DEMG :: Volume #19

#1853: Intemperate eating and drinking

Chapter 1848 intemperate eating and drinking 第1848章酒池肉林 When Yin Qingxuan and Ling Xiao enter the Demon Sect restricted area, a closure gate, Ling Yun decisively grasps the hand of Ye Xingchen, flies to escape to walk, goes to that continuous palace directly. 就在殷青璇凌啸进入魔宗禁地,关闭阵门之时,凌云果断抓起夜星辰的手,飞遁而走,直接去往那一片连绵殿宇。 Yin Qingxuan had detected, actually smiles to the place that Ling Yun hid a moment ago, the whole face favors to drown. 殷青璇有所察觉,却只是冲着凌云刚才藏身的地方笑了笑,满脸宠溺。 It looks like, a mother, had seen plays the child who plays hide-and-seek with her, whatever actually he works, own feigns ignorance general. 就像是,一个母亲,早已看到了跟她玩儿捉迷藏的孩子,却任由他得逞,自己故作不知一般。 In the own family/home, how Ling Yun naturally wants how, whatever he tosses about. 自己家里嘛,凌云自然是想怎么样就怎么样,任由他折腾。 Shua! 刷! Ling Yun and Ye Xingchen come, they went to the most center of that continuous palace, is biggest that palace roof. 凌云夜星辰现身而出,他们来到了那片连绵殿宇的最中心,同时也是最高大的那座宫殿屋顶。 Ling Yun looks around. 凌云举目四望。 Here said that is a continuous palace, is actually some by the wood and stone build, has the palace model house. 这里说是一片连绵殿宇,实则不过是一些由木石搭建而成,有着宫殿式样的房屋罢了。 The so-called palace model, is actually the constructions of some main positions, were more than common building hung the foot upturned eave, therefore looked from afar, appeared mighty, were many a little ancient feeling. 所谓的宫殿式样,其实就是一些主要位置的建筑,比寻常楼宇多了吊脚飞檐,所以远远看去,就显得气势恢宏,多了一点儿古代的感觉。 This moment Ling Yun locale, position already highest, only also only has 3-layer, the overall height is less than 20 meters, the area less than 1000 squares, said that is also the area of No. 1 villa. 此刻凌云所在处,位置已然最高,却只也只有三层,总高不到二十米,面积更是不足一千平方,说起来,也就是个一号别墅的面积。 Under counts, the every large or small palace in this palace adds, 36, conform to the numbers of 30 six heavenly astral exactly. 细数之下,这片殿宇的大大小小的宫殿加起来,共有三十六座,恰好符合三十六天罡之数。 The layout of each palace house, the position is extremely tasteful, unlike Forbidden City along an axle bilateral symmetry, but complements mutually, scattered and organized, therefore the house are not many, actually a continuous large expanse of broad feeling. 每一座宫殿房屋的布局,位置更是极其讲究,跟故宫沿着一条中轴线左右对称不同,而是互相掩映,错落有致,所以房屋不多,却给人一种连绵成片的恢宏感觉。 Ling Yun Spiritual Thought covers all palace houses, discovered that in most palace houses, simply does not have, no matter what He Family exhibition, but in each house, at least has two ancient bronzeware household utensils to place, what are most is the ancient bronze oil lamp, in almost every palace house places over two, or is dissimilar in shape and form Bronze Cauldron, the bronze liquor reveres, bronze musical instrument wait/etc so forth. 凌云神念笼罩所有宫殿房屋,发现绝大多数的宫殿房屋之内,根本没有任何家具陈列,但每一座房屋之内,却至少都有两件古老的青铜器器皿摆放其中,最多的是古老的青铜油灯,几乎每座宫殿房屋里都摆放有两盏以上,或者是形态各异的青铜鼎,青铜酒尊,青铜乐器等等诸如此类。 Moreover, in some palaces places the fine bronze beast, many quantities, complete bone-script wait/etc...... 另外,还有一些宫殿内摆放有精美的青铜兽,不少数量的,完整的甲骨文等等…… Naturally, places the bronzeware household utensils largest palaces, is of this moment Ling Yun under foot, this is a main shrine, in submits in person to include all kinds of large-scale bronzewares, even the ancient pottery, the size varies, without exception is very fine, making one be involved, like passing through returned to the ancient dynasty. 当然,摆放青铜器器皿数量最多的宫殿,正是此刻凌云脚下的这一座,这是主殿,里面陈列有各种各样的大型青铜器,甚至还有古老陶器,大小不一,却无一例外都十分精美,让人置身其中,如同穿越回到了古老王朝。 This is......” “这是……” Ling Yun dumbstruck, looks at this crude palace, associates to mother's real status again, beside recombination Demon Sect Main Altar Formation is Yin Dynasty ruins, he has to have an extremely bold idea. 凌云目瞪口呆,看着这片简陋之极的宫殿,再联想到母亲的真实身份,再结合魔宗总坛大阵之外就是殷墟,他不得不产生了一个极其大胆的想法。 What's wrong?” “怎么?” Ye Xingchen stands with him shoulder to shoulder, knows that Ling Yun guessed correctly anything, actually does not expose, but has a relish to glance him. 夜星辰与他并肩而立,知道凌云猜出了什么,却不点破,只是饶有兴致瞟着他。 If I guess good, before this should be 3000 business dynasty palace, business the dwelling of king?” “如果我猜的不错的话,这应该就是三千年前的商王朝宫殿,商王的住处吧?” Has any hospitable air/Qi with Ye Xingchen, Ling Yun thinks that anything said anything. 夜星辰有什么好客气的,凌云想到什么就说什么。 Ye Xingchen tittered smiles. 夜星辰噗嗤一笑。 You really dare to guess actually!” The Ye Xingchen beautiful pupil sweeps away, white Ling Yun, then nods to say with a smile: Has not guessed wrong.” “你倒是真敢猜!”夜星辰美眸横扫,白了凌云一眼,然后点头笑道:“不过也没有猜错。” She lifts a hand finger/refers of below palace: Is the millennium ago Saint Sect seniors builds according to the old book these palaces, other inside goods, were the thing of real Shang Dynasty.” 她抬手一指下方的殿宇:“除了这些宫殿是千年前的圣宗前辈根据古籍重新搭建的,里面其他所有物品,都是货真价实的商朝之物。” Ling Yun immediately both eyes shines. 凌云顿时两眼放光 More than 3000 years of bronzewares, the Shang Dynasty goods, went out with one casually, that was the country Treasure level thing! 三千多年的青铜器,商朝物品,随便拿一件出去,那都是国宝级的物件啊! Moreover here actually has so many, if moves directly this palace, that was in the world the unique Shang Dynasty museum! 而且这里竟然拥有这么多,如果直接把这片宫殿搬出去,那就是全世界独一无二的殷商博物馆! Hey, what expression are you?!” “喂,你这是什么表情?!” I am thinking that my mother can be rich?” “我在想我娘得多么有钱?” Looking to hit is?” “找打是不是?” cough cough......” Ling Yun haha one happy, towards Ye Xingchen said with a smile: That is insufficient, I am think purely...... thinks is very happy!” 咳咳……”凌云哈哈一乐,对着夜星辰笑道:“那不至于,我纯粹就是想想而已……不过只是想想就很开心啊!” Present Ling Yun, has dared to say the own richest in the world, where also needs to make money by this flower intestines? 现在的凌云,早已敢说自己富甲天下,哪里还需要靠这点儿花花肠子挣钱? Ye Xingchen sips the lip to smile, knows his temperament, is disinclined to argue with Ling Yun, suddenly holds Ling Yun's on own initiative, the flying, enters the following this main hall. 夜星辰抿唇而笑,知道他脾气,也懒得和凌云争辩,突然主动牵起凌云的手,飞身而下,直入下面这座大殿。 What is this?” “这是什么?” Ling Yun notices, close to main hall central one side, -and-a-half the person of high bronze high stage, the area is big, two meters square, are fully hollow, depth of the arm, seems like, looks like a large-scale bathtub of bronze casting. 凌云注意到,靠近大殿中央的一侧,有一个半人高的青铜高台,面积不小,足有两米见方,内部中空,有一臂之深,看起来,就像是一个青铜浇注的大型浴缸。 Is makes you guess that what meaning said also has?” “就是让你猜的,说出来还有什么意思?” Ye Xingchen is excessive, the long hair such as the waterfall falls, the beautiful pupil lives the splendor, is completely a mischievous young girl manner. 夜星辰偏过头,长发如瀑布倾洒,美眸生辉,完全是一副顽皮少女神态。 Such Ye Xingchen, before Ling Yun, has not seen, one that he cannot help but looks at dull, spoke thoughtlessly to blindly guess saying: Can be the bathing pool of King Zhou of Shang?” 这样的夜星辰,凌云之前可从来没有见过,他不由得看的一呆,随口瞎猜道:“会不会是商纣王的浴池?” Bah, will you take a bath in the discussing official business main hall?” “呸,你会在议事大殿里洗澡啊?” Ye Xingchen flew a foot to trample. 夜星辰飞起一脚就踹过来了。 ......” “唔……” Ling Yun white Zhuan a foot, thought little completely, the look is earnest, hesitates saying: „Isn't this always the liquor pond in legend?” 凌云白赚了一脚,完全不以为意,神色认真起来,沉吟道:“这总不会是传说中的酒池吧?” Good!” “不错!” The Ye Xingchen elegant face is instantaneously solemn and respectful, nods seriously: Intemperate eating and drinking, this was the liquor pond in legend, was so big.” 夜星辰俏脸瞬间肃穆,郑重点点头:“酒池肉林,这就是传说中的酒池了,就这么大。” Ling Yun receives the laughter look immediately, looks at the liquor pond in that legend, the corners of the mouth is exuding one to sneer gradually. 凌云立刻收起了嬉笑神色,望着那传说中的酒池,嘴角渐渐泛起一丝冷笑。 Legend may not believe!” “传说不可信!” Ye Xingchen is also coldly smiles: Business king Emperor hard, is world last Human Emperor, he drafts Dongyi, sweeps the four directions, in successive years goes on an expedition, often wins, must reward according to merit, in order, also possibly to let the officers enjoys oneself to the full, therefore built such liquor pond simply, with take the liquor.” 夜星辰也是冷冷一笑:“商王帝辛,乃是人间最后一位人皇,他征东夷,扫四方,连年征战,每每胜利,就要论功行赏,为了方便,也可能是为了让将士们尽兴,所以干脆打造了这么个酒池,用以取酒而已。” Later generation said that business king Emperor hard, succumbs to the wine and women, engages in wanton military activities, the severe sentence collects thick, rejects remonstrances and gloss over one's faults...... these excuses, is simply funny!” “后世说商王帝辛,沉湎酒色,穷兵黩武,重刑厚敛,拒谏饰非……这些说辞,简直搞笑!” The elegant face of Ye Xingchen, has become indignant: Succumbs to the wine and women? So long as is the man who can drink, can screw on such hat toward his.” 夜星辰的俏脸,已然变得愤愤不平:“沉湎酒色?只要是个会喝酒的男人,都可以往他头上扣这么个帽子。” Said him to engage in wanton military activities, talked nonsense, since the ancient times, which emperor , to open up territory to expand the earth, cannot probably come through the war? The Kuangyin, doesn't Tang Zongming ancestor, which world hit through the successive years of expedition?” “说他穷兵黩武,更是胡扯,自古以来,哪一个帝王要想开疆扩土,不得通过战争得来?秦皇汉武,唐宗明祖,哪一个的天下不是通过连年征战打出来的?” Severe sentence collects thick, since must go to war, without the strict discipline, cannot achieve the positive award and punishment, both armies pre-war, who is willing to go to? The general died in battle, naturally must conduct to collect into to bury thick, what wrong is this?” “重刑厚敛,既然要打仗,没有严明的军纪,做不到赏罚严明,两军战前,谁肯赴死?将军战死,自然要进行厚敛入葬,这算什么错?” As for rejecting remonstrances and gloss over one's faults......, if a emperor, no matter what expostulation listens, no matter what mistake embraces toward own on, what important matter that can also make?” “至于拒谏饰非……如果一个帝王,不管什么样的谏言都听,不管什么错误都往自己身上揽,那还能做成什么大事?” At that time the army of Shang Dynasty opened up territory to expand earth outside, is void toward the song, this was stolen the family/home by Western Zhou Dynasty, Battle of Muye, business the king does not have the means that must send out the slave and prisoner composes the army who the army meets King Wu, can that have not to lose?” “当时商朝的军队都在外面开疆扩土,朝歌空虚,这才被西周偷了家,牧野之战,商王没有办法,只得派出奴隶和囚犯组成军队迎战武王的大军,那还能有个不输?” So-called tyrant charge, but is because lost the war, the dynasty was extinguished, all charge that was buckled by later generation 800 years of Western Zhou Dynasty dynasty reckless Bianluan!” “所谓暴君罪名,只不过是因为输了战争,王朝被灭,一切由后世八百年西周王朝胡编乱扣的罪名罢了!” Ling Yun speechless, dumbstruck, not because of the opinion of Ye Xingchen, but has not thought, a Ye Xingchen actually towards small young wine pond, is filled with righteous indignation, voices the feeling greatly, makes the so intense appraisal. 凌云哑然,目瞪口呆,并非是因为夜星辰的这一番言论,而是没有想到,夜星辰竟然对着一座小小酒池,义愤填膺,大发感慨,做出如此激烈的评价。 Actually this meeting, Ling Yun only one saw the change of Ye Xingchen is enormous, was she achieved the Qi Practicing 9-layer peak boundary incessantly, but was the Ye Xingchen overall makings! 其实这次相见,凌云只一眼就看出了夜星辰的变化极大,不止是她达到了练气九层巅峰的境界,而是夜星辰的整体气质! Especially now, Ye Xingchen to business king Emperor hard, therefore said regarding the opinion of war, that point and appearance that in her beautiful pupil showed that made one unable to bear think that simply she was one murders the decisive emperor! 尤其是现在,夜星辰对商王帝辛,以及因此讲出来的对于战争的见解,她美眸中展现出来的那种锋芒和神采,简直让人忍不住以为她就是一位杀伐果断的帝王! Winner nobilities defeated thief!” “胜者王侯败者贼嘛!” Ling Yun naturally understood that this truth, the history is young miss that lets the person to dress up, meets again after a long separation, he does not want to make the Ye Xingchen mood therefore intense, asked indifferently: Liquor pond so, then meat forest?” 凌云自然懂得这个道理,历史不过是一个任人打扮的小姑娘罢了,久别重逢,他不想让夜星辰的情绪因此变得激烈,淡然问道:“酒池如此,那么肉林呢?” Meat forest?” “肉林啊?” Ye Xingchen as if also felt that had/left the own mood to be somewhat extreme, she smiled, stretches out the arms wields: Liquor pond here, meat forest naturally also in this main hall.” 夜星辰似乎也感觉出自己的情绪有些过激了,她嫣然一笑,张开双臂一挥:“酒池在这里,肉林自然也在这大殿之内了。” „The meat forest in legend, said that is business the king lets the person the meat of various animals, shears bulk bulk hanging in the woods, plays, eats and drinks at will, this matter, listens, so long as a little brain, no one believes slightly!” “传说中的肉林,说是商王让人把各种动物的肉,割成一大块一大块的挂在树林里,供人游玩,随意吃喝,这种事,听听也就罢了,只要稍微有点脑子,就没有人会相信!” „Before 3000 people, have understood putting on clothes, with the fire, the wine-making, the build palace house, after having these conditions, the brain must have the big pit, roasting the good meat hangs to the woods in eats?” “三千年前的人们,早已经懂得穿衣,用火,酿酒,建造宫殿房屋,有了这些条件之后,脑子得有多大的坑,才会把烤好的肉挂到树林里面去吃?” Ye Xingchen asked back with a smile, this said the answer: In fact, is at the banquet of rewarding according to merit, the slave who carries the meat are too many, they are carrying the meat, becomes row of forming a line standing in this main hall, therefore some meat forest said, without thinking to spread around, or is the later generation discredits intentionally, became business king Huangyin to putrefy, extreme luxurious charge......” 夜星辰笑着反问了一句,这才说出答案:“实际上,是论功行赏的酒宴上,端肉的奴隶太多,他们端着肉,成排成行的站在这座大殿之内,所以才有了肉林之说,没想到传来传去,又或者是后人故意抹黑,就成了商王荒淫腐化,极端奢侈的罪名了……” Ling Yun: „......” 凌云:“……” Originally is such intemperate eating and drinking. 原来是这么个酒池肉林。 Ye Xingchen turns around suddenly, faces up to Ling Yun, smiles: These, are actually the master make me tell you, after all, your body has the Human Emperor bloodlines, must understand that some truth of past years, cannot be discredited by these history books of later generation with the baseless and irrational concoctions cheating.” 夜星辰突然转身,正视凌云,嫣然一笑:“这些,其实是师傅让我告诉你的,毕竟,你身上拥有人皇血脉,总要了解当年的一些实情,不能被后世的那些史书抹黑和胡编乱造给蒙骗了。” Ling Yun smiles brightly, nods: Business king Huangyin is wicked, the intemperate eating and drinking said, I did not believe that in my opinion, he is a emperor who lost the war, Western Zhou Dynasty made an effort to discredit his 800 years, found these specious excuses, had proven from the reverse side he was actually clear(ly).” 凌云灿烂一笑,点点头:“商王荒淫无道,酒池肉林之说,原本我就不信的,在我看来,他就是一位输了战争的帝王而已,西周用力抹黑了他八百年,也不过是找到这些似是而非的说辞,已经从反面证明了他其实是一位明君了。” Calculates that you are intelligent!” “算你聪明!” Ye Xingchen not minced matter, praised Ling Yun one, no longer the stay, outside the turning around apex walked. 夜星辰毫不掩饰,夸了凌云一句,不再逗留,转身向点外走去。 But, no matter how we go to the cognition, these truth are the views of average person, here also has another edition, do certain people want to listen?” “不过,不管我们怎么去认知,这些道理都是普通人的说法,我这里还有另一个版本,某些人想不想听呢?” Ling Yun shows the whites of the eyes immediately, direct moved sideways to catch up with Ye Xingchen, both hands took bearing her armpit. 凌云立刻翻了个白眼儿,直接一个闪身追上了夜星辰,双手探向她的腋下。 Since another edition, has not said truthfully, otherwise the family discipline serves!” “既然还有另外一个版本,还不从实道来,否则家法伺候!” Ye Xingchen chuckle smiles tenderly, the tender body twisted the flying to have the main hall, avoided the Ling Yun's sneak attack. 夜星辰咯咯娇笑,娇躯一拧飞身出了大殿,躲开了凌云的偷袭。 Ling Yun is naturally in hot pursuit. 凌云自然紧追不舍。 two people pursues escapes, figure twinkling, like putting on the variegated butterfly is ordinary, ran through 36 palace houses rapidly, finally arrives in the air, shoulder to shoulder however vertical. 两人一追一逃,身形闪烁,如同穿花蝴蝶一般,迅速跑遍了三十六座宫殿房屋,最后来到空中,并肩而立。 The Legend and Hero.” “封神榜。” Ye Xingchen turns head at will, the long hair flutters, the beautiful pupil is profound, looks out the nighttime sky, everywhere Stars/Xingchen. 夜星辰随意扭头,长发飘飞,美眸深邃,遥望夜空,漫天星辰 Business king Emperor hard, reason that will become the Shang Dynasty most famous ruler , because of the dissemination of The Legend and Hero.” “商王帝辛,之所以会成为商朝最出名的帝皇,还是因为封神榜的传播。” „After The Legend and Hero, the world then does not have Human Emperor again, only then emperor.” “封神榜之后,人间便再无人皇,只有天子了。” Ling Yun heart big quake! 凌云心头大震! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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