亡是很坦然的。 „When I am young made the mistake, because certain reasons had not been investigated, but also mistake arising out of chance circumstances becomes a here side temple god, I fully realized that own sin is grave, after the gods is protecting here people cautiously.” “我年少时犯了过错,但因为某些原因并未被追究,还阴差阳错的成为了这里的一方庙神,我深知自己罪孽深重,作为神明之后小心翼翼的守护着这里的子民。” This thinks that my merit makes up for the mistake that once made sufficiently, has not actually thought that Heaven has not forgiven me truly.” “本以为我的功德足以弥补曾经犯下的过错,却不曾想上苍并没有真正宽恕我。” No matter I leave in what way, does not need to be sorrowful for me, to me, what way extricates.” “不管我以何种方式离开,都不用为我哀痛,对于我而言,何种方式都是解脱。” This letter/believes does not seem like leaves Zheng Yu specially, leaves any family member's summary like an old person, Zheng Yu knows that on this left the some important news similarly. 这封信不像是专门留给郑俞的,就像一位老人留给任何一位亲人的简述,郑俞知道这上面同样留给了自己一些很重要的讯息。 The old temple god is been quick by the speed that the incantation kills, left a small meeting to Zheng Yu quickly merely. 老庙神被咒杀的速度非常快,快到郑俞仅仅是离开了一小会。 Then, that mistake when Hong Mo uses certainly the old temple god was young to make, not only eliminated the godship of his temple god, but also imposes the incantation capital punishment him! 这么说来,洪摩一定是利用了老庙神年少时犯下的那个错误,不仅剥夺了他庙神的神格,还将他处以咒语极刑! Contract lamp child. 契约灯童。 The old temple god young mistake, is related with some type of contract. 老庙神年少的错误,与某种契约有关。 How many years did you have in the stream old town?” Zheng Yu inquired the female shop owner of this monster clan bloodlines. “你在溪老城有多少年了?”郑俞询问起这位妖族血脉的女店家。 Had...... has ten years.” Female shop owner cautious replied. “有……有十来年了。”女店家小心翼翼的回答道。 Ten years? 十来年了? Ten years of not cruentations, this actually a female monster that holds fast at the bottom line, moreover not, because the influence of long night becomes loses control. 十来年不曾染血,这倒是一个坚守自己底线的女妖啊,而且并没有因为永夜的影响变得失控。 Many conceals under the long night influence increased in the world supernatural power of seductress/evil spirit did not say, moreover started to cruelly harm the innocent person wantonly. 许多藏在人间的妖精在永夜影响下法力大增不说,而且开始大肆残害无辜者。 About the Li young matter, you can know 12?” Zheng Yu asked. “关于李老年轻的事情,你可知道一二?”郑俞问道。 Knows that...... knows, after he drinks is dead drunk, suddenly will collapse to cry, once he has said in my wineshop gate.” The female shop owner said. “知道……知道些,他喝得酩酊大醉后,就会忽然崩溃大哭,有一次他在我酒铺门边说过。”女店家说道。 Said in detail.” Zheng Yu said. “详细说说。”郑俞说道。 „When Li young at heart once was the defending dam person in Shanba, that year rains hard, the rain water space must inundate, must flood Ba Village shortly, he has to open the sluice gates, but after opening the sluice gates, the appearance of the water was too fierce is unable to close, four families that caused the downstream by the rice shoot, four households of 17 people , were killed including a pregnant woman.” The female shop owner said. “李老年少时曾是山坝的守坝人,那一年下了大雨,雨水积得漫了起来,眼看就要淹掉坝村了,他只好开闸,但开闸后,水势太猛无法关上,导致下游的四户人家遭了秧,四户十七口人,包括一位孕妇也丧生。”女店家说道。 This is the disaster, how to calculate his head?” Zheng Yu puzzled. “这是天灾,怎算到他的头上?”郑俞困惑了起来。 Rain is asks.” The female shop owner said. “雨是求来的。”女店家说道。 Asked to whom??” Zheng Yu asked. “向谁求来的??”郑俞问道。 Is Li to the rain that evil asked.” The female shop owner said. “是李老向一位邪士求的雨。”女店家说道。 Zheng Yu looks at the blood earthworm that ground these were burnt down the ashes, immediately begins to materialize. 郑俞看了一眼地上那些被焚烧成灰烬的血蚯蚓,立刻有了眉目。 Therefore the drunkard old temple god is because this young praying for rain contract was killed by the incantation, as the temple god, has the contract with the evil gentleman, this had too many operating spaces regarding god of Hong Mo wicked hoping! 所以酒鬼老庙神是因为这一场年少的求雨契约被咒杀的,作为庙神,与邪士存在着契约,这对于恶愿之神洪摩来说有太多的操作空间了! That...... that evil gentleman is...... is my mother.” Does not know how long, the female shop owner said with the mosquito sound hesitant. “那位……那位邪士是……是我母亲。”不知犹豫了多久,女店家用蚊声说道。 Can be also in good health?” Zheng Yu quickly asked. “可还健在?”郑俞急忙问道。 The female shop owner swung swinging. 女店家摇了摇。 Certain contracts have certain descendant inheritance, if your mother had died, then this/should contract is grasps by you are right, making me have a look at your back.” Zheng Yu says to this female shop owner. “某些契约存在着一定的后代传承,你母亲若已经死去,那么该契约就是由你掌握才对,让我看看你的后背。”郑俞开口对这位女店家说道。 The female shop owner clothing was quite bold, her back revealed a big piece, Zheng Yu with the hand in his back gently strokes, quick rain mark then appeared slowly. 女店家着装本就比较大胆,她的后背露出了一大片,郑俞用手在其背部轻轻的一拂,很快一个雨纹便慢慢的浮现了出来。 That is Jane/simple seal of rain Dragon King, when the ancient clan and tribe consecrates rain Dragon King the totem that uses, as the place second of god officer, the culture of this worshipping piously gods he quite understands. 那是雨龙王的简印,古老部族供奉雨龙王时使用的图腾,作为地秒神官,这种敬奉神明的文化他是相当了解的。 River female?” Zheng Yu is looking at this female shop owner, finally knew her real status. “河女?”郑俞望着这位女店家,终于知道了她真实的身份。 The rumor river females are the descendant of rain master and human, Zheng Yu slightly have the understanding of the monster spectrum. 传言河女是雨师与人类的后代,郑俞对妖谱略有了解。 Zheng Yu arrived in the temple, the bookshelf that from that inexplicable comes out child discovered a record literature of Benxi old town conveniently, and turned out the record of the rainwater and crop every year. 郑俞走到了地庙内,随手从那莫名多出来的书架子中找出了一本溪老城的记载文献,并翻出了每一年的雨水与收成的记录。 After glanced through rapidly, Zheng Yu knew the reason of matter probably. 迅速的翻阅了之后,郑俞大概知道了整件事的缘由。 He has turned around, sized up this female shop owner carefully. 他转过身,仔细打量了这女店家一番。 That letter/believes does not give me, is leaves your.” Zheng Yu says to this female shop owner. “那信不是交给我的,是留给你的。”郑俞开口对这位女店家说道。 Gives me??” The female shop owner is puzzled. “给我的??”女店家一脸困惑。 „When your mother is the rain master, Li young at heart had the feelings with your mother rain master, because of the drought water shortage, Ba Village did not have the crop, Li therefore to listen to be rumored that probably that year, prayed for rain to the mountain center point wax, but your mother also followed...... your mother is the rain master, the rain naturally strives, but Heaven arranged delayed rain in fact, under the rain master the feelings had wanted the rain to hit because of the rain and Heaven that in one, therefore caused the rainwater to be in flood.” Zheng Yu has inferred the matter that the past years had from these simple records. “你母亲是雨师,李老年少时和你母亲雨师有了情愫,大概是因为干旱缺水,坝村那一年没有收成,李老于是听了一些谣传,到了山中点蜡求雨,而你母亲也跟着去了……你母亲就是雨师,雨自然就求来了,但事实上上苍本就安排了一场迟来的雨,雨师因为情愫而降下的雨和上苍本就要下的雨撞在了一起,于是造成了雨水泛滥。”郑俞已经从那些简单的记载中推断出了当年所发生的事情。 The female shop owner dumbfounded, her some cannot believe looks at Zheng Yu. 女店家呆住了,她有些不敢相信的看着郑俞 The blood earthworm flooded the entire Lao Cai temple, but the drunkard old temple god is also while still alive by the blood earthworm being drown to death, his death, fulfills the mistake that the past years made. 血蚯蚓充斥了整个老街神庙,而酒鬼老庙神也是活活被血蚯蚓给溺死的,他的死亡,也应验了当年犯下的过错。 Although is the error of carelessness, but his all also because of him. 虽然是无心之过,但他一切也因他而起。 Properly speaking, he should unable to become the temple god. 按理说,他不应该能成为庙神。 I...... that I am......” female shop owner have not recovered as before. “那我……那我是……”女店家依旧没有回过神来。 He does not like drinking, but is only sees and looks after you.” Zheng Yu then said. “他不是喜欢喝酒,而只是去看望与照料你。”郑俞接着说道。 The female shop owner felt sorrowful because of departure of old drunkard temple god, hears these that Zheng Yu said that immediately cannot stop the tears. 女店家本就因为老酒鬼庙神的离去而感到悲痛,听到郑俞所说的这些,顿时止不住眼泪。 She can pass by the monster status so many years , because of this gentle old temple god. 她能够以妖的身份平静度过这么多年,正是因为这位慈祥的老庙神。 Was clear repeatedly after these things, the Zheng Yu look also became ice-cold. 屡清楚了这些事情之后,郑俞眼神也变得冰冷了起来。 He understands how finally the old temple god is killed by the incantation. 他总算明白老庙神是怎么被咒杀的了。 That is the incantation kills not completely. 那不完全是咒杀。 Is a threat! 是一种威胁! Hong Mo is the contract lamp child, he not only knows that of past years prayed for rain with the evil consequence, but also saw through the old temple god and female shop owner's relations. 洪摩是契约灯童,他不仅知道当年的那个求雨与恶果,还一眼就看穿了老庙神与女店家的关系。 The mistake that the old temple god makes young is actually this river female birth. 老庙神年轻犯下的过错其实是这位河女的诞生。 In order to let the river females can maintain the status tranquil life of this female shop owner, old temple god accepted the curse. 为了让河女能够保持着这个女店家的身份平静的生活下去,老庙神自己接受了诅咒。
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