DH :: Volume #12

#1165: Old personal enemy

Zhu Minglang takes back the Nüwa dragon to Spirit Domain in immediately, and called the yama dragon!! 祝明朗立刻将女娲龙收回到灵域中,并唤出了阎王龙!! Heaven Slaughtering Dragon has not nipped this god Monarch sword immortal, actually instead shaking flies by an opposite party sword. 天煞龙没有咬上这名神君剑仙,却反被对方一剑给震飞。 The god Monarch sword immortal kills again, takes a sword result to fall the Zhu Minglang life, but the yama dragon has stood in Zhu Minglang front, it majestic tall and strong body keeps this god Monarch sword immortal from approaching Zhu Minglang this Dragon Herder again. 神君剑仙再度杀来,要一剑结果掉祝明朗的性命,但阎王龙已经站在了祝明朗的前面,它雄壮魁梧的身躯让这位神君剑仙无法再靠近祝明朗这名牧龙师 „!!!!!!!!” “唰!!!!!!!!” Also is an explosive force astonishing sword, even yama dragon the scale of drill crystal cannot resist, the yama dragon body was punctured similarly, but its vitality Nüwa dragon is powerful, this sword cut is not fatal! 又是爆发力惊人的一剑,连阎王龙的钻晶之鳞都抵挡不住,阎王龙身体同样被刺开,但它生命力远比女娲龙强大,这种剑伤并不致命! The yama dragon is wild, it disregarded the divine sword of opposite party, toward this god Monarch sword immortal hits unexpectedly with the corner/horn of Yama command just evolved!!! 阎王龙狂暴至极,它无视了对方的神剑,竟用刚刚进化的阎罗号令之角朝着这名神君剑仙撞去!!! Evolution corner/horn of quite therefore dragon after Yama command the sharp weapon, the yama dragon is half existence that foot treads into Divine Dragon Monarch, its reckless dashing is god Monarch is unable to withstand! 进化后的阎罗号令之角就相当于是龙君的利器了,阎王龙已是半只脚踏入神龙君的存在,它不顾一切的冲撞是神君都无法承受的! This god Monarch sword immortal uses the sword continuously, almost the chest cavity of yama dragon puncturing rottenly, but the yama dragon rumbles to fly her as before. 这位神君剑仙连续出剑,几乎将阎王龙的胸腔给刺烂,但阎王龙依旧将她轰飞。 After the opposite party was repelled ruthlessly, Zhu Minglang sees clearly this person appearance. 在对方被狠狠的击退了之后,祝明朗才看清这个人模样。 Is a woman. 是个女人。 Moreover initially held under duress itself, making Zhu Minglang hate immortal master Wu!! 而且正是当初挟持自己,让祝明朗痛恨不已的仙师吕梧!! Wu strength is not inferior in Wei Huan, merely this flash, the Nüwa dragon and yama dragon were almost killed! 吕梧的实力丝毫不逊色于魏桓,仅仅这一瞬间,女娲龙和阎王龙差点丧命! Walks!” “走!” Zhu Minglang has nothing hesitant, leapt conducting the back of Heaven Slaughtering Dragon. 祝明朗没有任何犹豫,跃到了天煞龙的背上。 Heaven Slaughtering Dragon also knows that the master is in danger, it transforms as the dark shape, wants to integrate during the night. 天煞龙也知道主人有生命危险,它转化为幽暗形态,想要融入到黑夜之中。 These people come prepared. 这些人是有备而来的。 They as if know that the profound dragon is the Zhu Minglang strongest dragon, silent clergies operation surrounds the profound dragon, lets Wei Huan like this powerful sword immortal and profound dragon socializes...... 他们仿佛知道玄龙是祝明朗最强的龙,沉默僧侣们使用法阵困住玄龙,又让魏桓这样的强大剑仙与玄龙周旋…… Is good concentrates on to cope with the words of profound dragon because of the silent clergy, Zhu Minglang and other dragon activities no longer were restricted. 好在沉默僧侣全神贯注施法对付玄龙的话,祝明朗和其他龙活动就不再受限了。 Heaven Slaughtering Dragon brings Zhu Minglang to be separated from the battlefield, without the stay of moment. 天煞龙带着祝明朗脱离战场,没有片刻的停留。 The enemies are quite fearful, since has not planned to defeat Zhu Minglang these dragons from the beginning, but to the Dragon Herder main body! 敌人相当可怕,打从一开始就没有打算战胜祝明朗的这些龙,而是冲着牧龙师本尊! Really, Wu simply has not paid attention to the yama dragon, but relied on the excellent movement to cast off the yama dragon, and chased down toward Zhu Minglang. 果然,吕梧根本没有理会阎王龙,而是凭借着高超的身法甩开了阎王龙,并朝着祝明朗追杀过来。 Zhu Minglang stands in conducting the back of Heaven Slaughtering Dragon, gaze that coldly Wu. 祝明朗站在天煞龙的背上,冷冷的注视着吕梧。 „!!!!!!!!!” “唰!!!唰!!!!!!” The gap of god of death sickle dozens li (0.5 km) were cutting fiercely, Wu just about to uses the sword, actually has to the turning the head standard keep off yama dragon cutting of the lock soul. 死神镰刀之翼隔着数十里猛的斩了过来,吕梧刚要出剑,却不得不转头格挡阎王龙的这锁魂之斩。 Heaven Slaughtering Dragon glimpsed the dark vortex, it knows that oneself is not Wu opponent, the most important goal is to bring Zhu Minglang leaves, it raises the pinnacle oneself speed, changed to a shadow to pass over gently and swiftly. 天煞龙一眼瞥见了暗漩,它知道自己不是吕梧的对手,首要目的就是带祝明朗离开,它将自己的速度提升到极致,化作了一道暗影掠过。 Meanwhile, the god of thunder purple dragon, Aegean Luan Green Phoenix Dragon, Fairy Ying Dragon and gold/metal Blue Dragon gathered, and put out dragon breath toward Wu simultaneously! 与此同时,雷公紫龙、苍鸾青凰龙精灵荧龙、金苍龙聚了过来,并同时朝着吕梧吐出了龙息! Wu strength was more terrifying than before, obviously gained more advantage from mountain ignorant/veiled there. 吕梧实力比以前更恐怖,显然是从山蒙那里获得了更多好处。 Her sword swept four dragons, and probably wicked soul generally stubbornly is staring at Zhu Minglang. 她一剑扫开了四龙,并像是恶魂一般死死的盯着祝明朗 „!!!!!” “唰!!!!!” Suddenly, the azure sharp sword flies together behind from Zhu Minglang, Zhu Minglang subconscious thinking ambushes, when will dodge, actually discovery this azure sword passed over gently and swiftly from own side, and thorn to Wu! 忽然,一道青色的利剑从祝明朗身后飞来,祝明朗下意识的以为又是埋伏,正要闪躲时,却发现这道青剑只是从自己身旁掠过,并刺向了吕梧! Wu has not been serious this azure sword from the beginning, when may work as the azure sword resists her front, this azure sword instantaneously transforms more than 400 flying swords, erupted the radiant sword splendor! 吕梧一开始并没有把这青剑当一回事,可当青剑抵挡她面前时,这一青剑瞬间幻化四百多柄飞剑,爆发出了璀璨的剑辉! Wu is radical, is difficult to dodge these flying swords, let alone the god of death sickle of yama dragon cuts to wield again. 吕梧过于激进,再难闪躲这些飞剑,何况阎王龙的死神镰刀斩再一次挥来。 Her feeling of heaviness in the limbs number sword, has to give up pursuing, whole person fierce drilling into to desert in! 她身重数剑,不得不放弃追击,整个人猛的钻入到沙漠之中! The azure flying sword has not forgiven her, pursued directly into, compelling Wu to escape toward Hong Mo that! 青色的飞剑并没有就此饶过她,直接追入到了地底下,逼得吕梧不得不朝着洪摩那逃去! Hong Mo sees the flying sword that pursued, fierce wields the sleeve, wielded river wicked water from the sleeve unexpectedly, the azure flying sword that these wicked water will chase down gave to knock down, alleviated Wu dangerous situation. 洪摩看到了追来的飞剑,猛的一挥袖,竟从袖中挥出了一河恶水,这些恶水将一路追杀过来的青色飞剑给打落,也缓解了吕梧的险境。 Long-drawn-out “悠” Lost concentration while Hong Mo, presents the moon/month White Dragon to carry Zheng Yu to fly from Hong Mo ghost tombstone big immediately. 趁着洪摩分神,奉月白龙立刻载着郑俞飞离了洪摩的鬼墓碑大阵。 Bai Qi also realized that at this time Zhu Minglang is in danger, cannot prolong contact. 白岂此时也意识到祝明朗有生命危险,决不能恋战。 It flies to the position that Zhu Minglang was. 它飞向了祝明朗所在的位置。 ...... …… Did not have Wu forcing, Zhu Minglang also to calculate to relax. 没有了吕梧的逼迫,祝明朗也算松了一口气。 He then looked at a source of azure sword, actually discovered the palace clothing female who is stepping on the flying sword stands in in the air, her skin white/in vain pretty, the makings have the dust, in the hand also hold a azure luan sword, obviously is also a Yuxian of alioth star palace! 他回头看了一眼青剑的来源,却发现一位踩着飞剑的宫装女子立在空中,她肤白貌美,气质出尘,手上还持着一柄青鸾剑,显然也是一位玉衡星宫的玉仙! Linghu miss!” “令狐姑娘!” In the Zhu Minglang heart the great happiness, is the old teammate!! 祝明朗心中大喜,原来是老队友!! Comes skillfully!! 来得巧啊!! Linghu Ling that does not see unexpectedly for a long time, moreover Linghu Ling broke through has puzzled her boundary, becomes a strength to be as good as Wu sword immortal! 竟是许久不见的令狐玲,而且令狐玲突破了一直困扰她的境界,成为了一名实力不亚于吕梧的剑仙! Sees you is so distressed rarely, how to use the sword?” On Linghu Ling face also no expression, but in the tone has several points to tease. “难得见你如此狼狈,怎么不出剑?”令狐玲脸上也没有什么表情,只是语气中带着几分戏谑。 Zhu Minglang in Linghu Ling impression, capable in military and civil skills, oneself had the fearful sword to cultivate/repair the strength not saying that dragon was one by one intrepid, these gods in Dragon Gate formed an alliance cannot do to Zhu Minglang. 令狐玲印象中的祝明朗,能文能武,自身拥有可怕的剑修实力不说,身边的龙一个比一个强悍,在龙门中那些神明结盟都奈何不了祝明朗 Sword in the side, this place is not suitable stays for a long time, first leaves!” Zhu Minglang said to Linghu Ling. “剑不在身边,此地不宜久留,先离开!”祝明朗令狐玲说道。 Un, I escort you to leave.” Linghu Ling nods. “嗯,我护送你们离开。”令狐玲点了点头。 Long-drawn-out Bai Qi flew, saw Zhu Minglang is safe and sound, this flies the space, blesses other dragons to leave the battlefield. “悠”白岂飞了过来,看到了祝明朗安然无恙,这才飞到天上,去庇佑其他龙离开战场。 Other dragons return to side Zhu Minglang one after another, Zhu Minglang also takes back them to Spirit Domain. 其他龙陆陆续续回到祝明朗身边,祝明朗也将它们收回到灵域中。 „Are you dragon are also surrounded?” Linghu Ling looked in sky that fearful cassock big. “你是不是还有一龙被困住?”令狐玲看了一眼天空中那可怕的袈裟大阵。 It will not have the matter......” Zhu Minglang to say. “它不会有事……”祝明朗说道。 The strength of profound dragon is powerful enough, wants to harm its life to be very difficult to be very difficult, has the attack foreknowledge, has the profound wind magical powers, after that law is weak, profound dragon thinks walks. 玄龙的实力足够强大,想伤它的性命很难很难,拥有进攻预知,又具备玄风神通,等到那法阵薄弱下来之后,玄龙想走就走。 That god of disasters did not remain many supernatural powers, he could not do to the profound dragon.” Zheng Yu said. “那恶神不剩多少法力了,他也奈何不了玄龙。”郑俞说道。 As high-rank Divine Dragon Monarch, to high bloodlines, only if the arrival of god king rank, otherwise cannot kill the profound dragon. 作为上位神龙君,又是至高血脉,除非神王级别的到来,不然杀不死玄龙。 Linghu Ling nods, she also knows that these all ambushes come to Zhu Minglang, first ensure the Zhu Minglang security is the key. 令狐玲点了点头,她也知道这些所有的埋伏都是冲着祝明朗来的,先保证祝明朗安全才是关键。 Miao!!!!!!!!!!!!!” “缪!!!!!!!!!!!!!” When is leaving, the profound dragon in upper air as if by these ineffective and worthless troops enraging, its profound wind and Dragon's Tail unified in one, erupted terrifying the strength of destruction, killed over a thousand ambush, even still left behind a wound on the cheeks of Hong rubs. 正离开时,高空中的玄龙似乎被这些虾兵蟹将给激怒了,它的玄风与龙尾结合在了一起,爆发出了恐怖的毁灭之力,一口气杀死了上千埋伏者,甚至还在洪摩的脸颊上留下了一道伤。 Wu, Wei Huan use the sword simultaneously, cannot detain Zhu Minglang, they also want cutting to kill Zhu Minglang this most hadrosaurus Monarch, however the tail of profound dragon is the deity kills simply, it not only avoided jointly attacking of two big sword immortals, cuts the wound two people together...... 吕梧、魏桓同时出剑,留不住祝明朗,她们也想把祝明朗的这最强龙君给斩杀,然而玄龙的尾巴简直就是天神杀器,它不仅避开了两大剑仙的合击,更是将两人一同斩伤…… If not for Zhu Minglang gives the instruction that leaves, profound dragon afraid must chase down Wu and sword immortals of Wei Huan these two alioth star palaces, till kills them. 若不是祝明朗给与离开的指令,玄龙怕是要追杀吕梧与魏桓这两位玉衡星宫的剑仙,直到将她们杀死为止。
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