DEMG :: Volume #10

#941: Space class Magic Treasure

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„, Are you curious this?” “哦,原来你是好奇这个啊?” A Ling Yun mind loosen, his at a moderate pace also received the right hand in the back, places both hands behind the back, narrowed the eye slightly, in the meantime, corners of the mouth appeared to wipe the mysterious smile. 凌云心神一松,他不紧不慢的把右手也收在了背后,倒背着双手,微微眯起了眼睛,同时,嘴角儿浮现出了一抹神秘兮兮的微笑。 Ling Yun this appearance, looks in the Demon Sect Saintess eye, dropped from house to house like one, deceives old man old woman's that rivers and lakes god stick specially. 凌云这个样子,看在魔宗圣女的眼里,像极了一个走街串巷,专门欺骗老头老太太的那种江湖神棍。 Actually, this is not anything, looked that you are so curious, I with you to put it bluntly, this just am the most common five ghosts transport the technique, now also many outstandingly able person different gentlemen can this......” “其实呢,这不算什么,看你那么好奇,我就跟你说穿了吧,这只不过是最普通的五鬼搬运术,现在还有很多奇人异士都会这个……” Ling Yun truly is also installing god stick, but he is serious, calm and plausible appearance, one of the but also really Ye Xingchen fooling. 凌云确实也在装神棍,但他一脸严肃,淡定而振振有词的样子,还真的把夜星辰唬的一愣一愣的。 „Do five ghosts transport the technique?” In the beautiful pupil of Ye Xingchen flashed before to wipe the confused and unbelievable look, the whisper of doubts, but quick stared then the beautiful pupil, aerobic and funny was charmingly angry: You are short with me talk nonsense, although our China truly five ghosts transport the technique the legend, but do not think that great aunt does not know, even if that technique law has , is also only transports the wealth the technique law, how possibly changes these many things?!” “五鬼搬运术?”夜星辰的美眸中闪现出一抹迷茫和难以置信的神色,疑惑的嘀咕了一句,可很快就美眸一瞪,又好气又好笑的娇嗔道:“你少跟我胡说八道,咱们华夏虽然确实有五鬼搬运术的传说,但是你别以为姑奶奶不知道,就算那种术法真的有,也只是个运财的术法而已,怎么可能变出这么多东西?!” Transports the wealth the technique law?!” “运财的术法?!” Was startled this feedback to Ling Yun, he is shocked saying: When did five ghosts transport the technique become have transported the wealth the technique law?” 这回轮到凌云吃惊了,他震惊说道:“五鬼搬运术什么时候成了运财的术法了?” Ling Yun spoke this saying, naturally has the ingredient of performance, but he is genuine wonders excitedly, actually because of Demon Sect Saintess Ye Xingchen, unexpectedly transports the technique also to have certain understanding to five ghosts. 凌云说这话,当然有表演的成分在,可他心里真正激动纳闷的,却是因为魔宗圣女夜星辰,竟然对五鬼搬运术也有一定的了解。 Snort, you are short to me shift the topic, now in the network your magic to the post that discusses has numerous number, obtains the maximum support level, was saying that you can any five ghosts transport the technique, but you hoodwink others, actually could not deceive me!” “哼,你少给我转移话题,现在网络上对你那个魔术讨论的帖子多不胜数,其中得到最大支持率的,就是都在说你会什么五鬼搬运术,但你蒙的了别人,却蒙不了我!” Demon Sect Saintess by Ling Yun flickering, she spoke thoughtlessly to explain why own knows five ghosts transported the technique, then the beautiful pupil had a smile, the vision as if penetrated the Ling Yun's body, fell above both hands that in he recited backwards from the end, said: If you are in front of my now, can change to me with the right hand the same thing comes out, I believe that you meet five ghosts to transport really!” 魔宗圣女到底没有被凌云给忽悠住,她随口解释了自己为什么知道五鬼搬运术,然后美眸含笑,目光似乎穿透了凌云的身体,落在了他倒背的双手之上,紧接着说道:“如果你现在当着我的面,用右手也能给我变一样东西出来,我就相信你真的会五鬼搬运!” These words, making Ling Yun have one type to want Space Ring to pick instantaneously, impulsion of set on to right hand finger. 这句话,让凌云瞬间有了一种想把空间戒指摘下来,套到右手手指上的冲动。 Why god knows Ye Xingchen to Ling Yun observation care of that already saw that his all changes the thing that comes out, first appears in left hand. 天知道夜星辰为什么对凌云观察的那么仔细,早已看出他所有“变”出来的东西,都是最先出现在左手 Takes, puts, Ling Yun uses is left hand, because of that ordinary Space Ring, wore on the Ling Yun's left hand middle finger. 无论是拿出来,还是放进去,凌云用的都是左手,因为那枚普通的空间戒指,就是戴在了凌云的左手中指上。 But Ling Yun knows, if wore Space Ring to the right hand on at this time, instead being more exposed, will have been equal to telling the Ye Xingchen answer directly, he knows, own has Space Ring this matter, could not hide the truth from Ye Xingchen again. 凌云知道,如果这时候把空间戒指戴到右手上,反而会成了欲盖弥彰,等于直接就告诉了夜星辰答案,他知道,自己空间戒指这件事,再也瞒不住夜星辰了。 Yeah, if two Space Ring to sigh in in the heart then good......” Ling Yun. “哎,要是有两枚空间戒指就好了……”凌云心中叹息。 However, could not conceal the truth unable to conceal the truth, Brother Yun was very as before calm: Cannot think that solemn Demon Sect Heavens Saintess, will look unexpectedly also at TV, will access the net?” 不过,瞒不住就瞒不住了呗,云哥依旧很淡定:“想不到堂堂的魔宗天圣女,竟然也会看电视,也会上网啊?” Ye Xingchen sends out bewitching of one string of bell to absorb the soul the laughter, the exquisite tender body shivers gently, caused that chest mighty waves fluctuate, white Ling Yun said: Others are not a primitive man, why cannot look at TV, can't access the net?” 夜星辰发出一串银铃似的勾魂摄魄的笑声,玲珑娇躯轻轻颤抖,引得胸前一阵波涛起伏,白了凌云一眼道:“人家又不是原始人,凭什么就不能看电视,不能上网啊?” Ling Yun did not say, still place both hands on the back, leisurely strolled to arrive at Shennong Cauldron side, under the gaze of Ye Xingchen, left hand lifted lightly, caressed Shennong Cauldron gently, the thought has moved, took in the middle of Shennong Cauldron Space Ring. 凌云不接话,依然倒背双手,信步来到了神农鼎的旁边,在夜星辰的注视之下,左手轻抬,轻轻抚过神农鼎,意念一动,就把神农鼎收进了空间戒指当中。 This time, his movement is very slow, is similar to is putting a slow motion, lets clarity that Ye Xingchen looks. 这一次,他的动作很慢,就如同在放一个慢镜头,让夜星辰看的清清楚楚。 Received Shennong Cauldron, Ling Yun has arrived has killed the Tokugawa Muto place, bright as snow long blade that he discarded, took in Space Ring, finally arrived at Chen Jianhao purple gold copper rod here. 收起了神农鼎,凌云走到了杀死德川武藤的地方,把他丢掉的雪亮长刀,也收进了空间戒指,最后来到了陈建豪的紫金铜棍这里。 The Tokugawa Muto bright as snow long blade, is the Chen Jianhao purple gold copper rod, is the good metal that uses, after most outstanding blacksmith master, being repeatedly tempered casting, these, but also has doped many modern high tech casting method, will be very good resources and treasure, Ling Yun naturally will not treat as to look but not see. 无论是德川武藤的雪亮长刀,还是陈建豪的紫金铜棍,都是用的上好的金属,经过最优秀的铁匠师傅,千锤百炼铸造而成,这其中,还掺杂了不少的现代高科技铸造手段,都是很好的资源和宝贝,凌云当然不会当做视而不见。 Space Ring of promotion version, inner space length and breadth high probably in two -and-a-half meters about, but calmly lies down in the purple gold copper rod more than four meters of ground is at least long, Space Ring cannot put down. 升级版的空间戒指,内部空间的长宽高大概都在两米半左右,而静静躺在地上的紫金铜棍至少有四米多长,空间戒指根本就放不下。 However this cannot baffle Ling Yun, he restored 67 adult strength now, therefore starts towards more than four meters to be long, the diameter at least ten centimeters, several hundred jin (0.5 kg) big copper rod, initiated the strength. 不过这难不倒凌云,他现在已经恢复了67成体力,于是开始对着这根四米多长,直径至少十公分,几百斤的大铜棍,发起了力。 Hehe, Tie Xiaohu practice climate a little, happen to did not have pointed weapons while convenient, went back to make Tie Xiaohu thank Chen Jianhao well the line......” “嘿嘿,铁小虎修炼的有点儿气候了,正好没有趁手的兵刃,回去得让铁小虎好好感谢一番陈建豪才行……” Also is gawking doing, comes the help!” “还愣着干什么,过来帮忙啊!” Some such super Expert in the side, do not need not to use white/in vain, Ling Yun shouted that Ye Xingchen comes the help. 有这么一个超级高手在身边,不用白不用,凌云夜星辰过来帮忙。 Under two Great Expert joint efforts, quick then successful this purple gold copper rod from the middle rebating, that situation, with rebating an iron wire could not miss many. 在两大高手的合力之下,很快就成功的把这根紫金铜棍从中间“对折”了一下,那情形,就跟对折一根铁丝差不了多少。 Hehe, looked carefully!” “嘿嘿,看仔细了啊!” Ling Yun squats on the ground, laughs to opposite Ye Xingchen, left hand stroked to rebate the good purple gold copper rod, exactly said, was Space Ring on left hand middle finger, contacted that purple gold copper rod. 凌云蹲在地上,冲对面的夜星辰嘻嘻一笑,左手抚摸上了对折好的紫金铜棍,确切的说,是左手中指上的空间戒指,接触到了那根紫金铜棍。 The thought moves! 意念一动! Shua! 刷! That velamen exchanges more than two meters to be long, and in the together copper rod, vanishes instantaneously, was received in the middle of Space Ring by Ling Yun. 那根被折成两米多长,并在一起的铜棍,瞬间消失,被凌云收入了空间戒指当中。 After two evening's fights, has that several bunches of arrows in Ling Yun Space Ring, almost consumes, happen to sets aside place to deposit the purple gold copper rod. 经过两个晚上的战斗,存在凌云空间戒指里的那十几捆箭矢,几乎消耗一空,正好腾出地儿来存放紫金铜棍。 Oh, is really this ring, this is...... This is......” “天哪,真的是这枚戒指,这是……这是……” Ye Xingchen is almost is covering the mouth to call out in alarm, she is gazing at the Ling Yun's left hand middle finger dull, although in the heart confirmed that matter that but does not dare such to shock everybody saying! 夜星辰几乎是在掩嘴惊呼,她呆呆的注视着凌云的左手中指,虽然心中已经确认,但还是不敢把这么惊世骇俗的事情给说出来! Ling Yun static turning the hand, spreads out the palm, the vision is also gazing at own Space Ring, smiled for Ye Xingchen is wanting saying that said. 凌云静静的一翻手,摊开手掌,目光也注视着自己空间戒指,微笑着替夜星辰把想说的说了出来。 Right, this is Space Ring, inside becomes a space, although the space is not big, but at present also sufficient.” “没错,这是一枚空间戒指,里面自成一个空间,空间虽然不大,但目前还够用。” Said these words time, Ling Yun is very sigh with emotion, Human Emperor's Writing Brush immortal spiritual energy rewinds, own got a sudden inspiration at that time, has not manufactured this Space Ring words, he does not know that must give birth to many to trouble baseless. 说这番话的时候,凌云很感慨,要不是人皇笔仙灵气倒卷,自己当时灵机一动,没有制作这枚空间戒指的话,那他不知道要凭空生出多少麻烦。 Facts showed, Ling Yun was reckless at that time, goes crazy the manufacture this Space Ring, is that decision the what kind of correctness?! 事实证明,凌云当时不顾一切,发疯似的制作出这枚空间戒指,那个决定是何等的正确?! Space class Magic Treasure, is cultivation world is forever most precious, is scarcest, can make innumerable cultivating true cultivator attack brutally to snatch Magic Treasure of broken head, do not say in the modern metropolis. 空间类法宝,永远都是修真界最为宝贵,最为稀缺,是可以令无数修真者大打出手抢破头的法宝,更不要说是在现代都市之中了。 Magic Treasure of space class is so scarce preciously, as for with space compound, time class Magic Treasure say nothing, then in cultivation world, often can initiate the heaven-defying treasure of innumerable cultivating true school extermination! 空间类的法宝如此稀缺珍贵,至于和空间并列的,时间类的法宝就更不用说了,那在修真界,是动不动就能引发无数修真门派灭门的逆天宝贝! These two kinds of Magic Treasure, carve actually above Space Formation and time formation law, is playing the true role, the object is used for carrying/sustaining these formidable heaven-defying formation law. 这两类法宝,其实是刻在上面的空间阵法时间阵法,在发挥着真正的作用,物体不过是用来承载那些强大的逆天阵法罢了。 Naturally, carrying/sustaining thing's condition, had decided the formation law strong and weak, can portray above formation law many, both unite, has decided the Magic Treasure formidable degree. 当然,承载物本身的条件,也决定了阵法的强弱,还有能刻画在上面的阵法的多少,两者合一,决定了法宝的强大程度。 For example, now Ling Yun this Space Ring, refines with the ordinary platinum ring, if with Soul Refining Great Void Stone? 比如说,现在凌云这枚空间戒指,是用普通的白金戒指炼制而成,如果是用炼神太虚石呢? Similarly 49 Space Formation, but the inner space, the present does not know that must be more than many times! 同样的是49个空间阵法,但内部空间,比现在不知道要多了多少倍! cultivating true cultivator Magic Treasure, is not bigger is always more valuable, but is smaller is more valuable, considers, the thing that a building can load are many went, who sees which cultivating true cultivator to bring a building to run everywhere? 修真者法宝,从来都不是越大越值钱,而是越小越值钱,试想一下,一栋大楼可以装载的东西多了去了,有谁见过哪个修真者带着一栋大楼到处跑的吗? Therefore Ling Yun is very sigh with emotion, did not say Human Emperor's Writing Brush Earth Emperor's Book Shennong Cauldron and so on heaven-defying Immortal Item, his present is precious, is actually in the hand this common platinum ring. 所以凌云很是感慨,不说人皇笔地皇书神农鼎之类的逆天仙器,他身上现在宝贵的,其实是手上这枚不起眼的白金戒指。 Otherwise, Ling Yun has many treasure, usually is unable to bring on the body of own, goes out, brings a package at most, has some necessary things, then carries an demon blade-- is only such words, rather will be regarded as the monster by the modern people. 否则的话,凌云就算有再多的宝贝,平时也无法带在自己的身上,出门的时候,顶多带一个包裹,装一些必备的东西,然后背着一把魔刀——只是那样的话,未免会被现代人视作怪物。 Really...... Has Space Ring, Oh, this...... This inside space big?!” “真……真的有空间戒指,天哪,这……这里面的空间到底有多大?!” Ye Xingchen shocks incomparably, quick asked a she most curious question. 夜星辰震惊无比,很快就问出了一个她最好奇的问题。 „It is not very big, length and breadth high almost two -and-a-half meters, probably storeroom that big or small.” “不是很大,长宽高差不多都有两米半吧,大概有一间储藏室那么大小。” Ling Yun has not concealed again, light saying. 凌云没有再隐瞒,淡淡的说道。 Space Ring without doubt is a Ling Yun's card in a hand, but now is also Zhang Ming, he knows that is impossible to hide the truth from extremely bright Ye Xingchen, one time said simply completely, has given up her curiosity. 空间戒指无疑是凌云的一个底牌,但现在也是一张明牌,他知道不可能瞒住冰雪聪明的夜星辰,索性一次全部说了,打消了她的好奇心。 Oh, really has that big space, you are equal to bringing a house to run everywhere Ah?! “天哪,竟然有那么大的空间,你等于是带着一间房屋到处跑啊?! Ye Xingchen is not knowing that said many, she is unable to conceal the shock of own, because Ling Yun's is honest, opened a leaf of brand-new front door for her truly! 夜星辰连着也不知道说了多少个天哪,她无法掩饰自己的震惊,因为凌云的坦诚,真正为她打开了一扇崭新的大门! Ling Yun smiles pale, in the heart is very self-satisfied, since he and Demon Sect Saintess has started to do, Ye Xingchen continuously performance very much understands him, to his status, passing, including the family and so on current all, the clarity that knows, is therefore, own every time is very passive. 凌云淡笑,心中却很得意,自打他和魔宗圣女开始打交道以来,夜星辰一直表现的都很了解他,对他的身份,过往,包括家庭等等目前的一切,都知道的清清楚楚,也正是因此,自己每一次都很被动。 Can make this young succuba display enough shock, may not be really easy! 能让这位小魔女表现出足够的震惊,可真的不容易啊! This Ling Yun draws one game finally. 这次凌云总算是扳回一局。 The Ling Yun heart said, bringing a house to run everywhere is anything, when Big Brother started cultivating true truly, Space Ring that in the future will refine, the interior can from all day long, even if installed several buildings not to have the issue! 凌云心说,带着一间房屋到处跑算什么,等哥哥真正开始修真了,将来炼制的空间戒指,内部能自成天地,就算装进去十几栋大楼都没问题! Naturally, these words, his impossible present to say. 当然,这些话,他不可能现在说出来。 This, this should be your secret, why will you tell me? Actually...... Actually you can refuse stubbornly to acknowledge!” “这,这应该是你的秘密吧,你为什么会告诉我?其实……其实你可以死不承认的!” Demon Sect Saintess Ye Xingchen, shock after long time, has not continued to closely examine, was a pair of beautiful pupil has actually observed closely the Ling Yun's face, tone spooky saying. 魔宗圣女夜星辰,震惊半晌之后,没有继续追问,却是一双美眸盯住了凌云的脸庞,语气幽幽的说道。 Because you have saved me, if you do not appear, perhaps I will not die, but at least can also be the severely wounded fate......” “因为你救了我,如果你不出现的话,也许我不会死,但至少也会是重伤的下场……” Ling Yun told the facts, although his several big cards in a hand have not used, but under besieging of opposite party three big powerhouses, even if can wipe out three people, own will inevitably also be seriously injured. 凌云实话实说,虽然他还有几大底牌没有使用,但在对方三大强者的围攻之下,就算能全歼三人,自己也势必会身受重伤。 Then, the Ling Yun long body, he looks at present Ye Xingchen, the thought is moving, in the hand emerged out of thin air has wiped purple fragrant. 说完,凌云长身而起,他望着眼前的夜星辰,意念一动,手上凭空出现了一抹紫色的香帕。 This is your thing, now gives back to you.” “这是你的东西,现在还给你吧。” He proceeds to extend the hand, has handed over toward Ye Xingchen, has not noted quite the same as, in Ye Xingchen beautiful pupil projected was unable to speak the appearance that. 他把手往前一伸,就朝着夜星辰递了过去,浑然没有注意到,夜星辰美眸中的射出了无法言说的神采。
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